Chapter 866
The strength of Suiyuan Province is extremely weak among the provinces, second only to Ningxia.

However, Ningxia at this time has one advantage, that is, it has not yet experienced the civil unrest in the Northwest during the Qing Dynasty, so most of the people living in Ningxia are children of military households, and their cohesion is quite strong.

However, Suiyuan is mostly Mongolian people, living scattered in tribes with hundreds or thousands of households. The only people that the imperial court can really control are the prefectures and nearby tribes.

In essence, what Suiyuan has always been thinking about is to put Datong Mansion under his control. In this way, Suiyuan's strength will increase sharply.

You know, Datong Mansion is only four hundred miles away from Guihua City, and it only takes two or three days to ride a horse.

Once 10 people in Datong Prefecture are merged into Suiyuan, Suiyuan's finances will be greatly improved.

Department of the Four Princes.

The governor of Suiyuan came in a hurry and directly boarded Chen Yongfu's tent.

"Why is Futai like this? Doesn't this make you and I different?"

After a while, Chen Yongfu put down his drink in embarrassment.

"Birth? I gave birth a long time ago." The governor sat down angrily, not disliking the stool buttocks:
"5 people eat and drink in Suiyuan. Even a river is drained. Suiyuan is no better than Shanxi. It's really overwhelming."

"Isn't this for war!" Chen Yongfu didn't refute directly because he was soft-spoken.

Although the imperial court transported grain and grass from thousands of miles, they could basically only send it to Datong Mansion, and if it fell into naturalization, it was all up to the herdsmen in Suiyuan.

What's more, the fodder for the horses and the horses for transportation are all raised by Suiyuan.

"Come on, come on, sit down, have a cup of tea, there is no rush, the more anxious you get, the more angry you get."

Chen Yongfu smiled and pressed him on the chair with an extremely gentle tone.

"I didn't mean to say anything." Zhang Guowei rolled his eyes and complained: "There are four prefectures in Suiyuan, the Han and Mongolian people are only [-] households, and they support [-] troops. It is really powerful!"

"This way of eating, you eat up all the forage that the herdsmen saved last winter. The good thing is that it's summer, otherwise a lot of livestock will starve to death."

"No way, we also know Suiyuan's hard work, so we try our best to buy fodder and graze from time to time, just thinking about saving some fodder."

Chen Yongfu stood up and explained calmly: "But there is no way, the tribes in Mobei haven't fought yet, so the army can't go north, right? There won't be enough food and grass to carry."

"As long as they fight, I promise to send troops."

"In the current situation, Suiyuan can't wait to send troops, and the people will all starve to death." Zhang Guowei blew his beard and stared:

"In my opinion, you might as well send Shanxi to provide food in the last memorial. In recent years, Shanxi has been very peaceful and has plenty of food."

Chen Yongfu said in surprise: "The mountain roads in northern Shanxi are not easy to walk."

"Datong Mansion is easy!" Zhang Guowei said excitedly, "Look, the food from Beijing is piled up in Datong Mansion, but it is transported manually by Suiyuan."

"It's a lot of trouble this time, it's troublesome."

"In my opinion, the grain path really needs to be improved."

Following his words, Chen Yongfu said: "I understand that Datong Prefecture needs to cooperate with Suiyuan, and it is not easy for the two provinces to make a deal."

"I will report to the imperial court."

Only then did Zhang Guowei show a smile.

The two chattered a few more words, and after being perfunctory, Chen Yongfu sent him away.

After the matter was over, he shook his head and laughed dumbfoundedly: "Everyone in the world is for profit, who doesn't love Datong?"

After Suiyuan became a frontier, Datong suddenly became inland, frequent military disasters disappeared, and border troubles disappeared, so relying on border trade, the prosperity of Datong Prefecture was taken for granted.

According to the language of Shanxi Province, there are about 30 soldiers and civilians in Datong Mansion, and the annual tax is one million, second only to the most prosperous Taiyuan Mansion in Shanxi.

"Take someone's hands short, eat others' soft mouth, that's all, let's make a memorial!"

Chen Yongfu thought over and over again, the army has been tossing in Suiyuan for so long, it is only natural to bring some benefits to others.

At the end of June, the heat wave on the Mongolian plateau came from the north, bringing news about the grassland:
The Manchu Qing sent [-] troops to the Tuxietu Khan tribe.

The coalition forces of Tushetu Khan and Zasak, with more than [-] troops, gathered on the banks of the Tula River, and Kulun was ready to fight.

At this time, what can the Ming army do?
We can only go north to meet the tribes of Khalkha.

Without it, because the straight-line distance between Suiyuan and Kulun is more than [-] miles, and if it is counted as some curved lines, it is at least [-] miles.

