After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 718 712. The temptation of the family.

Chapter 718 712. The temptation to go home.

From the inner level, Mogami Kazuto is undoubtedly a contradictory guy.

On the one hand, she loves Ayane Sakura deeply, but on the other hand, she can't accept Yusa Shimizu's departure, which led to the kiss.

No matter what kind of rhetoric and reasons, he can't justify his behavior. This is a real act of betrayal.

For Ayane Sakura, who regards love as holy, this is infidelity.

In the same way, clear water with sand is also a contradictory geometry.

It is true that I hope Ayane Sakura will be happy, and it is also true that I kissed her lover without permission.

Either side is true, and both are the idea of ​​clear water and sand, but if you really want to put these two points together, the contradictions cannot be added.

Human nature is indeed something that is difficult to judge in black and white.

For Mogami Kazuto, it's women and women.

For Qingshui Yousha, it is friendship and love.

They kept hesitating among these options, knowing that they could only choose one of them, but they still stretched out their hands in embarrassment, trying to hold everything tightly in their hands.

There is nothing so good in the world.



At nine o'clock in the evening, Mogami goes home.

Kazuto Mogami sent a line to Ayane Sakura, but it has never been read. At this point, she should still be appearing in live.

During this period of time, he has been working on dubbing, so he can't go to see Sakura Ayane's performance.

Thanks to this, he has not met Ayane Sakura for a long time, and Mogami Kazuto was deeply afraid that he would be overwhelmed and convey such a sad fact to her.

A night alone, curled up in the corner of the living room, the curtains are tight, and there is no light in the room.

Kazuto Mogami swallowed two sleeping pills, hugged his knees and trembled all over, his eyes were loose and scary, like a huge mouse looking for food in the dark.

The clock on the wall kept changing the time. After an unknown period of time, the mobile phone next to him lit up and vibrated slightly on the floor. In this quiet space, the sound was indeed a bit ear-piercing.

His bloodshot eyeballs rolled, and he waited for about three to five minutes before picking up his phone and taking a look.

It was the line from Ayane Sakura, who had just finished the live and was on her way back to the hotel.

Because I lived with other female seiyuu, I couldn't call him at night, so I complained to him.

The fluorescence of the screen was reflected on Mogami Kazuto's pale face, and it looked more and more terrifying. His typing fingers trembled slightly, and he couldn't type well. Helpless, Mogami Kazuto could only send a few commonly used emoticons. .

The beating of his heart suddenly became more intense at this moment, the icy cold seemed to freeze him into an ice sculpture, the phone fell from his palm, and he lay crookedly on his side on the floor.

Twitch, twitch, twitch.

Gradually returned to calm, as if dead in the past.

At a certain moment, Kazuto Mogami opened his eyes suddenly, beads of sweat rolled down his forehead, his palms pressed tightly against his heart, and his breathing became heavier each time.

"Ugh!! Ha... ha... ha...!"

Just now, it seemed that even the heart stopped for a short time.

This is a situation he has never encountered in such a long time.

So far, as long as he can withstand the cold and loneliness, when the sky turns white and the sun rises, his body functions will return to calm.

In the future, how many nights like this are waiting for me?
Thinking of this, Mogami Kazuto couldn't help laughing at himself, stretched out a slightly trembling hand, and picked up the medicine bottle that had rolled aside.

Unscrew the bottle cap and pour it over.

Already empty.

Throwing the empty bottle out, leaning his back against the wall, he kept raising his head, and the back of his head hit the wall one after another, making dull noises, as if he would feel better if he did so.

【Ding dong...】

Suddenly, the sound of the doorbell came from the entrance.

Mogami Kazuto turned a deaf ear to it, and then the doorbell didn't stop there, it still rang non-stop. The harsh doorbell burrowed into his mind over and over again, making Mogami Kazuto even more upset.

Staggering up, she came to the entrance with bare feet. After opening the door, the girl stood pretty in front of the door. The moonlight covered her with a thick layer of silver light, exuding a wonderful holiness from head to toe.

"Good evening, Kazuto-san."

The girl in front of her smiled sweetly, and that smile entered Mogami Kazuto's eyes, which was a bit more evil than the devil under the nether world.

"There's sand, what's the matter?"

For some reason, Mogami Kazuto suddenly felt a little nervous.

After that night, there was no close contact between him and Qing Shui Yousha. Qing Shui Yousha's attitude was ambiguous. Even if they met on the set, they still faced him with the usual attitude.

"Nothing special, just want to come and have a look, why don't you invite me in first?"

Mogami Kazuto was silent for a while, and moved away.

"Excuse me."

After entering the house, Qing Shui Yousha was surprised that there was no light in the living room, so she turned on the light in the living room. She had lived in this house for a long time and was familiar with everything.

Now that the living room is brightly lit, when Shimizu Yousha looked down on Mogami Kazuto's pale face, he almost screamed out.

"Heren-san? What's the matter with you?!"

Mogami Kazuto waved his hand, and sat down in the living room with sloppy footsteps. The clear water and sand directly stuck to him, and put his hand on Mogami Kazuto's forehead.

"Ah... so cold, are you sick?"

The palms with clear water and sand are extraordinarily warm, perhaps because Mogami Kazuto's body temperature is too subterranean to cause an illusion, but it is undeniable that the hands with clear water and sand can indeed relieve his symptoms.

As long as it is a woman, no matter who it is?
Mogami Kazuto thought to himself mockingly.


Shimizu Yousa looked at him worriedly, the apprehension and hesitation before coming here, even the inner struggle, and the guilt towards Ayane Sakura, were all thrown aside by her at this moment.

Kazuto Mogami resisted the coldness on his body, stretched out his hand to embrace Shimizu Yousha who was sitting beside him into his arms.

In just a moment, the cold current sweeping wantonly inside the body disappeared, and Mogami Kazuto could clearly feel that his breathing was becoming calmer.

This discovery made him even more sad.

Facing Mogami Kazuto's sudden hug, Shimizu Yousha felt a little unprepared, didn't know whether to push him away or continue to hug him tightly, so he just remained silent.

After a while, she gently raised her arm, stroked Mogami Kazuto's hair, and leaned her cheek on his shoulder, tasting the temporary peace of mind and the guilt that could never be driven out.

These two feelings are intertwined, forming a wonderful state of mind, which devours them bit by bit.

Kazuto Mogami regained his calm breathing, and it became thick again. It was different from the coldness before, and revealed a tinge of heat unique to adults. Unlike two years ago, this was something he had never shown in front of Shimizu and Yousha. side.

Shimizu Yousha raised his head, looked at his bloodshot eyes, and actively bit Mogami Kazuto's lips.

(End of this chapter)

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