After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 728 722. He is already broken, early...

There is actually a very concise and clear way to find out what Kazuto Mogami thinks about Saori Konishi.

The question Shimizu Yusa asked him just now, as long as Mogami Kazuto can say the answer as he thinks without lying, the answer will come out naturally.

Would Mogami Kazuto be willing to see her enter the palace of marriage with other men?

Of course, his answer was that he didn't want to do that.

The story between him and Xiao Xi Sazhi can't be told clearly in a few words, he hated and loved.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't do anything for him to calmly watch the woman who had twisted his life into a strange place and resided in the depths of his heart from the beginning to the end, walk into the arms of other men.

Mogami Kazuto had figured this out a long time ago, but never took action.

If when facing Xiao Xi Saori, he can also show the awareness when dealing with clear water and sand, maybe everything will be different.

"Heren-san, after listening to my words, did you have any thoughts?"

"I should have an idea."

"Huh? I thought you would immediately want to confess your love to her immediately."

"How could you do that kind of thing?"

Qingshui Yousha smiled unscrupulously, in the eyes of Mogami and Ren, that smile was more evil than a devil.

"Kazuto-san, when I say this, I don't want you to cheat on another person behind Neru-san's back, I just hope that if you can really let go of everything, don't bother Saori.

However, if you can't completely forget her in your heart, please don't ignore and suppress your heart.

Go on like this and you'll be broken. "

"I'm already broken, early..."

On the day he cheated on Shimizu Yousha, Mogami Kazuto was no longer the previous Mogami Kazuto.

Hugging the person in her arms tightly, the clear water and sand were almost out of breath, feeling the trembling of Mogami Kazuto's body, her eyes gradually softened, and she raised her hand to rub his hair.

"Good boy, good boy..."



After leaving the apartment in Shimizu and Yousha, Kazuto Mogami returned to work, and there was an issue of the sub-track of "Journey to Death" to be recorded in the evening.

Every time she comes to the recording studio, Naneda Lisha sits in the lounge early, which proves her free schedule.

"Good evening, Miss Tanada."

Kazuto Mogami took the initiative to walk over to say hello.

"Totsuka-kun, good evening." Taneda Risa smiled at him.

Sitting down next to Taneda Risa very naturally, Mogami Kazuto handed over a can of matcha drink.

"Um...thank you."

Kazuto Mogami smiled faintly, and read the original novel of "Traveling" to himself, not talking to her.

Naneda Lisha glanced at him, then looked at the matcha drink in her hand, rubbed her finger on the mouth of the can, but she didn't open it for a long time.

"A new work, are you writing?"

In the quiet lounge, her voice sounded very gentle, and her vocal cords had a strange matte texture, as if A4 paper was gently scraping the skin, rustling.

"not yet."

"Down?" she asked.

"It's not to that extent, it's just that I'm busy at work, and I can't calm down when I go home." …

"It's good to have a lot of work," she said.

Mogami Kazuto looked at her side face silently, peerless beauty, slightly pale complexion, thin jawline, and a weak expression, those eyes bloomed with heart-warming mourning, reminding Mogami Kazuto of the undead in history. The beauty of the young girl.

"Miss Tantian doesn't look very well, is your body okay?"

Zhongtian Lisha hesitated for a while, then shook her head slightly and said, "It's definitely not worth it, I will try my best not to affect my work."

Zhongtian Lisha was taken aback for a moment, said thank you softly, and took a small bite.

After an unknown amount of time, Kazuto Mogami was almost fascinated by his own novel, when her voice sounded beside him.

"Next week, I'm going to the hospital."

Mogami Kazuto's fingers that turned the page stopped abruptly, and turned to look at Naneda Risa.

Zhongtian Lisha squeezed out a smile, waved her hands and said, "Don't show such an expression, it's not a big deal, it's just a regular review."

Mogami Kazuto doesn't know much about Taneda Risa's condition, but it can be seen from her expression that she is not in a good condition.

Perhaps it was because Mogami Kazuto's expression was too serious, and some couldn't stand his solemn comment, so Taneda Risa turned her eyes away and forced herself to smile easily.

"Actually, I was supposed to be hospitalized..."

After finishing speaking, the pretendingly relaxed smile faded away.

"The condition of the throat does not seem to be very good. The doctor said that if this continues, another operation may be required."

Kazuto Mogami was silent for a long time.

"Is there anything I can do?"

After hearing this, Taneda Risa stared at Mogami Kazuto for a long time with those fragile eyes that seemed to disappear in the next moment.

She opened her mouth, thinking of something, but no sound came out.

Immediately, she shook her head slightly, and joked: "It would be great if Totsuka-kun could write the new work early, so that if I am hospitalized, I won't be bored in the hospital."

Mogami Kazuto's expression remained unchanged, and his voice was flat: "Okay, I will write."

Taneda Risa stared at Mogami Kazuto's face in amazement, and saw that he had a serious expression on his face, and he didn't look like he was joking at all.

Her heart was beating inexplicably, thinking about the meaning of his words, after thinking for a long time, she said her decision.

Obviously, even the parents and closest friends haven't said anything about it.

"After the recording of "Journey" is finished, I will go for surgery."

"Very good choice."

"Because I don't want to damage my voice anymore, I want to dub more works, and I want to stand in the recording studio for a longer period of time. I can no longer be as willful as I used to be."

"Miss Taneda is really a strong person."

"There's no such thing, it's just that I have no choice. If I don't have surgery, maybe I won't be able to be a voice actor this time."

Kazuto Mogami thought that for Naeda Risa, the voice actress career should be everything to her, and the gods took it from her time and time again. Even so, she still did not stop fighting.

A girl with a weak appearance, her heart is stronger than outsiders imagine.

Taneda Risa looked at Mogami Kazuto, and finally said what she wanted to say but couldn't say.

"Totsuka-kun, will you come to the hospital to see me?"

After she finished speaking, she seemed to feel that her words were inappropriate again, and hurriedly changed her words: "Um, I mean He Caiyin..."

"I'll go." Mogami Kazuto interrupted.


"I'll definitely see you, absolutely."

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