The Su God of the Reopening of the Sports Arena

Chapter 1050 Su Shen grows at the beginning of 200 meters

Chapter 1050 Su Shen grows at the beginning of 200 meters
Berlin Express: Bekele is worthy of the new "king of long-distance running" and achieved four consecutive World Championships!

Berlin Express: 400-meter hurdles champion: Pass the last hurdle to see the gold medal 4x400 and win!
Berlin Express: Gay's groin strain may give up 200 meters to prepare for the 4×100 relay.

Berlin Express: Ma Xuejun and Song Aiming are expected to win the gold medal in the women's discus final?
Berlin Express: "Bringing Doctrine" plus the combination of Chinese and Western race walking teams have to walk on two legs.


Sports News: "In the 200-meter race that will start today, three players from our country will participate..."


The competition is still going on in an orderly manner. This is a comprehensive sports meeting, and it will not stop for too long because of someone or something.The most concerned one is naturally the upcoming 200-meter duel.

Whether you want to see if Bolt can make lightning cut through the night sky again in Berlin, or if you want to see if the florist can make another breakthrough in the 200 meters, or you want to see Su Shen's first 200 meters OW competition performance, you can choose to pay attention to this game.

Men's 200m duel.

After Bolt, the influence and popularity have soared in a straight line, and more and more people want to watch this race with a big curve more than 100 meters.

Multiple reports before the game also proved this point. The men's 200-meter duel is also a big favorite in Berlin.

How fast Bolt can run in this game is also a topic that everyone talks about.

Of course, everyone believes that Bolt's 100-meter state is so good, and he will definitely continue to break the record.

In the whole world, the American media may be the only media that look down on Bolt and think that Bolt may not run 200 meters better than 100 meters.

The reason is that the last time Bolt broke the record, he almost tried his best.

Neither Mills nor Bolt answered directly, they just laughed and said, "You will see it when you play."

As for Gay's absence, Bolt said carelessly: "Come on man, you have to see clearly, who is the WR on the 200 meters."

"I'm the world record holder."

"Will the world record holder be afraid? The world record holder, just want to win the gold medal."

"I don't care if Guy participates, anyway, he can't outrun me if he participates."

With this voice, the audience was amused. Although the US track and field team was very upset, what can you do?In the field of track and field, strength is the king, food is the original sin, you can't compare with others, and it's useless for you to talk about flowers.Moreover, recent slanderous reports about Bolt have been overwhelming. In the United States, do you think Bolt can still speak well?
It's good to be able to do this.

This is also enough to prove from the side why Bolt has always dismissed the reports of the American media during his peak period, and even had obvious emotions.

If it were you, you would be ashamed.

It's just too deceiving.

But now is not the time for Su Shen to care about this, because the 200-meter race will start from today.

Su Shen's body has basically recovered. Sure enough, his body's strength and toughness are getting better and better, and his endurance and recovery level are constantly improving, which is really beginning to be realized gradually.

Otherwise, you want to load as many guns as Bolt.

In fact, the first thing you have to consider is not strength, but whether your body can bear it.

Only by being able to bear it can we have the ability to support so many projects, otherwise, taking part in a project is just fishing in a dry lake.

Su Shen is different from Xie Zhengye in this regard. You can tell from Su Shen’s own interviews that Su Shen himself realized very early, probably in 08, that his body could not bear the concurrent sport and was easily injured, so he decisively gave up the concurrent sport.At the beginning, yes, Su Shen also practiced 100 meters and 200 meters together.

But later, he found it was not possible and stopped, but Xie Zhengye did not have such good luck.

Although many athletes in the world are doing part-time sports, it is better not to do this before your physical strength is not so great.In fact, Bolt, only one, has to recognize his own physical strength, which is another step in training and improving.

This life is entirely due to Su Shen laying the foundation for a comprehensive scientific foundation, becoming the No. 1 in the world that may be so solidly scientific, plus all kinds of knowledge and nutritional reserves that are ahead of the times, and soul wear. After coming over, he was given a "traveling gift bag", which increased the upper limit of flexibility potential and endurance potential, so he was confident that he could win so many projects by himself.

For the rest, even Xie Zhengye's body load was too much for him.

It would be better to specialize in a certain one, and it would be more possible to redeem the upper limit of talent.

