After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 776 770. Tokyoites who lie about everything.

Chapter 775 769. The essence of love is greed.

When I was shyly pushed away by Lisha, she accused me of not doing this kind of thing in the hospital, as if she was a high school female teacher who taught bad students, somehow she gave people such an aura.

To be honest, a place like a hospital is really not suitable for kissing, so I am reflecting on it.

And I asked her back: "Then where should this kind of thing be done?"

She faltered and couldn't speak.

I think that the female teacher who was cornered by the bad student wall in the evening when the dusk encroached on the staff room probably felt the same way as she did.

I really want to see her expression.

In the evening, Risa and I went to a high-end sushi restaurant in Ginza to celebrate her birthday.

I have recently experienced the charm of money. I have to admit that money is indeed a good thing. Although I am not a pedantic person who thinks money is the most important thing, I am not a noble person who regards money as dung. I want to give the girl I like the best. The mood of good things is indeed quite difficult if there is no money to support it.

So I am very grateful to myself who has worked hard so far.

As for what I have tried?
Does it matter?



"He Jun, I have to go home tonight, because I promised to go back tonight, and my brothers seem to plan to celebrate my birthday."

"Well, I see, can it be before eight o'clock?"

Of course, I am not the kind of idiot virgin who thinks that "as long as I agree to have a relationship, I can enter the body by default", and I have never thought about sleeping in the same bed with Lisha tonight.

Although it is quite unbelievable for such words to come out of my mouth, I am more eager to obtain some kind of spiritual substance from her than to enter the body.

"Uh... I think, it should be fine."

She seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, but she was probably afraid.

After all, we haven't been dating for a long time. I think she must have been frightened by my kiss. After all, I'm a man who kisses without the woman's consent.

Of course, if I hadn't been able to see the intimacy displayed on the panel, I wouldn't have done such a reckless thing.

"Speaking of which, it turns out that Lisha still has a brother." I tried to change the topic so that she would no longer be aware of this aspect, and everything should be done step by step, so that she couldn't think that I was just trying to figure out her body.

"Well, there are two older brothers, and Jun is the only child."


"It can be seen roughly, but He Jun seldom talks about his own family."

"My father is a university professor, my mother used to be a kindergarten teacher, and now she is fully committed to being a housewife."

I tried to act like a normal boyfriend, knowing that I was a different guy and not very good with people, let alone conversations.

However, I think the way I get along with Lisha doesn't need to be changed for the sake of identity change.

The reason why I am obsessed with her in front of me is because of some of her characteristics, whether it is weak or strong, human beings will always look for things that they cannot have in the other half.

And the girls I like, almost all have such qualities, their loyalty to love, as well as strength and courage.

These are things I never had, and I presumably won't have them in the future.



"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you Risa, happy birthday to you~"

The girl in front of me is clasping her fingers, and the face behind her should be making a wish with her eyes closed. I can imagine her gentle smile.

What kind of wish would such a girl make? I think it should not be something like "wanting to be happily with Kazu-kun forever". The most realistic thing is to continue to be an excellent seiyuu in the future .

The candles were extinguished, and the lights in the private room were turned on again. I took out the birthday present I prepared early and handed it over.

"Happy birthday to you, Risa."

"Thank you, can I take it apart and have a look?"

"of course."

I didn't choose such an expensive gift. A girl like Lisha pays more attention to her heart than the price of the gift. This is the same as Caiyin and Yousha.

However, I thought about this matter carefully in my heart. The mind of a scumbag like me should be the cheapest thing in the world. If they can see through my essence, they will definitely sneer at the gift I gave.

"This, a picture book?"


I could hear the doubt in her tone, she must be a little confused.

"Open it and have a look." I said.

She flipped through the picture book in front of me, and suddenly there was no sound. I couldn't see her expression clearly, but she turned faster and faster.

"Is this... drawn by He Jun?"


In fact, it is not such a big gift. I drew my first encounter with her in the form of a picture book. From the perspective of a seriously ill girl, I told the encounter, acquaintance and love with the person of destiny.

It's a cliché that can be seen everywhere, but once we put our respective positions into the story, I thought, this is the best gift I can come up with that will make her happy.

"do you like it?"

" could you not like it, this is the first time I have received such a gift.

Thank you, Hejun, I will definitely cherish it. "

She hugged the picture book I drew by myself in her arms, and her husky voice was full of emotions called joy.

I just want to hear her voice. From that dry and fragile voice, I can hear the determination to resist fate.

It is the voice of Taneda Risa that fascinates me.

She closed the picture book and caressed the cover carefully, as if she was afraid of breaking it.



After dinner, I walked down the streets of Tokyo holding hands with her.

Although we all wear masks, there is still the possibility of being followed. I don't want to follow in the footsteps of Mr. Sakurai, so we try to walk in unmanned alleys.

"Hey, Kazu-kun..."

In the dark alley, her rough and hoarse voice echoed slightly, and I enjoyed this voice very much.

After I couldn't make out the women's faces, I seemed to have an inextricable love for the form of voice.

Caiyin's voice, Yousha's voice, and Lisha's voice.

All of their voices fascinate me, and I am like a collector who enjoys collecting beautiful sounds, and I am proud of these precious collections.

Asking me to give up any of my collections would break my heart.

"Remember what I said earlier?"

"Well, remember."

I answered without any hesitation.

"Wish right?"

"...Well, although I have already received a very good gift, I still want to have another wish, will I appear greedy?"

"Love is supposed to be greedy."

"In love...?"

She was talking to herself slightly in a daze, and then her voice became cheerful.

"Hmm! We...are in love."

(End of this chapter)

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