Chapter 849 843. The end of the story.

Sakura Ayane left.

Leave the keys to this home.

Kazuto Mogami should have been sad, but he didn't have the time.

He wanted to finish all the things he had to deal with as soon as possible while he still had the courage.

He was afraid that after this stage, he would forget and lose his current mood.

In the following days, Kazuto Mogami devoted himself to his work while dealing with clear water and sand.

In terms of voice actor work, he no longer participates in sound auditions, and he does not have his own one-man broadcast. The daily workload is reduced, and he has more time to write novels.

In more than a month, I finished writing the follow-up five volumes on the computer, until the end of the content, set a timed sending, and it will be automatically sent to the email of the responsible editor when the time comes.

In addition, during this period of time, he returned to his parents' house more frequently than usual.

He failed to convey the news of his breakup with Ayane Sakura to his parents. When his mother asked him expectantly when she would let Miss Sakura come to play again, he just smiled forcefully.

"Next time."

Obviously... there is no "next time" at all.

He is going to do a very selfish thing, the most selfish and cowardly thing in the world.

Even if he knew in his heart that the crimes he committed would not be washed away, he still had to do it.

The only thing that worried him was the girl named Qingshui Yousha.

Kazuto Mogami has tried any means of persuading her, but she is still unmoved, it doesn't matter if she doesn't hug, it doesn't matter if she doesn't kiss, it doesn't matter if she doesn't make love.

She has only one wish from beginning to end.

Be by Mogami Kazuto's side.

That's it.

As for the matter of clear water and sand, the only person Mogami Kazuto could ask for was that person.



In a coffee shop in Shibuya, Kazuto Mogami quietly watched Osamu Dazai's "No Place in the World". The warm sunlight shone in through the window, sprinkled on the pages of the book, and even the back of his hand was warmed.

During this period, a young girl came to strike up a conversation, and Mogami Kazuto responded with a gentle and handsome smile.

"Sorry, I'm waiting for someone."

The girl blushed and bowed in apology, and ran back to where her companions were sitting in small steps. They patted her shoulder lightly and comforted her softly.

Kazuto Mogami turned his attention to the book again.

【To survive is the seed of evil. My misfortune is that I am unable to reject the misfortune of others. Once I refuse, there will be a white crack in the heart of both the other party and myself. I am coerced by this feeling. I ask the heavens, is it a sin not to resist? ? 】

Feeling an incredible peace inside.


A young woman's gentle voice came from next to her ear, Mogami Kazuto looked up at her, closed the book, and smiled back.

"Good afternoon, Saori."

After sitting down, Kazuto Mogami didn't immediately talk about the clear water and sand, but first expressed his gratitude to Saori Xiaonishi for his willingness to attend the appointment today.

For some reason, Xiao Nishi Saori felt that Mogami Kazuto was particularly strange today, but he couldn't tell what was wrong, so he had to cater to his words and responded somewhat rigidly.

"Actually, I asked you out today because I wanted to talk to you about Yousha."

Konishi Saori's expression gradually became less relaxed, showing a lonely look, and dissatisfaction gradually appeared in Mogami Kazuto's eyes.

This is helpless, and Mogami Kazuto is the culprit who turned the clear water and sand into this appearance.

Even though there were 1 people in her heart who were unwilling to admit it, Xiao Xi Saori sighed softly, with a bitter face on her face: "I'm done, I can't convince her anymore."

"Yousha, she... has almost reached the point where there is no cure. I never imagined that she would love you so deeply."

"No one is hopeless. Yousha knows what she wants in her heart better than any of us. Just from this alone, it can be concluded that her heart must be clear, and she knows exactly what kind of situation we are in. .”

"So you plan to keep her bound? I've heard that you even used her as a pawn to pursue Miss Hidaka.

Heren, you are really, really too good..."

Kazuto Mogami lowered his bitter face, and said "Hmm" weakly.

"Using girls' feelings for you to deceive other girls, I really didn't expect you to do such a thing."

Ang... I couldn't think of it either.

Mogami Kazuto thought so in his heart.

