One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 327 Chapter 3204 Half Lost

Chapter 327 Chapter [-] Half Lost
After killing the sect monks in this Qi training period, Zhou Tai didn't regard it as a big deal, just like dealing with a very minor matter, and then continued to move forward as a normal Qi training period.

After leaving a certain distance, on the spirit board, I saw a golden core stage monk flying out of a third-class sect [-] miles away, and then went straight to the place where he shot.

As for differentiating different sects, one can usually judge by looking at the area covered by the sect formation. The gap between first-class sects and second-class sects, and between second-class sects and third-class sects is very obvious.

After discovering such a scene, before Zhou Tai entered the invisible state, a trace of thought flashed in his eyes.

Zongmen monks died, and some Zongmen monks came to check. The Qi training period is coming to the Jindan period, and the foundation building period is coming to the Nascent Soul period?

There is more than one way to attract Nascent Soul cultivators. The reason that really prevents Zhou Tai from making up his mind to get eight Nascent Soul cultivators to perfect the ghost meridian extermination line is because he is worried that when he tries to attract Nascent Soul cultivators, will he be associated with it? These wanted monks, in that case, they think that attracting monsters will become a hornet's nest. They must have the ability to kill the monks in the foundation period, and exclude the monks of the Zongmen. They are the most wanted guys. .

The Golden Core cultivators of the Misty Sect are very angry when flying with their swords: although the disciples in the qi training stage of the sect are not treated well, and there are some who make up for it, they are formal disciples of the sect after all. I don’t know which sect’s monks killed him. If he had known this, he would have followed. He also thought about whether it was a wild cultivator, but when he thought of those poor and white wild cultivators, he thought it was unlikely. After all, he dared to let his own sect go. When the disciples went out during the qi training period, they didn't pay attention to those wild cultivators who were also in the qi training period.

He flew very fast, and he was the fastest flying among several Jindan stage monks in the Zongmen. Because the place of death was not very far from the Zongmen, it was very likely that the monk who committed the crime would be caught.As for the possibility of encountering high-level monks, the possibility of encountering a high-level monk is very low, and a disciple of the Qi training period who can kill a sect is the most likely to be a monk of the foundation establishment period.

Because it is a third-class sect, it has also used disciples during the Qi training period to fish. In places far away from the sect, the disciples of the former sect had accidents and were killed by the foundation-building monks of other sects. A lot of resources, but after this kind of thing is more, it will become more and more difficult. In the end, it may be a waste of time to go out dozens of times. Stay away.

So now when disciples of the Zongmen's qi training period go out, most of the time they are really just practicing. If they know that something will happen, the several golden cores in the sect will scramble to follow behind.But this Jindan stage monk was doomed to be disappointed. Relying on the shattered soul card of the dead monk, he came to the scene without any clues. Return to Zongmen.

After he returned to the sect, a figure of a monk in the Qi training period appeared out of nowhere in the distance, and then continued to move forward. Zhou Tai kept observing the other party's actions with the measuring disk, and when the other party left, he came out.

Knowing that after using the Ouija disk, it may be detected by monks, Zhou Tai uses it in flash and will not continue to observe. If he finds a high-level monk, he will close it for a period of time, but this is only a golden core stage monk, Zhou Tai Ty didn't really care.

I dodged once temporarily, not because I was afraid of this Golden Core cultivator. If this was a Nascent Soul Stage cultivator, Zhou Tai would have made a move, but he had an idea in his mind and didn’t know whether he should carry it out. The actions can only be done as little as possible. The monks in the Qi training stage will die when they die, and there will be no big disturbances, but the Jindan stage will also die. If his ideas are implemented, it may affect them.

After a period of time, Zhou Tai continued to search and draw maps while observing and analyzing some situations, but the balance of a certain idea in his mind became more and more tilted.

In the Lingbao space, there was originally only liquid aura in the empty space, because of the many superimposed array stones, the whole space feels much smaller, and the liquid aura looks a lot more dignified after being squeezed, because If the formation stones are placed in such an environment, some spiritual energy will gather in the stones. Although it is impossible to turn these stones into jade that can contain spiritual energy, when you take out the formation stones and use them for the first time, it will be more or less possible. The formation is a little bit stronger.

