After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 846 840. The heart that cannot be conveyed.

Chapter 846 840. The heart that cannot be conveyed.

Standing on the empty platform, the wanton cold wind made the couple not far away sweetly stick together. The vending machine that just spit out a can of hot coffee heard the sound of mechanical parts working inside.

Kazuto Mogami stood silently inside the yellow line, staring at the stretches of tram tracks, fascinated.

The sky does not know when it will rise and fall with gentle white snow, floating down one after another.

The lights of the tram in the distance came, and with the screeching sound of brakes, the tram slowly stopped on the platform, and when you got on the tram, you felt a slight sense of shaking.

Raising his hand and waving lightly, a girl's name disappeared from the light blue transparent panel again.

Do you like them?
If it was the original Mogami Kazuto, he could justly say that "a person should only love one person in his life".

But now he can't do it anymore, after such a sad baptism, he can't convince himself that he doesn't have any affection for those girls.

Love is real, and so is hurt.

Fire can burn everything, making people miserable, and it can also illuminate darkness, giving people light and hope.

However hot the fire may be, however vital it may be, it has no equal to the accumulation of emotion in a man's lonely heart.

Kazuto Mogami felt that his time was getting closer.

In other words, he was one step closer to the time he set.

Going back to Yuedao alone, walking under the moonlight, the elongated shadow walked on the wall, and the white mist that was exhaled slowly lifted into the sky and disappeared.

And when Kazuto Mogami came to the door of the house, he found the girl squatting at the door.

Before Kazuto Mogami made a sound, she sensed Kazuto Mogami's approach, stood up cheerfully, and jumped up and down in front of Kazuto Mogami.

Mogami Kazuto subconsciously took a step back.

"Kazuto-san! Good evening!"

"...There is sand."

The girl in front of her was exactly the clear water and the sand. She was wearing a pure white woolen coat and a light-colored plaid scarf. She raised her head and her eyes were full of love.

Only her.

Only the clear water in front of him has sand, which is the most disturbing existence for him.

Kazuto Mogami has already decided his end in his heart. This is a road that cannot bring anyone, and he must walk on it by himself.

He must leave the clear water and sand behind in this colorful world, and accept his due ending alone.

"Hey...Neru-san is probably not at home, I brought a change of clothes~"

Shimizu Yousha smiled, lifted the paper bag in his hand, and waved it in front of Mogami Kazuto's eyes.

This is the declaration that I will stay here tonight.

Mogami Kazuto suddenly didn't know what to say, he didn't want to get along with Qingshui Yousha in that deformed way anymore, but facing Qingshui Yousha who had been dragged into the abyss by him, how on earth would he drag her from there come out?

Kazuto Mogami couldn't find an answer.

"You Sha, do you want to stay tonight?"

"Hmm~~" Qing Shui Yousha shook his head.


"Until Neru-san and Neru-san reconcile, I will come to spend the night with you every day."


"Kazuto-san will feel very uncomfortable if he doesn't sleep with a girl, so I took the initiative to come to the door, hehe..."

"It's okay, I'll talk to Neru-san about it, just say that I seduced you on my own initiative, anyway, Neru-san is an idiot, and he will be able to fool you soon.

At that time, let's keep it hidden from her and continue to do the rustling thing, Herensang! "

Stop saying such sad things.

The more she showed her indifference, the more guilty and sad Mogami Kazuto felt, but he had no means to stop it, the deep sense of powerlessness eroded his whole body, and he wanted to kneel down and cry, Beg her to return to the clear water with sand in it.

But even if he did that kind of thing, the girl in front of him would never go back.

Not only is the clear water full of sand, Mogami Kazuto can't go back either.

There are redeemable and irreversible things in the world, and the passage of time is an irreversible thing.

Once again, Mogami Kazuto understood this sentence deeply.

But if he rejects her here and lets her leave alone, Kazuto Mogami can hardly imagine whether his mental state of Qingshuiyousha will be on the verge of collapse.

He didn't dare to gamble.

In the face of any other girl, he has never been as helpless as he is in the face of clear water and sand.

Those girls at least possessed the right senses, would sneer at what Mogami Kazuto did, would be disgusted, and would be angry.

But there is sand in the clear water, as long as she can stay beside Mogami and Ren, she can ignore everything and ignore everything.

In the end, Kazuto Mogami let her in.

She was jumping for joy, dancing with her hands and feet, and said inexplicable words like "the whole house smells of neru-san" happily.

Mogami Kazuto just followed behind her, silently thinking about how to talk to her.

"That... has sand."

"Ah! Kazuto-san, can I take a shower first?"

The girl in front of her clasped her hands together, smiling sweetly at Mogami Kazuto.

"I was too busy today. I sweated a lot. I came home straight after I got my clothes."

Kazuto Mogami couldn't cope with that smile, and subconsciously turned his eyes away: "Uh...ang."

"Hee hee, I brought a very powerful nightdress today, Kazuto-san can look forward to it!"


"Then I'm going to fill up the bath water first, and Kazuto-sang should prepare quickly."

Mogami Kazuto was taken aback: "Me?"

"That's right, usually the two of you wash together."


Kazuto Mogami was about to say something when Shimizu and Sa put down the paper bag containing a change of clothes, and immediately went into the bathroom.

Kazuto Mogami stood alone in the living room, looking at the room that was the love nest of himself and Ayane Sakura not long ago, squatting down in pain.

Will he compromise?
Out of guilt for Qingshui Yousha, he took the initiative to become that Mogami Kazuto who was deeply trapped in the cage of lust.

If he could do that kind of thing, he wouldn't be so troubled like now, but he didn't want to give Qing Shui Yousha any more "memories of rejection".

The ending of a person like me is good no matter what, but at least yousha must be freed from this damn cage.

And the one who restrained her was Mogami Kazuto himself.

While Mogami Kazuto was in a daze, someone suddenly hugged him from behind.

Qingshui Yousha leaned over behind him, pressed his face against his back, and sprayed hot breath on Mo Shangheren's ears.

"It's okay, Kazuren-san, there will be a solution."

"Karen-san likes Neru-san so much, Neru-san must not be willing to leave you."

Not at all.

It wasn't that kind of thing that made Kazuto Mogami feel pain.

How he wished that Qingshui Yousha could understand this feeling, even if he didn't empathize with him, it didn't matter.

Just make her understand.

He already, doesn't want to do this kind of thing anymore.

Sure enough... can't convey it.

(End of this chapter)

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