The Su God of the Reopening of the Sports Arena

Chapter 1675 The third Asian record is born! ! !

Chapter 1675 The third Asian record is born! ! ! (Happy Year of the Dragon)

Magic City Stadium.

Just when Bolt and Blake occupied all the perspectives of the audience.

Several meters behind them, the competition between the others has reached a critical moment.

There doesn't seem to be much difference in the strength of this group of players at present. The capable ones, such as Dix, have not yet reached their season form. This means that he is still recovering and has not opened up the gap quickly.

The first person who has obviously fallen behind is Liang Jiahong of my country. Although his strength has made another breakthrough in the 1 meters this year, his ability in the 200 meters is still weak.

Even if it has improved, facing the current international bureau.

There is still no possibility of resistance.

Therefore, he is the first athlete to be pulled away.

The second one is 30-year-old Jamaican veteran Marvin Anderson. He has lost his peak period, so it is reasonable to fall behind.

Even if he is still in his prime, his 200m time is only 20 seconds, so he is not without the ability to fight. Generally speaking, your best results don't come often.

It is actually not unusual for the two of them to be ranked at the back. Basically, viewers who have some knowledge of track and field will think this is expected.

The third person left behind is the American player born in the 3s, Isaiah Yang. Don’t think you can even think that he can run 20+ in 30 seconds this year. In fact, he can only run at almost full wind speed with one shot and one shot. The results came out.

So he became the third straggler.

the fourth……

This is somewhat unexpected.

The fourth person who couldn't stand it anymore and started to break away from the main group turned out to be the master of sprinting, Davis Patton.

After all, Button is also a 9.80+ athlete in the meters.

He is also relatively famous, so everyone was a little surprised to see him being thrown away so quickly.

But Button's 200 meters is more famous than his strength. His 200 meters are at the same level as Sutsugo Shingo.

This ability is far from his 100-meter performance. It's just because he is famous in the 100-meter race that people think of him as a master who is very good in sprint events.

But it was just his 200 meters and it should never have been the focus. Moreover, the era when he could run 20 meters is already many years away from now. That was nearly 03 years ago.

Now he is lucky to be able to run 200 meters within 20 seconds and 30 seconds.

Therefore, he is the fourth person left behind.

There are three people ahead, sprinting for third place.

There is definitely no chance of finishing first or second, as everyone who runs this race knows. They knew before the race that they would not be able to outrun Blake and Bolt.

Even Dix is ​​not in the state to do such a thing now.

If he can regain part of his state, it is already his most urgent matter.

Therefore, in the second group, Dix, Xie Zhengye, and Zhou Bing started sprinting for third place.

The one who ranks first among them is definitely Dix. His speed advantage cannot be said. Even if he is in poor condition now, he is still as skinny as a camel than a horse. As one of the fastest 200-meter runners in the history of the world, , even if he didn't show the same form as last year, he still maintained the advantage of being the first among the three.

The second is Xie Zhengye.

Although Xie Zhengye is young, this is the time when newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and it is the time when blood is strong, especially when he sees that Dix is ​​not far away from him in front...

Xie Zhengye became even more determined to pursue.

Indeed, if Dix showed his peak form, he would have nothing to say about beating Xie Zhengye.

There is no doubt.

But who shows that he is not at his peak?

This is what competitive sports are like. You are not a robot. There is nothing you can do to keep yourself at the top all the time. Especially at the beginning of each season, everyone has to do a system restart...

Don’t think that you were very powerful last year.

It's still the same this year.

This is also the charm of track and field competition.

It is not that an athlete's performance can be stable for a long time. In fact, it is normal for an athlete's performance to be unstable for a long time. Don't be deceived by the long-term and stable performance of players such as Bolt, Guy Blake, Gatlin Powell, etc. Players like them are very few in history.

Therefore, there may not be much fluctuation in status during a season.

But it took another season.

Xie Zhengye felt that Dix's strength was beginning to decline, so he naturally had other thoughts in his heart.

Beating this guy who ran one of the best times in history last year.

Have the opportunity.

Then you can't let it go.

Although Xie Zhengye has become more proficient in running in Jamaica this season, and it is much better than last year. With his 200-meter advantage in the future, in the Asian competition, except for Su Shen...

No second person can threaten him.

But if it is put on the world stage, given his current hard power, there are still many people who can cause trouble to him.

