After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 772 766. Then, he ushered in his third girlfriend.

Chapter 772 766. Then, he ushered in his third girlfriend.

Fog shrouded this huge forest, and unnamed birds hovered in the sky, making unpleasant shrieks.

I sat alone by the lake, the smell of moist soil pierced my nose, and the sound of fish jumping up and falling into the water again beat my silently beating heart all the time.

In the distance, a tall and thin figure appeared in the mist, which could be vaguely identified as a man, walking slowly towards me.

who am I?
I am Mogami Kazuto.

Well, after being convinced of this, I silently waited for that figure to approach.

The fog gradually thinned, and I could see his face clearly, with an expression of indifference, disgustingly handsome.

I slowly lowered my head and looked at the lake, which reflected the same face as his.

I hugged my knees and made a sound without emotional ups and downs.

"I... want to confess all this to Caiyin."

He didn't continue to approach me, but still stood in a place that I couldn't reach, quietly, looking down at me.

"After confessing, what should I do?"

"Ask her forgiveness."

"Rely on what? Kneel down?"

"If forgiveness can be obtained at that level, it is not unfeasible."

"You know it's impossible for her to forgive you."

" made me do it."

"Don't deny your will, because you have such a desire in your heart, my existence is just to let you face your own desire, and it doesn't distort your will."

"Human beings are those who can restrain their own desires. I am no different from a beast now."

"Perhaps you are a beast."


I can't continue the dialogue with him, no, I can't have a dialogue with another self. The more I communicate, the more the dark side of my heart will be revealed.

He knows everything about me, he can see all my thoughts.

Because he is me and I am him.

"Are you still bound by boring guilt?"


"You can't turn back anymore, look at Yousha, look at Miss Tantian, now you, do you have the courage to say [I still only love Caiyin] to them?"

That kind of words... Absolutely, can't be said.

"Keep falling, Mogami Kazuto, the abyss."


In this way, I opened my eyes in the real world.

Miss Taneda's breath is quite hot, which is different from her cold body temperature, as if it is burning my cheeks.

I did kiss Miss Tanada, her lips were dry and cold but still soft.

I let go of the lips that were in contact with her, trying to see her face clearly behind the mist.

"I'm sorry, I suddenly...kissed you."

Subconsciously apologized.

" doesn't matter."

Even if I couldn't see her expression, I could still imagine the shy face of that dignified and elegant lady farming.

To add a shy rosy color to her pale side face, is it my mission or what? I don't regret kissing her at this moment, and Ms. Taneda doesn't show any disgust.

Even if it is driven, at this moment, I really feel it.

To feel the... I want her mood.

She seemed to be still immersed in the shock of the kiss just now, and she didn't speak for a long time, but I had already confirmed the intimacy on the panel before, so I was confident that I would not be hated by her.

But what comes next is key.

I held her hands tightly, and those soft hands were trembling greenly. Tension, anxiety, and other emotions were conveyed to me through her two hands.

"Miss Tantian, I..."


What I wanted to say was interrupted by her, her tense, hoarse voice like rusty strings.

"I can probably guess what Totsuka-kun wants to say, but... I'm not ready for that yet."

"Mental preparation?"

"What if... My operation was unsuccessful, and I died on the operating table... Ugh!"

I kissed it again without hesitation, this time I could taste it well, it was as sweet as mango soda, if possible, I really wanted to keep kissing like this.

"Calm down?" I let go of her lips.

"Huh? Huh?.........well, I..."

"It's just a minor operation. That kind of thing won't happen. If you want to reject me, I would like to hear other reasons."

"Reject...reject...? No, no, I..."

"It's not a rejection, that means ok?"


She seemed to be in a state of confusion.

Is it time to pursue the victory?In such a state, with a tough attitude, let her agree to herself in a daze, or let her calm down and think carefully, and even discuss it with Caiyin, and then the two of them will cut me up together?

"Would it be annoying to kiss me?" I asked quite directly.

"Huh?...No, um, huh?...What the hell am I going to say. Uh...I just think, isn't it...a bit fast? And...Totsuka-kun today is a little, a little bit strangeness."

"Do you hate it?"

"It's...not that I hate it, it's's not quite the same as the usual impression."

Her words were quite euphemistic, and her tone was full of surprise and panic.

I can understand her thoughts at this time, why does a cunt who doesn't speak much on weekdays suddenly seem to be a different person, and why can she kiss people so calmly? How many girls does he have sex with? Have you ever had such a thing?

That's pretty much it.

Even I am surprised by the calmness of my brain at this time. Under such circumstances, I can still pretend to be puzzled after thinking about it.

If it's the usual Miss Tanada, she must be able to see through that I'm lying at a glance.

But she shouldn't have that kind of leeway now.

In her eyes, the current Kazuto Mogami is speaking sincerely, the help he has given her until today, everything he has done for her, and this hypocritical face that is helpless and sincere.

All will become bait for her to fall into my trap.

"I thought, there must be something wrong with me today."


"Until now, I've been troubled and couldn't understand my own feelings. As long as I stay with Miss Tanada, my heart will calm down miraculously."

It's a lie, I'm very clear about my mood, it's just a collection of greed and occupation.

"I think Miss Tanada is a special existence to me."

It's a lie, anyone can do it, as long as I'm holding a girl, my heart will calm down.

"Brave and unyielding, sunny and positive, even Miss Changtian must be afraid, apprehensive, and uneasy in her heart.

I want to be Miss Taneda's strength. "

It's a lie, I just want to invade and control her, her voice, her body, her spirit, and turn everything about her into Mogami and Ren's property.


Her voice gradually stopped trembling, and I could feel her gaze staring at me, was she pursing her lips?Still bulging cheeks?Or have you seen through my hypocrisy and are now full of anger?
Anything will do.

I squeezed her hand tightly again, and showed my acting skills with all my heart to the expressionless doll.

"Can you let me stay by your side all the time?"



So, I started dating Miss Tanada.

Hiding it from everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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