In other words, even if the Ming army had one man and three horses, galloping day and night, it would take at least seven or eight days to arrive, and it had to be guaranteed not to get lost.

It is conservatively estimated that it will take at least fifteen days for the Ming army to reach Kulun smoothly.

Then the question arises, why didn't the Ming army go north ahead of schedule?

First of all, the tribes of Khalkha did not trust the Ming people. They were afraid that the Ming people would destroy Guo and wipe out the Tuxietu Khan tribe.

Secondly, the Ming army did not want to work hard for the Mongols in vain, because it was not beneficial, and it would cause endless disasters.

Because of the long distance, once they arrive at the grassland, the logistics of the civilian army will depend on the Khalkha Mongolian tribes, and their lifelines are threatened. Wouldn't it be mermaid?

"Pass down our military order, ordering the Datong Mansion to send money and food into the naturalization as soon as possible—"

"Order Wu Sangui to lead [-] cavalry to go north to meet Zunsheng Dharma King (Zhebtsundamba)."

Chen Yongfu kept giving instructions to prepare for the upcoming reception.

That's right, from top to bottom in Ming Dynasty, they didn't think that the Mongols could beat the Manchus.

To sum it up in one sentence: When a heroic cavalryman faces a musket, he has to bow his head and admit his obedience.

After using muskets to teach the Manchus a lesson, the Ming army knew Mongolia like the back of their hands, and they were definitely not the opponents of the Manchus.

Therefore, the strategy formulated by the court is:

Garrison troops near Guihua City, in the name of honoring the Holy Dharma King, wait for an opportunity to go northward and confront the Manchus.

It is best to defeat its army, and if it is not good, it will be evenly divided.

In this way, the Mongolian tribes of Khalkha will inevitably submit to Ming Dynasty.

Because the Ming Dynasty could not devour Mobei, it could only confine it, and the Manchu Qing indeed annexed it.

The grassland tribes who had been taught a lesson by the Qing had no choice.

At this time, a decisive battle of unprecedented scale is unfolding on the banks of the Tumen River.

The Zhasak Khan and the Tushetu Khan united many feudal lords and combined [-] troops to prepare for the Manchu Qing.

Although Khalkha Mongolia is composed of three major tribes, it is not a unified tribe. Therefore, under the three major tribes, there are still a large number of scattered tribes.

For example, although the Khan tent of the Chechen Khan was plundered, a large number of affiliated tribes and branches had to join forces to join the Tushetu Khan.

Now other tribes, big or small, are coerced into sending troops. Although the morale is not good, the scale is shocking.

Tushetuhan Chahundorji and Zasakhan Norbu stood side by side, looking at the Manchu Qing soldiers and horses in the distance like dark clouds, and looking back at their own army, they were very ambitious for a while.

"When Genghis Khan conquered the world, the soldiers and horses under his command were nothing more than this?"

Chahun Dorji couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Norbu on the side couldn't help but roll his eyes: "Times have changed. At that time, Genghis Khan had famous generals such as Mu Huali, Jebe, and Subotai under his command, but we had nothing."

"Even if there is nothing, victory must belong to us—"

Chahun Duoerji looked composed and seemed quite complacent.

Norbu felt regretful: "I heard that Oirat Mongolia was taken by the Ming people. I should go to Moxi to seek refuge. Then I will definitely be able to divide a few pastures..."

"Fortunately, my tribe is far away from Kulun, and when the time comes, I will flee back directly and take the tribe with me—"

Immediately, he glanced at Chahun Dorji, enviously said in his heart: "Now all the tribesmen have been moved to the south, even if the army is defeated, they can escape to Suiyuan."

"Who made him hold a Jebtsundampa in his hand?"

"Emperor Ming didn't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face, so life would not be too bad."

The Chinese Qing army, which was slowly pressing, was overjoyed when they saw the Mongolian army waiting in line.

In this battle, Jierhalang served as the coach, Nikan, Luck Dehun, Tulai, Obai, Mandahai, Boluo and other generals obeyed, and Hong Chengchou was the assistant of the military adviser.

Apparently, the Qing army was already doing its best, regardless of the consequences.

Jierhalang is old and has a gray beard, and he can hardly ride a horse or wield a knife, but after years of prestige, all the arrogant soldiers bow their heads and obey their ears, which Hong Chengchou can't do.

Even though he has made many meritorious deeds, his identity as a Han constrains him.

"The Mongolian army's clothes are disheveled, their armor is less than [-]%, and their firearms are few. Our army will surely win this battle."

Jierharang was riding on horseback, his slightly hunched body concealed enormous energy.

Seeing that the Mongols really did not flee, but fought directly, this made him overjoyed, and immediately exuded an astonishing aura.

With a sound of encouragement from him, all the generals under his command nodded and their eyes lit up.