You can easily suppress him in terms of future.

Take Dicks, for example, who has been ranked among the top five 200-meter athletes in human history. He is currently running ahead of Xie Zhengye even though he is in poor condition.

This is hard power.

Therefore, Xie Zhengye is still in a pursuit position.

Zhou Bing lags further behind in this aspect. First of all, he is not a Jamaican runner like Dix and Xie Zhengye. Then it is natural that you will suffer a loss in terms of your future.

Second is...

The biggest root problem.

It's just that there is still a gap between his hard power and these two people.

That's natural, and it creates a feeling that it's hard to catch up.

In fact, if you watch Zhou Bing's Dongcha test, you will know that the improvement of 100 meters will definitely improve his future. But this improvement is obviously limited compared to these two people.

Even if Zhou Bing could achieve last year's best result with this shot, he still wouldn't be able to beat the two of them.

So under the fierce battle between Blake and Bolt for the first place. Xie Zhengye, who is only 1 years old, is actually competing with the world-class sprinter American Dix for third place in the entire competition.

Perhaps a top three finisher in the Diamond League is no longer as valuable as it was a few years ago. But as an athlete, Xie Zhengye has his own pursuits.

If there is no chance, forget it.

Not getting into the top three was originally expected by the team. Seeing the names of these people, Xie Zhenye's team subconsciously believed that Xie Zhengye had no chance to compete for the top three.

In 2012, think about it.

When the names of Blake, Bolt, and Dix are released, how many of them do you think are still in the mood to fight for the top three?

Especially when you are an Asian player.

Even more so, I don’t have this idea.

Then Xie Zhengye's team must have the same idea. They did not make preparations in advance and wanted to prepare for the top three.

Their original plan was... they only needed Xie Zhengye to try to break through the existing PB in this shot.

This should not be a particularly difficult task for Xie Zhengye. Judging from the performance of winter training, their team is still quite confident in achieving this goal. Xie Zhengye had the same plan at the beginning. He wanted to take advantage of this game and the opportunity of so many famous players to forcefully take advantage of it... and just open his Pb.

20 seconds 07, this result is enough for me to be on a level footing now.

Similar tests have been done during training.

But training is training. It really depends on whether you can do it, and you have to practice it in the game. So now this scene is really aimed at opening my own PB. I just didn't expect that as I was running...Dix was actually not far ahead of me?

Since it's not too far away from you.


Why don't you give it a shot?

This person is a historical player with a 19.50+ level.

If you can beat him.

That will definitely improve your confidence in the game to another level.

He had heard Su Shen say it many times on Ersha Island. As an athlete, if you want to improve, in addition to training hard, having surgery on some famous players is undoubtedly the best way to improve your intrinsic confidence.

Xie Zhengye has requirements and plans for himself.

This was the case in the last life.

The same is true in this life.

So once he saw this opportunity...

He had no intention of letting it go.

The whole person seemed to have found a new goal all of a sudden.

Full of energy and motivation.

All have been given an extra layer.

"This kid..." While everyone was paying attention to Bolt and Blake, Su Shen took the opportunity to take a look at the battle behind them.

A glance.

He immediately discovered Xie Zhengye's thoughts in his heart.

He knew that this guy would definitely not let this opportunity pass by.

It's like I saw this opportunity when I was eighteen.

That’s all if there’s no chance.

As an Asian level player.

As a player with yellow skin.

Once you see an opportunity…

If you don't grasp it.

It seems to be a bit criminal.

After all, such a good opportunity.

In the career of Asian athletes, there are probably only a few times.

The mountain roar and tsunami at the scene became bigger and bigger.

Of course Xie Zhengye knew that this was not for him.

But it doesn't matter.

How to use the stimulation of the external environment to make yourself more excited during the game and open your senses more and more. This is what an athlete should do.

At this point.

Xie Zhengye actually did pretty well in his last life, and his performance in major competitions was pretty good. Many times, his best results in the season were achieved in competitions. However, compared to Su Shen, it is still somewhat inferior.

Therefore, if he wants to go further, let himself perform to his own level and show his condition in the game, this is also the case for Su Shen. I hope he can use his experience of constantly competing in international competitions since he was a child...

Give yourself a deeper buff in this life.

Xie Zhengye ran harder and harder.

