After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 730 724. He thought, Miss Hidaka should be unable to refuse.

After separating from Taneda Risa, Kazuto Mogami took a taxi home, but Ayane Sakura was not there tonight.

After Kazuto Mogami took a shower, he sat in front of the computer, opened the document after a long absence, looked at the blank screen, and his mind was filled with the conversation before parting with Naeda Risa.

It has been two full years since the end of "Journey to the Dead", and in the year since then, three extra volumes have been published one after another.

So far, there has been a gap of one year without writing, which is not uncommon for light novel writers. Today, many writers in the industry still maintain the frequency of publishing such a volume for several years. There are not a few writers who publish new works in the next year.

Maybe it was because of farming Risa, or maybe it was because of something else, tonight Mogami Kazuto somehow wanted to vent the accumulated emotions in his heart, in the form of words.

What kind of story should I write this time?

Mogami Kazuto has his own answer in his heart. He wants to write a story about a man who is exhausted physically and mentally, who circles around many lovely girls.

Kazuto Mogami used to be unable to describe those lovely girls with words, but now he has seen all kinds of female voice actors with different personalities in real life.

Compared with him who just came to this world three years ago, he is now able to try that kind of subject matter.

The most important thing is that if I write more cute female characters in this new work, if there is a chance to animate it in the future, I should be able to win a role for Taneda Risa with the authority of the original author.

Even if this does not change the status quo of farming Lisha.

He is not sure that it can be animated, let alone whether Taneda Risa was still a voice actor at that time.

But he still thought about it and wrote the story in his head.

At least, it must be a beautiful story that patients can read in peace in the hospital.



"Thanks for your hard work."

"Everyone has worked hard."

One morning in April.

Kazuto Mogami went to shoot the promotional photo of "The Undefeated Ome". He was also accompanied by Saori Konishi, Yusa Shimizu, Ayane Sakura and Nobunaga Shimada. This is almost the person Kazuto Mogami is most familiar with in the seiyuu circle. .

At noon, I went to eat with Nobunaga Shimada, sat in the coffee shop for half an hour after the meal, and then immediately rushed to the next dubbing studio, where I met Miho Okamatsu and Rina Hidaka.

Okamatsu Miho is still the same, always sticking to Mogami and talking about gossip that he is not interested in. Only when asking him about dubbing skills, Mogami Kazuto will answer her seriously.

As for Hidaka Rina, Mogami Kazuto hardly dared to look at her. Since a certain skill was upgraded to Lv3, Mogami Kazuto felt more and more unable to resist her seductive eyes.

Even if she didn't do anything, didn't say a word, just looking directly at Mogami Kazuto with those bright eyes, he could feel the restlessness in his body.

Generally speaking, those eyes are as seductive as a succubus, so it's better not to look at them.

However, the more Kazuto Mogami wants to avoid her, the facts always prevent him from doing so.

Hidaka Rina came over with the script in her arms, and greeted Mogami Kazuto and Miho Okamatsu with her sweet smile as always and bright eyes. …

Regarding the girl Hidaka Lina, Kazuto Mogami was completely uncertain about her mind, and the panel showed that her intimacy was approaching [-].

But Kazuto Mogami has almost figured out the tone of the panel, so he can't believe it all.

There are too many lessons learned.

But one thing is certain, this girl should not reject getting along with her.

To put it more bluntly, if Mogami Kazuto finds the right time to confess his love, he can't think of a reason why Hidaka Rina would reject him.

Of course, this is just talking, Mogami Kazuto is now extremely troubled by the clear water and sand, not to mention that there is a little Nishi Saori, he really has no energy to think about hooking up with other girls.

In Mogami Kazuto's subconscious mind, he seemed to have brought the matter of hooking up with girls to a commonplace.

And the reason why he didn't act was simply the reason that the timing was not right. What he once regarded as principles and morals rarely appeared in his mind now.

And regarding the matter of him waking up in the hotel one morning, Kazuto Mogami was convinced that he did not have a physical relationship with her.

He has figured out the upgrade conditions of [Harem Master] now, if something really happened that night, then he should have reached Lv3 long ago.

In this way, Mogami Kazuto no longer feels guilty in his heart, but on the contrary, facing such a beautiful girl who has love for him, no matter how much he knows in his heart that it is wrong, he still feels guilty. I can't help but fantasize about things that shouldn't be fantasized about.

Hidaka Lina was having a good chat with Okamatsu Miho, while Mogami Kazuto was looking at the script quietly, but he hardly put his mind on the script. This is always pretending to be reserved and indifferent.

Until Miho Okamatsu put down the notebook and went to the bathroom, and stayed alone with Kazuto Mogami, Kazuto Mogami's heart suddenly went up.

After Okamatsu Miho left, Hidaka Rina also fell silent, looking at Kazuto Mogami's side face somewhat openly, her beautiful eyes bent into a clear moon, her pretty face was slightly red.

Mogami Kazuto felt a little uncomfortable when she saw him, and coughed very deliberately.

Don't want to, Hidaka Licai is not moved at all.

"That...Miss Hidaka?"


"Excuse me, is there something on my face?" Mogami Kazuto asked.

Hidaka Rina shook her head slightly: "Totsuka-kun's face is very clean, and his skin is also very good. Are you using skin care products?"


"That's natural beauty." Hidaka Rina said with a smile.

"It's the first time I've been praised like that."

"It's also the first time I've praised a boy like that."



There was a delicate atmosphere around the two of them. It was the first time that Kazuto Mogami missed Miho Okamatsu so much. This kind of miss was quite similar to the miss of Shimada Nobunaga.

Suddenly, Hidaka Licai lowered his head slightly, his voice was soft, and it sounded like he didn't have the vitality before.

"Since then, Totsuka-kun seems to be avoiding me."

Of course Kazuto Mogami knew what the "at that time" she meant.

"Don't worry, I don't mean anything else, and isn't Totsuka-kun dating Ayaneru?"

"Miss Sakura and I don't have that kind of relationship, the office has already clarified it before." Mogami Kazuto explained.

"Well, that's it."

Hidaka Lina nodded obediently, and did not expose his intention, but still pretended to be an innocent girl who was ignorant.


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