After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 790 784. When a person is depressed, he will especially like to watch the sunset.

In the days that followed, I went to that cafe every afternoon to write. Although I can’t say that I could meet Miss Hidaka every day, I would definitely meet her every now and then. She was indeed a frequent visitor to this shop.

I have to say that Ms. Hidaka is a very polite person, who also understands the world and social etiquette.

Even though I can feel the dislike for me from her, she doesn't speak ill of me every time, but treats me more like a stranger I met by chance in a cafe.

I don't have any dissatisfaction, and I don't really want to pursue her. I just respect the instinct and chase after the figures of female voice actors.

Tokyo in September is indeed very hot. There was a sudden thunderstorm at noon, but it didn't last long. I was really happy with the breath of rain that was sucked in by the hot asphalt road.

Walking on the crowded streets of Shibuya, with pedestrians coming and going, tall buildings standing tall, in a trance, I thought I was walking in a forest full of mist, lost my way, stood blankly in the middle of the sidewalk, and was woken up by the car horn , hurried across the road.

When I came to the cafe, I looked around the store for the first time, but I couldn't find any characters similar to female voice actors, so I was a little disappointed.

Sitting in the corner, ordering a cup of coffee, a story that does not belong to this world is rolling in my mind. With my fingers, I tap the keyboard one by one to give the story words.

Although without the work of voice actor and singer, I often feel empty and helpless, but only when I create a story, a little, really just a little, as if I am doing something that can comfort myself.

I couldn't find anything to be myself about other than writing.

If even this thing is lost, I'm probably just an empty shell with nothing left, and I'm terrified of becoming that.

Sometimes, I will suddenly realize that I am a scum who keeps cheating women and hurting women. Such thoughts come out of the blue every time, and the duration is not long.

Before I could be shocked at how bad I was, the emotion dissipated again, leaving me sitting alone without a ripple in my heart.

What, it's just cheating, it's not a big deal.

I closed the computer, closed my eyes, and rubbed between my brows wearily. When I focused my eyes on the store again, I realized that Miss Hidaka had already been sitting in the store at some point.

The handbag beside her is the basis for my judgment of her identity today.

Walking over as usual, before I sat down in front of her, Miss Hidaka's indifferent voice, which is different from the usual gentleness, sounded at this moment.

"Totsuka-kun, can I sit alone for a while today?"

Something must have happened, Miss Hidaka, who was so hard to greet with a smile all the time, suddenly became so indifferent.

Although there is also the option of finally being able to bear my pestering, but I don't think that's the case.

I still sat down opposite her, but she didn't make a sound.

The waiter brought the coffee, but she didn't take a sip. I had many reasons to start a conversation with her, but I gave up in the end. I just went about my business silently, like a stranger sharing a table.

"Can I stop writing? It sounds annoying."

The mechanical pencil that I was recording inspiration stopped, and immediately stopped with a slight "swish" sound, and silently closed the notebook, making a soft "snap" sound.

She sighed slightly, and I was silent for a while, waiting for her next words.

"Sorry, I was a little harsh just now."

"It's okay, everyone has times when they feel down."


"When you are in a low mood, I recommend finding a quiet place to watch the sunset. The sun will appear circle after circle of red clouds, and when it disappears, the sky and the earth seem to merge into a colorless space.

Although it can't be of real help, I think it can wash away the impetuousness in my heart a little bit. "

"Is this Totsuka-kun's opinion?"

I shook my head: "From the book, it says that when a person is depressed, he will especially like to watch the sunset."

"I haven't read such a philosophical book."

"I guess so."

Will she think that I am showing off my knowledge, but reading a few more books should not be considered knowledge, anyone can read a lot of books as long as they take the time.

"That makes sense, but I don't think I'm in that mood. Sunsets are beautiful, and I don't want something beautiful to taint my immaturity."

Calling negative emotions "my own immaturity", I once again felt that Ms. Hidaka is really an extraordinary person.

I didn't ask her what happened. First, I didn't have that position. Second, I'm not the kind of person who likes to be asked and troubled, so I won't do things that might arouse her disgust.

I started talking about coffee, favorite types, flavors, aromas, and varieties that I either like or don't like.Unlike my own babble, which might annoy her.

But she seemed to be listening carefully, even if I couldn't see her expression, I could still imagine her silently staring at me with those bright eyes.

"Totsuka-kun, you talk a lot today, don't you usually keep silent?"

"Maybe that's why today's weather makes people want to talk more."

She turned her head and looked out the window. In the afternoon when the shower faded, the sun released strong light again. When she touched the glass with her fingers, she might be able to feel the scalding heat outside.

"What a freak."

"This should not have changed, I was weird before."

"It is."

Her voice was a little more relaxed, but still covered with a slight layer of sadness.

"Ah... Totsuka-kun."

Suddenly, she called my name softly, and I looked up at her.

"Why don't you ask me?"

"Although I'm a bad person with two feet on two boats, I really like girls' feelings. I can't read it. I can't do things like exposing people's scars in the air."

"Stop putting gold on your face, it's obviously worse to be on two boats."

"It really is……"

"I've almost lost faith in all male voice actors."

"because I?"

"Not at all."

"That's it."

I thought of the No.1 scumbag she said before, and I don't know any senior in the industry who can annoy her so much.

"Why does Totsuka-kun like female voice actors so much?"

I shook my head: "This kind of statement is too general. I don't like female voice actors, but my social circle is so big. Female voice actors are the opposite sex I meet most often. Among many opposite sexes, I like One or two, it’s not difficult to understand.”

"Stop talking nonsense like that."

She seemed a little dissatisfied.

"Although it's scum, it's also true."

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