The Su God of the Reopening of the Sports Arena

Chapter 1003 The final begins, the attention of all Asia is concentrated in one body

Yangcheng Stadium.

"The most exciting event in the upcoming sports meeting, everyone should know what it is." The host at the scene said loudly, mobilizing the atmosphere: "Men's 100-meter trapeze battle."

"Are you all ready?"

"Everyone who will appear next is the fastest 100-meter trapeze player of our flower growers."

"Now let us begin a warm welcome, the protagonists of the Flying Man Wars, begin to appear on the stage."

"The first one is the famous sprinter in Guangxi province, Gong Wei!"

Gong Wei was really lucky to come in this time. He just happened to be assigned to Zhou Bing's side and mixed in. This is because the group deliberately gave the traditional department a chance to survive. Otherwise, I am afraid that the traditional department has so many people and so big The plate is about to be completely messed up in an instant.But you can tell by Gong Wei's own expression, in fact, he has never thought about what he will achieve in this race.

For his time is past.

Now is the era of Ersha Island.

It's time for young people.

His level is still 10.30, which is already in China, not even second-rate.

After all, the current number one score in China is 9.79s. Comparing this score with his 10.30, even the best 10.20, it is known that there is a sky and a bottom, not to mention that there are still a group of people in the Asian class.

He has seen the situation clearly now, and he is already happy enough to be able to enter the finals.

"Run for the elderly" will do.

"Second way, our 200-meter domestic young generation leader, champion of multiple domestic grand prix, Zhou———————— Bing!!!"

"Okay, we saw Zhou Bing started his signature action in the second stage, making big cakes!"

"This is the promotion and inheritance of our traditional culture!"

Zhou Bing was really going crazy!

Ever since Yang Jian said in the game that this movement is like making big cakes, no matter how he explains it, everyone has now accepted Yang Jian's point of view, thinking that his movements are just "making cakes" instead of "Drawing Tai Chi".

But Zhou Bing is also an honest person, he is on the edge of a horn, and he must continue this action.

As long as he can win the first place in a big competition, he will have the opportunity to give the people of the whole country a good science on the true meaning of this action during a separate interview.

Let the people of the whole country know.

Zhou Bing is not "Zhou Dalang", he is "Wednesday Feng".

"The third way, the Asian 60-meter super scud, the medal winner of the indoor world championships, Wen———Yong—————Yi!!!!"

"Fourth Road, the former national record holder, one of the Asian Gemini stars, the only one with yellow skin to break the ten, Zhao Hao Huan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!"

"Zhao Haohuan——"

"Zhao Haohuan——"

"Zhao Haohuan——"

The audience also began to cheer his name. Obviously, whether it is his achievements or his attractiveness to girls, it is enough to make him the first person whose introduction has caused a big response so far.

The rest of the people didn't say they couldn't do it, but they were still short of honor and grades.

Of course, the face value is also a lot worse.

"The fifth way."

"Asian 60-meter record holder, world 1-meter record holder, North Olympic [-]-meter silver medal, No.[-] representing our yellow speed, everyone must struggle to know his name, shout it out with me..." The host mobilized loudly atmosphere, said:

"He is, Su————————————————————— God!!!!!!!"

"God Su————————"

"God Su————————"

"God Su————————"

The sound wave of shouting to God Su began to spread throughout Yangcheng. Although the girl's voice was much less this time, the man's voice was a bit louder.After all, 100 meters is still a competitive sport, and we still need to look at the strength.

Su Shen's strength is currently number one, so he can naturally get more attention.

Men are still more convinced of the strong.

"Su Shen just created the fastest semi-final record in my country. 9.87s!!!!!!!!!"

"I don't know what good results he can create in the final, let us wait and see."

On Tianchao Sports Channel, Yang Jian made the analysis a little more specific and didn't go too far, but said very rationally: "Shen Su just created a good score of 9.90 seconds two hours ago, which is very important for him. It may also be a kind of consumption, if the performance of this shot is not as good as before, it is understandable."

