After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 599 In the corner of the backstage lounge of the 593.event, he was accompanied by a small be

Chapter 599 In the corner of the backstage lounge of the 593.event, he was accompanied by a small bench.

7 month 20 day.

On a rare rest day, Kazuto Mogami was lying bored on the sofa in the living room, his face covered with Osamu Dazai's "No Place in the World".

Kazuto Mogami doesn't like Osamu Dazai, but "Disqualification in the World" is the most suitable to block the summer sun. Covering the face, in addition to smelling the smell of ink, you can also feel a hint of coolness in the dark. It can bring him into a bottomless dream, as if if he is not paying attention, he will not be able to wake up for a long time.

On a summer afternoon, he had a long dream. He dreamed that he was the Supreme Heren all of a sudden, and Chen He from his previous life.

Countless female voice actors appeared in the dream, some were crying, some were laughing, and some were just quietly huddling in the corner, all of them staring at him.

They were all naked, their white skin was as pure as suet jade, and he was sitting at the dining table for some reason, in front of him was a set of exquisite tableware, which was clean and meticulous, without any food in it.

His hands, plate, table, everything in sight was dyed red.

Whenever a female voice actor walked towards him, her fair skin would be dyed the same red color as his, like a hot and evil virus, eroding all those who approached him.

Only the female voice actor who stood silently in the corner turned a deaf ear to everything that happened around her, as if she was the only one who was out of tune with this situation.

When Kazuto Mogami looked at her face, there seemed to be a gray filter in front of his eyes, making it hard for him to see clearly.

When he wanted to get up and walk to see the appearance of the female voice actor clearly, everything around him dissipated angrily, and fell into a dead silence, and there was a vague voice in his ears.

"and people."


"Heren-kun~Heren-kun~ It's time to wake up."

Opening his eyes, the messy black hair covered him, making him lose a little sense of distance.

When he saw the girl squatting in front of him clearly, he couldn't help stretching out his hands and hugging the girl in his arms.

"Hmm... He Renjun? What's wrong? Could it be a nightmare?"

"Well, I dreamed that you disappeared."

Sakura Ayane let out a chuckle, stretched out her hands to gently straighten his hair, and gently rubbed his head.

"Okay, okay, really, Kazuto-kun unexpectedly has a cute side, I won't go anywhere."


Mogami Kazuto put his arms around her and closed his eyes safely.

"By the way, He Renjun."

"You said."

"this is for you."

Kazuto Mogami sat up and took a rectangular ticket from Ayane Sakura.

"Bandoli's concert ticket, I have an appearance."

Kazuto Mogami accepted the ticket: "I will definitely go to see it."

"That's a matter of course. If you don't come, I will reveal your sexuality in front of the audience."

"That would be a big event." Mogami Kazuto said with a smile.

Sakura Ayane also laughed, and kissed the corner of Mogami Kazuto's lips without warning, blushing slightly.

"Heren-kun, you must come."

"Well, definitely."

"Kazuto, you must come~"

In a daze, the words from two years ago passed through my mind, and disappeared immediately.

"Also, I released your pigeons last weekend, sorry."

She was talking about the time when she agreed to go to Disney, and Kazuto Mogami had a free schedule on that weekend, but Ayane Sakura had to go to work temporarily, so the two of them couldn't make it in the end.

"It's okay, let's go together when you are free."

"it is good."

It was already evening, and Sakura Ayane still had to work on a radio program at night, so she had to leave before seven o'clock.

Kazuto Mogami asked her if she was hungry, she shook her head and said she was not hungry.

In the end, the two of them didn't even return to the bedroom, and the sofa under them was the best place.



With the broadcast of the third episode of the "Journey" animation, good word-of-mouth is finally fermented on the Internet. The most intuitive impact is that the exposure of Mogami and Ren and Naneda Risa has increased significantly.

The more influential one is the original light novel written by Kazuto Mogami. It has been republished twice in just three days. The series has a total of 11 volumes, and the total sales have exceeded 500 million copies, earning a lot of money.

Even though there are nearly 480 million yen more novel royalties in the account, Mogami Kazuto still has no self-consciousness of being rich, and still squeezes full trains every day and eats [-] yen set meals.

But today is different than before. What he rides is not a tram, but a commercial vehicle with the firm's logo printed on its body.

Because it was the firm's private car, apart from Kazuto Mogami, the voice actress who was traveling with her was Ayane Sakura.

Dai Qiuhui sat in the co-pilot's seat, and there were two staff sang in the middle row.

In the last row, Mogami Kazuto and Sakura Ayane sat on the left and right respectively, leaving a seat in the middle.

Looking from the rearview mirror inside the car, the two of them looked out of the window separately, as if they had nothing to do with each other.

But in fact, the hands of these two people were secretly interlocking their fingers, and they were placed in the middle of the seats.

They are on their way to the event venue.

After arriving at the venue, entering the backstage through the staff passage, Ayane Sakura found a good female voice actor, left Mogami Kazuto behind, and posted it very naturally.

Although Sakura Ayane said that he can also find a male voice actor to play and chat to his heart's content, but unfortunately, in this event, the only male voice actor is Mogami Kazuto.

The rest are all female voice actors, nine of them.

For Mogami Kazuto, it was hell.

Seeing a group of female voice actors talking and laughing into the women's locker room, Mogami Kazuto took the handbag containing the yukata from Dai Qiu Kei and walked into the men's locker room alone.

Taking off the clothes on his body, putting on the bathrobe, Mosami Kazuto finally knew why he specially prepared the scarf.

Compared with the high temperature outside in Tokyo, the air-conditioning temperature in the venue was adjusted to 16 degrees Celsius. No wonder Ayane Sakura's cherry blossom-colored yukata looked so thick. It is really not a style that can be worn out in summer.

If you want to ask why Mogami Kazuto knows the style of Sakura Ayane's yukata so clearly, this part seems too inappropriate for children, and it is not something that can be described in words.

All in all, the yukata is really cool and convenient.

After the great battle last night, Kazuto Mogami only had this idea in his mind about yukatas.

Walking out of the dressing room, there was no one in the backstage lounge. Women always change clothes a little slower, so Kazuto Mogami huddled in the corner alone and looked at the script.

After a while, there were noisy voices outside the door, and a group of female voice actors walked into the lounge happily, and Mogami Kazuto greeted them one by one due to the situation.

These are all female voice actors who have cooperated with him on the set, and they are not too formal when they greet each other.

Immediately afterwards, they all sat down at the long table in the center of the room, and Kazuto Mogami huddled in a corner with his small bench and desk book, like a transparent person.

(End of this chapter)

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