After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 756 750. Everyone is really tolerant of cheating.

Chapter 756 750. Everyone is really tolerant of cheating.

After finishing my work in the afternoon, I said goodbye to the voice actors and staff on the set. When I took the elevator, those female voice actors were still whispering about Mr. Sakurai’s affair in marriage.

This is actually a very common thing in the industry. Mr. Sakurai, Mr. Okamoto, Mr. Inoue, Mr. Namikawa, if you really want to give examples, there are many more.

I think that even though I am an insider, there are still many secrets in this industry that I don't know.

Even so, they won't lose their jobs because of it, it won't have any repercussions.

To be honest, as a woman, I think this kind of thing is absolutely unforgivable. When I play with such voice actors on the set, even if their dubbing skills are very good, when I think of them, they use that voice to express love to people other than lovers. I can't accept the smooth talk of women physically.

If I were the person involved, I might stop believing in human beings because of this, and I would definitely hate Renjun and that woman for the rest of my life.

Curse them in my heart forever and ever.

And I can't imagine how painful the woman's heart will be after learning about this kind of incident.

I tried to assume my own identity, and when I thought that He Renjun would seduce women outside behind my back, and make a tender promise to someone other than me, I felt so uncomfortable that I was about to shed tears.

I don't want to be a victim, let alone a perpetrator.

So back then, when I learned that he was dating Chinosuke, I immediately chose to stay away from him.

At least I can't let Chinosuke encounter such an experience, I think so from the bottom of my heart.

I think it was the same when Kianosuke and Saori were at that time. Before they divorced, even if Kianosuke had a crush on him since then, he would not show it.

I'm glad Kinosuke is such a good girl.

Similarly, I firmly believe that my Herenjun will never do such a thing.

He has always cherished me so much, and when I am with him, I can fully understand the love he has for me.

Kazuto-kun like that won't hurt me.

Heren Junta is different from those people.



After leaving the recording building, I sent a message to He Renjun and asked what he was doing.

It's not so much a question, but an invitation, because he's busy these days and doesn't spend much time with me. I feel a little lonely inside, but I want to say that I want to sleep with him and so on. It still makes me a little shy.

However, I got an answer that was beyond my expectations.

He was on his way back from the hospital, and I realized that he was going to visit Zhongjiang. The two seemed to get along very well, but when He Renjun told me that I was going on behalf of the broadcasting group, I went to the hospital. I breathed a sigh of relief.

The two had been broadcasting partners for quite a long time, and it was only natural that they would visit when they were sick. Perhaps it was because of the influence of Mr. Sakurai that I immediately thought of that aspect.

this is not right.

I should have trusted him more.

Still, I wish he'd told me before he went.

Then it doesn't matter if I get a little awkward.

When I arrived at Tsukishima, as soon as I walked into the house, I could smell the aroma of cooking. Kazuto-kun was cooking in the kitchen. It was my favorite food.

"You're back, Caiyin."

I put on my slippers and walked over lazily: "Well, I'm back."

"Have you finished your work today?"

"No, I have to go to Slingstone to record in the evening, because next week's schedule won't match, so I have to record two episodes at once."

I sat down on the other side of the open cooking table and watched him cook with my hands on my face. His serious appearance is really handsome.

Although I often tell other people that I am not a face control, it is indeed a good thing that my boyfriend is a handsome guy, but I have to worry more about whether I will be coveted by other female voice actors.

In short, I am still very confident in this aspect, and my heart with Renjun is firmly tied to me. I think my temper has improved, and now I seldom scold him for being contemptuous. Always obey him in bed.

What an excellent girlfriend, me.

hey hey...

"It's been hard work."

"What about He Renjun?"

"Well... I should start writing after eating."

"Huh? Are you going to write a new work?"

"Well, to be honest, it has been suspended for too long, and I am very embarrassed to the publisher. Moreover, if I don't make good money, I can't hold my head up in front of Caiyin's parents."

Ah... because of this.

Although I really want to say that my parents won't care about these things, but seeing that he is willing to make such progress for me, my father and mother must be very happy for me.

I was still trying to make a fuss, but suddenly I was relieved.

"He Renjun."


"I love you."

"Is there something you want from me?"

"Excessive! I'm serious!"

He Renjun laughed suddenly: "I know, I love you too."

Really, he said seriously, super shy, but he insisted on teasing me.

Well... But I am a broad-minded girlfriend, whether it is mentally or physically, since he is preparing dinner so seriously, I can forgive him.

"Hey, He Renjun."

"what happened?"

"Have you heard about Mr. Sakurai?"

"Hmm... Let's get to know it a little bit. There is a notification on the mobile phone. Because the title is quite conspicuous, I just looked at it for a while. What's the matter?"

Maybe it's because I usually don't pay much attention to such things, and Kazuto-kun looked at me in surprise, with an expression of "I'm not interested in such things as UI."

"On the set today, everyone was talking about this matter. I didn't know anything at the beginning, and I was instilled with a lot of information by them without knowing it."

"That's because Caiyin, you're not good at using electronic products. Reading the news must be very difficult."

"That's not the case!"

I took out the new mobile phone that was replaced only two days ago, and said aggressively: "To tell you the truth, I can even download software and change the wallpaper!"

"I think Kento-kun and Goro from the house next door can do it too."

Jian Dou-kun is a neighbor's child, and currently he can only use crawling. Goro is their dog, and he can only use crawling in his life.

I am a little angry.

Even look down on me so much.

"I won't talk to you anymore!"

"Sorry, I was wrong, please forgive me."

He handed me an omurice with ketchup and a heart drawn on the egg skin.

I wrinkled my nose: "The heart is so ugly."

"No way, my painting skills are only at this level."

Well... Even so, drawing an omurice with a heart is really embarrassing, but I am undoubtedly happy.

"Hmph! I forgive you."

"Thank you very much, Miss Sakura, for your generosity."

The topic seemed to be diverted by him, and I puffed up my cheeks: "Didn't He Renjun have his own opinion?"


I nodded.

He seemed to be thinking, scratched the corners of his eyebrows with his fingernails, and showed a serious expression: "I think this is something that cannot be forgiven."


My Kazuto-kun is on my side.

  How should I put it, I feel a little complicated.

  Again, a character is a character, and a voice actor is a voice actor.

(End of this chapter)

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