After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 839 833. Escape can only get one thing, and advancing chapters can get two things.

Chapter 839 833. Escape can only get one thing, and if you move forward, you can get two things.

Standing on the edge of the roof, Kazuto Mogami looked down at the ground dully, opened his hands slightly, felt the cold wind penetrating through his body, and closed his eyes silently.

Many things flashed through my mind, things so far, things from now on.

Perhaps death is a good choice, but in fact, the world will not stop turning because of his death.

The wounds left will not heal, and the sad will not stop grieving.

What Kazuto Mogami should really do is not to stop thinking about it.

To stop thinking means to escape, and he has escaped so far.

Kazuto Mogami once heard a saying in a certain animation that you can only get one thing if you escape, and you can get two things if you move forward.

Mogami Kazuto would not end his life like this.

No matter what others say, even if those girls say "why don't you die" in person, he is determined to live, and he still has things to do.

Even if you die, you have to wait until all the dust settles.

At that time, if he was asked to die in any way, he would be happy to accept it.

Just as he made up his mind, he exhaled a breath of white mist slowly, and was about to turn around when hurried footsteps came from his ears, and before he could react, a black shadow fell straight on him.

Before any thought of shock or fear could arise in his mind, Kazuto Mogami was hugged by the figure and rolled around on the roof ground several times before he could see the man's face clearly.

The left cheek was slapped hard.

Kazuto Mogami looked at the woman riding him in bewilderment, before he could say anything.

Another slap.

Mogami Kazuto was completely awake.

There was a burning pain on his cheek, and he saw clearly who was riding on him, and the anger that had just risen in his heart was completely extinguished by her tears.

Xiao Nishi Saori grabbed his collar and roared heart-piercingly against the cold wind. Tears overflowed from the corners of his eyes, dripping onto Kazuto Mogami one after another.

"What are you doing stupidly! You coward!!"

Mogami Kazuto silently looked at Xiao Nishi Saori in front of him, not understanding why she appeared here, not understanding her roar, not understanding her tears.

It's just simple, inexplicably feeling a little relieved to be able to see her face again.

He originally thought that he would never see this face again.

"You bastard, after doing this kind of thing, you don't want to just run away like this! I won't allow it!

Did you hear me and people!

Treat me like a man and face them well!

Running away like a coward, wanting to die or something, don't even think about it!Otherwise... I will never forgive you! "

"... Saori."

"Kuwuwu... Did you hear that... Ai... Ai... Kazuhito..."

"You absolutely, can't die..."

Mogami Kazuto looked at her speechlessly, the face distorted by tears was showing an expression of extreme pain at this moment.

Looking down, Kazuto Mogami saw the back of her hand oozing blood, the long red thread flowing down irregularly, like flying ink jumping into a sink, gradually staining her sleeves red.

Apart from her arms, there were still a few places on her body that were dirty from the fall on the ground just now, but Mogami Kazuto was not injured.

"Sa, Saori, your hand..."

"I! . . have not forgiven Kazumi."


"What Heren did to them, I will never forgive in my life."

Seeing her crying, Mogami Kazuto slowly calmed down, his heart was tangled up, he didn't know what expression he should use to face her.

He never thought that Xiao Xi Sazhi's tears would make him feel so uncomfortable.

"You have to live! Live in their resentment, live in your own guilt, and suffer forever!

I want to end alone and get relief alone.

Kazuto, you are really, too cunning..."

Hot tears fell on Mogami Kazuto's cheeks, and slowly slid to the sides. Mogami Kazuto stared blankly at the tears-soaked eyes of his ex-wife, feeling an indescribably parched mouth.

She misunderstood.

I have no intention of thinking about it, at least not now, and Mogami Kazuto will not escape until this matter is dealt with.

There was still pain in his cheeks, and Xiaonishi Saori's two slaps could be said to have exhausted all his strength, perhaps officially, Kazuto Mogami felt unprecedented clarity.

Clear enough to see the trajectory of each of her teardrops.

Come to think of it, the tears fell for him.

For such him.

He felt that he should say something at this time.

Even though his words had long lost their credibility and had become synonymous with lies, Kazuto Mogami still felt he had to say something.

Ordinary people without telepathy can only convey their thoughts with weak words. Words that cannot be understood without speaking, even if spoken, may not be understood.

Even so, people can only live by communication.

Her long, hanging hair was provoking Mogami Kazuto's cheeks and neck back and forth, and Mogami Kazuto showed a weak smile.

"it does not matter."

"I won't die."

Ahh... not yet.



He took Xiaonishi Saori to the doctor for treatment. Fortunately, it was just some abrasions. After disinfection, a simple bandage was done. At the same time, Kazuto Mogami also changed the dressing on the wound on his forehead and left the hospital together.

Walking side by side on the road, both of them were expressionless, Mogami Kazuto pointed to the family restaurant in the distance.

"I'm a little hungry. If it's a compliment, can we have a meal together, and listen to my whining by the way."

Xiao Nishi Saori nodded silently.

Arriving at the family restaurant, after ordering, Kazuto Mogami lightly sipped lemonade with ice cubes, while Saori Nishi, who was sitting across from him, just looked at the table and didn't cast his eyes on him.

Kazuto Mogami didn't hold back, and when the matter came to this point, the words that were difficult to say before were like opening the dam of the sluice, and he said them very easily.

He first explained that he had no intention of committing suicide, and it was very simple to prove this.

It's ridiculously simple.

"Because the roof of the hospital is surrounded by barbed wire, I can't dance even if I want to."

After being told by Kazuto Mogami, Xiao Nishi Saori was stunned for 30 seconds. It was only now that she wanted to understand such a simple matter.

At that time, he was completely attracted by Kazuto Mogami's lifeless appearance, thinking of his withdrawn character and his identity that did not belong to this world, Xiao Nishi Saori subconsciously thought that he was going to do something stupid.

When she realized this, she was neither angry nor ashamed of her actions.

Just from the bottom of my heart, I breathed a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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