This is to help God Su "cool down", so as not to run well and be scolded by others.

But Hu Kai obviously thought of something else. He knew that God Su was not such a person. God Su didn't want to...

But this idea is a bit crazy no matter how you think about it, even in terms of absolute difficulty, it is even more exaggerated than last year's three shots for ten seconds.

Can Asians really do this.

Continuously open for 9.90s? ? ?

Before it is done, there are all kinds of opinions. This is human nature. Look at how many people still say it after Su Shen has done it.

Because reality is the best "magic weapon to dispel rumors".

You say a thousand words and ten thousand, no matter how much theory you talk about, it is not as reliable as others have really done it.

Su Shen has now proved that we can also open 9.80s, we can also run three shots for ten seconds, and we can also win the Olympic medal in the [-]-meter trapeze competition...

Then he won't dislike one more Asian, and maybe... open 9.90s more.


"Sixth way, our country's 200-meter and 100-meter new force, this year's Asian Grand Prix has won the champion of the sub-races and the championship of the finals many times, he is..."

"Zhang——— Pei———— fierce!!!"

Zhang Peimeng has indeed won many honors in Asia this year, showing his strong momentum of catching up.

And with this shot, he only wanted to do one thing, and that was to defeat Laoyi.

Same as Xie Wenjun just now.

Take away the qualifications for the A standard that should belong to others.

"The seventh track, the first baton in the Olympic relay, the silver medalist in the North Olympic relay, and the number one hot rod in China."


Lao Yi looked at Zhang Peimeng next to him, and he felt the opponent's extremely aggressive gaze and will to fight.

It can be seen that Zhang Peimeng is not convinced at all, he still wants to fight with himself, and wants to take away his qualification for the A standard.

Well, at this time, Lao Yi is not easy to mess with.

Looking back at the past with the same firm eyes.

It was just a short eye contact, but it already made people feel the taste of sparks flying.

"The eighth way, the young famous general of Guangdong Province in our country, Liang---Jia---Hong!!!"

In fact, here in Liang Jiahong, you can see that there is a gap between him and these top domestic combat powers.

But he's not completely out of chance.

Yuan Guoqiang also told him that in fact, he took a step back and stopped looking at the World Championships. Instead, he focused on China and Asia. In fact, there will be unexpected gains and honors.Liang Jiahong must have been young and reluctant at the beginning, but the monsters on Ersha Island couldn't stand one after another.

Therefore, starting from this year, he also had to start to rethink what his teacher said.

The competition in the international competition is too fierce, and if you don't have the strength of around ten seconds, you don't even need to think about it.

Even if there is.

If you look at Zhang Peimeng and Lao Yi, you will know that there are still many people staring fiercely like tigers.

All regard it as forbidden.

It is getting more and more difficult for him to intervene, it is better to take a step back, instead there is a wider world to display.

You can also get relative honors, even if you retire at that time, it will be easy to arrange.

During the explanation, Zhao Haohuan turned his head and said something to God Su, who nodded and told him to go all out.

Because the current cutting-edge sprint human body research of Asians, besides Su Shen, is Zhao Haohuan.

Both of them are precious "wild data groups".

Therefore, for the data analysis and thesis compilation of the entire Sushen laboratory, these two people need to work hard.

Especially with the limit of two guns, Su Shen may still be a little bit alone.

If there are two people including Zhao Haohuan, perhaps the convincing power of the thesis and data will be stronger.

These two people who are promoted are too far ahead, there is almost no problem, but the people behind will have their own ideas.

Each has its own "small calculations".

Tianchao Sports Station.

"The competition that is about to start is the men's 100-meter final." Yang Jiandao: "Whether Su Shen can double the score in two hours, and whether Zhao Haohuan can double the ten seconds in two hours, we are all looking forward to the next competition , in ten seconds, we will give us the answer."

"Force to open for ten seconds within 2 hours, this is very difficult, and quite a test of cardiorespiratory ability and recovery speed." Hu Kai said: "So far, only Su Shen has done it in the whole of Asia. If Zhao Haohuan can do it, Then he's second."

