The Su God of the Reopening of the Sports Arena

Chapter 1022 Track and field, we can definitely continue playing!

Chapter 1022 Track and field, we can definitely continue playing!

Berlin Express: Men's 100 meters, Su Zhaoluo all entered the semi-finals!


But obviously, this result cannot make the headlines of Berlin in my country today, because Chinese player Wang Hao made history in today's competition!

Group photo: Wang Hao picks silver to create history, and the flower grower competes for No.1 to applaud himself.

Wang Hao broke the "curse" of no medals, looking forward to another breakthrough in track and field.

Comparing with Zhu Jianhua, Liu Xiangsu, and Wang Haocheng, the fourth person in my country's men's track and field glory!

Exclusive: Special training foreign teachers praised Wang Hao, saying that he still has a lot of room for improvement.

Florist Athletics hired excellent foreign teachers, and Randy Damerano's short-term guidance paid off.

Tianchao Sports Station.

"The men's race walking competition was not held in the Olympic Stadium, but in the center of Berlin, starting and finishing near the Brandenburg Gate. This neoclassical building contains a lot of historical significance and also It can be regarded as one of the landmark buildings in Germany, and the race also passed through the scenic Bodhi Tree Avenue. The weather was fine during the race, and the temperature was around 26 degrees Celsius..."

"In the first 5 kilometers of the race, Norway's Thiese took the lead in 20 minutes. Wang Hao and Chu Yafei followed. Among them, Wang Hao, who ranked 8th, and Chu Yafei, who ranked 11th, were 14 seconds behind Tisser. Boerqin temporarily Ranked 5th, but the gap with Wang Hao is only 1 second. At the halfway mark, Wang Hao has raised his ranking to 4th, and there is only 10 seconds behind the Italian player Rubino who first passed the 11-kilometer timing point , Boerqin just followed behind Wang Hao. Chu Yafei did not keep up with the rhythm, and the rankings fell to 19th and 21st respectively. Afterwards, Boerqin and Wang Hao came out and took 15 minutes and 59 seconds at the 29 kilometers. Passed the timing point with the same result as the same score, but Boerqin was slightly ahead. In the last 5 kilometers, Boerqin walked fast. Although Wang Hao tried to keep up with the pace of the famous Russian general, Boerqin was indeed superior. In the end, Boerqin Erqin took the lead in crossing the line with a time of 1:18, and won the World Championships again after winning the 41 North Olympic Championships. A personal best time of 2008 minutes and 25 seconds won a precious silver medal for the Chinese track and field team. ..."

This is the long-form content that Tianchao Sports News is broadcasting.

On the webpage, Wang Hao's achievements and honors are constantly being posted.

Overnight, he began to make the country aware.

This is the charm of international competitions.

Becoming famous overnight is really not a fantasy.

Moreover, Wang Hao’s silver medal in race walking is also the result of years of continuous hard work by the Flower Planters Men’s Race Walking Team. His silver medal announced that our track and field team is not only brilliant in women’s race walking, but also has reached the world’s top level in men’s race walking.

Wang Hao's breakthrough was something that everyone did not expect. Feng Shuyong even held a press conference directly, praising Wang Hao's breakthrough.

The whole men's track and field team is publicly vocal in support, because there is another factor that makes the men's track and field team happy, which is--

After 26 years, men's race walking has finally blossomed.

Before this, the men's team had been crushed by the women's team.

Starting from the second Rome World Championships in 1987, Yan Hong won a bronze medal for the flower planters race walking team in the women's 10km race walking competition, creating a new milestone for us in race walking. In the 1999th World Championships in 20, Liu Hongyu and Wang Yan won the championship and runner-up of the women's 2009km race walk, showing our superiority in this event.But it is a pity that before the Berlin World Championships in August 8, the best result of our florist men's race walking team in the World Championships was only No.4.It was the 1997th World Championships in 6. Chinese male players Yu Huihui and Li Zewen won the fourth and fifth places in the men's 20km race walk in turn; two years later in the 7th World Championships held in Seville, Spain , Lai Zewen ranked fourth in this item.These are the two best results in the Chinese men's 20-kilometer race walk in the past 20 years at the World Championships.

So in the history of race walking, there is no problem with what we call "the prosperity of yin and the decline of yang".

