The Su God of the Reopening of the Sports Arena

Chapter 1079 Tradition of the Su God Line?Aren't we here for the gold medal?

Chapter 1079 Tradition of the Su God Line?Aren't we here for the gold medal?

In this group, except Xie Zhengye's 21.31s, the first place.

Kieran Brick of the United States, 21.36s, second in the group, big Q advanced.

Poland's Thomas third, his score is 21.43s.

Sam Watts of Kitty Eagle Country, No.4, scored 21.50s.

South African player Johannes de Klerk, No.5, scored 21.52s.

Japanese player Katsuyama Kazuari, No.6, 21.69s.

Marlon Ledlow Allen of Maple Leaf Country, No.721.93s.

Puerto Rico's Carlos Rodriguez came last with a score of 22.01s.


After seeing Xie Zhengye's successful promotion, Huang Xiang felt a little... stunned.

A doubt echoed in Huang Xiang's heart:
Why is he not affected at all, but in the race, the more he runs, the better he runs, the faster he runs?
In China, he is not his opponent in the same class at all.

This is not an exaggeration. Huang Xiang and Xie Zhengye have compared each other. Basically, Xie Zhengye met in China last year and this year, and he was blown away.

Even though he has made great progress recently, Huang Xiang's result doesn't look particularly good. He can't open it in 21 seconds, and he can't compete with him.However, this situation is at home. In foreign countries, Huang Xiang can't show his strength within 21 seconds. This World Junior Championships is the best example. His strength is obviously better than Xie Zhengye's, and even his hard power He is one of the strongest in the World Junior Championships, but the result is that he pulls his hips one game at a time.

No matter how strong you are, no matter how good you are in training, if you can't perform well in the game, it means nothing.

Xie Zhengye is worse than your domestic and training results, but he is better than you in international competitions, which is enough to be taken more seriously.Because in the end athletes belong, especially track and field athletes, they still participate in international competitions at home and win glory for the country.

No matter how good the country is, it doesn't mean that much.

It even draws sarcasm.

After the third group also ended, the six groups that finally entered the competition all came out with big Q and 2 small Q.

Xie Zhengye, Kieran Brick, Killarney James, Alberto Gavarda, Derek Dukes, Leandro Araujo.And Thomas from Poland and Sam Watts from Kitty Hawks entered the final.Little Q's are all in Xie Zhengye's group, which is enough to show that Xie Zhengye's semi-final first place in this group is not easy.

It has real strength.

"Then audience friends, please wait on time tomorrow. In the 200-meter final, our country's competitor Xie Zhengye, who has just turned [-], can win a medal in the final. Let us wait and see." After Yang Jian finished speaking, the TV station began to broadcast Advertised.


In the evening, Xie Zhengye and others had a meeting together, and it was obvious that the team preference of the World Junior Championships had shifted since the start of this game.

Huang Xiang was the first seed in the sprint before, but since he was eliminated, no matter whether it was because of poor performance or mentality problems or other things, he was eliminated anyway, and he had to adjust the team's focus.Obviously, the 200-meter aspect began to be transferred to Xie Zhengye.Although Zou Zhenxian was quite optimistic about Xie Zhengye's potential before, the main goal of winning the 200-meter medal was still on Huang Xiang.

You can’t say there’s any problem with this, because you see that Huang Xiang’s hard power is number one, and his PB has also surpassed Xie Zhengye by a large margin. If you say you don’t give him the main core position, who will you give it to?This is an aspect that the track and field team has been promoting.

But now that Xie Zhengye has entered and Huang Xiang has been eliminated, the criterion will be the one who enters the final.

"Tomorrow's game, Xiaoxie, what do you think, do you have the confidence to win a medal?" Zou Zhenxian asked, although he knew that it might be a bit difficult for a person who has just turned 16. Teenage things A year of physical growth is a qualitative change. Compared with Huang Xiang, who is more than a year older, Xie Zhengye is indeed still a little "child".

Xie Zhengye has not yet started to lose weight on a large scale. Although the basic training has continued, it is obvious that the major improvement of physical fitness has not yet begun.So it looks, slightly "skinny"...

This is also the first time for Zou Zhenxian to take a good look at Xie Zhengye. After all, he is the team leader of this World Junior Championship. He has to manage so many people and athletes. Those who have no chance of winning medals are definitely not his focus.It's not that he doesn't want attention, but that as a person, his energy is really limited, so he must focus on sports and athletes that can help the country win medals.

It was the first time he took a good look at it, and only then did he realize that this kid named Xie Zhengye didn't have a "thin" figure at all until he took a closer look.It is completely different from the general impression that fifteen or sixteen-year-old athletes are not skinny.