Zhou Tai carved the map on the slate, his eyes were serious and focused, and soon after the drawing was completed, he put aside the aura that was used as a carving knife, and stared blankly at the edge of the Lingbao space above.Originally, the height in the Lingbao space was very high, but after placing the stone slabs, the height dropped by two-thirds at once, and if it was stacked higher, he doubted that he would feel like living in a house, because the height was about the same, carefully Thinking about it, he hasn't lived in a decent house for many years.

No matter how powerful a monk is, he is also afraid of consuming too much, because relying on natural recovery is extremely long, the more advanced the monk, the slower the recovery, and all kinds of methods that can speed up the recovery of spiritual power in the body are extremely important, Lingbao Space The more spiritual power inside, the better for Zhou Tai.

In fact, it would be better to create a spirit treasure space dedicated to storing spirit energy, so that the content of spirit energy can continue to increase whenever passing through the junction of the mortal world and the Xiuxian Great World, but now a lot of space is taken up by the stone slabs.In the beginning, another Lingbao space was used to install stone slabs, but the strengthening points were not enough, and the fluid strengthening camouflage was needed during the Qi training period, so it could only be placed in one space.

Because I have been looking for Yaoyu all the time, I can't help but keep thinking in my heart. I could keep it in my heart and try not to think about it before, but now I can't. I have been looking for it all the time, how could I forget my purpose?

The feeling of longing is increasing day by day, the more he thinks about it, the more important he feels in his heart. Zhou Tai understands that it is because there are not many good memories in this world. In this comparison, it is inevitable that this feeling will be regarded as enlarge.Zhou Tai doesn't mind about this, he has a little warmth in his heart, so he won't easily lose himself in this deserted world.

In fact, Zhou Tai already feels that he is in a state of half-lost, that is, he has lost half of himself. This is compared with the personality of the previous life. It is said that the country is easy to change and the nature is difficult to change, but the experience of this life has directly Half of my nature has been changed, such as my childhood dream, after a series of things, I don't care so much anymore.People's pursuit is improved step by step. When the sense of security is not guaranteed, the enjoyment can only be postponed. After a long delay, it seems that it becomes less important.

Fortunately, this kind of half loss can still be grasped.

Zhou Tai knew that he should make a decision on what to do next, and he didn't have much time to continue hesitating.

If you follow the steps, you may find Yaoyu, or you may not be able to find it. When he thinks of such an uncertain result, he doesn't want to accept it, because it means that he may never see the other person again, and he will have the strength to run rampant in the future. During the entire world of cultivating immortals, what one may find is a dead bone, or even a dead body may not be found.

This world of cultivating immortals is very big, and I want to wait until there is a big time before rushing there. Maybe the idea of ​​meeting each other by chance is not realistic at all, and I don’t know how long it will be until I really hear the news.

What if I can't see it in the future and lose it?In the Lingbao space, Zhou Tai fell into the confrontation between rationality and sensibility.

Some people feel more important the more they miss it, and some people don't know how to cherish until they lose it.

"I'm doing such ambitious things as cultivating immortals, how can a relationship end without a problem so easily!" In the quiet space of Lingbao, a sentence sounded, and when he said this sentence, what Zhou Tai was thinking It was Yaoyu, but another female cultivator also appeared and flashed past.


"It was confirmed before that a monk in the Qi training period entered the market? Why hasn't he come out?"

Outside a certain small square city, two monks in the Qi training period were lying on the ground, observing the situation at the gate of the square city from a distance. One of them spoke softly. The monk who spoke had a strong figure and a soft complexion.

"I saw it with my own eyes. That ragged clothes must be wild cultivators like you and me. To enter the market, they must have some value!" Another monk with a fat and round face replied, and he could tell , if his face can be thinner, he will be more handsome.

In this world of cultivating immortals, whether it is the monks of the Zongmen or the wild cultivators from the cultivating family of the mortal world, ordinary mortals are hard to match in appearance. They are also human beings. Most immortal cultivators despise mortals from all aspects. Others are ugly, even if they are average or even a little good-looking, they are easy to be despised. When Zhou Tai first entered the Liuyun Sect, when he was in the Miscellaneous School, Tan Cewu would point to Zhou Tai as an example, and there is a reason for this , because this is not an isolated case, but has become a universal value in cultivating immortals.

