The Su God of the Reopening of the Sports Arena

Chapter 1056 The world is a sensation!He wants to come again? !

Chapter 1056 The world is a sensation!He wants to do it again? !

Berlin official website: 19 seconds 15!Bolt broke the 200m world record again, Berlin is crazy! ! !

Bolt broke the 200-meter world record, the Martians shine in Berlin! ! !

Gritting the bullet and recreating the Martian record, Bolt detonated Berlin! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Bolt shocked the ancient and modern Tiantian world within 15 months and was born the first trapeze man in history! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The World Championships won the men's 100 meters and 200 meters. Bolt is not No.1. Green and Gatlin have done it. At the Seville World Championships, Green even won the 100 meters, 200 meters and 4 meters. × 100 meters and three gold medals, but so far no one has been able to complete the dominance in the Olympic Games and World Championships, let alone climb to the top of the world in sprinting with the magical performance of breaking the world record. On May 2008, 5, Bolt broke the men's 31-meter world record for the first time. After the North Olympics, until the 100 World Athletics Championships, he gave people an amazing process of rapid leap! ! ! ! !After that, there is only one name for Sprint Superman, and he is Usain Bolt! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Before the game, Athens Olympic champion Crawford believed in an interview that Bolt could run 19 seconds at the World Championships in Berlin. Obviously he underestimated the power of the Jamaican lightning.Donovan Bailey, who was considered a bolder prediction before the game, turned out to be the most accurate prediction: "I really don't know what he can achieve in the end, but maybe he can run 20 seconds 19-1 in Berlin." A score of 19 seconds."

Bolt did it, just like in the "Bird's Nest" a year ago, the 100-meter and 200-meter world records are so fragile under the feet of the Jamaicans, breaking again and again, there seems to be no limit.The former owner of the men's 200m world record, Michael Johnson, believes that Bolt has great potential. "Who knows what crazy things Bolt will do? He is unpredictable! This is simply an unbelievable race." Race, no one has run a race like that again, probably never again. He finished 15 meters ahead of Spilmont and it was definitely the most incredible race to date." As Morris Green, who won the No.1 gold medal in the sprint event at the World Championships, simply called Bolt the "Zenith Starman"! ! ! !

Bolt once said: "I think the 200-meter gold medal is the most exciting thing for me, because I was originally a 200-meter player and have been training for several years, so I think 200 meters will always be me. My favorite. I also hope that the 200m record will stay with me forever." Now, he has cashed in, 19.15s, and the recognition has been surpassed? ? ?
Deutsche Zeitung: Isn't Bolt tired?Do you still have the energy to race with the Berlin Bears after the game? ? ?
Bolt won the championship, Bolt broke the world record, and Bolt became the focus again.In the men's 20-meter final on the evening of the 200th local time, Bolt easily won the title again.After the game, Bolt didn't feel tired at all. While celebrating crazily, he also had another race with the Berlin Bear.It's amazing, isn't Bolt tired?
According to Reuters, three-time Olympic gold medalist Jamaican Bolt ran 19 seconds to break his own men's 15-meter world record. The original world record was 200 seconds set by him in North Olympics a year ago.Bolt became the first male player in history to combine the Olympic and World Championships 19m and 28m double champions and world records!The results of the top five in the men's 100m final were all within 200 seconds. "In fact, I didn't expect to break the world record. Now I'm really tired, but I told myself that I must persevere and run my best time," Bolt told the BBC immediately after the race.

"Mi Associated Press" is also convinced, 19.15s is too scary, saying that it is more than 2+ seconds ahead of No.0.6, and even close to 0.7+...Bolt stepped on the world record again.Jamaican Lightning's performance in the men's 200m final was extraordinary. He refreshed his own world record and won his second gold medal at the World Championships.It is worth noting that Bolt's time of 19 seconds is several notches higher than the world record set in 15.Bolt is a performer, but his speed is definitely the fastest, especially after defending champion Tyson Gay retired due to injury, Bolt has few rivals in the men's 08m event.