In addition, the men's team has always had the habit of "dropping the chain" in competitions, such as. In the first half of 2003, the men's race walking was in good condition, with many players ranking among the best in the world.But at the World Championships in Paris that year, the best result for male players was only 15th. In the 2005 Helsinki World Championships, the men's race walker's best result was only 9th; in the Osaka World Championships two years ago, the male player Li Gaobo ranked 12th.

These are all men's flaws, and men's sports performance has a greater influence than women's sports performance.

As a result, our men's race walking team has been somewhat "unable to lift their heads".

Fortunately, since 2008, in order to solve the long-standing problem of lack of communication between the men's race walking team and the world's top-level countries, the track and field team specially invited the famous Italian race walking coach Damirano to give lectures to the coaches of the men's flower planters team. Several core players were arranged to receive special training in Italy.The young player Wang Hao kept refreshing his personal best results, and even won the silver medal in Berlin in one fell swoop, completing our new breakthrough in race walking, which is the best example.

It also proved a point again.

As long as the scientific methods are in place and the scientific training system is in place, our men's race walking can still achieve results.

Our men's race walking can also compete at the highest level in the world.

Feng Shuyong even said directly at the press conference: "The silver medal won by Wang Hao is the first medal won by our men's race walking in 1983 years since the first Helsinki Athletics World Championships started in 26. We should Be proud, but you should also remain humble. It should be noted that Wang Hao’s performance today is still more than 25 seconds away from the champion Russia’s Bolkin. Lu should not have too much pressure on him, after creating the history of the first medal in the men's race walking World Championships, I announce that Wang Hao will attack for the first gold medal in the World Championships."

"At the same time, we should also see that this is the power after the introduction of science. After the men's sprint team, the men's race walking also began to explode and achieved good results. This shows that the new policy adhered to by our track and field team is correct. The future domestic track and field road , it is bound to be constructed and completed with the policy of scientific development.”

"The so-called racial theory is simply nonsense. Wang Hao proved that we can do it too!"

"Racing is also possible!"

"Our future racewalking team strategy is..."



The power of science.

What we did not do well in the past was not because of our race, but because of our training methods. In the future, we will be able to make breakthroughs in the long jump, and even win gold directly.

God Su has seen this with his own eyes.

Absolutely no problem.

Athletics, we can definitely continue playing.

Don't be a green leaf, try to play as one of the protagonists.


After the men's group ended, the rematch of the women's group also started.

Chen Juan's grouping was good. Although there were Lauren Williams, Irene Bailey, Halligan Scott, Vida Emen and others, she still delivered an astonishing performance.

"Game start!"

"Irene Bailey started the fastest, followed by Williams, and Chen Juan ranked fifth!"

"Chen Juan is accelerating! The acceleration zone is good, the speed adds up, running on the way, the speed continues to add up!"

"Overtake Vader Aimen, sprint zone! Chen Juan, hold on, the speed is still increasing, overtake Scott!!!"

"Finally let go of this shot, third in the group, third in the group, 11.20s!!!!!!!!!"

"Chen Juan's group is third and successfully entered the semi-finals!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"She also tied her own best result in the World Championships, and also the best result of the flower planter in the World Championships!!!!!!!!!"

"Looking at this accelerated rhythm and pace, Chen Juan is obviously better than last year. Her progress is really a big step every year. People are looking forward to this year. I hope she can fulfill her dream and become the history of Asian and yellow people. The first Asian athlete to enter the Olympic Games and the World Championships women's 100m trapeze competition final stage at the same time!!!!!!"

"She can complete 11.20s so easily. Although the wind speed reached 0.8M/S this time, she is still the hardest strength in our country. Especially when she is still very young, she has already surpassed Halligan Scott, Internationally famous players like Vinda Aimen, I think Chen Juan will have a chance to really hit the No. [-] position in Asia in this year's Asian Championships and next year's Asian Games!"

"I have the opportunity to face several powerful female flying women from Kazakhstan, and I have the opportunity to win."

"If you win, it will be a historic day for Asia's first sister to return to the embrace of our country!"

Li Tao knows how difficult it is for the women's team, and now it's only Chen Juan who is supporting her, but she is indeed doing well enough.

Although this group is the weakest group in the rematch, it can be regarded as a kind of luck.

And this gave Chen Juan an opportunity to hit the final.

The opportunity is here.

You have to be able to catch it.

she was.

It has already completed the regret that Li Xuemei did not complete due to injuries.

Facing the camera, Chen Juan was asked why she was able to enter the OW semi-finals many times, and even achieved better results. "Veterans" of WWII.

