After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 735 729. It's not to lie to her body and feelings.

Chapter 735 729. It's not to lie to her body and feelings.

"Totsuka-san, the script for the second season of "Reincarnated Slime" has been delivered."

"OK, thanks."

This morning, Kazuto Mogami came to the office to pick up the script, and met Ayane Sakura at the desk.

She went to Nishi Saori's house for a pajama party last night.

And Kazuto Mogami just came out of the apartment with clear water and sand this morning, and returned to Tsukishima's house immediately, took a shower, and changed his clothes.

Unlike at the beginning, Mogami Kazuto is now very comfortable pretending to be indifferent in front of Sakura Ayane.

He couldn't tell where this change came from. The only thing he could confirm was that this change couldn't be called right or wrong, it could only be evil.

He seemed to be determined to conceal this matter to the end, and to be a scum in the world.

Mogami Kazuto could foresee that when this matter was exposed, those two people would leave him, whether it was Sakura Ayane or Shimizu Yousha.

He would lose both of them.

Even if he knew that the end of this road would be the same, he didn't want to wake up from this obscene dream early, at least while he could hide it, he wanted to remember the smell of these two people as much as possible.

From the day he took off his clothes with clear water and sand, he lost the qualification to hug those two people early on.

Sakura Ayane couldn't tolerate his cheating, and Shimizu Yousa couldn't accept the fact that "the junior is in charge".

"What are you thinking about?"

"...No, nothing."

Sakura Ayane covered her mouth and smiled: "Mr. Totsuka looks dull today, did he not sleep well?"

"Well... that's right." Kazuto Mogami replied.

Because she was still in the office and there were other staff around, Sakura Ayane didn't take too much intimacy with him.

As for the relationship between them, apart from each other's managers, only the president of the firm knows.

Ayane Sakura winked at him triumphantly, as if to say, "You can't sleep without me, right?"

After Ayane Sakura left the office before him, Kazuto Mogami received a line from Ayane Sakura, saying that she would come to his house to spend the night.

After replying with the word "good", the first thing Mogami Kazuto did was to find Qingshui Yousha's profile picture, and sent her a sentence, "I can't come over tonight."

After posting, all the chat records were not cleared, only this sentence was deleted.

He deleted all the messages that the two exchanged during this period, and the dialogue between the two of them a few years ago was still displayed in the dialog box.

It seemed that after that, there was no longer any relationship between them.

After leaving the office, Kazuto Mogami went to the audition and got an ordinary supporting role in the original animation "White Box".

There was an hour of free time in the evening, no matter how energetic he was, it was impossible for him to use this time to go to bed with Qingshui Yousha, and spend this hour peacefully in the coffee shop downstairs of the recording studio.

To his surprise, he met Hidaka Rina and Ogura Yui who came together. These two people are always inseparable, and now he is no stranger to it.

Hidaka Rina looked like she wanted to come over to talk to him, but was forcefully dragged away by Ogura Yui.

If it were the former Mogami Kazuto, he would thank Ogura Yui from the bottom of his heart, but now somehow, he feels that there is nothing wrong with talking to Hidaka Rina more, and instead blames Ogura Yui for unnecessary actions in his heart.

Hidakari dishes are beautiful.

Most of them still like themselves.

This is enough.

And it's just chatting with a female voice actor, it's a good choice to pass the time, and it's not about having sex with her and cheating her body and feelings.

Sipping his coffee silently, Mogami Kazuto turned a page in the book in his hand.



At ten o'clock in the evening, Kazuto Mogami finished work and was about to go to Tsukishima when he suddenly received a call from Ayane Sakura.

Her mother caught a cold, and her father was away on a business trip, so she had to take care of her mother at home.

Her distress could be heard in the words, Mogami Kazuhito asked her to take good care of her mother at home, comforted her a few more words, and after successfully making her laugh, Mogami Kazuto hung up the phone.

Listening to the wind on the spring night, Kazuto Mogami unexpectedly found that he was not as disappointed as he imagined, and without any hesitation, he sent a message to Shimizu Yousofa.

Soon, Shimizu replied from the sofa, saying that it would take another hour for him to finish work, and asked him to go to the apartment and wait.

Kazuto Mogami did not hesitate, changed trains and headed for Shinjuku.

Even he himself was amazed that he was able to switch emotions so smoothly.

It's not that he doesn't love Sakura Ayane anymore, it's just that he also loves Shimizu and Yousha.

Loving her body and loving her heart seems to be a matter of course. While possessing her body, she wants to possess her heart as well. It is easier to act than to breathe.

He couldn't help but think of what Shimizu Yusa said to him that day. Although Shimizu Yusa used a joking tone, Mogami Kazuto was able to guess the essence of that sentence.

She asked him if he had ever thought about sleeping with them both at the same time. The real meaning of this sentence was to ask Mogami Kazuto if he had any plans to associate with them both openly.

If anything, she would have advised Mogami Kazuto to dismiss the idea.

It was clear to all of them that this was not going to work.

The so-called harem is a happy thing only in the light novels written by the virgin fat house. The female characters are all big-chested and brainless optimists, and they are all slaves of the author himself.

But since it is a light novel of Mei Zhai, it is harmless to write it like this. Among other things, Kazuto Mogami has acted as the dubbing of many male protagonists in the animation of such light novels.

But if the seriousness appeared in real life, it would definitely not be a good thing.

Kazuto Mogami believes that the essence of the so-called "opening a harem" is actually the use of power by men, relying on their bargaining chips to squeeze women and force women to make concessions, which is an act that cannot be beautified no matter what words are used.

The opposite is the same.

And Mogami Kazuto's bargaining chip is only their love for themselves.

Such a fantasy thing, the bargaining chip turned out to be "love", how funny and ironic.

However, Kazuto Mogami did not have such bold ideas.

Although he is a bad person, he is not arrogant.

Even if women all over the world can accept such vulgar ideas, only Ayane Sakura will not.

That is a woman who absolutely cannot tolerate sand in her eyes.

Asking Ayane Sakura to share her lover with other women is equivalent to cutting her flesh, letting her blood out, trampling on her dignity, and then throwing her innocent heart to the ground and crushing it with her feet.

In that case, she would rather choose to lose Kazuto Mogami.

(End of this chapter)

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