After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 759 753. If this can really be called love.

I watched her hair spin, silent.

That Caiyin was bending over at ninety degrees to me, begging me, begging me.

I understood the meaning of her words.

She is trying to embrace love and friendship at the same time. I can't say she is a greedy person, but I admire her willingness to reconcile with me.

As long as I don't dictate her love and be a silent puppet, whether it's her happiness or her misfortune, I will turn a blind eye until such a thing happens.

Is that all right?

If she had asked me like this before I found out about the relationship between Heren and Yousha, I would have been so moved that I couldn't speak, and I would bless them from the bottom of my heart.

But the better Caiyin becomes, the more I feel that the current Kazuren is not good enough for her.

Caiyin has made it clear enough that no matter what happens to them in the future, whether they get together or break up, she doesn't want me to play any role in it.

She doesn't need Kazuto Mogami's ex-wife, Saori Konishi, she just needs Saori Konishi, Ayon Sakura's friend.

This is Caiyin's realization. It is really not easy for me to break her hard-won determination.


Everything is different now.

Kazuto is no longer the Kazuto he was at that time, he has become something we are all unfamiliar with.

At this moment, can I still speak?
Tell her Kazuto's true colors, demote him to nothing, and happily befriend Caiyin.


"This is the choice I made. Whether it's a happy life or being hurt badly, I want to confirm my future.

With my own eyes. "

I closed my eyes silently as Caiyin said this with all her strength.

All that came to mind was Yousha's face.

If Yousha heard Caiyin's words, how would she feel?

Will she feel guilty?
So sad, really sad...

They should have grasped the happiness they got, why... did it become like this?
"... Saori? Huh? Saori...? What's wrong with you?"

Caiyin raised her head slightly, as if she was looking at me.

The reason why I say it seems is because I can't see her expression clearly, and inexplicable tears welled up in my eyes.

These tears come from my confusion, from my admiration for her, and from my weakness that I know the truth of despair but cannot speak out.

I frantically raised my hand to wipe away my tears, trying to squeeze out a comforting smile.

Can't do it.

I suppressed my outrageous sobbing, Caiyin had come to my side at some point, her hand on my shoulder trembled slightly.

I think she must be very complicated.

What did my silent tears mean in her eyes?How would she understand my tears?
The unwillingness of a defeated dog?The horn of defiance?
How funny.

The next moment, I was hugged by her.

I never thought that there would be a day when I would be embraced by her.

Her embrace was quite soft, and her body temperature was just right, as if wrapped in the breeze of early spring. I was choked up and couldn't say a word. Caiyin just hugged me silently, and didn't ask me why I was crying, let alone get angry or ridicule. …

What a gentle girl.

At the same time, it made me understand that her love for Kazuto is far beyond mine.

I gradually stopped my tears, took a breath of the dense air in the lounge, and exhaled slowly.

"Are you all right?"

she asked me softly.

I nodded and patted her arm lightly, signaling that it was okay.

She let go of her arms, sat down beside me, looked at my eyes that were red from crying, reached out and touched the corners of my eyes, and I felt that the remaining tears were wiped away by her.

"Saori, you..."

Her face was full of hesitation. After saying that to me, my reaction was to cry. Presumably she was also very disturbed in her heart.

I squeezed out a smile and shook my head slightly: "It's okay, I just suddenly remembered the old you, that Caiyin who claimed to hate men, has become such an outstanding girl, and I was a little scared."

What a lame statement.

She still looked uneasy, and I held her hand tightly, unable to speak properly, so I could only express my thoughts in this way.

"I... will support your love affair."

This is what I say from the bottom of my heart, absolutely nothing false.

Caiyin stared at me blankly, and I could clearly see the astonishment on her face and the slowly fading anxiety.


Why do you show such a happy smile?

Does the blessing of someone like me make you so happy?


Those clear and transparent eyes stared at me with unprecedented expectation, as if a pair of invisible hands were manipulating my vocal cords.

"I... want to see Caiyin happy, and from the bottom of my heart... bless your marriage."

"... Saori."

Her beautiful eyes overflowed with the same tears as mine, but the meaning of these two tears was very different from mine. They were tears of hope falling from eyes full of hope.

"Thank you, Saori... Really, thank you..."

Stop saying thank you, please, I just can't take your thanks.

But she is smiling so brightly now, how much will do I need to completely expose the happiness she has now.

I thought, I can't do it.

"I'm sorry...Saori..."

I looked at her blankly, not understanding why she was apologizing.

"At that time, I also said a lot of things to you, but I really couldn't let go. I was stubborn and angry all the time, and I couldn't say sorry to you."

It was that time.

In front of He's house, the night He got drunk.

I was silent for a while, then loosened my grip on her hand.

"Don't say that, Caiyin didn't do anything wrong, if something like that happened, if it were me..."

"If it were you, you wouldn't be so angry with me, absolutely."

She cut me off, and I couldn't argue back, she was right.

I will feel angry because Yousha betrayed Caiyin, but if I was the one who was betrayed, I think... I will only feel sad.

I couldn't convince Yousha, let alone tell Caiyin the truth.

What else can I do now?

To find Kazuto?Threatening him to break up with Yousha with a photo?
I don't think the current Kazuto would accept it, if he was such an easily persuaded person, he wouldn't have cheated in the first place.

My anger has no role in this matter at all, and I can't control anyone's thoughts.

And I promised Caiyin not to interfere with her love anymore.

If this can really be called love.

sad, sad.

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