Xiao Nishi Saori showed a sad expression, she really wanted to scold the man in front of her for this, instead of her friend, she poured hot coffee on his face.

Even if such behavior is meaningless, it can probably relieve a little bit of inner anger.

But she didn't do it, and she was so sad that she couldn't even bring up the idea of ​​doing it.

At that time, if she could take off her mask and talk to herself sincerely like today...

Mogami Kazuto smiled desolately, dispelling such a boring thought, which is equivalent to wanting to blame her on her.

Therefore, no.

And speaking those meaningless words now has no meaning except to increase sadness and regret.

Already, it's too late.

"I know that I have caused irreparable harm to them, even if I confess everything, the evil that exists in me will not disappear.

But at least... I want Yousha to lead a normal life. "

"What's the use of talking about it now, I just want to ask you, what else do you want to do, what else can you do.

Do you want to hurt Yousha even more?
Everyone has suffered enough because of you, already, enough, right?
You were not like this before..."

"No, Saori, you are wrong."


"I have always been such a person, cowardly, timid, and irresponsible. When faced with anything that troubles me, my first thought is always to run away, and this time too..."

Taking a deep breath, Mogami Kazuto stared at the woman in front of him with extremely serious eyes.

"I know my request is capricious, but can I ask you to continue to stay by Yousha's side as a friend?"

"Yousha, she has nothing but me. For a man like me, she almost gave up everything. If no one is by her side, I..."

"You don't need to say, of course I will be by her side."

Xiao Nishi Saori in front of her, no matter how sad and uncomfortable she was, when she said this, her eyes revealed undoubted firmness, which was something Mogami Kazuto would never have.

He lacks the fortitude that ordinary people can't grasp.

Mogami Kazuto smiled wryly, and sighed from the bottom of his heart: "As expected, you are really amazing."

If he could, if he could be allowed, from the bottom of his heart, he wanted to try to understand her, understand the secrets in her heart, and understand why she rejected him at that time.

To get to know the name in front of him, the woman he fell in love with for the first time after he came to this world.

Reality is always cruel and merciless, and the reason why he feels this cruel reality is because he is a cruel person himself.

Then, there is no way to end up in this field.

"No matter what Kazuto will become or what he wants to do in the future, my thoughts will not change in any way.

Whether Caiyin or Yousha, they are my most important friends, and I swear to protect them.

I will never allow you to hurt them again, if you still don't give up on them, I...

I will never forgive you lightly. "

Kazuto Mogami thought, this should be the first time.

For the first time in so many years, he felt the heart from Xiao Nishi Saori.

If you leave it to her, it will be fine.

"Ang, that's fine, please.

And... thank you. "



[Tsukishima Station is here, Tsukishima Station is here, passengers arriving at the station...]

Walking out of the station, Mogami Kazuto took a big breath of the refreshing air, and then smiled at Nishi Saori beside him.

"Thank you for coming back with me."

"It's really inexplicable, why do I have to send you here?"

"Speaking of which, don't you still promise me? Anyway, thank you."

Xiao Nishi Saori shook her head, and looked at Mogami Kazuto solemnly: "I will always pay attention to Yousha and Caiyin, please don't provoke them."

"Ok, I know."

"That's it. I still have work later. See you later."

Mogami Kazuto didn't respond to her, Xiao Nishi Saori sighed softly, turned around and was about to leave.

"That... Saori!"

Mogami Kazuto couldn't help calling out her name, even he himself couldn't explain why he did this at this time.

Probably, it was fear.

Well, I must be afraid in my heart, yes, fear is a matter of course, no one will not be afraid.

"Huh? Is there anything else?"

Facing Xiaonishi Saori's calm face, Mogami Kazuto's voice seemed to be stuck in his throat. I don't know how much courage was spent, how long I struggled in my heart, but I couldn't say a word of convincing.

He smiled.

"No, nothing, be careful on the road."

Taking a deep look at Kazuto Mogami's smile, Saori Konishi stayed where she was for a while, stared for a long time, then turned around silently, and left without saying a word.

