The Su God of the Reopening of the Sports Arena

Chapter 1643: Little headwinds and seconds, now seconds are so "ordinary"

"What's the score you just said there?" When Yuan Guoqiang heard the score coming from the intercom, he seemed to think he had heard it wrong.

Because before this, everyone really regarded Xie Zhengye as a 200-meter athlete.

Therefore, even though his 100-meter ability is pretty good, because there are so many -meter experts in Ersha Island now, he is not particularly outstanding. Until this year’s winter training ends…

This smooth leg result is really shocking.

10 seconds 27, to be honest, I have to catch up with Liang Jiahong.

And it’s Liang Jiahong who has made a breakthrough this year.

Then this thing seems a bit magical.

You can see that Liang himself seemed to be a little stunned when he heard this result.

This is because no one really took Xie Zhengye’s 100 meters seriously before. Until he ran such a terrifying smooth leg result...

It immediately refreshed everyone’s outlook.

Everyone is now in a situation where they have to face him.

"It seems so." When Yu Weili heard this, he felt that the air was a little stagnant, but there seemed to be a hint of sweetness in the stasis.

After all, this is definitely a good thing for the Huazhongjia track and field team.

The more experts there are, the better. There is no reason to have too many.

"My darling, he ran to 10 seconds on this smooth leg. How much longer will he run in the official test later? Did he already exert his strength just now?"

"I don't think so." Yu Weili said: "I see that he has just finished running, and he obviously still has more energy to spare."

"Good guy." Yuan Guoqiang looked at the results that Xie Zhengye had just run. After he was completely sure, he laughed and said: "The little genius who ran 200 meters has now become famous in 100 meters. He only has 200 meters and 100 meters." Do both things have to go hand in hand?”

"We don't have athletes who are strong in both 100 meters and 200 meters in China, right?"

"Look at the level. If it were him, and he entered Asia later, his 200-meter level would be matched with the -meter level. Don't say there is no such thing in the history of our country. Looking at the entire Asia, there are not many people who can achieve this level in both events. ." After Yu Weili finished speaking, Yuan Guoqiang nodded his head several times: "This matter must be reported to Director Feng. Our previous estimates for Xiao Xie now seem to be far from enough."

"It looks like he has great potential in the 100 meters."

"Hey." Yu Weili thought of a lot when he said this, and he also chuckled a little: "We probably don't have enough things. Isn't it less in these years? I'm used to it."

When Yuan Guoqiang said this, his eyelids stopped for three seconds. It seemed that this was true when he said it in detail. Ever since Su Shen entered Ersha Island, it seems that their estimates...are often inaccurate.

And that type of inaccuracy is still underestimated.

Of course this is not allowed.

to be frank.

Yuan Guoqiang really wanted to shout:

Do you dare to give it a little more?

The more, the better.

The rest of the people at the scene were also a little shocked by this result, and they all suddenly started to have a tacit understanding and started talking about Xie Zhengye.

"This kid..." Zhou Bing originally thought that he had finally achieved a breakthrough in the 100 meters this year, but he looked at others.

The initial feeling of joy and slight pride was immediately wiped away by a blow from the stick.

"Why can he achieve this result?" Zhao Haohuan was the first to express his incomprehension, because he felt that if Xie Zhengye maintained his pace just now, he should not be able to achieve this result.

"His top speed shouldn't allow him to achieve this result."

"Well, if you don't judge based solely on top speed, you really shouldn't." Su Shen smiled and said, "But you have all overlooked one problem, and that is that this kid has extremely strong speed resistance."

"Even Gou Huan, who is talented in this area, will not be unconvinced by you."

"Especially his last 20 meters, it will definitely produce many famous scenes in the future."

Su Shen smiled and remembered that "Brother Dao" was a player with this kind of talent. He had cultivated Xie Zhengye so hard in his life and helped the latter avoid the biggest injury in his career.

He is also looking forward to the Chinese version of "Brother Dao" appearing.

That is definitely a sight in the history of Asian track and field.

"The last twenty meters?" Zhao Haohuan muttered a few words silently, and he suddenly became more and more interested in Xie Zhengye's formal test.

Not only that, before Su and Zhao were ready to go on stage, there was someone who also made all the onlookers at the scene feel bright.

That was Xu Zhouzheng after Wu Zhiqiang finished running.

Although this kid is not very old, he was taught a hard lesson by Ryota Yamagata, a small-time genius, through the Asian Indoor Championships. The subsequent winter training was particularly hard, and it was completely spontaneous and crazy training.

If he hadn't been too young to be exploited too much, his performance would have been much improved.

