After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 804 798. Rather than being a lost dog who is not loved, I want to be a deeply loved little 3

Chapter 804 798. Rather than being an unloved loser, I want to be a deeply loved mistress, that's all.

"Here, here are the disinfectant wipes, and the clothes I bought in the nearby business district."

After leaving the aquarium, I met Yousha under the Skytree. Yousha spoke very gently, and handed me a high-end clothing paper bag with LOGO printed on it. It is hard to imagine that she spilled juice on me not long ago.

"Thank you."

"Let's find a place to change clothes first, it's not good to wear sticky clothes all the time.

Guo Baa Nei, without saying hello to you in advance, just splashed all over you talking to himself. "

"Yousha doesn't need to apologize. I'm the one who should say sorry. It's a rare date that ended in this way. You are even willing to act like that. It makes you feel wronged."

"Hmm~~ I won't." Yousha shook his head lightly at me.

"Besides, the date is not over yet, you have to accompany me to the sky tree next."

Yousha is really a very gentle girl, she is always considerate of me, and she also prepared wet wipes and clothes for me very thoughtfully.

"...That's exactly what you said, then Yousha will wait for me here, and I'll come right after I change my clothes."


I took the paper bag and went to the nearby men's room, wiped my body with a wet towel in the cubicle, rinsed my hair briefly, and changed into the clothes Yousha bought.

After that, meet Yousha again, enter the Skytree together, and board the elevator.

The electronic screen in the elevator keeps changing the screen, showing the ascent speed and the distance in the sky, and we can't feel the real feeling that we are gradually leaving the ground inside.

When the number on the elevator screen stopped at 350 meters, the elevator door opened.

There are more people in the observatory than I imagined. There are cartoon graffiti printed on the circular wall pillars. Many of them are foreign tourists. You can see all kinds of skin colors. Yousha tightened my arms.

"Hey, it would be bad if we got separated."

She is so cute.

Standing in front of the huge display screen, with the drop of your finger, you can zoom in on Tokyo's Jingmao on the screen. This alone is already amazing. Looking outside through the huge glass makes you feel like you are in the clouds. sense of wonder.

"I wonder if Kazuto-san's house can be seen from here."

"It's impossible to see it anyway." I laughed.

"'s a pity, I haven't been to Herensang's house for a long time, I don't know what has become."

I don't know how to respond to her.

As if sensing my hesitation, Yousha squeezed my palm a little harder.

"Don't think about it, I'm just talking casually. If Neru-san proposes to take me home, I will be angry. If Neru-san finds out, there will be big problems."

I smiled reluctantly, and paused for a while when the words came to my lips.


"Heren-san doesn't need to apologize. I'm not an ignorant girl, and I won't do things that I know will bother you."

She is really considerate, but the more considerate she is, the more I feel bad about it.

I opened my mouth and said softly, "I...maybe a little scared."


"Hmm... I'm afraid that I won't be able to give Yousha 'forever', and I'm afraid that you will leave me one day."

Yousha raised her hand and flicked her fingers towards my forehead with a "boom", but she didn't use any force.

"What an idiot, Kazuhito-san, listen carefully, what I want is not something illusory like 'forever'."

"What I want is now, at this moment, at this very moment, can you understand?"



"... Ming, understand."

"Hmm! Just understand!"

To be honest, to this day, I still can't understand why Yousha dotes on me so much and indulges me so much. It's really hard for me to detect what is in me that is worthy of her giving so much for me.

The only thing I can understand is that my desire to "live in the moment" with her forever, is definitely not false.

If Yousha is only looking forward to the "now" with me, then what I pursue should be "enjoying the present with her forever", no matter what anyone says, anyone tries to take her away from me, I They are absolutely not allowed.

There is sand in the clear water, the girl I want to hold tightly in my hands all my life.

In my heart, I reconfirmed this matter.



When we came down from the Skytree, the sky was already dark. We went to the sky restaurant near Sensoji Temple. From this location, we can have all the night views of Tokyo in our bag.

Sensoji Temple, Skytree Tower, these buildings can be seen clearly. Looking at the Skytree Tower from a different perspective, I found that it is really tall, like the first sprouting bamboo shoots in the spring rain, unique.

"Heren-san, I'm really happy today."

She cheerfully raised her beer glass, clinked glasses and took a big swig.

"In my dreams, I want to go on a date with Kaoren-san like today."

"Even if I don't dream, I will come out with you."

"Hehehe~~ I like Kazuto-san the most."

It's really cute to be outspoken like this. I almost fell into this wonderful cuteness and forgot about other girls for a while.

But obviously, I can't forget, it's just that I lost my mind because of the sand for a moment, they are all my important girlfriends, no one is higher than the other.

However, the sad thing is that I can't give my love to everyone in a fair way, and I can't enjoy their love for me in a fair way.

"Kazuto-san, you're showing a very serious expression again."


"Although I don't have any objections. When we dated me, I was thinking about other girls or something. Heren-sang is a playful bastard who meets one and loves the other. I already knew this kind of thing. Hmph! "

Sure enough, I am angry, um, anger is natural, even if Yousha can allow me to share my love with other girls, but there will definitely be emotions like jealousy and jealousy, which is a matter of course.

"I just... feel that it's too unfair to Yousha and you. I am like this, thinking about everyone's happy ending in my heart..."

"It refers to the light novel, the harem ending in the game? Hmm... It's really admirable. I always think that the person who wrote that kind of work must have a problem with his head. How can a girl be willing to share someone she likes?" .”

"...Say, that's exactly what you said."

I smiled a little forcedly.

"But as I said before, as long as Kazuto-san can convince others, I don't really care."

"Yousha thinks that if I clarify the matter, what is the chance that Caiyin will agree?"

"Of course it's zero."

I smiled wryly: "It's really a second."

"Because neru-san is not that type of girl at all, you can imagine her happy face saying 'I just need to be by your side, no matter how many women you have' can only be said by a woman with no IQ Stupid words coming out?"


I hesitated to speak.

"Ah——! But Heren Sang, don't compare me with this kind of fictional character. I have my own thoughts and my own principles of doing things.

If Kazuto-san is purely a person who takes pleasure in playing with women's feelings or body, I naturally wouldn't even look at you, but Kazuto-san really loves me, right? Similarly, to neru-san, to plant mulberry, Do you really love them too? "

"of course."

"So, it is precisely because I have experienced the pain of being abandoned by the one I love, and after experiencing such bitterness, I made the choice.

With the value of clear water and sand, I made a choice.

Rather than being an unloved loser, I want to be a deeply loved mistress.

That's all. "

(End of this chapter)

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