After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 816 810. The distance between the earth and the sun.

Chapter 816 810. The distance between the earth and the sun.

During this period of time, Kazuto Mogami has maintained high-intensity dealings with various female voice actors. Regarding the marriage between Kazuto Mogami and Ayane Sakura, the two parties agreed to discuss with each other's parents in the first half of next year.

The biggest advantage is that Ayane Sakura no longer has to come to Mogami and others in a sneaky way, and can openly convey the words "go to his house tonight" to her parents.

As for Taneda Risa, although they haven't been dating for a long time, almost every two or three days, Mogami Kazuto will go out to eat with her, and it feels more like an "ordinary couple".

Thanks to her work, Taneda Risa is also very concerned about being followed or being recognized by passers-by, so she always wears a mask when dating. So far, everything has been going smoothly, and she has not escaped Mogami Kazuto's control.

But deep down in his heart, Mogami Kazuto knew very well that no matter how reluctant he was, he couldn't make a promise about the future to Taneda Risa.

Perhaps one day in the future, Taneda Risa will gradually feel that Kazuto Mogami is a boring guy and propose to break up.

However, on a deeper level, no matter what Nanda Risa will become in the future, Mogami Kazuto will never be able to live happily with her.

If time passed, he could successfully hide them, but three years later, five years later, or even longer, they couldn't help but touch on the topic of marriage.

But marriage is something that Kazuto Mogami can only give to one person, there is nothing he can do about it.

Compared with Ayane Sakura and Risa Taneda, Kazuto Mogami is actually more concerned about clear water and sand in his heart.

It's not that he loves Qingshui Yousha more than those two, but the way he looks at Qingshui Yousha has changed from before.

Kazuto Mogami has long noticed that Shimizu Yousha's distorted love for herself, and Kazuto Mogami's love for them is also distorted to the same extent.

The intricate threads were tangled together, and he couldn't tell the reason early on, and he couldn't find the thread that could reach the perfect ending in this thread ball.

Thinking about it carefully, the perfect ending he hoped for probably does not exist in the world.

Kazuto Mogami didn't know how long this kind of life could last, he just lived in a daze, hurting those girls like walking dead.

The distant Qianxia passed away quietly, and the dark blue night climbed to the sky, dyeing the sky black.

Kazuto Mogami looked at the girl beside him, and suddenly felt an urge to hold her hand in his.



The girl's voice pierced into his ears, and Mogami Kazuto recovered from his trance.

"I managed to finish work early today, thinking that you always send me home lately, I'm embarrassed, so I want to treat you to dinner.

Why have you been distracted since just now?You don't like going out with me that much? "

Hidaka Rina put her hands on her hips and stared at Mogami Kazuto with some displeasure.

"Feel sorry……"

Mogami Kazuto obediently lowered his head.

"So what were you thinking just now? Which female voice actor is it?"

"No, I was just thinking if I hold Miss Rigao's hand, will I be hit by you."


Kazuto Mogami chose to tell the truth, and Ms. Hidaka fell silent. After giving him a blank look, she left Kazuto Mogami and walked forward without saying a word.

You see, things really didn't go so well.



Walking into the cubicle of a Japanese restaurant, Mogami Kazuto and Hidaka Rina sat down face to face. Hidaka Rina seemed to be angry because of Mogami Kazuto's answer just now, so he didn't take the initiative to talk to him.

"That, Hidaka-san...?" Mogami Kazuto tentatively called her name many times in a row, perhaps because she was a little annoyed by being called, and she showed a kind smile.

"Excuse me, what's the matter? Frivolous Totsuka-san."

"Miss Hidaka who suddenly uses honorifics is really scary. If the distance between my heart and Miss Hidaka becomes further because of this kind of thing, I can't do it."

"Pfft... actually talking about the distance between hearts."

"Perhaps it's just my feeling that the distance between me and Miss Rigao might be as far away as the sun and the earth. It's always rotating and can't be shortened at all."

Hidaka Rina couldn't help laughing immediately, her cold face loosened, and her dark eyes twinkled like stars in the Hakone night sky.

With her elbow resting on the table and one hand resting on her chin, Hidaka Rina looked at Kazuto Mogami with a smile.

"Then... Totsuka-kun needs to work harder, and strive to shorten the distance from Venus to the sun as soon as possible."

"So I am the earth?"

Hidaka Rina smiled happily: "Because I am Hidaka, and I don't want to hang around Totsuka-kun."

"...Well, indeed."

From that day on, Kazuto Mogami took the initiative to send Miss Hidaka home every day. At first, Miss Hidaka naturally refused.

But since one time when she walked alone at night, she always felt that someone was following her behind her. Miss Hidaka, who was still a weak girl after all, finally agreed to Kazuto Mogami's proposal.

Since the off-duty time of voice actors is not fixed, it is a bit cumbersome to implement, but Mogami Kazuto is in a state of vagrants during this time, as long as he handles other girls' affairs well in other time periods, it is not a troublesome thing for him .

Ms. Hidaka originally thought that Mogami Kazuto would use this to make some excessive demands, but unexpectedly, Mogami Kazuto would simply leave every time he sent her to the door of the apartment. She had originally thought about how to refuse him The rhetoric of going upstairs to sit and sit was all in vain.

Occasionally, she would also wonder whether this man really likes her. Although he often said something that dissatisfied her, he never acted out of line. At least in this regard, it can be seen that Mogami Kazuhito respects her The idea of ​​will.

This is actually not much different from the Totsuka Kazuya she knew.

And after getting along with him for this period of time, she has almost figured out what kind of guy Mogami Kazuto is. Although he lies a lot, he also has some stubbornness and unwillingness to tell lies.

Obviously, it can be solved by saying "I only like Miss Hidaka now, and I will never be tempted by other girls", but he always says that he still has nostalgia for his ex-girlfriends.

It's a strange thing indeed.

But if Kazuto Mogami really said that to her, Ms. Hidaka would not believe it. Instead, she would think that Kazuto Mogami is a cruel man, and she might cut off contact with him directly.

That's why it is said that girls are complicated animals, and Miss Hidaka herself does not deny this.

With this kind of contradictory psychology, she tried to see something in him that could make her completely loathe and hate the man in front of her.

Unfortunately, so far, she has not found it.

 It seems that this year will not be finished, and there are still a lot of plots to be written, so try to finish it before February next year.

(End of this chapter)

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