The Su God of the Reopening of the Sports Arena

Chapter 1267 An epoch-making opening!A small universe in the field of sports!

Chapter 1267 An epoch-making opening!A small universe in the field of sports!

At this point, the basic technology is no longer enough to break through.

The foundation is of course the foundation of the foundation, it is the foundation, and the foundation is the most important when a tall building is built on the ground, which means how high you can build it in the end.Now, God Su is going to enter the level of how high his tall building can be built.

That is to say, it is time to test whether your foundation is stable and whether you can break through the upper limit of height.

That's right, what God Su has to do, the last task he gave himself this season is——

Sprint 9.70s to open this mark.

In human history, only 3 people were able to do it in the last life.

Although he can predict that in this life, because of his "butterfly effect", there will definitely be more, and the number of occurrences will also increase. After all, so many people have been positively influenced by him or have avoided the biggest problems in their careers.Then he is also a super genius, and growth is inevitable. Therefore, in this life, he doubts that he has to open 9.70s to truly enter the level of the five tigers.

The upper limit of the five tigers will definitely increase accordingly.

Then when the score of 9.70+ is no longer dazzling, it is natural to need a better score to back it up.

Open 9.70s.

This is the most important thing to do right now.

Only by doing this can it be regarded as scoring 99 points this season.

But this wall, Su Shen has tried several times, and every time it is a little loose, the gap is bigger, but it is still difficult to break through.As expected of the once-proclaimed "Wall of Human Limits", the difficulty to open this time is much more difficult than what I had to open before.

I even felt like I was going to challenge the yellow race to the ten-second mark for the first time.

So far, because Su Shen has already had the experience of breaking ten and breaking 9.9s in his last life, and in this life, relying on accumulation and more scientific growth, plus wind speed and a younger body, it will be a matter of time before he breaks through. Things, never doubted.

But after breaking through 9.80+, the difficulty suddenly increased when it reached 9.70+.

After all, this is a threshold that has never been touched before.

It's hard to describe how difficult it is.

However, God Su still prepared a solution. He is not a fool. Many things, the regret of only reaching the peak at the age of 32 in his previous life, and the improvement of many new theories and technologies after retiring made him think about this level. how to live.

Do you still remember the headset made by "Sushen Lab" before, that is, the so-called 90.00% five progress bar, a generation of black technology product "Halo headset"?
It can not only improve the supply current of the brain motor center.

Improve the quality of training and gather neurons in the brain.

And after wearing it, it directly improves physical fitness, nerve recruitment, and strength attributes.

These are all things that were actually made in the previous life. God Su just used his "prophetic ability" to come up with the perfect version from the beginning.The real follow-up version and personal development are still in the spiritual field and brain nerves mentioned before.

There have been many neurological possibilities before, including explosion and excitement. I also said that one of Sushen's future focus areas is the research topic of neurology. On the one hand, this will be used as a breakthrough to study and liberate the human body's athletic ability , the liberated state.

So now, this is one of the important topics for the future.

It's called proprioception and proprioceptors.

What is proprioception?

Proprioception refers to the sensation produced by muscles, tendons, joints and other moving organs themselves in different states.Because of its deep location, it is also called deep feeling.In addition, in the proprioception pathway, the fine touch of the skin is also transmitted.Primarily involves the proprioceptive conduction pathways of the trunk and extremities.

For example, a person can perceive the position of various parts of the body when the eyes are closed.

For example, such as distinguishing the distance between two points and the texture thickness of an object.

At the same time proprioception can be divided into three levels.

Level [-]: Positional, motor, and weight-bearing sensations of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints;
Level [-]: vestibular sense of balance and cerebellar sense of motor coordination;

Level [-]: Synthetic motor sensation in the cerebral cortex.

Or to put it bluntly, the less scientific one is the sixth sense.

And it's the "sixth sense in motion".

Also known as the "sixth sense" of the human body, it refers to the sensory information that the human body activates muscles for changes in direction, spatial position, and speed, and transmits sensory information to the central nervous system, and produces corresponding control behaviors after making judgments in the brain, muscles, and joints. .

In the past, it was more in the medical field, but in the future, it will gradually move towards the field of sports training.

Sixth sense?Small universe?Saint Seiya?Or a comic plot?


