One reinforcement point a day

Chapter 343 Chapter 340

Chapter 343 Chapter [-]

If you can continue to practice well, you will not choose to leave. If you can quietly raise your cultivation to the highest level, you will definitely swim the entire world of cultivating immortals unrestrainedly in the end, and get rid of all injustices. But there are not so many ifs in the world. , in this world of cultivating immortals, not every step forward is not enough to be down-to-earth.

After the target turned to the northwest of the Immortal Cultivation World, Zhou Tai began to make preparations before leaving. First, he waited for all the elixir to be harvested and preserved after they were ripe, and then stopped planting them. Then he disassembled the materials for the shielding formation, and waited for the finishing chores to be done. After that, Zhou Tai followed Yaoyu to play in the world of cultivating immortals for a whole year.

I went to the mortal world, watched the sun rise and the clouds set, enjoyed the mountains and rivers, and lived in the mortal town for more than three months to experience life.

After the play was over, the two returned to Mount Qi. Zhou Tai set up an ultra-long-distance teleportation array deep underground in Mount Qi, and then teleported away directly.

Over a barren desert area, two immortal cultivators, a man and a woman, suddenly appeared. The female cultivator among them asked, "Is this the area where the Demon Sect is?" Mark of.

"It can only be said that there is still some distance from where. It is easy to be dangerous when teleporting directly to the vicinity. It is best to rush over the remaining distance slowly." This safe remark is Zhou Tai's code of conduct many times, and then he heard He went on to say: "This area is not suitable for mortals to live in. Only in the shelters formed in some mountain ranges can there be some mortals raised by the Demon Sect.

After the words were finished, Zhou Tai not only completed the observation of the surrounding environment, but also chose a direction, and then flew away with Yaoyu Yujian.

Zhou Tai's real goal is not where the Demon Sect's sect is located. Even if it is a third-class sect, there is a great formation of the sect. Concealment can prevent the large formation from detecting and attacking the area, but at most that's it. It is not easy to capture the Zongmen's large formation. It may be easy to be chased and killed all the way like Huang Kun in the end. The most important thing was that Zhou Tai was worried that the Demon Sect would be on guard, so he gave up this method. If he could successfully advance to the Nascent Soul stage in the future, Zhou Tai might go to the second or third class sects for a walk.

The destination is the kind of mortal captive area he has been to. The first choice is to see if there are any Nascent Souls in the surrounding defensive monks. Cultivator, let's see if we can attract the Nascent Soul cultivator from the Demon Sect.

At this time, the cultivation base has improved a lot compared to before, but because another ultra-long-distance teleportation array has been arranged deep underground in Qishan Mountain, the materials for arranging arrays on the body have become extremely scarce, and it is no longer enough to arrange any large-scale arrays. , It can only be said that all actions can only be played by ear.

"The taste of Xinhuatang is better!" Yaoyu said while sipping the elixir while on the way. In fact, the taste of these elixir is not good, but there is no good way, and Zhou Tai is almost the same. got used to.

"Just go to the ninth floor of the golden core, and you and I are very close!"

Although the two of them traveled together for a period of time every day, Zhou Tai first let Yaoyu out after checking the surrounding environment. Most of the distance was traveled by Zhou Tai with teleportation, and he had already I made a deal with Yaoyu, after a while she will have to be wronged in the Lingbao space for a while.

Not only was he worried that there would be danger and it would be too late to take care of her, but he also didn't want her to see his cold-blooded killing side. Zhou Tai knew that it might be the best choice for her to grow up and even kill some monks.In Yaoyu's situation, these shouldn't be too difficult to accept, but Zhou Tai can let her know the dangers of the world of cultivating immortals, but he doesn't want her to take risks. With him around, he will try his best to protect her.

There is nothing wrong with saying that only by fighting constantly can you grow better, but the premise is that you can survive. There are too many tricks and secrets in the world of cultivating immortals. Luck is very important outside of the mind.Zhou Tai wasn't worried about himself, it was because he not only had the memory obtained from the soul search, but also strengthened it, while Yaoyu didn't have such means.