He knew that he was in front, and even if he changed to the Jamaican running style, there was a high probability that he would not be Dix's opponent. No matter how poorly Dix performs or is in poor condition, as long as there are no major injuries, judging from his current age, the possibility of him suppressing him from the front is slim.

Even after entering the straightaway, Xie Zhengye was obviously lagging behind Dix.

However, when comparing corners.

Dix gave him a sense of speed and pressure.

It is also slowly decreasing.


It is an opportunity and opportunity.

Xie Zhengye has competed in so many youth international competitions along the way, and has also faced many strong players, even headwinds.

His reading of the game.

He is obviously many times stronger than he was at this age in his previous life.

Therefore, he keenly felt Dix's change here, and then... he took a few more steps after exiting the corner than before. It seems that the speed has been reduced a bit.

There may be some loss.

But this moment of relaxation relieved the energy he had consumed while galloping around the curve, especially the tight muscles, to a certain extent.

How to adjust your tactical choices during the game.

This is the athlete's own business.

No matter how good or perfect the plan is before the game, many variables may occur during the game, and track and field is not like football or basketball. There is no time for you to pause and go to the coach to discuss it again.

Here, athletes need to make their own decisions at critical moments.

No one can help you.

Not even a look from the coach can be given to you.

Xie Zhengye made his own judgment based on his years of competition experience and innate intuition.

He came out of the corner here to relax and run for a while, just so that he could have better physical fitness and muscle function later on the straight to attack Dix.

Use your own talent-level speed and resistance attributes.

Made here...

Quite right.

If Dicks were still the same Dicks as last year.

It can be said that this operation is extremely bad and meaningless, but if it is placed this year, especially in the current Magic City.

Then...the meaning is completely different.

You can clearly feel that after reaching 140 meters, Xie Zhengye's speed slowly increased again.

And he stayed like that.


Always maintained.

150 m.

160 m.

170 m.

He just keeps doing it like this. It seems that his top speed is not high. This is also a problem of Xie Zhengye, so it is difficult for him to rely on top speed to win when facing experts in international situations.


He also has his own characteristics.

That is his ability to maintain a certain speed, which is particularly powerful.

At this point, it is comparable to Lyles who has not yet super evolved.

This is supported by data.

So Su Shen was convinced.

As long as Xie Zhengye makes good use of this, he actually has a chance to win Dix in this game.

But it’s just the Diamond League.

Su Shen will not provide any additional tips to the adult Xie Zhengye now except for the competition. This is all to train his ability to make smart decisions on his own in the face of complex situations.

There is no ability in this area.

It is difficult for you to make clear judgments when facing complex competitions, so that you can smoothly perform at a better level.

After seeing Xie Zhengye’s choice of this place.

Seeing Xie Zhengye, he had already begun to act unconsciously, and slowly began to narrow the gap with Dix.

Su Shen smiled slightly.

Although Blake and Bolt's shot was also very important to him, as Xie Zhengye's old friend, Su Shen would also be very happy if he could make Xie Zhengye perform at his best level that he had not performed in his previous life.

The current generation of geniuses in the country are dominated by just a few of them.

Any one wasted.

It is likely that it will take the next 10 years or more to conceive the next one.

This is not allowed after Su Shen reopens.

So after he saw that Xie Zhengye had made the right choice, he couldn't help but smile in his heart.

own efforts and hard work.

All was not in vain.

For a person who is both a teacher and a friend, he is even more inclined to be a "teacher" in this life.

Every time Xie Zhengye grows up, he will have a greater sense of accomplishment than before.

At 170 meters, Dix's speed was getting slower and slower. But at this time, Xie Zhengye's speed was getting faster and faster.

At least it looks like it visually.

faster and faster.

Perhaps not many people in the audience noticed what was going on behind Bolt and Blake. But as one of the parties involved, Dix couldn't help but feel it.

It was impossible not to notice that there was a sound of spikes coming from behind, approaching him in an orderly manner.

Really orderly.

Because the sound of spikes sounded to him like it was unhurried, not particularly fast, like Bolt or Blake, the sound of spikes chasing after someone from behind...

Like a howitzer.

Fierce and fierce.

Like what Blake did last year in Brussels. He, who was originally in the lead, suddenly lost his mind, and in the next moment he could only watch as a strong figure walked away forcefully beside him.

Violence transcends itself.