Looking at Xiao Nishi Saori's receding back, Mogami Kazuto suddenly chuckled, looked at the sky in relief, and exhaled the turbid breath that had been pent up in his heart for a long time.

Sarah... it's time to do the last thing.

On the way home, Kazuto Mogami walked very slowly, looking at the streets dyed red by the setting sun, it was the first time that Kazuto Mogami enjoyed the sunset of Tsukishima so comfortably, which reminded him of when he first came to this world.

At that time, I was also depressed, and I was immersed in Xiao Nishi Saori's lies all day long.

However, it doesn't matter now.

When Kazuto Mogami returned home, it was getting dark. He cleaned the house spotlessly, went back to the bedroom on the second floor, took the manuscript paper, and buried himself in writing.

When I stuffed the finished paper into the envelope and looked up out of the window, the moon had already hung in the sky at some point.

Tonight, above Moon Island, the stars are bright, as if all the stars in the universe came here specially to see him off.

Make him see God.

After a long absence, I opened the door of the piano practice room. The white cloth covered with musical instruments and equipment was covered with a thick layer of dust. It took a whole hour to clean the room.

In a daze, he saw the scene where he and Aimi Terajima played together.

Pick up the guitar, pluck the strings, the sound of the piano is full of confusion, echoing in the room for a long time.

After going downstairs, looking at the huge living room, it seemed as if I had returned to many years ago in an instant. At that time, I was still living with a pair of female voice actors disguised as Lily.

Immediately afterwards, he seemed to hear the sound of closing the door from the entrance, and the weary Sakura Ayane walked towards him step by step, complaining about the hard work and asking him to help rub her shoulders.

When they came to the guest room, Shimada Nobunaga and Ishikawa Sueto, who were drunk, were sleeping together, snoring one after another, which made people laugh.

It turned out that he had been in this world for such a long time, so long that he almost forgot his original self.

And those days should end today.

Walking into the kitchen, stroking the smooth cooking table with his fingers, recalling the little things between himself and Ayane Sakura.

I took something from the kitchen, then went to the bathroom, and filled the bathtub with bath water.

Kazuto Mogami couldn't describe what kind of mood he was feeling at this time. At the last moment of his life, he was still so restless, worrying about how to put his mood into words.

The sharp blade pierced the skin, causing bursts of stinging pain. Human skin seemed to be tougher than he had imagined, like a blunt saw that had broken a hole, pulling back and forth on the wrist, leaving behind countless, uneven Qi bloodstains.

Therefore, when he clearly felt that something in his body was cut off, he felt more relief than emotions like fear.

The arm hangs limply and soaks into the bathtub full of water. Looking at the scarlet blood beads overflowing from the wrist, the entire bathtub is stained red in an instant. Both the body temperature and consciousness continue to decline with the passage of time.

So cold.

It's really... so cold.

Is this the process of dying?

It's amazing... It's as if thinking has been accelerated, and the memories so far are emerging in my mind in an extremely wonderful way.

This made him gradually forget the pain in his wrist, and his body felt light, as if he could fly to the sky in the next moment.

It seems that the voices of those girls can be heard, one after another, chattering and making noise.

A little bit lonely.

I will never see their faces again, nor hear their voices.

Can they forget themselves?

If only I could forget.

Forget about a guy like herself completely, and pursue a brand new life, and find the happiness that really belongs to them in this colorful world that cannot tolerate him.

Five years ago, when he came to this world, he was silent.When I leave now, I can't take away any of the sadness of any of them.

In the end, he imagined the scene of living happily with them in his mind. It was like living in gold to experience the Requiem, a world he would never be able to reach.

Wrapped in illusory happiness, all the functions of the brain stay at the moment of living with the girls.

Consciousness was quietly blurred, and eyes were blurred looking at the ventilation window embedded above the wall, and the outside world was falling with pink cherry blossom petals.

"Already, it's spring."

He curled up the corners of his mouth weakly, greedily looking up at the last trace of sakura brought by this world.

In this way, Mogami and Ren are thorough.

Permanently, the heartbeat stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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