Although he is not very strong, the muscle lines on his body are extremely clear, and his height is also higher than Huang Xiang, which makes him look more "visually slender".However, it is only seen from a close distance that he is not "thin" at all. On the contrary, he has quite "muscular lines" among his peers.

"Ah? Instructor Zou, you asked me?" Xie Zhengye obviously thought that he was the "little transparent" who had just followed him. He thought that during the meeting, he had nothing to do with him. Unexpectedly, the situation has changed.

"Yes, I'm asking you." Zou Zhenxian said with a smile, looking very kind.

"Then, let me tell you." It was the first time that Xie Zhengye received so much attention in the national team. Although it was only the World Junior Championships, it was also the first time he wore the national team uniform with the word "China".

"I think..." After thinking for a while, Xie Zhengye looked at Ning Dehai, saw that the latter had nothing to tell him and had gained confidence, and felt that it would be better to tell the truth, so he said, "Champion. "

"I think I'll work harder. It shouldn't be too much of a problem to win the championship." After Xie Zhengye finished speaking, he looked at Ning Dehai again, and he got a look that was still not negative, and he became a little more courageous.

"After all, we haven't won the sprint championship in the World Youth Championship yet." Xie Zhengye said, "I'll go and get the things Mr. Su and Brother Gou Huan didn't do. One is missing. I always feel that our flower planter track and field team is missing. Order something."

"Right, Director Zou."

But after he finished speaking, it was quite a while in the entire meeting room, which was silent.

Xie Zhengye was taken aback for a moment, panicked, could it be that he... didn't speak forcefully enough?

Thinking about the bold words Su Shen once said, Xie Zhengye paused, cheered himself up again, and said, "Maybe I should remove the 'should', I came here just to have a domestic battle with Huang Xiang." Derby, since Huang Xiang has been eliminated, don't fight for it, just win the championship."

Zou Zhenxian: ...

The first sentence was enough to startle him.

Unexpectedly, Xie Zhengye wanted to win the championship as soon as he opened his mouth, and he never considered the lower limit of medals.

Secondly, the addition of the second sentence made him not know how to speak.

It turns out that people think that "should" are all modesty. Is this champion determined to win?
Zou Zhenxian looked at Ning Dehai. Ning Dehai didn't speak or deny it, but just sat silently.

This is actually... the default.

I rely on.

This pair of masters and apprentices is amazing.

Are you all so confident?


But whether it can be done or not depends on the specific game performance.

There are a lot of people who talk big. Look at Huang Xiang's head coach. Wasn't he full of ambition and confidence at the beginning?

It's a good thing for the post-90s generation to be so confident, but if they don't have the strength to support them, problems will easily arise.

But Ning Dehai, as Xie Zhengye's head coach, when she heard this, she acted like a bodhisattva, saying nothing, saying nothing, so there was no need for Zou Zhenxian to boost the morale of the enemy and destroy his prestige before the game.After all, Huang Xiang has been eliminated now, I hope Xie Zhengye is the only one, if he can do it...

He is even the youngest 200m champion in the history of the World Junior Championships.


Is it really possible?

Is it really possible for a 15-year-old boy to do it dozens of days ago?

With a dubious attitude, Zou Zhenxian came to the scene in person at the start of the match the next day and watched the match from the sidelines at close range.

Although the rest of the events are not without hope of winning the gold medal, but he is very clear that if the sprint event can win the championship, then the influence and gold content will be of great significance to the entire track and field team of the World Junior Championships.The point is, if it is done, it will be the youngest gold medalist.

From now on, the gold medal in the World Junior Championships will belong to the flower growers.

The youngest 200-meter gold medal record in the World Junior Championships will also belong to the florists.

Gold medals, except for the sudden emergence of Su Shen, a super genius, world-class competitions, even for youth competitions below U20, we have not won the championship a few times. 200 meters, let alone even think about it.

If Xie Zhengye can do it, it will also prove that our florist grows at 200 meters, and we also have enough potential to compete with the world's masters.

"Coach Ning, you have brought so many geniuses, give me a general idea, how much of what Xiao Xie said yesterday is true or false?" This is Zou Zhenxian leaving a psychological expectation and psychological leeway for himself.How did you know that Ning Dehai just said one sentence——

"Very true."

Zou Zhenxian: ...

The mineral water he drank just now almost choked out of his nose.

Both of you master and apprentice did it on purpose, right?

Are they all so "talking"?

Above the stands, the florist sprint team that participated in the Berlin World Championships is watching the game from above.

"I didn't expect Huang Xiang to be so fragile, and he didn't even make it to the finals."

"Isn't this an opportunity for our family, Aye? Give it a try and maybe a bicycle can be turned into a motorcycle."

"You don't think Ah Ye, who just turned 16 this year, can win the gold medal in the World Junior Championships."