"Agence France-Presse" stated that on the eve of his 23rd birthday, Bolt once again detonated the audience in Berlin! 19 seconds 15, an incredible result, Bolt broke his own world record in the men's 200 meters and won his second gold medal in this World Championships.Bolt's 100-meter and 200-meter world records have been set, and it is clear that he has created another legend.In the men's 200m final, Bolt led the way, and no opponent caused trouble for the Jamaican Lightning.After winning the championship, Bolt said: "I am very excited, because I did not expect to break the world record before. Now I am very tired, really tired." But is he really tired? Bear race together?We were all skeptical.

The three major clubs have said so, and it is enough to explain the violent sensation caused by the 200-meter race this time.

The Mi Associated Press didn't dare to fart this time, let alone the rest of the people.

Bolt was interviewed at the scene, and said carelessly: His goal is to defend his title at the next World Championships and the London Olympics.He didn't even forget to quip, "Hope Queen Elizabeth can call me 'Sir Bolt'."

"Oh, my new world record? I didn't pay much attention to it. Actually, I said at the beginning of this season that I would focus on my starts. I have always done the same thing, I train hard. That's it. The secret to winning in the end. I did a good start today." Bolt said on the evening of the 20th, "I didn't go out all day today. I have been playing games in my room."

19 seconds shocked the predecessors, Michael Johnson: The person who broke this record has not yet been born.

Bolt is unlikely to break the 200-meter world record today. He has consumed too much this week and the schedule is so dense that he looks a little tired.So the possibility of breaking the 200m world record is lower than it was a few days ago, and he said that this year's training is not as ideal as last year.... As a guest of the BBC, the former world record holder Michael Johnson was boastful in front of the microphone, but it took less than 20 seconds for Bolt to convince this senior who has won countless honors.

From the beginning of the 200-meter preliminaries, Bolt told reporters after the race that he was "a little tired", but before the race, the Jamaican still had the strength and mood to play a game of hide-and-seek with the camera. The body is still at its best. 19 seconds 15!Michael Johnson was stunned by "lightning" on the runway.

"Bolt ran very hard and did his best. This time he won Spielmont with 15 meters. This is the most incredible race ever. He didn't use technology to run this race, but he still managed it He rushed to the front with lightning speed, and then people saw a smile on his face before the finish line." Regarding the world record of 19 seconds, Michael Johnson's comment on this is a classic: "It is possible to break this The person with the world record may not have been born yet."

Bolt overcame the suspicion of retirement and broke the world record again in the lightning relay! ! !


After the game, Bolt said in an interview, "I am a little tired today. But I will not quit the next relay race, because I think the next world record will be born in the relay race. It's just that I I don't know if my teammates are ready or not."

Which one is stronger, the 100 meters or the 200 meters, will be Bolt's peak three years later! ! !

At this year's World Championships in Berlin, Bolt once again raised the limits of humanity.Who would have thought that in just one year, Bolt raised the men's 100-meter and 200-meter world records by several levels. You must know that in short-distance running, this is an amazing improvement!Now there is a question that can't help but surface. How many years can Bolt rule the men's sprint? Is the sky really the limit for him?

446 days ago, Bolt ran a new world record of 9 seconds in New York, which shocked the field world. Pick gold.Whether it is the Beijing Olympics or the Berlin World Championships, Bolt has proved everything with his extraordinary speed.Now Bolt is the first male player in history to combine the Olympic and World Championships 72m and 100m double champions and world records!Bolt is a natural runner. He is optimistic, talented and explosive, and at the same time has a strong ability to adjust on the spot. Such a Jamaican Lightning is really hard to beat.

