After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 806 800. I'm just a girl I like, a little more than the average person.

Chapter 806 800. I'm just a girl I like, a little more than the average person.

One weekend in October, I had a date with Miss Hidaka.

Well... It's a date, but naturally there is no holding hands, no hugs, and no heart-pounding links.

The most intimate contact with each other, I washed the handkerchief she had borrowed from me before, and she took it back into the satchel, that's all.

It's not so much a date, it's better to say it's just a different place for coffee.

Sitting on a bench in the park, I held a can of coffee and sighed deeply.

If I had known this, I might as well be at ease chatting in a cafe.

"Totsuka-kun, you don't seem very happy to come out with me."

"Isn't it because you keep going to some stores that only women can enter, and I can only wait outside?
Can you imagine what it's like to be approached non-stop by girls who look like junior high school hotties? "

It was true that she was approached, but the voice sounded like a high school student. It was an insignificant lie to say that she was a junior high school hot girl just to arouse her interest.

No, maybe it's not even a lie, it's just a joke.

"Who told you to tell the truth?"

"Don't girls want to hear the truth?"

"That's true, but at best it's a glorified truth,"

"Is it still true after beautification?"

"That depends."

"What if I'm honestly a high school student and I'm a junior high school hottie after being prettified?"

Miss Rigao was silent for a while, then suddenly said in a tone full of disgust: "Is there something wrong with your head?"

Before I could answer, she paused for a while, then she lowered her head guiltily: "Sorry, I didn't mean to."

"Don't apologize so seriously! I'm not sick in the head, no... Although it is true, it's not really sick."

Ah~~ What am I talking about?

Sure enough, Miss Hidaka laughed lightly.

"Totsuka-san, you are too bad at talking to people."

"You're not the first to say that."

Today I just followed her all day long, and I couldn't even carry my bag. Miss Rigao seemed to have gained a lot. She went to a beauty salon to have her face done, her hairstyle changed, and she was carrying a very high-end clothing gift bag.

Rather than dating, I actually spend more time alone.

Well... Although I didn't have any expectations, and now I don't expect Miss Hidaka to change my mind, but I still instinctively repel being hated. If possible, I try to avoid it.

"I've been observing Totsuka-kun today."


Observe me?
What can I observe?
"I thought that someone like Totsuka-kun would accuse me angrily or just walk away when he suddenly realized that the so-called date was not what he was expecting. To be honest, I was actually looking forward to that kind of scene. Yes, then I don't have to continue to be pestered by you.

As a result, Totsuka-kun was not only not angry, but also followed me honestly. You don't really want to pursue me, do you? "

Ah~~ah, I seem to understand what this is all about, there are indeed similar plots in light novels and animation works.

It's not out of liking, but out of wanting to prove something, making a contract with the protagonist, playing with his innocence, laughing mockingly when he gets the desired result, and insulting his personality in anger if he is dissatisfied.

Of course, I know very well that Miss Hidaka is not that kind of person. Since I am a guy with a criminal record, I should be so cautious.

Even so, I can still feel the loss and sadness in my heart.

It's not because of Miss Hidaka's behavior, it's just sad for her own behavior and consciousness.

Although I am cheating, depressed, and playful, so far I have only shot at girls I like.

I just like girls, a little more than the average person.

"Isn't Totsuka-kun a scumbag who treats girls like objects? Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to do things like stepping on two boats."

"It's a stereotype."

"You're right to say that."

This girl seems to have a terrible misunderstanding of me.

I suddenly didn't know what to say. From her point of view, no matter what I said or did, the premise of all my actions was based on the premise that I was a scumbag who would not give my heart.

I don't deny that half of this sentence is true, but even if I am like this, when facing the girl I like, I also show my corresponding sincerity.

I realized that there are many things that cannot be communicated without words.

Three years ago, I divorced her because I didn't express our feelings to each other.

Two years ago, I kept escaping blindly and didn't have the courage to communicate with her directly, so I broke up with her.

A year ago, I carefully cared for this hard-won love. Because of my weakness and immaturity, I spent countless bone-chilling nights.

There are many, many scenes, too many for me to describe. When have I ever really opened my heart to others and told what?

Yes, in that two years ago, my night with her.

Only in front of that person...

That was the only night in my life that was pure to almost transparent, the most sincere, and the most self-contained.

"First of all, I am indeed a scumbag."

"I admire Miss Rigao very much, and I envy Miss Rigao very much. I don't have the social skills like Miss Rigao. I am not good at expressing. I think socializing is a troublesome thing. I am not good at dealing with people who don't want to talk to them. I know how to deal with it, so I always shrink in the corner and want to be a transparent person."

"Ms. Sakura, Ms. Minase, they were like this at first, I didn't want to talk to them, I didn't want to have anything to do with them, and it was hard to imagine that they would like me, just like I couldn't imagine why Miss Hidaka Would agree to date me as well."

I did not choose to lie here.

Lying is certainly useful, but this thing is actually the same as cutting meat. If you tell too many lies, the blade will become blunt.

My truth is a whetstone, as if the point of existence is to sharpen my lies.

When I realized this, my heart was very complicated.

This is a fact, and the fact cannot be avoided, so it is not pain, but an inexplicable feeling.

"I always thought that Totsuka-kun was joking, saying that he liked me was just a joke."

I can't see her expression, just like I can't see the October wind, they are equally soft, equally fascinating, and untouchable.

"I like it. Miss Hidaka is such an excellent girl, who can not like it."

"What about ayaneru? Where's Qi-chan?"

"Hmm... Do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

"I don't believe what Totsuka-kun said is true or false, it's up to me to judge whether it's true or not."

I gently lowered my eyelids, and for some reason, I lightly raised the corners of my mouth, sighing in my heart how awe-inspiring and powerful this girl is, so I couldn't help murmuring softly.

"...As expected, Ms. Hidaka is really a formidable person."

 I'm sad for anyone who hasn't played Balance of Gods yet.

(End of this chapter)

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