Chapter 699 692. Agreement.

"He Renjun, can you tell me what makes you so urgent?"

Ayane Sakura asked softly.

"that is because……"

Kazuto Mogami exhaled slowly, leaning his back against the wall lightly.

"Because of you now, your voice doesn't sound like you're speaking the truth..."

Kazuto Mogami had a hunch that if he backed down here, an invisible barrier might arise between him and Ayane Sakura, and the tacit understanding that had been cultivated so far would all go to waste because of this decision, and even more difficult expected result.

He could probably guess what Sakura Ayane was thinking, but what Kazuto Mogami wanted to say was that those things were too insignificant compared to Sakura Ayane herself.

Between popularity, fame, and money, and the real, flesh-and-blood beloved girl, the former has no possibility of making him hesitate at all.

"No matter what Caiyin says, I will stick to my decision."


Her voice sounded extremely fragile. Mogami Kazuto had never heard her such a weak and weak tone. Compared with the unruly, willful, domineering and domineering Miss Sakura, she had changed too much.

For Mogami Kazuto, no matter what kind of Sakura Ayane becomes, his state of mind will not change.

However, Kazuto Mogami still couldn't help being cautious. The memory of Qingshuiyousha is still vivid in his memory. He always remembers that she cannot be the second Qingshuiyousand.

That was one of the things Mogami Kazuto had done so far that made him regret the most.

"Heren-jun, you have always been obedient to my decision."


"It's the first time to refute me with such righteous words."


"Don't love me anymore?"


"Then why don't you listen to me?"

"For the future."

"I also... made this decision for the future."

Kazuto Mogami was silent.

"Kazuto-kun, I can understand what you are thinking in your heart. I am not trying to force myself, no... Maybe there is a little bit, but it's just a little bit. Sakura Ayane is a somewhat willful girl. This I know that better than anyone else.

But even I can distinguish when to be willful and when not to be willful.

As long as I take a step back, Heren-jun and I will be able to continue as before. The turmoil will pass sooner or later. During the journey, I have fully understood Heren-jun’s intentions, and I will not be shaken by this matter. of. "

"I... can't agree with this kind of thing..."

"It's only natural that Kazuto-kun would disagree, but with your character, you will definitely want to think of me desperately.

But...He Renjun, we are artists. "

"Entertainer..." Mogami Kazuto murmured softly.

"You used to not say such things."

"Well, that's true."

For a long time, Ayane Sakura has always been an arbitrary person. She cares more about her own ideas and what she wants to do than fans, audiences, etc., and she is never bound by outside opinions.

But only this time, she chose to do something other than Sakura Ayane.

It can be said that she has become weak and compromised. The only thing that remains the same is that once she makes up her mind to do something, no one can persuade her.

It's the same even for Mogami Kazuto.

"If He Renjun can't accept my decision no matter what, let's make an agreement."


"Well... He Renjun is worried that I will become depressed because of this matter. I am really looking forward to making this matter public, but this is not what I want to do most in my heart."


"Can Heren guess what I want to accomplish the most?"


"Well, I knew that He Renjun would definitely understand my thoughts, although everyone said that He Renjun is a scumbag who takes pleasure in hurting women.

Well... I sometimes think this way, but I know that the current Kazuto-kun puts almost all of his love on me.

So, I want to do the same thing. "


"He Renjun's national tour this year, when is the last show?"


To be honest, with the current situation and the turmoil of public opinion he has fallen into, Mogami and others don't know whether his national tour this year can continue.

"It's February now, no, tomorrow will be March, and there's still more than half a year left.

After more than half a year has passed, I will end our current relationship with Renjun. "


"He Renjun, can you understand the meaning of this sentence?"


He already knew what Ayane Sakura wanted to say.

"I promise you, after your last tour is over, I'll check in with you and be a real couple, a real family.

He Renjun, you have always been alone.

Even if you don't say anything, I can see that He Renjun has always been confused about life and has no sense of belonging.

When I wake up in the middle of the night, I often see you crying in my dreams, I know all of this.

So... I want to give Heren Jun a home.

Move out of the mansion in Chiyoda, change the surname on the household registration, sleep with you every day, give you a big hug at night when you feel lonely, relieve your inner anxiety, work hard to learn cooking, and do housework Do it often, organize your life in an orderly manner, and be a real Mogami wife.

Whether it's parents or friends, it's after that that you have to deal with it. You can do whatever they say, I've decided.

So, before that, can I be self-willed again. "

It turned out that she knew everything.

"...Why, do you want to do this?"

"Because I want to see the look of my beloved standing on the stage shining brightly. He Renjun always said that he is a person without dreams, but He Renjun standing on the stage really moves my heart."

Kazuto Mogami closed his eyes. At this moment, he realized what being an artist brought him.

The drooping left hand clenched her fist tightly, and it took a few breaths, but it seemed as long as centuries, and Sakura Ayane's voice could no longer be heard over the phone, and she just quietly waited for Mogami Kazuto to speak.

No matter what Kazuto Mogami said to her next, she would retort forcefully, she had already made up her mind.

Finally, the clenched left hand loosened weakly, and Mogami Kazuto opened his lips, but his voice could not be uttered smoothly.

"Kazuto-kun, please.

Let me be your real family. "


With a long sigh, Mogami Kazuto was subdued by her waywardness.

"I see."

(End of this chapter)

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