Hong Chengchou glanced at the crowd, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Without it, he understood what this group of people was thinking.

Just like how Bryat and Mongolia were melded back then, directly carve up the Zasak Khan and Tuxietu Khan tribes. In this way, the entire Mobei grassland will become a paradise for the nobles of the Eight Banners.

The feudal lords, big and small, are like pearls sprinkled on a jade plate, which cannot be counted.

Although this battle was fought for the Qing Dynasty, it was actually fought for itself.

"Whether you win or lose, it's a tough question."

With a long sigh, Hong Chengchou fell silent.

No one can stop the chariot formed by the nobles of the Eight Banners.

For this battle, the Manchu Qing dispatched [-] cavalry, of which [-] were Manchu Eight Banners, [-] Han Eight Banners, and the rest were Mongolian Eight Banners.

The brightly colored flags are extremely conspicuous on the grassland, and the armor of the Eight Banners is envious of the Mongols.

A large number of people and flags surging in the distance filled in one after another. Some people stopped in place, some people in front continued to move forward, and the cavalry on both wings were also moving.

The Qing army began to prepare for battle step by step.

There are hundreds of thousands of people, like a huge war machine, moving slowly and making loud noises!

The grasslands within a hundred miles are full of war horses and people.

"Woo..." The vigorous ox horns sounded in unison, passed the noisy crowd in the wind, and headed for the depths of the grassland, as if announcing the arrival of another feast to the barren land for thousands of years.

For the Mobei Grassland, animal carcasses are always good fertilizer, and humans are animals too.

People are everywhere on the grassland, the noise can't be stopped, people are crowded, people are next to each other, and at some point the two armies will meet, and then the war will begin.

As for the main force, Jierhalang was dissatisfied and serious, and gave orders directly.

Some partial troops and miscellaneous troops are not enough to change the outcome. Only the main force is the key to the outcome of the war.


At the forefront of the Qing army are the rare Musketeers on the Mongolian Plateau, with a total of [-] troops.

This is the inventory accumulated over the years, and now it's all poured out in one go.

This really made the Mongolian cavalry panic and shocked. After the cavalry sprinted, they were shot dozens of feet away.

This scene is very scary.

As the cavalry sprinted, the horse under his crotch fell directly, and the cavalry was thrown out in a parabola immediately, lying there sprawled, his head smashed into pieces.

But most of the people were not so lucky. They were thrown to the ground and trampled to death by the horses behind them. They lay in a pool of blood in pain, and the bloody liver and intestines were visible to the naked eye.

The sudden eruption of the Musketeers directly stopped the advancing momentum of the Mongolian army, just like a giant stopped suddenly, but their bodies did not obey their commands, and the army suddenly became chaotic.

Some cavalry wanted to bypass the musketeers, while others wanted to ride away directly to avenge the former army.

The Qing army did not hesitate, and the cavalry on both wings inserted directly, and fought face to face.

Wearing elite armor, sharp weapons, coupled with high morale and strong organizational strength, the Qing army completely gained the upper hand.


The fighting of the Qing army directly tore the camp of the Mongolian army, and there was almost no place to face them directly. Many people were defeated as soon as they met.

At this time, the gray Mongolian army camp was like a mulberry leaf swallowed by silkworms, without the power to fight back, letting others slaughter it.

It is also like a snowflake that sees the sun and can't wait to melt.

There is no doubt that the Mongolian nobles are extremely vigilant and have an innate sensitivity to danger.

When Chahun Doerji saw that the momentum was wrong, he subconsciously ordered the army to move south slowly, preparing to leave the battlefield.

And Norbu, whose tribal tent was thousands of miles away, directly ordered his own army to preserve its strength when the former army was defeated.

Now, as its army moved, there were more gaps between the various armies of the Mongolian army, and the Qing army seemed to have come to the land of no one.

Seeing how deceitful his teammates were, Chahun Dorji no longer hesitated, and directly led his cronies out of the battlefield.Heading south.

As a result, the Mongolian army on the battlefield collapsed directly.

On the huge battlefield, the cavalry couldn't stop running, let alone fleeing.

Even though the Qing army repeatedly blocked and pursued them, most of the Mongols still fled and only captured 3 or [-] people.

And the biggest harvest is that the cattle and sheep accompanying the army are where the army rations are, and they can't take them away no matter what.

As for the herdsmen, Kulun's herdsmen had been relocated long ago, and they would just flee away from the battlefield no matter how bad they were.

The biggest gain of Manchu Qing was prestige.

The entire Mobei, the scattered tribes of Khalkha, the tribes that have not migrated, hundreds of tribes, large and small, began to make pilgrimages to the Manchu Qing Dynasty and submit to it.

Chahun Dorji, who had lost his hegemony, had no choice but to flee.

(End of this chapter)

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