Grouped out:
Zhou Bing is in the first group.

Zhang Peimeng is in the third group.

Su Shen is in the fifth group.

"Xiao Tian, ​​just perform well. Don't be too nervous. You are still a rookie in the 200 meters. If you don't understand anything, just ask." Zhou Bing finally seized a chance to chat with Su Shen before the race. Then he will not give up easily.

Looking at Zhou Bing's appearance, he completely forgot how nervous he was when he went to the Bird's Nest for the first time last year.

Facial muscles are out of control.

"Don't worry, A Bing, it's indeed my first time running 200 meters. If I have any questions, I will definitely ask you." Su Shen is not polite about this, because he is indeed a human being in two lives, and it is the first time to run OW level 200m race.Regarding the reality, Su Shen still admits it very much, and does not shy away from it at all.

In terms of 200 meters, from the team to the coaching staff, it is relatively easy.

The main thing is that there is not much expectation.

Travel light without expecting too much.

Only Zhang Peimeng, he doesn't know what he is thinking these days, it seems that after 10 seconds of the hard power of labor and rest, he has been a little "wrong".

But it was time for the competition, and no one asked much, and he didn't say much.

"Please enter the first round of men's 200m preliminaries, and please get ready for the second round of men's 1m preliminaries."


The electronic broadcast sounded, which meant that the 200-meter race was about to be shot.

"A Bing, run hard and try to enter the next round." Yuan Guoqiang said with a smile. After Su Shen ran a super time of 9.71s, he was actually praised by the above, and he also won enough for Ersha Island. As for the benefits of 200 meters, it doesn't matter so much.Anyway, 200 meters is so-called, and it is useless. The gap in strength is too large, and it cannot be transferred subjectively.

Now the goal of the track and field team is still on the 4X100 meter relay.

"Don't worry, coach, watch me go up and kill him!" Zhou Bing patted his chest and was about to leave the inspection area from the sideline.

After a few seconds.

Seeing that Zhou Bing hadn't moved, Yuan Guoqiang was also stunned, and said: "Why are you still in a daze, go. Hurry up, don't miss the inspection time."

But Zhou Bing still didn't move. Instead, he turned his head to look at God Su. After a while, seeing that God Su was really not going to speak, he said doubtfully, "Well, Xiao Tian, ​​I'm leaving."

"Ah? You go, come on, Ah Bing." Su Shen said.


"Xiao Tian, ​​don't you have anything to say to me?" Zhou Bing said.

"What are you talking about, there's nothing to say, just work hard." Su Shen said.

"Really?" Zhou Bing said again.

"No, come on and run."

"Oh." Zhou Bing nodded and turned to check.

In fact, Su Shen knew what Zhou Bing wanted, and in almost every major competition and important competition, he would be by his side and give him advice.

Before letting their hearts go on the field, they are as stable as Mount Tai, knowing a clear goal to play.


Now that the timeline has reached the present, even Su Shen can no longer accurately grasp so many details.

The future trend is bound to be more and more different.

If you blindly rely on yourself, then you can only say that one day you will not be able to rely on it.

It's better to let them fly by themselves now, at least they can take the helm beside them if they have problems.

Zhou Bing passed the inspection area and walked onto the field of the Berlin Stadium.

The runway in Berlin is really blue.

I don't know if it will shake my eyes.

Zhou Bing thumped his head, forbidding himself to think about it now.

In addition to Zhou Bing, players in this group include Sean Crawford, Roman Smirnoff, Bry Nzingayi, Adam Harris, Alan Armstrong, and Hananne from Jordan , Chambers of Kitty Hawk.Because Chambers himself will not be able to complete this shot, this powerful opponent will not become a major obstacle for Zhou Bing.

As long as it's a good comparison, it's not a big problem.

With Zhou Bing's current ability, it is not a problem to perform well in the first round, and it is not very difficult to enter the semi-finals.

So it's one of the best times to let yourself go.

Zhou Bing is no longer the stunned young man who just reached the standard last year. His 200 meters is now the best in China. After Hu Kai retreats, no one can surpass him for the time being.The new PB at the tryouts no doubt infused him with new confidence as well.

Although the second course is not very good, it is better than the first course.