The men's 100-meter score is 9 seconds, and the men's 55-meter score is 200 seconds. Bolt has just celebrated his 19rd birthday until now.In the field of track and field, the golden period of male athletes' careers is mostly between the ages of 15 and 23; At least he can still dominate the men's sprint for three years.what does this mean?It means that by the time of the 25 London Olympics, Bolt will reach the peak of his personal career under normal circumstances, and Bolt may also blow a burst of Jamaican lightning in London.How many times can Bolt break the men's 27m and 2012m world records?The answer only time will tell.To be sure, the sky is the limit for Bolt.

Which is better, Bolt's 100 or 200 meters?It's also a hot question, replayed frantically online:
Bolt is the best men's sprinter in history.Take the 200-meter point of view, Bolt led No.2 at the World Championships in Berlin to an astonishing close to 0.7 seconds.So which one is stronger in Bolt's 100 meters or 200 meters?Bolt first practiced 200 meters, and later practiced 100 meters to assist 200 meters.No one would have thought that Bolt is now the world record holder for these two sprint events!Bolt is the fastest man in the world today. In the eyes of this Jamaican Lightning, the 200-meter record will always belong to him, and the 100-meter record will always be refreshed. "In short, I think the 200-meter world record is more difficult to break!" Bolt said.


The funniest thing is that human beings can't compare, and they directly moved the animals out. The "Sun" wrote a joke directly:
If the World Biological Sports Conference is held, and Bolt represents human beings and competes with hares, cheetahs, lions, tigers, snakes, wild boars, and wild dogs in the [-]-meter competition, which place can he get?Netizens have made predictions about it.

[It won't be the last one, it's too embarrassing. 】

[Ostrich first, Bolt second, other animals were disqualified for running on four legs. 】

[To be serious, there was a show last time, Crawford and Zebra had a race, and they lost a lot to Zebra. 】

[The cheetah is 28 meters per second, and it only takes 3.6 seconds to run [-] meters. Bolt has not yet left the acceleration zone and it is over. 】

[How do people compare with animals?Bolt can't run the North American brown bear. 】

[Anyone remember the former Canadian trapeze Ben Johnson?Didn't he organize a man-horse battle? Johnson ran 80 meters and a horse raced 100 meters. He lost both. 】

【How can you compare Ben Johnson with Bolt, are you polite? 】

[The BBC program turns all animals into the same size as human beings and then competes.As a result, the African iguana ranked first in the 0.77 meters with 2.77 seconds, and the cheetah ranked fifth with only [-] seconds. 】

[Serious popular science, the fastest animals in the sea, land and air are sailfish, cheetah, and eagle, with the fastest speeds as high as 200+, 80+, and 300+ km/h. 】

[This topic is tough.Lose: worse than animals; win: even more animals than animals!Flat: Ya is just a beast. 】


Turn on the TV and the Internet, and now there are all news about Bolt. There is no way, he has established the absolute king status in Berlin in 09.

Even Su Shen said: Bolt changed the sprint mode.

Su Shen said before that he could run into 9 seconds, which was doubtful; running into 6 seconds was simply whimsical.

Now, do you still think so?For decades, 10 seconds has been the baseline by which world-class sprinters are measured, and only the best break it.It wasn't until the late 80s, even including the Ben Johnson era, followed by Carl Lewis, Leroy Burrell and Donovan Bailey, that the record started to improve a little bit, but usually by only 0.01 seconds.


Bolt has broken the rules.Now, any guesswork is off limits.

"I said that 9 seconds is not the limit. I think it will stop at 5 seconds, but who knows." said Su Shen, the number one flier in Asia, the first in Asia and the first in yellow race.

At this time, some people in China are going to be demons. Someone posted: Most of the outstanding international sprinters in the past 40 years are muscular and powerful players. They are usually less than 1 meters tall. As much as on the runway.Bolt is 88 feet 6 inches to 5 feet 6 inches tall (6 meter 1~96 meter 1), thinner and less muscular, but he can defy gravity and take strides in a very short time.This shows that running without so many muscles is also feasible.