"Xiao Tian, ​​what do you think? Do you think it will work?"

Su Shen heard the words, looked at Xie Zhengye who was doing activities below, and said, "I think..."

"It's not like there's no chance."

"However, if you want to win the championship, you must have the hard power of 21 seconds or even less than 21 seconds."

There was a word Su Shen didn't say, but he knew in his heart that it was because the wind speed in this scene was a headwind close to one meter.

However, the original champion drove hard for 21 seconds with all his strength, and directly pulled away No.2 behind, with a gap of nearly three meters.

The gap of three meters, in the sprint, 200 meters is also a sprint event, you know what this concept is.

One meter is several grades ahead.

Three meters...

It can only be said to be a massacre, which is tantamount to crushing.

He is also looking forward to whether Xie Zhengye can be promoted to this level after being in Ning Dehai's hands during this time.

The answer will be revealed soon.


On the runway, Xie Zhengye was already standing on the runway.

Compared with the previous two shots this time, he finally got an excellent position.

Fourth way.

It is a golden pass, very suitable for competition results.

Xie Zhengye's running style is actually not suitable for insiders, whether it is this life or the previous life, this is true.

But generally speaking, unless you are very unlucky and have good grades, you will not be assigned. Of course, the facts of the previous life have proved that Xie Zhengye's luck is indeed not good.

But as long as the hard power goes up, don't care about this.

As long as the pass in the final is good enough.

Tianchao Sports Station.

"Hello, audience friends, this is Tianchao Sports Station, this is Tianchao Sports Station, I am Yang Jian."

"I'm Yang Yaozhu."

"Welcome everyone to continue watching the men's 200m final of the World Junior Championships today."

"The first one is Sam Watts from Kitty Eagle Country." Yang Jian introduced: "Sam Watts from Kitty Eagle Country reached the semi-final with a score of 21.50s. His career 200-meter PB and SB are both semi-finals Done, all 21.50s."

"I think he has no way to achieve results today. The track is not good, and I saw his first two shots. In fact, his level is not very high. He has tried his best." After Yang Yaozhu finished speaking, Yang Jian continued. :
"The second is the Polish player Thomas. Thomas' semi-final score is 21.43s. The PB and SB of his career so far are also created in the last semi-final. It seems that the World Junior Championship is indeed the best breakthrough for these young people. stage."

"Third course Grenada player Killarney James, his semi-final promotion score is 21.23s, which is also the best promotion score so far to enter the finals. James' personal PB is currently 21.18s, SB is also 21.18s, this time It was obtained in the preliminaries of the World Junior Championships." Yang Jiandao: "It can be seen that this player still has strong strength and spare energy, and he has obvious final strength in every game. Originally, he and Huang Xiang were both One of the biggest favorites to win the title."

"Killani James was born in 400 meters. His specialty is strong endurance, but his speed is not an advantage." Yang Yaozhu analyzed: "At this point, if Chinese player Xie Zhengye wants to confront him, it is not a good idea. Weak. After all, 200 meters is not such a long endurance test. What is more needed is the comprehensive test of speed resistance. But for the sake of safety, it is best not to be pulled too far in front of Xie Zhengye. However, Killarney James has never run 100 meters Mi, looking at the segmented data in the front, it is not particularly fast, as long as the front is supported, Xie Zhengye still has an advantage in the back."

That's right, pure endurance is obviously not as popular as speed resistance in 200 meters. For example, Zhou Bing's 200-meter endurance is better, but speed resistance is not enough.One is that the ability to maintain extreme speed is better, and the other is that the overall ability to maintain speed is relatively high. The final duel depends on how the final performance is.

"Fourth way..." Yang Jian raised his voice according to the usual practice, and said: "Flower planter, national youth 200-meter record holder, thank you--zheng--yeah!!!!!! !!!!!!”

Xie Zhengye didn't wave his hand when he saw the scene announcer came to him, but actually made a Saiyan air blowing action, he is really a proper manga fan.Of course, this also made many people understand in seconds, and their own memories in their hearts were also activated at the same time.

Fifth Derek Dukes...

Xie Zhengye didn't listen much after that.

All he wants now is...

Win the championship.

Tell the whole world that besides Su Shen, Zhao Haohuan, Lao Yi, Zhang Peimeng, Zhou Bing and others, there is also a newcomer called Xie Zhengye.

The addition of a big stage is better than countless small stages.

Xie Zhengye has never forgotten God Su's words, and now, he is about to show himself.

Help the florist win the sprint event of the first World Junior Championships and go home.

PS: There is one more update~~~~~~~~ After finishing writing, I will ask for a ticket. My computer has been having some problems recently. I restored it to see if it will be better.

(End of this chapter)

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