After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 882 Chapter 876 The harem seems to be much more harmonious than he imagined.

Chapter 882 876. The harem seems to be much more harmonious than he imagined.

In fact, Mogami Kazuto knew in his heart that Hidaka Rina didn't really want to marry him and become his wife.

Perhaps the former Hidaka Rina would have such thoughts, but now she has seen the true face of Mogami Kazuto, and fully understands what an exaggerated liar he is.

On this basis, Mogami Kazuto didn't think she would still harbor such naive thoughts.

But Mogami Kazuto had no choice but to answer.

"If you just want a piece of paper written in black, I can go to the district office with you right now, but that's not what you expected, and what you really want is not that piece of paper, you just want to know The reaction between yarn and sand."

"Hmph~~ You're so calm, you're really not afraid of doing that, Xiao Xisang and Qi go crazy?"

"They won't."

"So confident?"

"We people...have experienced too much, hurting each other, and no one wants to do it again."

Hidaka Lina narrowed her eyes, looked at Mogami Kazuto for a long time, and clicked her tongue: "It's boring, that's why I said that women with love brains are not normal..."

"Do you still want to marry me?"

"Tch! Who cares about marrying a scumbag?"

Kazuto Mogami bent down and hugged Hidaka Rina in her arms, she just twisted her shoulders symbolically, and then followed Kazuto Mogami.

"How? Holding different female voice actors in my arms, I must be extremely proud."

She tried to satirize him with all kinds of words, to irritate him, to see him embarrassed or angry, and it would be better to tear off his disgusting poker face, and there might be something hidden underneath. Zhang Xiaoren's triumphant face.

"I can't say I'm proud, I just feel that each of you makes me so excited that it's hard to let go."

"Tsk! Disgusting guy."

"If this keeps you by my side, there's nothing wrong with being a disgusting person."

"Hey, you must have a brain problem."

"Ok, I know."

A person with a normal head would not step on a few boats as openly as he did.

Hidaka Rina quietly huddled in his arms, raised her white and tender hands, and tugged at his somewhat slender and curvy bangs, which forced Kazuto Mogami to lower his head.

Looking at his face that was getting closer and closer to her, Miss Rigao sighed softly: "...I am the same, I must have bumped my head somewhere to accompany you to do this kind of thing."

After finishing the words, she tugged at Mogami Kazuto's face, raised her snow-white neck high, and stared at him with those watery eyes, imprinted on Mogami Kazuto's lips like a dragonfly.

"What does that mean?" Kazuto Mogami asked.

"If I want to lure you to fall in love with me sincerely, and cry bitterly because of my revenge in the future, I have to let you taste the sweetness, don't I?"

Mogami Kazuto gently touched her cheek with his hands, with unspeakable sadness hoarding in his heart.

"Obviously... If you don't do this kind of thing, I love you too."

Hidaka Licai smiled when she heard this.

She doesn't believe it.



Today is indeed a rare day for Mogami Kazuto. On weekdays, he and Xiaonishi Saori are basically at home, and only occasionally come to have a meal when there is clear water and sand. number.

Today, however, Shimizu Yousa and Hidakali Cai seem to be staying overnight.

Kazuto Mogami still sleeps separately from Saori Konishi, because he is no longer affected by his skills, his physical contact with the three female voice actors is at most just a kissing level, without going any further.

As a matter of course, three female voice actors slept in one room tonight, and Mogami Kazuto slept in his own bedroom.

Mogami Kazuto and Konishi Saori were a little surprised that Hidaka Lina was willing to stay overnight, and only Shimizu Yousha expressed his welcome with joy.

At this time, it was the dead of night, and Mogami Kazuto went back to the bedroom alone to sleep, while the three female voice actors stayed in Konishi Saori's bedroom together.

Xiaoxi Saori was wearing glasses, sitting at the desk reading a book, lying on the bed with clear water and sand, completely assuming that this was her own home, Xiaoxi Saori couldn't help but recall what happened five years ago.

Hidaka Licai looked out of place with them, sitting on the woolen carpet on the floor with her hands crossed and her knees folded.

It's okay for Xiaoxi Saori to say, but there are some conflicts between her and Qingshui Yousha. If Qingshui Yousha hadn't cooperated with Mogami Kazuren in acting that day, she might not have fallen into Mogami Kazuren's trap so easily.

Having said that, now that Gao Licai has no intention of severing the relationship with them, it is right to bear the burden of humiliation.

"Li Caijiang is really rare. He even offered to stay overnight. Could it be that he wants to go to Yezai and Rensang while Saori and I are asleep at night? It's not good to sneak away." Qing Shui Yousha preached in the tone of a senior.

Hidaka Licai immediately waved his hand and denied, "I wouldn't do that kind of thing."

"Really? That's fine."

Hidaka Licai thought for a while, organized her words in her heart, and asked, "Then what, can I ask a question?"

Shimizu, who was reading manga, replied without raising his head: "Ask."

"Haven't you ever thought about marrying that person or something?"

When the words fell, Shimizu Yousha and Xiaonishi Saori were both taken aback, Shimizu Yousha raised his head and looked at Hidaka Lina, thinking for a while.

"Well...whatever, as long as he cooks for me."

Hidaka Rina felt speechless, and looked at Saori Konishi again.

"What about little Xisang?"

Before Xiaoxi Saori could reply, Qingshui Yousha immediately rushed to answer.

"She's married."

Hidaka Licai was suddenly speechless.

Hey...that's really not the case.

What Kazuto Mogami said during the day was right, the two girls in front of her didn't care about this kind of thing at all, which made her full of emotions nowhere to vent.

However, what Hidaka Licai didn't know was that it was not indifferent to Qingshui to have sand in her heart, but she had already made up her mind to stay by his side regardless of form. Of course there were regrets, but it was better than losing him .

In order to keep himself from thinking wildly, Shimizu Yousha squeezed a smile at Hidaka Licai: "Licaijiang, if you like him so much, why don't you go and marry him yourself, Kazuren-san will definitely not reject you.

ah!Have!When the time comes, I will tell Neru-san that Kazuto-san is going to marry you, her expression must be wonderful, hahaha! "

"There's sand!" Xiaoxi Saori couldn't help shouting.

Qing Shui Yousha stuck out his tongue playfully: "I'm just kidding, I won't do that kind of thing."

Xiaoxi Saori sighed, thinking of what this woman did before, maybe she would really do that, so Xiaoxi Saori was still a little worried.

Qing Shui You Sha closed the comic book, crossed his legs and stretched his waist, accidentally tilted his head backwards, and touched the back of his head against the wall, making a muffled soft sound, and let out a small "Ouch".

She rubbed her head with a foolish smile, her expression gradually calmed down, a faint smile was pursed on the corner of her mouth, there was a trace of longing in her voice, and her tone was gentle.

"Although there is no way to marry Herensang, but... I really do have a wish that I want him to fulfill for me no matter what."

 Xier's attack shoes have achieved 31.7% critical damage. She has never fought such a rich battle. As expected, good things will happen when people work hard.

(End of this chapter)

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