After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 860 854. It is easy to deceive others, but it is not easy to deceive yourself.

Chapter 860 854. It is easy to deceive others, but it is not easy to deceive yourself.

Once upon a time, Mogami Kazuto really rejected such a mood, he once thought it was absolutely unreasonable to like multiple girls.

Even now, Mogami Kazuto still cannot agree with such an idea.

Just because he doesn't agree doesn't mean he doesn't know it.

His mind is full of the images of those girls, and the moments spent with them. It is extremely difficult for Mogami Kazuto to forget all those memories like this.

He is an indecisive person, it would be fine if nothing happened to each other, but once there is a relationship, and let Mogami Kazuto pretend to have no feelings for those girls, he can't do it no matter what arrive.

It is easy to deceive others, but it is never easy to deceive yourself.

From a considerable point of view, it is not so rare to like plural girls.

Just like Sheng Dolphin likes many seiyuu, Guan Ren Chi will say to every person in the leather case that when they meet for the first time, they push to get married. People like beautiful things, and there are many beautiful things in this world. It is the kind of person who only loves one thing in his life, which is even more commendable.

But Mogami is different from other people. Not only did he fall in love with many girls in his heart, but he also put them into action. This is the most unforgivable thing.

There is a big difference between delusion and obscenity in the mind and actual crime. The simplest example is that the voice dolphin posts many pictures of seiyuu in the group and will only be scolded DD, but if Kazuto Mogami says he likes them in front of them All of them, it just makes them sick.

However, Kazuto Mogami chose to tell the truth when faced with Shimizu and Yousha's questioning.

Now that things are up to now, it doesn't make any sense for Mogami Kazuto to lie to himself again, it's almost time to admit that he is a sentimental guy.

Facing one's own desires faithfully and talking to one's true self, Kazuto Mogami is so greedy, wanting to be loved by everyone, so pure and simple.

Qingshui Yousha lowered his face slightly, and said softly, "Herensang, can I ask you a question?"

"what is the problem?"

"Heren-sang doesn't want to have sex with me now, is it because you haven't prepared yourself? It's not because you hate me."

Kazuto Mogami was silent for a while.

"I won't hate you."

"But I did too much to Neru-san."

"Me too, and much more than you."

Kazuto Mogami could only say such comforting words, and Shimizu and Yousa could still show her weak side in front of her like this, so who should Ayane Sakura reveal her weakness to?

The more I think about it, the more I want to see her.

But Ayane Sakura will not see him, this has already been decided by Ayane Sakura.

Qingshui Yousha lowered his head sadly: "Neru Sang... she will definitely not forgive us."

Mogami Kazuto did not respond.

After dinner, Mogami Kazuto and Shimizu Yousa cleaned up in the kitchen together. In the past, Shimizu Yousa would definitely not do such troublesome things, but now Qingshui Yousha can not only clean up, but also cook A few decent ones came out.

Kazuto Mogami buried his head in washing the dishes, while he stood aside silently wiping the dishes with clear water and sand, wiping off all the water stains on them.

A variety show was playing on the TV, and suddenly a familiar human voice came. The two looked up at the same time. Although the picture showed an uncle with a flamboyant smile, the narration was indeed the voice of Ayane Sakura.

For a while, the atmosphere in the room was a little dull.

Shimizu Yousha walked slowly behind Mogami Kazuto, stretched out his hands to wrap his arms around his waist, and pressed his whole body tightly against Mogami Kazuto's back, even though the curve was not graceful, the softness really made Mogami Kazuto feel real.

"There is sand..."

"I just want to rely on it, and I won't do anything more outrageous."

Hearing the sound of Shimizu Yousha, Mogami Kazuto fell silent, silently watching the variety show on the TV in the distance, Shimizu Yousha hugged him tightly and refused to let go.

In the middle of the night, Shimizu Yousha left Mogami Kazuto's house, and did not stay here. She had already fully felt Mogami Kazuto's determination, so staying here could not do anything except add to his psychological burden.

While Mogami Kazuto was grateful, he would be lying if he said he didn't have any guilt.

After the clear water and sand left, Kazuto Mogami stayed in the living room for a long time, doing nothing, just sitting on the sofa in a daze.

After an unknown amount of time, Kazuto Mogami was about to fall asleep when the cell phone placed on the coffee table vibrated suddenly.

Mogami Kazuto shook his head and picked up the phone. When he saw the familiar number, he almost froze in place.

Immediately, afraid that the other party would hang up the phone, he immediately connected it and put it next to his ear, making a trembling voice.


There was a slight silence on the phone, and then a voice came.

"Qinosuke, is it with you now?"


Kazuto Mogami was taken aback for a moment, and then replied truthfully: "If you have Sha, you have already gone back."

Sakura Ayane didn't answer immediately.

Kazuto Mogami was surprised that Ayane Sakura would take the initiative to call him. Logically speaking, his number should have been blocked a long time ago, at least when Kazuto Mogami called, he couldn't get through at all.

But that's not what he should be thinking about right now.

"That, Caiyin?"

"Forget it, it has nothing to do with me whether she comes to your house or stays overnight. I just called today for one thing."

"……you say."

Sakura Ayane on the phone took a deep breath: "Don't let her pester me anymore!"

Mogami Kazuto was a little confused for a moment.

"Honestly, I've had enough, she's not listening to me now, I'm just thinking if it was you, maybe she would.

So I declare again and again, don't let her pester me anymore!absolute!
Otherwise I will kill you!Do you hear me? ! "

Kazuto Mogami was about to say something when the phone was hung up immediately.

Apart from being confused, Mogami Kazuto really didn't know how to describe his mood.

At the same time, he felt a little doubt about Shimizu Yousha, and wondered what she had said to Sakura Ayane, which made her take the initiative to call.

Taking a little luck, Mogami Kazuto re-dialed Sakura Ayane's number, and got through unexpectedly.

But until the end, no one answered the phone.

It was a long time since I heard Sakura Ayane's voice. Although her tone of voice was full of anger, it was still pleasant to hear.

At least she still had the energy to be angry, which made Mogami Kazuto happier than anything else.

(End of this chapter)

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