Besides, it's just the preliminaries, you don't care what pass, those who care about the pass in the preliminaries are probably all in one round.

"on your marks."



"Game start."

"Zhou Bing's start is not bad, follow in the middle." (The corner should be tighter)
"Olympic champion Crawford came out on top, proving he's still alive, and Chambers was right behind him?" (What's wrong with Chambers? Strained?)
But the game will continue, and Chambers is not a favorite to win the championship. If Bolt is injured, it may be the big news of the century.

Compared with Zhou Bing's last start reaction in the first OW competition this time, it is already much better.

At least it can reach a normal level, which is not bad.

Extraordinary performance is always only a minority.

It's good to be normal.

Su Shen watched on the TV screen in the secondary field. Zhou Bing's running rhythm was much better than the first time, and it was more relaxed. At least Crawford, who was following the adjacent road, would not be so tired and uncomfortable.Of course, this has a lot to do with Crawford's own decline in strength.

If it was Crawford at his peak in 04, even if Zhou Bing was a few levels stronger, he would still be thrown away.

It is simply impossible to follow behind.

Even the preliminaries cannot follow.

Although this year's Crawford is also well-adjusted with the same level of superb skills, he can drive into 19.80+ with all his strength, but it is obvious that he wants to preserve his physical fitness, and here he is "running casually".Zhou Bing knew the gap between himself and Crawford, so he just followed, not seeking merit but seeking no fault.When you get to the big straight road, you can find a way to get the promotion ranking.

"Hold the curve, don't fall behind,
"Crawford started to work hard, and the corner gradually ran ahead of everyone." (Keep the rhythm, don't blindly follow the speed)
"Curve into the straight! Zhou Bing is fifth, and he still has a chance to use his late advantage!"

"it is good!"

"Zhou Bing started to exert his strength, this speed is really fast enough! He continued to overtake...Only Crawford and Smirnov are in front!"

Zhou Bing's ability to kill back and forth in a row is really enjoyable to watch, especially if he doesn't know much about track and field, just watching a lively audience, he just likes the visual stimulation of continuous surpassing.

Smirnov is actually in good shape for the past few years, but it is a pity that his state has suddenly declined a lot this year, otherwise he can carry it for a while.When he ran less than 50 meters on the big straight, he was overtaken by Zhou Bing.

"Second! Surpassed Smirnov!!!" As soon as Yang Jiang finished speaking, Hu Kai and Li Tao said: "Don't speed up, save your energy, second is enough, there is no need to compete with Crawford First."

Many young players start to waste their physical energy and energy in the preliminaries right away, causing them to perform abnormally later on. This is possible if Zhou Bing used to be, but now he has experienced countless games and has experience in OW competitions. man, this...

Still manageable.

He followed Crawford in the third lane, slowed down in this way, and passed the last few tens of meters.

The group is second!

The score is 20.71s.

Crawford won the first place in the group, 20.60s, and won the first place with absolute strength, and the group leader qualified.

No.3 is Russian player Roman Smirnov with a score of 20.85s.

No.4 is Zimbabwe player Bry Nzingayi with a score of 20.97s

Zhou Bing's second identity in the group easily entered the second shot.

"Ah Tim! I've got it done!" When Zhou Bing came down, he looked smug, and then deliberately prodded Zhang Peimeng: "Wow, you don't want to smash it with the first shot."

Well, now he is No. 200 in the 1m in China, so there is no big problem for him.


Zhang Peimeng's current strength is about 2 levels behind him.

"Hmph." Zhang Pei snorted coldly, and went up without saying anything.

For him in the first round, if he also plays well, there is no big problem.

Sure enough, the group came third and entered the second round with a score of 20.65, beating Japanese player Fujii Kenji.

However, his performance can only be said to be... a bit overplayed.

Su Shen looked at Zhang Peimeng and touched his chin, as if he had sensed something, but he didn't say it clearly, because Zhang Peimeng would come to look for him when the time came.

For now...

"Please enter the first round of men's 200m preliminaries, and please get ready for the second round of men's 5m preliminaries."

The electronic broadcast sounded.

Su Shen sorted out his number plate in the inspection area, stuck it on his body, and then patted himself lightly.

The first 200-meter race of the two lives as human beings, the first experience began.

(End of this chapter)

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