These words are really inductive, but when Hu Kai stood up for these words, it was a wave of positive rebuttals, saying:
Bolt is just because he is too tall, but his muscles are absolutely developed. Bolt weighs more than 95kg, or even close to 100kg. You think he is not strong because he is too tall. You find a muscular man close to 2 meters Look, that guy is much bigger than your usual muscular guy, that's the visual effect.The future is definitely about the body and science, both are indispensable. Just to promote that Bolt is not strong is to turn back the wheel of history, and the lightweight running method has already been swept into the garbage dump of history.Picking it up again is unreasonable and absolutely undesirable.

Hu Kai is now a graduate student, and when things happen, there is no need for Su Shen to do everything by himself.

These scientific ideas that he spent five or six years building up, the Ersha Island model, have spread rapidly in the country, and it is not so easy to deceive everyone.

Su Shen saw that Hu Kai had already said that, it was enough, and now he was no longer needed as a facade figure, and he would come out to refute the rumors in person every time.He is a young leader in the world of sports science, and his status has changed. There is no need to end in person.

Moreover, more people can speak out, which also represents Su Shen's idea, which has already swept the country and is irreversible.

Otherwise, if you are alone and alone, you will be far from God Su's limit, and the gap is still too large.

Right now.

In this game, it seems that everyone has forgotten the rankings of the others except for watching Bolt. Even the top five are opened for 20 seconds, and the level is very high, which also loses meaning.The main reason is that the man in the front is too scary. He regards these players who broke 20 seconds as high school students. With this posture, who can look behind.

There is no time.

Even Alonso Edwards ran 19.81s.

Even Spilmont ran 19.85s.

Even Sean Crawford ran 19.89s.

Even Steve Mullins ran 19.98s.

The top four are all 19.80+ levels, but they are still in front of Bolt's 19.15s. Mao is not, and the collective has become the "five scumbags of war".

Not to mention that Su Shen was second to last, running 20.58s.

Nobody cares at all.

After Zhou Bing saw the results, he was dumbfounded, and it took him a long time to wake up, otherwise he didn't know how long he would have to stand there.

This... 19.15s, is this still a human?
Players with 19.80+ were treated like high school students and were beaten violently, with no power to fight back...

You must know that when comparing Athens last time, only one person opened it for 20 seconds.

You can get the silver medal in 20 seconds, and now, good guy, even if you break 20 seconds, you can't make it to the top five.

This impact and the 200-meter world progress were really a blow to Zhou Bing.

too scary.

The point is, just like Su Shen said, this guy's 200 meters has not reached the limit of his technology. Just by looking at it with the naked eye, he knows that there is still room for improvement and technical space...

How to play this?Can it be faster in the future, to run to 19.10s?Or run to 19.0x? ? ?

Zhou Bing felt numb, completely numb, he ran a 20.30+ so strenuously, he felt like he was going to die, after 20.50s, it became much more difficult to improve, and he was ahead by more than a full second, how could he play like this?

Twenty grades short? ? ?
More than that?
Zhou Bing felt his head buzzing.

And he observed that Bolt was absolutely relaxed during the whole process. This kind of relaxation is invisible to ordinary people, but only athletes can feel it. It is the absolute deep relaxation brought about by absolute invincibility.

You can understand that Bolt naturally blessed the "relaxed run plus", so his relaxed run is better than everyone's activation.

This may be what Su Shen mentioned, the body controls the technology, but the spirit must control the body.

Zhou Bing is also older now, and his vision is naturally incomparable to before. It is getting better and better, and he can see problems more and more deeply.

As for whether the Jamaica relay can still break the record this time, everyone wants to know.

Even God Su wants to know.

After all, there is a gap between the current level and the history, isn't it?

In the case that Jamaica's handover has always been so bad, the improvement of their personal hard power is actually the most intuitive improvement of the relay race results.

Not impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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