But even so, as he continues to grow older, his resistance training arrangements and personal development will continue to improve. Xu Zhouzheng's performance with this shot also made Yu Weili and others feel a little stunned.

Because after this shot passed by Xu Zhouzheng, the result reported on the walkie-talkie was:


You have to know that his best time is only 10 seconds 34, and he is only 16 years old this year, which is simply terrible.

If you go all out during the official test...

It’s not like you can open the door to 16 with just one kick at the age of 10.30, and then successfully become the “King of the National Server”.

Although the "King of the National Server" is now completely worthless, it is also for adult peak players. If it is for a young man who is only 16 years old... then his future potential and value will be completely different.

"This..." After Yuan Guoqiang saw this result, his eyes and eyebrows were raised slightly. After half a second, he turned to look at Yu Weili next to him and asked: "He seems to be only 16 years old. Looking at this situation, he Wait for the winter training test, maybe it will enter the 10.20+ performance range?"

"When has the national server king level reached a level where a 16-year-old can easily enter? It's not so cheap, right?"

"I didn't know." Yu Weili was actually no less shocked than the former. You have to know that only Su and Zhao could achieve this potential and data before.

Because Xie Zhengye had always focused on the development of 200 meters before, there was not much development of 100 meters. Therefore, this talent is really catching up with Su Zhao.

Even if the subsequent talent development is not as good as these two, looking at it this way, he is still a person who has the potential to break 10.

That means the leaders behind 95 are also stable.

"Don't support me quickly." After Yuan Guoqiang confirmed the results again, he immediately made an exaggerated gesture: "When did the genius of our Asian athletes become so worthless?"

"Is this the height that previous athletes dreamed of achieving throughout their lives? This is the achievement of our top brother in the country."

"Are you being raped frequently by 16-year-old minors now?"

"Lao Yuan, what you said is wrong." Yu Weili calmed down and readjusted his tone: "You can't say that Asia's genius is so worthless. You can only say that he was in our flower garden, or directly It is said that these people appear one after another on Ersha Island."

"That's right." Yuan Guoqiang agreed: "I just find it difficult to accept that our domestic sprint geniuses will come out one after another. To be honest before..."

Before he finished speaking, Yu Weili answered: "I thought the same thing as you. I thought before that there was a Liu Xiang-like figure running a sprint. Who knew... this is not an orphan."

"But they are springing up after a rain."

"Bamboo shoots springing up after the rain?" Yuan Guoqiang said with a smile: "You used this word wonderfully, that's really what happened."

"It seems that us old guys really need to adjust our expectations for domestic talented young people."

"At least within these major cycles."

"We can't underestimate them."


"I'm really looking forward to the official test later."

"Why are you so anxious?" Yu Weili smiled and patted him and said, "Isn't this our highlight event yet?"

"Xiao Tian and Hao Huan are just starting to play now."

Having said this, Yuan Guoqiang immediately suppressed the thoughts in his mind. Compared with these two people, the rest can only be regarded as future combat power or figures who can dominate Asia.

But it’s really about winning medals internationally and becoming a top player.

Still have to count these two.

"Who among us Gou Huan will go first?" Su Shen asked from the side of the starting block.

"What's there to say no to? I'll do it first." Zhao Haohuan twisted his neck, rubbed his wrists and ankles, and bounced lightly on the spot. After feeling his body condition, he stood on the starting block. .

"Okay, Brother Gou Huan is here!"

"Brother Gou Huan, you are so beautiful!"

"Brother Gou Huan, look here!"

Zhao Haohuan:......

On the starting block, he was almost staggered by the cheers of these women who suddenly stood up.

Coupled with the teasing expressions of the teammates around him.

The black lines on his face were really about to stick out.

But at this time, the command to listen to the gun had already sounded.

He didn't have the heart to think about these unnecessary things.

Take a deep breath.

He assumed a squatting starting position.

Prepare to hear the gun start and go out.

"Everyone take your place."



After Zhao Haohuan started, he attracted the attention of almost everyone present. At his level, he was basically the center of attention as soon as he started.

After all, he is also someone who has a World Championship medal. Except Su Shen.

He is the sub-sage of the yellow race.

Do you understand the value of the 100-meter bronze medal?

It is definitely a symbol of strength.

Zhao Haohuan was very relaxed from the start. You can tell that his entire running posture is a relaxed posture.

This is a kind of confidence in absolute strength.

And this kind of self-confidence will, in turn, make it easier for you to relax yourself and get more of the buff of relaxed running during running.

Because people's mentality can easily affect your muscle strength during the entire exercise process. The more nervous you feel, the tighter your muscles will become. This is a positive correlation.

Therefore, this is why after Bolt became famous, he easily adapted to the buff of relaxed running no matter how he ran.