Sadly, this is science now.

Modern science has verified this point. For example, in terms of anatomical structure, the proprioceptors present in skeletal muscles are muscle spindles and tendon organs.Muscle spindle is a special spindle-shaped sensory device that senses changes in muscle length or stretching stimulation. Tendon organs are distributed between tendon collagen fibers and connected in series with extra-fusiform muscle fibers. Change sensory device.

The proprioceptive system intervenes in body movement mainly in two ways:
One is to increase the strength of the participating muscles through the pre-excitement firing in the early stage of exercise, so as to prepare for the adjustment of posture and bearing external load.

One is to adjust the strength of the muscles and coordinate the force between different muscles through the feedback of muscle spindles and tendon organs in the process of exercise, so as to solve the problems of body stability, degree of stability, and alternation between stability and instability, as well as and The muscles of each part of the limbs complete the coordination.

In terms of anatomical structure, muscle training changes the exercise capacity of the body by increasing the volume of muscle fibers, increasing the number of mitochondria, and increasing capillaries, which are easier to distinguish from the appearance.The proprioceptive organs are placed deep in the muscles or the inner ear, making the nerve conduction faster, sharper, more accurate, and more precise in movement, but it is difficult to reflect from the appearance.

In terms of physiological functions, proprioception puts more emphasis on the balance and stability of limbs, the spontaneous adjustment of movements, and the ability of nerves to control muscles.

Functionally, proprioception is not directly involved in movement in almost all sports.It mainly controls the muscles and joints, coordinates the postures of various parts of the body, ensures balance, provides technical parameters for completing movements, and prepares for a good posture.It also lays the foundation for the smooth recovery and timely adjustment of the body after the action.

Proprioception in sports training places more emphasis on the dynamic transformation between stability and instability of the body. The receptors should adjust the body posture in time according to the changes from the external load. During the process of multiple muscles participating and the rapid alternation of stability and movement, nerves to muscles The speed of mobilization and precision of domination play a leading role.

When the movement is controlled by a closed loop, the body may be able to rely on vision to feed back body information and modify the movement, but when the movement is controlled by an open loop, the role of vision will become negligible.Therefore, the proprioceptive ability of stabilizing, regulating and coordinating body functions plays a very important role in sports, especially for those projects with strong technical and high difficulty.

It is also the future of God Su, a great development direction.

For example, the horizontal bar somersault, the connection between the high and low bars, the prancing action, and various actions of the vault, etc., require the control centers of each muscle group, between the sensory centers and the muscle proprioception centers, to establish precise spatial and temporal coordination. Coordinate the relationship, and form a "comprehensive feeling" that integrates people, equipment, time, and space into one.These all require the intervention of proprioception, and it can even be said that the stronger the proprioception, the stronger your competitive level and ability.

Proprioception not only has an important impact on technical events, but also has a key impact on many strength and endurance events.

Body stability established through proprioception creates favorable conditions for lower limb movement.

From the perspective of sprinting, this aspect plays a key role in supporting sports technology. The pros and cons of sports technology mainly depend on the level of cooperation between the participating muscles and the ability to control the center of gravity of the body during high-speed sports.Athletes must not only have good physical fitness, but more importantly, they must have the ability to "control" the body. The balance of the athlete's body and the control of the position and direction of the limbs are the key to the technology, and the formation and improvement of this ability mainly depends on the body Increased sensory sensitivity.

So if you want a metaphor, you can think of proprioceptors as the birthplace of motion, and proprioception as the "suspension device" of the car.Although proprioception does not directly improve physical fitness, you can use this "suspension device" to handle all the force transmission connection devices between the frame of your "body car" and the axle or wheels. It acts on the force and moment between the wheel and the frame, and buffers the impact force transmitted to the frame or body from the uneven road, and attenuates the vibration caused by it, so as to ensure the smooth running of the "body car".

It can also alleviate the impact and attenuate the vibration when vibration and impact occur.

Through the coordination, stability and control of the movements of different parts and links of the whole body, the maximum exercise efficiency is achieved, including the fixed force exerted at the proximal end of some muscles, so that the body can establish a stable force foundation in the dynamic state.