What's more, the two are wild cultivators, facing the situation where cultivators in the entire world of cultivating immortals are chasing and killing them, it would be a terrible experience for a woman who followed her to continue taking risks and fighting.

Zhou Tai might not have chosen this way if he didn't have the means of pretense like Lingbao Space, but he has it, so he chose Jinwu Zangjiao. How powerful she grows up is not as important as staying with Zhou Tai for a long time.

If he could only kill all the way forward, Zhou Tai was willing to face it alone, since he had killed a lot anyway.He wanted to have a simple company by his side when he was tired and rested, instead of a bloody and exhausted figure. No normal person would like to kill.

After teleporting and flying over a [-]-foot-high mountain range, there is a continuous sea of ​​clouds under the feet, which is so gray that you can't see the edge at a glance, giving people a cold feeling.

Zhou Tai, who was under the Ghost Meridian Extinguishing Line, knew that he had arrived at his destination. The area in front of him was the area where the Demon Sect kept mortals in captivity, and the sea of ​​clouds under his feet was the evil moon he had experienced.

There is a simple warning formation, but Zhou Tai has no intention of triggering it directly. Who knows how many monks will come at once?Just like walking up the stairs, he easily crossed over the early warning formation and went straight to the area of ​​the evil moon.


A small village with only a dozen families, in the gloomy moon full of gray mist, is as quiet as a picture scroll covered with gauze. It looks peaceful and peaceful. The only special thing is that it does not feel the life of ordinary people. breath.

All the doors and windows were closed, and the smoke from cooking could not even be seen. Normally, it would not be so easy to detect the cooking smoke entering the gray mist, but ordinary people in the small village dared not.

Somewhere in the underground of the small village, there are less than a hundred mortals in the village hiding there. Except for some sleeping children, some waking adults have expressions of horror and anxiety on their faces.

Every year, the dark moon is the most difficult time. For these mortals living outside the fairy city, food is abundant and life is good. The only thing they fear is during this dark moon. Every year at this time, there will be A large number of villages disappeared inexplicably. Fear broke out at this time of year. At first, they were just worried about getting lost and did not go out.

This small village is full of relatives, so they chose to hide together. Although no one has really seen the horror of the Yin Fiend Moon, there are many horror stories among mortals, and there are even legends about the crying of children. It will attract demons, so many villages will choose some sleepy herbs to mix in children's food.

"Two months have passed, and it will pass soon." In the dark, the dirty middle-aged woman hugged her sleeping son, thinking to herself.Little did she know, an uninvited figure appeared outside the village at this moment.

"Weakness is sinful, even breathing is wrong!" Leng Youyou's voice sounded in the small village, but the mortals who hid underground did not hear it.

The demon sect monk in black robe came here alone, just to strengthen his spirit ghost, so he purposely ran to this remote place. There are ten demon sects here, according to the size of the sect. The proportion of different cases of killing different numbers of mortals varies slightly every year, but the current general standard for the past few years is no more than 20. Only by controlling the number now can we slaughter 30 or [-] in a few years.

But there are no absolutes in the world. Although there will be several other demon sect monks in each operation team to supervise each other, there will always be some demon sect disciples who come quietly. As long as they are not unlucky and encounter other demon sect teams In the end, it will only be handed back to the sect for punishment. This phenomenon has become more and more common over the years, so the mortals in this area have a tendency to decline rather than rise.

"A low-level hiding method." The demon cultivator sneered, but the movements of his hands were not slow. With the movement of the soul sail in his hand, several transparent figures appeared directly in front of him.

"Go!" After an order, these ghost spirits burrowed into the ground and disappeared.

In the depths of the village, a man quietly got up, not to do anything ghostly, but to grope for the underground hut.

Food and water, cotton clothes and bedding for avoiding the evil moon have been prepared in advance.But people have three urgencies, it is impossible to just dig a few places, and the reason is simple: one is to separate men and women, and the other is that people fill up quickly.

