After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 821 815. So, he walked into her house.

Chapter 821 815. So, he walked into her house.

"Totsuka-kun, I forgot my key, can you give me your key?"

Hidaka Lina ran towards Mogami Kazuto in a hurry, saying something that made Mogami Kazuto puzzled.

Coming to Mogami Kazuto, Hidaka Rina reached out and pinched Mogami Kazuto's sleeve very naturally, and winked at him.

However, Kazuto Mogami couldn't see her expression at all, and when she realized this, she began to pinch the flesh of Kazuto Mogami's arm vigorously.

While suffering the pain, Mogami Kazuto immediately recalled it, and pretending to take out the door key of his house from his pocket, and put it in Hidaka Lina's palm.

This action helplessly made Mogami Kazuto touch Miss Hidaka's soft hand, which was smaller and more delicate than he imagined.

Hidaka Rina raised a sweet smile full of acting skills, until the man standing in front of the two tremblingly said Hidaka Rina's name, Miss Hidaka showed a look of surprise, and spoke to him very politely. They greeted each other and exchanged a few words of "what a coincidence", "have you eaten", "goodbye you".

After finishing speaking, he took Mogami Kazuto's hand, turned around and walked towards the apartment, with an aura of "my boyfriend and I are going home".

Mogami Kazuto was a little uneasy by the girl's sudden operation, probably guessing that he was being used as a shield or something. He was not dissatisfied, but he was a little worried that the guy behind him would act impulsively on the street.

After all, in this country where even the prime minister can be shot in the street, it seems reasonable for Kazuto Mogami to be chased by a lovelorn stalker with a knife.

Fortunately, the situation that Mogami Kazuto imagined did not happen, it was unexpectedly calm, but Mogami Kazuto felt that calmness was the most frightening, but he couldn't think about the matter of the person behind him now, he had already walked into the place with Hidaka Lina apartment.

Is it possible that today?
After working hard for so long, finally ushered in the day to taste the results?
It turns out that Mogami Kazuto was overthinking.

When the two entered the elevator, Hidaka Rina took off her disguise, sighed undisguisedly, and couldn't help holding her forehead with her right hand.

"It's amazing."

Kazuto Mogami said this out of the blue.

"Huh?" Hidaka Rina glanced at him.

"It always feels like I have acted in an idol drama, and this is the first time that I have been used as a shield."

"Um... about this, I'm really sorry."

Hidaka Rina suddenly lowered her head, and it was not difficult to hear her apology from her tone.

Even if Mogami Kazuto was pursuing her, and was suddenly accosted by a strange man on the road, and was used as a shield by herself, she would not take it anyway.

"It's okay, I didn't take it to heart, it's better to say that I am very happy to help Miss Hidaka."

Miss Rigao didn't answer, she was full of thoughts.

"However, I was a little surprised. I thought Miss Hidaka would reject this method."


"Well... how should I put it, Miss Hidaka is a very serious person, I thought you would use a more sincere solution."

"You don't need that kind of sincerity with a stalker."

Mogami Kazuto laughed when he heard that, "It seems to make sense."

"Speaking of which, Totsuka-kun."


"Can you let go of my hand?"

"Oh, sorry."

Mogami Kazuto reluctantly let go of Hidaka Rina's left hand. He really wanted to know what kind of expression Miss Hidaka had at this time, but unfortunately he couldn't get what he wanted.

"Totsuka-kun doesn't need to apologize, after all, it's my fault."

"Indeed." Kazuto Mogami nodded.


"Ah, no, it's all about that guy's fault, and it has nothing to do with Miss Hidaka."

Although he couldn't see the girl's expression, Mogami Kazuto instinctively sensed the change in Miss Hidaka's aura, so he immediately changed his words.

After sighing lightly, Hidaka Rina bowed very solemnly to Mogami Kazuto.

"All in all, I caused Totsuka-kun a lot of trouble this time. I didn't expect him to pester you so directly. I'm really sorry."

"Eh... it's not a big trouble, right? Miss Rigao helped me out, didn't I? I never expected Miss Rigao to appear suddenly."


Ms. Hidaka had the nerve to say that she had been staring at Kazuto Mogami's leaving back, and when she saw him being stopped, her heart almost stopped.

Just as she was about to continue to say something, the elevator reached the floor of her house, and Mogami Kazuto chuckled:
"I accidentally found out which floor Miss Rigao lives in, but don't worry, I'm leaving now, at least I won't know which room you live in."

"I pressed the floor blindly."


The expression on Mogami Kazuto's face froze instantly.

Hidaka Rina stared at his face and laughed out loud.

"I'm just kidding, I wouldn't do such oblique things."

Mogami Kazuto was a little ashamed, he really didn't know which of the girl's words was the truth.

"Anyway, I'll take my leave first, Miss Hidaka, go to bed early."

However, after Kazuto Mogami made such a noise, Miss Hidaka had no intention of moving at all.

The elevator doors closed slowly, Hidaka Rina pressed the button to keep the elevator doors open.

"Then what, Totsuka-kun, if you have nothing to do in the future, would you like... come to my house?"


Eh? !Really today?

Sorry, not today.

I also made an appointment with Yousha, so I must go see her, even if I am a scumbag, I must do what I promised girls.

"I think that person might still be down below. If Totsuka-kun goes back immediately, I'm worried that he will be found out." refers to this, hey~~
Although this is only logical, Mogami Kazuto did feel a little disappointed in his heart.

"Although I can't keep Totsuka-kun to sit down, let's at least have a cup of tea before leaving, um... about 10 minutes?"

If you want to express a sense of reality, Kazuto Mogami thinks it would be more realistic to leave after two hours, but that sounds like a pornographic accent, so Kazuto Mogami chooses to shut up.

"Is it really okay? Let someone like me enter Miss Hidaka's house."

"Anyway, you already know where you live, or is it that Totsuka-kun will do something more outrageous than stalking girls?"

"Of course not."

"That's all right."

Miss Hidaka walked out of the elevator with a smile, Mogami Kazuto hesitated for a while, then walked slowly forward.

Entering Miss Hidaka's home, the inside is as tidy as he imagined. From the cleanliness of the room, it can be seen that Ridaka Rina is a strict self-disciplined person in life.

Hidaka Lina invited Mogami Kazuto to sit down in the living room while she went to make tea.

Sitting on the sofa, Kazuto Mogami didn't act rudely by casually looking at the girl's room, and quietly gave Shimizu a message that he would be late because he had a sofa.

(End of this chapter)

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