Now this one behind you is a little different.

The feeling he felt when he came up was more similar to the feeling of slowly drawing. To use an inappropriate metaphor, if the former is a quick knife to cut through the mess, then the latter is a blunt knife to cut the flesh.

The two psychological feelings are completely different.

The latter is even more torture.

It's not like the previous one, it passes all at once and doesn't give you much time to react.

180 m.

Dix's steps were a little slower at this time.

Xie Zhengye took this opportunity to continue to approach.

It's only less than one position away.

190 m.

Dix has already pushed his body to the limit, but now his ability is limited, and he can only use this strength later to withstand the impact.

He already felt very unstable in his own heart.

Of course he still tried his best.

After Brussels last year, he has become a historical athlete in the 200 meters. Although the honor is inferior, the PB is real. If he loses to an Asian athlete in this way, he feels that he is really shameless.

After all, isn't he already in his seventies or eighty?

He is still young, only in his 20s.

There is no excuse for "aging and losing color".

But in track and field, you won’t lose just because you don’t want to lose. At 195 meters, Xie Zhengye had already caught up with him.

Deeks tried his best to move his legs.

But at this time, his legs were almost constantly working, and fatigue made him unable to continue to fight against the approaching Xie Zhengye who was catching up from behind.

197 m.

198 m.

199 m.

Xie Zhengye caught up with Dix at the last moment!

This time, it was Dix's turn to be nervous. The person who was caught from behind would feel even more nervous. You will know this if you have played in a game, even in basketball and football.

In fact, Xie Zhengye's line-pressing skills are not yet perfect. Dix is ​​not without the ability to fight, but because of the nervousness of being caught up, he lost some sense of proportion in the end.

Directly leads to line pressing errors.


In track and field competition, the decisive victory lies on the thin line.

The final results came out, and Xie Zhengye beat Dix.

Won third place in the men's 200 meters at the Diamond League Magic City Station!

This is not counting.

After the results came out, Dix's time was 20.04s, and the faster Xie Zhengye was... 20.03s!

It was also a small headwind to tie the Asian record!

Headwind for 0.2 seconds, plus rainy conditions.

The hard power of Xie Zhengye's shot was also explosive, not even inferior to Su Shen's headwind of 0.7 meters and 20.03 seconds last year.

This result was not noticed at first. It was only after Yang Jian finished talking about the results of Bolt and Blake that he noticed...

It turned out that the third place was one of our own.

The third place is actually not the American player Dix? !

But Xie Zhengye, who is only 18 years old?

Immediately, Yang Jian's emotions surged up, and he shouted loudly at the scene:

"Audiences at the scene and in front of the TV! In addition to paying attention to the battle between Bolt and Blake, in this kind of competition, in the third position that we did not notice, my country's 3-year-old Xie Zhengye... He actually... He defeated the famous American sprinter Dix in the competition!!!"

"This is an incredible result!"

"Dix ran a historical level of 19.50+ last year! No one could have imagined that the 18-year-old Xie Zhenye would defeat his opponent in this game!"

"And this 18-year-old young man has proved it to everyone!"

"Proves that miracles in the 200 meters can also happen to Asians!!!"

"Who says that young people in Asia can't do it? Who says that young people in Asia can't do the 200 meters?"

"Xie Zhengye told the whole world and Asia with a tough game!"

"He can do it!!!"

"His results this time are..."

Yang Jian saw it clearly. After the results were displayed on the big electronic screen, he was stunned again, and then loudly and proudly announced to the audience:

"20 seconds 03!"

"18-year-old youngster Xie Zhengye ran an amazing time of 20 seconds!"

"Then he also tied the Asian 200m Asian record and the yellow race 200m record jointly held by Su Shen and Suzuki Shingo!!!"

"From now on, the name of the third person will be written in Asia's 200-meter record!"

"His name is Xie Zhengye!"

"A young player Xie Zhengye who is only 18 years old!"

Amid Yang Jian's loud explanation, Zhou Bing was stunned for a moment when he looked at Xie Zhengye's results.

Then, bursts of wry smiles appeared on his face.

ps: Happy New Year, a two-in-one chapter is here, I wish everyone a happy and prosperous Year of the Dragon! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Xie Zhengye achieved the Asian record at the age of eighteen. The next step is naturally to break through in 20 seconds! ! !

Please look forward to it! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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