Chapter 834 828. They in the snowy night.

★Clear water with sand perspective★
Neru-san looked very painful, which was as it should be. It was not the first time she tasted the feeling of being betrayed by her lover and friend.

It must not be such a good feeling.

You're such an idiot, Neru-san, you've already been betrayed before, why don't you behave yourself.

She chooses to believe in others again and again, and naively wants to restore the old relationship with us, when will she understand.

Between women who like the same man, if they want to gain friendship, they can only wear masks and play friendship games.

I put on a mask, and Saori put on a mask.

Only you, only neru-san, you are still the same as before.

That's why you occupy the most important position in his heart.

It's really enviable.

She looked like she wanted to question me, about my relationship with him, about whether it was true or not.

For Neru-san, it takes a lot of courage just to ask such a question.

Because she cherishes me very much.

So I……

After gathering her courage, she shattered it in one breath and mercilessly.

"It's all true."

"I have been his mistress for a year."

What a disgusting woman.




★Sakura Ayane's perspective★
I forgot what I experienced at this time, I just felt that the blood in my whole body was coagulated, the cells no longer divided, and the heart no longer beat, as if it was a processing machine in a food factory with a power outage, half of the production was forced to stop, Caught in an endless wait.

I racked my brains, trying to say some rebuttal words.

It's ridiculous, after hearing her candid answer, my first thought was to refute her.

I do not believe.

I don't believe that Kinosuke is that kind of girl, and I don't believe that the man I love will betray me so cruelly.

"Qi... Qizhisuke, what are you talking about, Qizhisuke is impossible to do..."


I couldn't help trembling a little, her voice had such weight that it frightened me.

"Although I don't understand why Kazuto-san has to confess to Neru-san, now that I've reached this point, it doesn't make any sense for me to continue to hide and deceive Neru-san."


"I love Kazuto-san deeply, I love him as deeply as Neru-san, for Heren-san, I can do anything, I can betray you for him, I can become his mistress, I can treat you without asking for anything in return. by his side.

Even if it's only occasionally, even if it's just a spare tire, I want to be kissed and touched by him like Neru-san, and feel his embrace on a cold winter night.

Neru-san should be able to understand my feelings... I just, just want to be by his side. "

I kept shaking my head, kept rejecting her speech, and kept blaming her in my heart.

I don't approve, I don't approve, I don't approve.

I absolutely will not agree with such rhetoric, such mood, such practice.

"He Renjun...but my lover!"

"But he chose to cheat, didn't he?"


"He is not satisfied with the love Neru-san gave him, he wants more, more and more love."

Qi Zhizhu walked towards me slowly, stood on tiptoe, and whispered in my ear.

"It's all... Neru-san's fault."

The world I live in seems to be engulfed in darkness at this moment.

"If Neru-san could discover his anomaly early, if Neru-san was more wary of me, if Neru-san could give him more love, why would he come to me?"

nothing left.

nothing left……

The brain was blank, the function of the heart was stagnant, and even tears could not flow.

Just stuck on this land alone, as if lost connection with this world.

Should I cry?Can I cry?
In front of her, in front of this woman, I exposed my weakness and incompetence unreservedly, and cried all night to my heart's content, howling like a wild beast.

In the end, I still shed tears.

Not because of his betrayal, not because of her humiliation, even I can't explain what the reason is, I just feel that I am really angry, angry at my weakness, angry at my incompetence.

Thinking of this, the tears flowed more and more violently.

But she just stood in front of me silently, took out the handkerchief without moving, and handed it to me.

I slammed the handkerchief off. The pain in my left chest was so severe that I was suffocated at one point.


"Now, immediately...disappear from my eyes."

My voice sounds so hoarse, as if the vocal cords were cut off and rubbed hard on sandpaper.

She walked aside, knelt down to pick up the handkerchief, put it away again, and suddenly showed a mocking smile.

Are you mocking me, or are you mocking yourself?
I can't tell.

I have never thought that she would be such an eyesore, please disappear from my eyes, please...

"I hope you can show such courage when facing Zhong Sang."


"I won't go to the hospital tonight, I'll visit him tomorrow, good night, Neru-san."

She left lightly, leaving me standing alone in the snow with my head lowered in a daze.



★Clear water with sand perspective★
After parting from Neru-san, I walked towards the station while thinking about what happened today.

It's not that I didn't think there would be such a day, it's better to say that I was already prepared in my heart, I just didn't expect this day to come so hastily, without any warning.

Before today, He Rensang was not different. I don't believe he will suddenly repent now, he is not that kind of person.

No matter how much you can't figure it out, it's useless to rack your brains. I once thought that if the things between me and him were exposed, I would take the initiative to leave him and draw a clear line with him.

Looking back now, I couldn't do it at all, and there was no need for that.

No matter what kind of villain he becomes, no matter how many people cast aside him, I will be by his side. Even if I want him to become a puppet who can’t think, and bewitch him into a puppet without independent thinking, I will not let go open him.

As for neru-san...

(I like Kinosuke the most.)
(I want to marry Kinosuke in the future, hehehe...)
(We will always be friends.)
I shook my head slowly, put her voice out of my mind, and took a deep breath.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed that person's number after hesitation. Now, she is the only partner of Neru-san.

I haven't contacted that person for a long time, maybe she blocked me a long time ago.

However, about five seconds later, the call was connected, and a somewhat indifferent voice came from the opposite side.

After a little silence, I opened my mouth softly.

"Moses Moses, Saori..."

(End of this chapter)

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