"Hu Kai, what do you think of their possibility? Can they do it?" Yang Jian asked.

"I think it should still be very promising." Hu Kai said: "Because Zhao Haohuan's strength should be improved again after winter training, and the 9.91s of the last shot did not run particularly hard. If the shot is fired for another ten seconds, I think there will be at least some chances." 2% probability. As for Su Shen, because the last shot ran too fast, I couldn’t be sure in [-] hours, and I even think that if it can be opened for ten seconds, it is already very good.”

"This is very difficult."

Afraid that everyone would not understand the difference, Hu Kai added another word on purpose: "Because the difficulty of driving 9.90s is completely different from that of driving for ten seconds, the consumption will be many times greater. If it is 9.90 for two shots, I think Su The possibility of God’s doing it will be much greater.”

"So if this shot can be fired for ten seconds, it is a kind of victory."

In fact, don't look at what Hu Kai said, Yuan Guoqiang and the others think so.

Even Su Shen said that he wanted to test the limit of the dual guns, but the dual guns 9.80, even if it is too much.

It's better to be realistic.

At that time, the hope is too great, the disappointment is too great, there is no need.

At this moment in Japan's land alliance, all members are watching internally, and discussing whether it is feasible for God Su to do so.

Isn't it a bit "arrogant".

Goro Yamaguchi, chairman of Japan's Overland League, looked at the figure of Su Shen on TV, and asked the experts and professors around him, whether Su Shen can double open 9.90s this time.

In fact, in the past, there would definitely be people who echoed loudly, saying "absolutely impossible", "if I can do it, I will kill myself by harakiri" and so on.

But after being slapped in the face by Su Shen last year, the experts and professors of the entire land alliance have become "cautious".

One by one is cautious and tight-lipped.

"Is it possible?" Yamaguchi Goro became a little angry, and said loudly, "Sawamura, tell me."

Sawamura secretly called unlucky.

But this is the headquarters of the Land Alliance, so you can't be named. If you don't say anything, your own funds will be reduced a lot.

When it comes to money, that is absolutely not possible.

Smacking his lips and thinking hard, Sawamura said, "I don't think it's very likely, but it's not impossible."

"What?" Goro Yamaguchi was furious: "Doesn't it mean you didn't say it? Haga! Tell me more accurately!"

And Sawamura's idea is, I'll go, how can this be accurate.

That young flower grower is famous for challenging authority and breaking rules. I'm afraid I'll be scolded if I say something wrong.

"This is science. Science cannot be said to be dead. There is a probability..."

"Baga! Road!" Yamaguchi Goro heard that Sawamura was going to force these things, and he was about to go crazy on the spot. He saw that the game was about to start, so he held back and didn't drive the latter out directly, but the sound Leng snorted, but everyone heard it.

Sawamura's future days, I am afraid that in the land alliance, it will not be too easy.

I just hope that God Su doesn't run too well.

Sawamura watched TV and began to pray to Amaterasu.

Not only Japan, but Thailand, as well as other Asian countries, are now staring at the game in front of the TV.

I want to know how far God Su can do it, and I also want to know the horizontal ceiling in Asia.

How far can two guns go.

If God Su can do it.

Then it is equivalent to changing direction, which is equivalent to Asians.

It is undoubtedly a huge positive incentive for the entire Asian track and field community.

So now this shot, the professional eyes of the whole Asia, almost automatically aimed at it.


"Okay, everyone, are you ready? The game is about to start." Yang Jian said: "Whether Su Shen and Zhao Haohuan can continue to open for ten seconds, we will announce in ten seconds."

"Who will get the third promotion spot, everyone, don't blink."

At this time, the voice of the electronic password also began to sound in the TV:
"Everyone take their places."


In a few seconds of silence.


Almost at the same time, Yang Jian's roar also came out:
"Game start!!!"

PS: There is a small explosion today, let’s have a double update first~~~~ There will be another update~~~~~~~~
Everyone can wake up and watch in the morning, and strive to restore the outbreak state as soon as possible! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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