"Have you already left?"

"No way, I found out that he entered Fangshi, and I went to find Brother Mo. It took only a moment before and after. Who would leave so quickly after spending the fee to enter Fangshi?" The two monks are just a cooperative relationship. This kind of questioning words should be argued with reason. In order to increase the reliability of my own words, I added another sentence: "I waited for a short time before leaving after seeing the other party enter."

Because there is a gate fee in Fangshi, if a Yexiu who doesn't understand the rules accidentally enters, he will be driven away soon. The meaning of this sentence is to confirm that the other party has entered.

Mo Shiteng and Luo Gan are two wild cultivators in the Qi training period. After leaving the sect, they thought they would show their great ambitions, but they were severely slapped by reality. An unknown weed fought against each other. Luo Gan snatched the spirit grass first, and when he couldn't get away, he ate the spirit grass angrily. As a result, the spirit grass contained unknown toxins, which directly made him fatter.

Although Mo Shiteng hated him during his poisoning, he didn't choose to do it seeing the other party's pitiful appearance, and then the two got mixed up.

"The market is about to close!" After a long time, Mo Shiteng's voice sounded faintly.

"It can only be that the other party went in and left! Is this a big fish?"

These small square markets that originally entered the world of cultivating immortals can use special coins, but if you want to get this kind of coins, you usually have to go to the square market. After you buy something, some shops in the square city will give you change. If not, you can only use spirit stones when entering for the first time. For Yexiu, those who can enter Fangshi must have a certain value, because it is difficult for Yexiu who can enter Fangshi to appear for a long time .

At the very beginning, outside this square city, there were several waves of wild cultivators hoping to rob them, and they also played against each other. As a result, after each other was killed and injured, and after they were found to be poor ghosts, they became much more peaceful. In fact, they were many wild cultivators. I picked up the stuff on my body, but didn't bring it with me, knowing that outside this square city, I entered a place of right and wrong. As a result, most of this waiting was a waste of time, and finally many wild cultivators left.

And Mo Shiteng and Luo Gan are the last two remaining. They have a cave not far from this square city. They can't see any hope in the future, so they put their dreams on robbery. They are still willing to choose this dangerous but easy way of gradually accumulating resources in exchange for magical artifacts.In the mortal world, they are like emperors. Although they have been at the bottom of the sect for 20 years, it is still difficult to change their mentality. They would rather die while robbing than live like this. If they know that the outside world is like this , They will not think of anything.

In the end, it was not until the market closed that the two had to give up, got up and walked back.

Zhou Tai looked at the two dots representing the period of Qi training on the Lingpan, and suddenly had an idea. He went to Fangshi, bought some random things and left quickly. Then he saw these two The bare eggs in the qi training period have never paid attention to it, but the field repairers in these two qi training periods have been staying in place, and they can see it every time they use the spirit disk to investigate. Compared with others, they are always active. During the qi training period, Zhou Tai felt that the two of them were very patient. Thinking of this, he felt that the ideas he wanted to implement might need two helpers.

Thinking of this, he chose to return, the Ghost Meridian Extinguishing Action was activated, and he flew directly with the sword, heading straight for the two monks.The Lingbao space cannot be moved, and it takes some time to get the fluid enhancement on his body every time, because Zhou Tai has to give up the fastest teleportation because he has to describe the formation that simulates the Qi training period.

After landing nearby, Zhou Tai still kept the external strength of the qi training period and headed for the second cultivation place, thinking to chat with them with the strength of monks of the same level first, and see how he behaves!
"It's him, I didn't expect to be around here!" When Zhou Tai appeared in front of Mo Shiteng and Luo Gan, Luo Gan pointed Zhou Tai and shouted excitedly.

After speaking, the two quickly blocked Zhou Tai in different directions.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Tai knew that these two monks were robbed outside Fangshi. He was just a little suspicious before, after all, there were only two of them, and now it is confirmed!

 Thanks to the guy 517 for the 100 starting point coins
(End of this chapter)

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