After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 721 715. From now on, everything will be different.

Chapter 721 715. From now on, everything will be different.

At 12:30 noon, after finishing the recording work, Shimizu Yousha received a call from Xiaonishi Saori, asking her to have lunch together.

When we arrived at the restaurant where we met, Saori Xiaoxi had already taken his seat, and he waved to her from afar.

After sitting down face to face, Qingshui Yousha immediately said that he had worked all morning and was already hungry.

For her appearance, Xiaoxi Sazhi was already familiar with it, saying that she had already ordered her share, Qingshui Yousha immediately said "I love you", causing Xiaoxi Sazhi to shake her head helplessly.

"Speaking of which, there is sand."

"what's wrong?"

"Why didn't you reply to the message I sent you last night?"

"Last night? Well... I went to bed too early last night, and I forgot to charge my phone. I went to the studio this morning to ask the staff to borrow a charger before charging it."

"You girl, you are always in a daze."

"Hey hey~~" Qing Shui Yousha scratched his head in embarrassment.

In front of people, Qingshui Yousha is still the cheerful and lively girl, she doesn't seem to have any worries, carefree, beautiful voice actor who just eats and drinks.

No one can relieve her inner troubles, confusion, and sadness.

It was so two years ago, and it is still two years later.

At that time, Qingshui Yousha was deeply trapped in the emotional wounds bestowed on her by Mo Shanghe, but now Qingshui Yousha, even in the lingering night last night, she was still deeply trapped in certain emotions of her own.

Apart from catering to Kazuto Mogami, she doesn't have any ideas of her own, and she can do whatever he wants, just like a robot.

"I work so early today, I should have a good breakfast."

Faced with clear water and sandy water, Xiaoxi Saori seemed to have a younger sister, always worrying about her.

"Breakfast? Well! I ate it obediently! But I have digested it all after work, and now I am so hungry."

Qing Shui You Sha didn't show any unnaturalness. I don't know when, she was no longer the innocent Qing Shui You Sha she used to be.

There used to be clear water and sand, whether it was good or bad, I would share and tell others.

Those are not big things, to the extent that you can forget them all in one night's sleep.

But for her now, no matter how long she sleeps, she will never forget a single bit.

For her, both Ayane Sakura and Kazuto Mogami are the most important people in her life.

Perhaps the cause of this incident was Mogami Kazuto, but I, who failed to push him away that night, bore the same guilt as him.

The girl who once retreated to the auditorium is once again involved in this complicated situation and imprisoned. Perhaps what awaits her in the future is another kind of physical trauma.

These were all predictable, but even so, she still kissed and slept with him without hesitation.

After the waiter brought the food, Qingshui Yousha didn't start immediately, but stared blankly at a certain place, his eyes were not even focused.

Xiao Xi Saori showed a strange expression, stretched out his palm and waved it in front of Qing Shui Yousha's eyes.

"Is there sand? Is there sand?"

"Ah... what's wrong? Saori."

"Why are you in a daze, the food is already here."

"Ahaha, really..."

"How can you be distracted even while eating? This is not like you."

In this regard, Qingshui Yousha chose to muddle through.

In the middle of the meal, Saori Xiaoxi suddenly stopped her chopsticks and looked at the clear water with sand.

"There is sand..."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Xiao Xi Saori hesitated to speak, thought for a while, and finally decided to ask aloud.

"Hey, Yousha, are you still thinking about them?"

"They?" Qing Shui Yousha was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly understood.

"You mean Kazuto-san and Neru-san?"

Saori Xiaoxi was noncommittal.

"How come, I don't care anymore."

"Really?" Xiaoxi Saori was slightly suspicious.

Qing Shui spread his hands with sand: "So what if it's true, so what if it's fake, as if I can change anything."

"That's right." Xiaoxi Saori sighed softly.

"They are so affectionate now, so we can only bless them, right? Doesn't Saori want Neru-san to be happy?"

Qingshui Yousha spoke so righteously that no one would have thought that she spent the whole night with her good sister's boyfriend last night.

"Of course I hope Caiyin can be happy."

"Me too, so Saori don't say such strange things. When they hold the ceremony, I can lend you my shoulder to cry."

"Who would cry! You are more likely to cry when I see it."

"Even if I cry, I cry because I'm happy for Neru-san, but Saori, it would be bad for you to appear at the ceremony as an ex-wife."

"As long as I keep a low profile, no one will recognize me."

Qingshui Yousha glanced at her wordlessly, and said, "Saori seems to really care about them."


Xiao Xi Saori shook her head: "I don't have the right to care about it or not."

"It's as if I have the right to care about it." Qing Shui Yousha pouted.

Xiao Xi Saori wanted to say something again, but paused: "Stop it, it's better not to discuss this topic in depth."

"Obviously Saori picked it up first."

"Yes, it's my fault."



In the afternoon, Kazuto Mogami went to an audition for an animation. Although he was upset, adults had to work hard all the time.

When we arrived at the recording studio, Miho Okamatsu, whom I hadn’t seen for a long time, was smiling and waving at him, and Nobunaga Shimada was sitting beside her.

Mogami Kazuto walked over and greeted the two of them.

"Ah! Ah He, you look pretty good today."

Mogami Kazuto was startled, and looked at him suspiciously.

To be honest, seeing his hearty smile for a long time made him inexplicably angry, and Mogami Kazuto punched him on the shoulder.

"I praised you for looking good today, why did you hit me?"

"Can't help it."


On the side, Miho Okamatsu smiled sweetly at Kazuto Mogami: "Good afternoon, Kazuto."

"Oh... good afternoon, Mabelline."

"Hesang, did something good happen?"


"You look very energetic today."


It would be fine if it was Nobunaga Shimada alone, even Miho Okamatsu said so, maybe he looks really good today?
But Mogami Kazuto didn't understand.

Having just experienced such a thing, Mogami Kazuto only felt physically and mentally exhausted at this moment, but it didn't seem that way in the eyes of outsiders.

Kazuto Mogami can't tell who is his true self, or in other words, can't tell what is really in his heart.

Is it guilt for betraying Ayane Sakura?Or is it the satisfaction of dedicating oneself to Qingshui Yousha?

The man on the second day after cheating exudes a radiant mental outlook, to be honest, it's quite speechless.

 I can't see the fun anymore, can I go earlier next time, such a big fun at night, eating melons will affect my code words.

(End of this chapter)

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