After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 836 830. As long as everyone agrees to live together, everyone will be happy.

Chapter 836 830. As long as everyone agrees to live together, everyone will be happy.

Cai Yin's voice full of sorrow and anger still echoed in his ears, that voice sounded extremely helpless, almost suffocating in grief.

I really want to say something, I really want to do something, I want to reach out my hand to keep her, and I want her not to leave me.

Forget it, disgusting guy.

The panel icon in the upper right corner kept flashing, and I opened it numbly, watching the intimacy of Caiyin keep decreasing, constantly decreasing.

I was like a bystander who couldn't do anything, until her name, the skills she gave me, everything about her, everything, disappeared from the panel, as if it never existed.

The sadness that has nowhere to vent, keeps piling up in my body.

I'm sure I've lost her.



On the second day after I hadn't slept all night, I sat there like a log, looking at the snow flying outside the window, feeling empty inside.

Because of the injury, Ms. Dai asked me to rest and readjust my work schedule.

Looking at the snow flying all over the sky through the window, I have the mood where they are going to fly, and hope they can take me with them.

After a while, the door of the ward was pushed open.

"Heren-san, good morning."

I didn't look back at her, I was still looking out the window, carefully counting the number of snowflakes.

"I'm here to buy you breakfast, the hospital's breakfast should not suit Heren-sang's appetite, hehehe..."

She sat down on the edge of the bed very calmly, and I had to glance at her.

The single ponytail tied with a water-colored ribbon swayed slightly, with a fair and tender face, small lips, exquisite makeup, and an indescribable softness in the eyes, and I could see my face from the pupils.

After a long time, I saw her face clearly, never more clearly than now.

But my mood has no fluctuations at all, no joy or sadness, nothing.

"Yousha." I tried to call out her name.

"Huh? What's the matter, Kazuto-san."

She smiles like an angel, so cute and lovable, no wonder I like her so much.


"Ah! Are you worried about being seen? It's okay, I was very careful when I came here, and I didn't see Kazuto-san's other girlfriends."

I can't describe the strange feeling that makes me uncomfortable. How Yousha sees me and herself, her behavior is completely beyond my comprehension.

"There is sand..."



"Well...what do you mean?" She put on an innocent and blank expression.

"I... did something to apologize to Caiyin."

"Well, yes, but it's not Heren-sang. Have you forgotten Heren-sang? I'm also an accomplice."

She answered so simply, and even showed a sweet smile.

I certainly don't blame her for that, I have no such right at all.

"Won't Yousha feel sad?"

"If Kazuto-san means that the relationship between me and Neru-san is completely over, there is more or less, but as long as I can stay with Kazuto-san, it doesn't matter if the earth is destroyed."


"Ah! It may not be possible to completely destroy it, then Kazuto-san and I will have no place to live. It doesn't matter if we destroy half of it, hehehe..."

Her answer really made me feel ignorant, but I felt a little scared because of her words, but more of it was sad, helplessly sad.

"I made a mistake that a man should never make."

"It's okay, Heren-sang is so good, it's understandable for a little carelessness."

"I... hurt so many girls."

"It's useless to apologize and feel guilty now, isn't it? Continue to deceive, I will be Kazuto-san's partner, even if the girls now don't believe in Kazuto-san, it's fine to go find someone else up.

I know a lot of beautiful female voice actors, Kazuto Sangjo..."

...Why did Yousha do this? "

I couldn't help interrupting her by raising my voice, but when I thought about my position, I changed back to a soft tone.

There is nothing wrong with Yousha, all the problems are on me, if I hadn't hugged her that night and kept her, she wouldn't be what she is now.

Anyone can speak ill of her, except me.

"Hmm... because I like Kazuto, isn't that enough reason?"

This answer did not exceed my expectations, I know, I know how much the girl named Qingshui Yousha loves me.

Obviously, there is nothing in me worthy of her deep love.

She's still stuck in the memory.

Her time is still stuck in the period of three years ago, when she was with me, and has never turned.

I want to save her.

I, who can't save anyone, and who can't be saved by anyone, want to save her.

"Neru sang her, it seems that there is no way to accept it."

I noticed her gaze, and it fell on the ring that was set aside.

It's natural that I can't accept it, and no one can bear such a betrayal. Her interpersonal relationship has been shattered by me. Saori, Yousha, and Lisha, these are all people who were close to her.

All because of me, she can no longer go back to the past with them.

"Is Heren-sang blaming himself?"


When I met her eyes, her expression was surprisingly calm, like a cute little animal, looking at me ignorantly.

Immediately, she laughed happily.

"He Rensang's self-blame is totally worthless."


She was right, what she said was the truth, and I am acutely aware of that.

"Anyway, Kazuto-san has already ruined everyone, wiped it out, and became a female voice actor bulldozer.

It's too funny to suddenly wake up and repent now. "

Yousha held my hand and exerted force little by little, pinching my five fingers so painfully.

"He Rensang is destined to be a scumbag, destined to hurt us, but I don't resent He Rensang at all.

Really, not at all.

I think Neru-san and the others think so too, she is just still angry. "

"There's sand, it's not like that."

"No! That's it!"

She squeezed my palm again, with such strength that it almost made me cry out in pain.

"There is nothing wrong with Kazuto-san, it's all Neru-san's fault, as long as we agree to live together, everyone will be happy.

Why don't you understand, what a stupid woman. "

"Hey... Kazuto-san thinks so too, right?"


"Heren-sang, didn't we agree?"

"We're going to hell together."

Her beautiful eyes stared at me firmly, glowing with a light that made me shudder.

And the next moment, a charming smile appeared again.

"Don't... don't betray me."

(End of this chapter)

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