This is because of his mentality, which makes him think that he is number one and strong on the playing field, and there is not much nervousness deep in his heart.

None of these things are pretended.

Because what you put on will still be reflected in your running posture and running process.

Now Zhao Haohuan still has a medal in hand. Unless he meets that top five player, he actually has absolute confidence in himself.

And in this year's winter training, although he did not make large-scale technical changes.

But it is also a detailed review of all the technologies.

Strive to achieve excellence in existing technologies and systems.

This is also a way.

And it is a way that does not affect your overall strength and rhythm too much.

Perhaps there is no way to produce large-scale qualitative changes.

But winning steadily is an extremely wise and smart choice in this Olympic year.

"Haohuan's running with this shot feels good."

"It's obviously looser than before."

"A change in mentality."

Zhao Haohuan now runs more gracefully and beautifully, with a sense of calmness. This is what makes Yuan Guoqiang and others feel different.

Perhaps the running posture and posture have not changed much.

Perhaps the technical connection is basically the same as last year.

But the change of self-confidence and mentality.

As well as this year's re-examination and detailed training of the entire technology.

This is Zhao Haohuan now.

20 meters 30.

The speed of the leg lift gradually increased.

Basically you can't find any problems.

The integration of various projects is also almost perfect.

At least in the eyes of these second- and third-tier athletes, this is their lifelong pursuit.

After entering the middle of the run, Zhao Haohuan felt better and better. The entire speed was not urgent and slow, a little less urgent and a little more relaxed than before.

And this also just implies what is most needed for running on the road.

It’s the feeling of muscle relaxation when you run.

Zhao Haohuan still had some knots in his heart before.

And he is also very afraid of his career, not even being able to win a medal in a major competition.

This was very possible before Daegu.

Just the few people in front of you are all obstacles, and no matter where the Big Four can suppress you, you won't be able to breathe.

What's more, another Blake appeared behind him, eyeing him eagerly and dashing forward.

In fact, Zhao Haohuan's mentality in the past few years has been somewhat anxious and unconfident.

Although he did not express these things openly.

For top athletes.

This is a shackle that will prevent you from improving and performing better.

For ordinary athletes, maybe the mental aspect is not that important.

But for top athletes, this attribute of top athletes in any sport is crucial, and can even determine whether you can defeat your opponents in the same level of competition.

This is true whether it's basketball, football or track and field.

And all this is after Daegu last year.

Begin to change.

Bolt's false start just fulfilled him.

Coupled with Daegu, he also learned a new routine.

That is to start with Su Shen's limit.

This all adds up to the possibility of a medal in Daegu.

Coupled with the "scientific wind control technology", it just provided him with assistance under strong headwind conditions.

It can be said that it was with the help of the right people at the right time and the right place.

He got this ow bronze medal so early.

Suddenly, there was a hint of hidden intersection and anxiety in Zhao Haohuan's mentality.

As of September last year, it no longer exists.

This is why he feels more comfortable and calm when running now, even though he has not made any large-scale technical changes. Even though the feeling and rhythm of his technical performance are similar to last year, it makes people feel more comfortable and calm.

Extreme speed began to run rampant.

Super two in six seconds.

Then he smiled confidently.

Crossed the finish line.

The last 40 meters.

They all ran in an orderly manner.

There is no feeling of anxiety at all.

"This shot was a good run." Yuan Guoqiang and Yu Weili both said at the same time.

It could be seen that the others were either surprised or dazzled by his reaction to the shot.

Zhang Peimeng even muttered several words on the spot before walking over.

"What's the final score?" Yuan Guoqiang pressed the intercom button the moment Zhao Haohuan crossed the finish line.


The intercom buzzed.

Then the staff's voice came from over there.

"Ten seconds."

"Ten seconds with a small headwind of 0.1 meters."

After hearing this result, Yuan Guoqiang couldn't help but clapped his hands and said loudly: "Okay, okay, at least the feeling during the game should be better."

ten seconds.

It was still a result with some slight headwinds.

I suddenly felt in Ersha Island that ten seconds, a 100-meter speed that is a huge threshold for athletes of any skin color, now seems so "ordinary" here.

"Ten seconds?" Zhao Haohuan smiled slightly after hearing this. This time he did not force himself any harder.

There is no longer the feeling of competing every time I run.

It seems that the medal in Daegu really gave him a sense of redemption.

"not bad."

"So little Tim."

"It's up to you to perform next."

"I've already run for 10 seconds. I'm looking forward to seeing how long you run."

Zhao Haohuan looked at the figure on the other side of the starting line who was about to step onto the starting block.

ps: First update, it’s still early for another update today hahh! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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