On the one hand, the improvement of sports skills can strengthen muscle training, which is well known, but on the other hand, it is also necessary to develop the control and coordination of the nerves, so that the body can complete the movements in an orderly, accurate and coordinated manner under the control of the nervous system. Ensure the stability of the body at all times, control the limbs in place, and sense the limbs in time.

At the same time, it reduces and cushions the load on the terminal limbs and joints, reduces the risk of injury, and can also achieve the purpose of preventing injury.

Yes, and injury prevention.

Bull is not bull?
It's such a cow.

At present, the training methods of proprioception basically follow and learn from the methods of rehabilitation and medical treatment, and the main purpose of this kind is recovery.The training with static exercises as the main means can not fully meet the requirements of sports.And Su Shen wants to use the knowledge system of the next few decades to take the lead in leading flower growers into the field of "sports proprioception development" in this era. If this is done, it will directly be the rhythm of overtaking on curves.

Of course, this cannot be done by itself alone, but also requires the blessing of technology and theory.

The latest "halo system" of Sushen Lab, including a series of equipment such as earphones, glasses and gloves, is under development.

It is because for sports training, the balance of proprioception should not be the ultimate goal of proprioception training. The root of any form of sports proprioception development is to create conditions for faster and more powerful "movement" .

Because the proprioception in sports is completed in an extremely short-lived, ready-to-go and rapidly changing state, the transitional stimulation of the human body such as spinning and tossing will cause changes in the tension of the skeletal muscles, and the body will respond to self-help functions. The accuracy and sensitivity of the feeling will further raise requirements. The current training method is still mainly focused on the musculoskeletal. For the further development of body movement ability, in fact, it is about to reach the bottleneck.

Then this, proprioception, the so-called "sixth sense" and "sports universe".

It is the optimal solution in the future.

Of course, proprioception belongs to nerves that control muscles, and its training is inseparable from the problem of combining it with muscle training.So ignoring muscle training is like ignoring the foundation, which is not advisable.Proprioception is an advanced skill, but there is also the problem of combining it with special skills.Almost all sports require the transmission of body information through proprioception, precise control of the direction and position of movements, and the orderly recruitment of muscles to participate in the movement, so as to achieve the best mode of movement as quickly as possible.

Su Shen is now solving this problem.

Combining specialization and proprioception is the first step.

Every ability in sports has its specific function and effect, which is the "special ability".With good proprioception and innervation of muscle ability, it will have an important impact on the improvement of special performance.

The sharp and effective proprioception establishes a stable platform for the moving body, and at the same time improves the ability and efficiency of body movements, and improves the platform of athletic ability as a whole.Therefore, proprioception and traditional muscle training are a complementary relationship. Proprioception emphasizes limb balance, coordination and control in terms of goals and methods, and complements muscle training. This is the real whole of human motor ability development.

When this is developed, this is the moment when the true athletic potential of human beings will explode.

So "this movement proprioception" can be called "sports microcosm".

You think this is metaphysics, but it is already part of the advanced field of sports science.

When it is really realized, you will find that these are not just fantasies in the field of comics, but can also be realized in reality.

However, how to open this "sprint proprioception" or "proprioception microcosm"?

This one.

God Su is about to use himself as a specimen for experiments.

Because the whole country, or even the whole world, does not have him with such good conditions to experiment.


It is this aspect, the best "guinea pig".

I study on my own.

I research all-Asian athletes by researching myself.

Even the whole world.

Su Shen had already prepared for this. After he got the wild card this season, the first thing he had to do was this.

The "foundation" has been laid, so it's time to wait for the "suspension system" of the "small universe".

Athletes must not only have good physical fitness, but more importantly, have the ability to "control" the body.

Now, it's up to me, an "old driver", how to drive this "super sports car" that I've tried and built with my own hands.

That is.

Now! ! !

PS: It’s hard to write high-end stuff, but because it’s all true, I also promise everyone to be hard-core to the end. After everyone reads it, they can easily accept these technologies and concepts by citing them later.

Well, I believe that after reading it, everyone has some understanding of the "proprioception", the "small universe", and the "suspension system".

The rest is how God Su opened up this "small universe".

Well, I don't know if there were any powerful masters before, who guessed this technical point?
(*^▽^*)~~~~~~~~~~~~Thank you guys for your wall crack support~! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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