Now many female players in China also look at her and take her as an example.

So she knew that what she said was not what it used to be, and a lot of words would have a lot of influence.

"I think I can achieve such good results, just like Wang Hao." Chen Juan said with firm eyes, "That's science."

"Only science can make us run faster."

"Only the scientific movement can allow us to truly stimulate our inherent abilities."


science movement.

This year already in Berlin, I heard this voice many times.

God Su said before, but there was only one person.

Although I have achieved good results, there is only one event, which is actually not convincing enough. Now it is better, men and women are blooming, and the men’s events of the race walking team exploded, all because of science, so if there are more events, the persuasiveness will naturally increase up.

It even began to show a geometric multiple increase.

At this time, what "demons and ghosts" say that we can't do it, we are not suitable for sports.

It is estimated that the spontaneously awakened netizens will be sprayed with blood.

Or even log out directly.

This is the power of science.

God Su, you have made a good start here, and naturally more and more people will join in.

In the end, the creeks converge into a large current, and that is an irreversible trend.

At this time, on the second day, the short-span preliminaries also started, and the first group was Chinese teenager Xie Wenjun.

There is nothing to say about Xie Wenjun's talent. A person who broke through to the top in his 30s, it seems that he was hindered by the backwardness of the training system before. Otherwise, his talent and plasticity are now above Shi Dongpeng.Shi Dongpeng is mainly because he is already old, and he doesn't want to "change his family" again, so it's not bad to just be the big brother in the traditional department.

Xie Wenjun performed well in his first international competition. Although he was very nervous, he still relied on his continuous improvement of physical fitness and strength coefficient in Ersha Island this year. Much taller.Don't forget that one of Ersha Island's specialties is stability.

The wheel is stable.

As long as it doesn't hurt.

The performance stability of Ersha Island is extremely high.

Even now in the whole world, there is no team that can match it.

This is the result of the scientific theory system and black technology beyond the times.

Xie Wenjun actually took the first shot...with 13.67s, he won the first place in the group!

Although there was a lot of moisture in the preliminaries of the first shot, Shi Dongpeng and the others had also won the first place in the group in their impression, and many masters would not even try their best in the preliminaries, but for a domestic post-[-]s teenager, it is tantamount to establishing Huge confidence.

The advantage of international competitions is that you have more competitions, and you won't be "insiders in civil wars, outsiders in wars outside".

And this is also a drawback that the domestic traditional department has been unable to solve.

But God Su knows how to solve it. A scientific and scientific training system can solve this "century problem" that is not difficult to solve.

When more and more of us can perform stably in the international arena, who will say that we can't perform in international competitions?Facts are the best example of countering rumors.

Perhaps his strength is still far away from being truly world-class, but as long as he takes one step at a time, with scientific methods and powerful technological assistance, one day, he will achieve his goal of surpassing his former self.

Do not ask.

Asking is science.

When Xie Wenjun answered that he won the first place in the group, he said: "This is because of the improvement brought about by scientific training methods. Although I am very nervous, my physical strength still maintains a lower limit. This is why I performed better than I imagined." s reason."

"Is the scientific training learned from Ersha Island?" the reporter asked.

"It's like this." Xie Wenjun said with some excitement and some longing: "It's just that I didn't fully develop the scientific system before, but even so, I still benefited a lot."

"Then in the future, will you be a member of the Su God Department?" the reporter asked.

"Haha." Xie Wenjun said with a shy smile, "I think, it depends on whether they accept me or not."

All in all, since the start of the World Championships, the most frequently used track and field terms in China are nothing else, from athletes to team leaders, the word "science" is the word that is used the most.

Su Shen saw that under his leadership, the word "science" has become more and more popular among the flower planters track and field team.

In the hotel, he also showed the most heartfelt smile.

Finally, he had wasted too much time in the previous life to see the "science".

Now in China, it has taken root so early, and even sprouted.

After so many fields have started to play, who said we can't play track and field?
Not only can we play, but we can play well!
We yellow people are real hexagonal warriors.

Watching the good news of the Flower Planters' track and field team constantly coming out on TV, Su Shen felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction.

Such satisfaction.

It even surpassed the happiness that the OW medal brought him.

PS: The first update! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

God Su's influence is finally beginning to spread in an all-round way, and the biggest purpose of this book is also starting to penetrate and cover! ! !
Go ahead, continue to break out with [-]D today! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Code word code word ing! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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