After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 880 874 In order to remember this kiss, she closed her eyes.


Kazuto Mogami is cooking today's dinner in the kitchen, and Saori Konishi and Yusa Shimizu are sitting in the living room, each looking at their phones, without appearing to be talking.

Today, this scene has become commonplace in the Mogami family. Although the two can't say that they have returned to the close sisterly relationship they used to have, they tacitly maintain a delicate balance.

The tempting aroma of food wafts from the open kitchen. Yousha is huddled on the sofa with bare feet in the clear water, playing a newly launched mobile game boredly. radian.

She couldn't tell whether this was the relationship she longed for, but at least at this moment, she felt that she was connected with Mogami Kazuto, even if they were connected by a thread as thin as nothing. At the same time, she is also willing to smile contentedly at this moment.

"You Sha, do you want to stay here today?"

"Well...forget it, I'm going back to my parents' house tonight, and I'll leave after a meal, so I won't bother you two."

Qingshui Yousha answered decisively, and Xiao Xi Saori showed a somewhat awkward wry smile.

"Shazhi is so nice, I can live here every day."

Xiao Nishi Saori has completely moved here, living with Mogami Kazuto, sleeping in the same room as before, separate from Mogami Kazuto.

Just because she had witnessed Kazuto Mogami's other future, Saori Konishi couldn't let him go. She was afraid that he would continue to do his unfinished stupid things in a place where she could not see, so she insisted on moving back.

Neither Shimizu Yousa nor Hidaka Rina expressed any opinion about Xiaonishi Saori's behavior. Leaving Hidaka Lina's thoughts aside, Shimizu Yousha no longer cares.

In the eyes of outsiders, Qingshui Yousha seems to be a sad character today, but she doesn't care.

It is different from Qing Shui Yousha who was jealous and jealous back then. Qing Shui Yousha's current appearance, although not physically and mentally healthy, is hard to be affected and hurt by anything.

In all honesty, this is not a good phenomenon, but Qing Shui You Sha thinks that this may be a good thing.

When Mogami Kazuto brought the meal to the table, the three of them sat down.

"Li Cai won't come today." Xiaoxi Saori said softly.

Mogami Kazuto was silent when he heard the words, said "I'm starting" in a soft voice, and took the lead to eat.

Hidaka Rina did say yes to him, continued to play his lover, joined in this unreasonable relationship, and became a part of their group of madmen.

But she still drifted away from them, like a ghost member of the school club, just a "member" in name.

This is a helpless thing, and Mogami Kazuto can understand, and thank her from the bottom of his heart, even if he knows that Hidaka Rina has other purposes in his heart, for Mogami Kazuto, this is still a salvation.

On the contrary, it is the most delicious clear water with sand on weekdays. He just held his chopsticks still, looked down at his phone, and said, "Licaijiang is such an idiot. Playing hard to get is useless to Heren-sang, like Heren-sang. A person who is indecisive should strike hard, until he is unable to parry.

Right, Kazuto-san. "

As soon as Qingshui Yousha finished speaking, Hidaka Licai's voice came from her mobile phone.

[Help!Mr Swallow! ]
Kazuto Mogami didn't reply, and Saori Saori, who was sitting beside him, seemed to be a mother teaching her child: "You Sha, don't play games while eating."


Qingshui Yousha turned off his mobile phone, facing the sumptuous dinner in front of him, he put his palms together with a smile on his face.

"I'm gonna start now."

After dinner, she left with clear water and sand, Saori Xiaonishi was washing dishes in the kitchen, and Kazuto Mogami sat in the yard in a daze.

There was the sound of the floor-to-ceiling windows moving behind me, and the moonlight-enveloped spring breeze blew the curtains behind me, making a rattling sound.

Saori Konishi sat down beside Kazuto Mogami, followed his gaze to the dark night sky, and leaned her head on his shoulder involuntarily.

The former Konishi Saori would never do such a thing.

But she was always afraid, afraid that Kazuto would disappear suddenly, so she did these things that were not in line with her nature, trying to keep him in this world.

If he wanted, Xiaoxi Saori didn't think it would be a big deal to sleep with him.

But since that day, Kazuto Mogami never slept with anyone again.

"looking at what?"

"I didn't see anything."

"What are you thinking?"

"do not know."

Xiao Xi Saori stared straight at his side face, her eyes slid from his sharp jawline all the way to the tear mole at the corner of his eye, the dark pupil reflected the light moonlight, melancholy and irritating.

"You are always like this, you don't say anything, like a girl, you have to be guessed about everything, and I can't always guess right."


"I don't want to hear your apology."

After the words fell, Xiaoxi Saori didn't speak any more, only the touch on his shoulders and the even frequency of his breath proved that there was indeed someone beside him, and he never left for a moment.

Kazuto Mogami turned his head to look at her, only to see that his ex-wife closed her eyes at some point, the gentle spring breeze kissed her cheek, her black curly eyelashes trembled slightly, and her thin light pink lips were moist and bright.

If this scene had happened five years earlier, he and his ex-wife, Miss, might have had the most perfect ending.

"Go back to the house and sleep, it's cold outside." He said.

Xiaoxi Saori still kept her eyes closed, but her voice was very clear.

"I just want to lean against you for a while, and I can only sleep alone when I go back to the house. It's boring."

Mogami Kazuto understood what she meant, so he could only say a silent "um" and stopped talking.

"Aren't you reconciled?"

Kazuto Mogami was taken aback.


"It's just me and Yousha, does that make you unhappy?"

Mogami Kazuto was stunned for a while, then chuckled suddenly, full of self-deprecating nasal voice, with a bit of helpless relief, and sighed: "There is no such thing as reconciliation, as long as you are willing to return to me, I should be thankful, what's more, isn't there still cooking."

"You and I can see that she didn't really agree."

"Which one of us is sincere?"

Mogami Kazuto's rhetorical question made Konishi Saori speechless.

Whether she is good or the water is clear and sandy, they just made a decision that they can accept in the current situation.

Can this be said to be sincere?

Xiaoxi Saori was depressed for a long time, looking up at his pair of slumped and lonely dark black pupils, wonderful emotions spread in her heart.

It's not that she doesn't want anything, she was also an ordinary girl longing for love, it's just that everything that happened to her made her shell harder than ordinary women.

She bit her lip lightly, stared at him stubbornly, and gradually narrowed the distance between her and him.


When was the last time I kissed this man, I can't remember clearly.

This time it is spring.

In order to remember this kiss in her heart, she closed her eyes.

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