As for the spirit ghosts that went deep into the ground, they first bypassed several latrines.In fact, the mortals here don't know that if this hiding place is made disgusting, it is more likely to be safe and sound.But even if this method of pickling is widely known, there will still be many people who will choose to fight their luck.In fact, generally speaking, it is useless to use them all, because enough people have to be killed.

"Ah..." The first scream sounded in the quiet underground, followed by other screams and commotions. Some mortals lit torches immediately, and then the remaining mortals who were frightened and screamed saw the terrifying scene In one scene, a fellow villager died tragically, was disemboweled, and a blood-stained translucent face lowered his head and then raised on his body. His empty eyes gave a strong visual impact, and there were three or four such scenes.

In an instant, panic filled every corner of the place, and the screams went straight to the sky. Some people ran away in fright, just wanting to stay away from this dangerous place. The torch also fell directly to the ground, and the bedding used to keep warm was ignited, and the flames also began to rise here.

Fire and blood, living and undead, interweave a hell-like scene here. The only thing that is unmoved is that some children who have eaten too many drowsiness herbs are still in their sweet dreams, with smiles on their lips. .

"What a wonderful sound!" The Mozong cultivator was on the ground, listening to the fearful sound that could be heard from the ground, an expression of intoxication appeared on his face.

Being able to cultivate spirit ghosts, there are still a few of them. This kind of thing will definitely not be done less. He found his own joy in this boring cultivation. He feels that this kind of himself is considered elegant, and many of his classmates are better than him. No less.

Although it would be the most trouble-free to kill them all first, but in that case, the spirit ghosts would not be able to achieve the greatest growth.

Just as he was imagining the scene when his low-level spirit ghost was upgraded to a middle-level spirit ghost, a figure appeared beside him in an instant, but he didn't notice it.

Zhou Tai was originally looking for the monks of the Demon Sect at the edge, because he knew in his heart that the defending monks must be in different directions around him, and the Ouija Disk is not easy to use here, but the Void Manifestation Technique can observe the ghosts in the gray mist. The scene, even seeing the monk, was as obvious as seeing a large light bulb charged in the dark, so he teleported directly to take a look.

In the distance, Zhou Tai didn't notice the scene underground, but after coming here, it's hard not to hear the miserable voice.

There was no delay at all, the angry ones forgot to use the flying sword, and directly pressured the opponent with his spiritual sense. Before the opponent had time to react, he kicked the opponent down, and at the same time crushed the opponent's chest and the Zhoutian circulation in his body .

In this case, Moxiu would not die immediately, but Zhou Tai did not waste time at all, and killed the other party with one kick. There are more than ten people, Zhou Tai will delay time to deal with the spirit ghosts, and innocent mortals will die, but as long as the demon cultivator is killed directly, those spirit ghosts will be wiped out immediately.

Knowing that if this demon cultivator is killed, the demon sect where the other party belongs will definitely react, and the arrival of a large number of monks will inevitably affect all of Zhou Tai's plans and layouts, and even bring danger to himself.

I also know the sin, and I also know my own powerlessness.But when evil happens in front of your eyes, anger will give you the courage to act like a cart.

Knowing what this gray mist is, and knowing what the Demon Sect is doing here, Zhou Tai has no burden in his heart to get a few Demon Sect Nascent Souls, because it is not a pity for these people to die, but some things can only be seen with one's own eyes. Only then did I know that I could not control my reason.

I know what to do safely, what goals are the most important, and what to endure, and I understand it, but I really can't bear it!He also knew that the best way was to arrest the other party first and kill him after he finished his work, but Zhou Tai's anger made Zhou Tai feel that it was a big mistake for the other party to live a second longer.This second is like a year to him.

To crush the opponent with one step is like a vow in the heart, if one does not die, one day one day one will step northwest to step on the Demon Sect.

As for whether killing the other party will bring crisis to the mortals who survive here?Let's not talk about the mortals who survived leaving here, let's talk about whether those demon sects can take care of them.

Thinking of this, Zhou Tai left quickly, aiming at other areas of the mist, he would kill the Mozong monks who were like light bulbs here, if he didn't kill, he would feel restless!

(End of this chapter)

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