The Su God of the Reopening of the Sports Arena

Chapter 1709 hits the screen all over the world! This is the energy of the first generation supersta

It's a pity...

Just like in history.

It's super windy.

This is kind of fucked up.

The wind speed was 2.4M/S, which exceeded 0.4M/S, so it could only be counted as the full wind speed result and could not be counted as the final legal result.

The final results are all out.

Liu Xiang's first place was undisputed, with 12.85 seconds, which shocked the audience.

Second was Merritt, who opened the race by 13 seconds with the help of super wind speed and ran to 12.96s.

Third was Jason Richardson with a time of 13.11s.

Fourth was Dexter Faulk with a time of 13.12s.

Fifth was David Oliver with a time of only 13.13s.

Sixth was Ryan Wilson with a time of 13.29s.

Seventh place was Ashton Eaton with a time of 13.34s.

Eighth was Andrew Turner with a time of 13.46s.

Even at super wind speeds, you can see that the two people opened it for 13.13 seconds. Oliver, who said before the game that "it is not difficult to open seconds", the record holder of the competition, only ran s in the end. The results come.

It's still a long way from opening 13 seconds ago.

This is still super wind speed. If it were not super wind speed, this shot would probably only be at 13.20+ level.

This is a yes, the bullshit is blown, and the whole person is extremely embarrassed.

Are you kidding me?

As the all-meter record holder, he actually ran at this level? Really disappointing.

As the biggest winner of the tournament, Liu Xiang was naturally swarmed by reporters in an instant, and was almost overwhelmed.

This is the strongest effect in the world. Even Su Shen and the others don't get this treatment here.

"Yes, Oliver may think it is not difficult to open thirteen seconds, but there may be no other masters running with him."

This is a counterattack to Oliver's pre-game shout-out, and by the way, it is a mockery that Oliver will always stretch his hips in important games as long as he is compared with the stronger ones.

"If my biggest rival is Oliver in the Olympics, then I will definitely be happy."

These words made Oliver almost crawl to the ground.

On the contrary, the little fan Merritt was happy to see it, and listened to it with joy.

Liu Xiang is his idol, and he opened the game for thirteen seconds, which is nothing bad.

Wasn't Oliver, the all-meter record holder, also defeated by his own men?

I really hope that one day I can be like him.

Merritt looked at Liu Xiang with admiration and envy in his eyes.

"How do you think I feel this time? I feel pretty good, it couldn't be better. It hasn't been this good since 08."

"Now I just want the Olympics to come soon."

"I really can't wait."

"I don't care whether my opponent is Oliver or Robles. I am very satisfied with my current state."

"I will definitely give my best performance in London this year!"

"my goal."

"Of course to win the championship."

Liu Xiang said these words with a domineering score of 12.85 seconds, which made all the reporters and spectators at the scene ignited.

Cheers for it.

This is the aura of an absolutely strong person in the project.

Under the double buff of the aura of the strongest and the recovery status of the world record holder.

Now Liu Xiang has immediately detonated the entire Eugene.

Even Robles, who was far away in Cuba and had never been here, almost broke out in a cold sweat when he saw the news posted on the Internet.

I'm glad I didn't pass it.

Because in the past, in my current state, I was looking for abuse.



This is not something you can run out of at super wind speed.

This shows that Liu Xiang is on the tip of a knife. It is so sharp that anyone who blocks it may be stabbed to the core.


Major media outlets also quickly updated their front-page headlines.

[12 seconds 85! Liu Xiang tied the world record for three consecutive outdoor competitions at super fast speed! The state seems to be breathing fire! 】

In the early morning of June 6, Beijing time, the fourth leg of the 3 International Association of Athletics Federations Diamond League Eugene Station and Prefontaine Track and Field Classic was held at the Hayward Track and Field Stadium of the University of Oregon. In the men's 2012-meter hurdles competition, " "Chinese flying man" Liu Xiang continued to win the championship in Eugene with a time of 110 seconds. He also won three consecutive championships in this year's outdoor season. If it were not for the super wind speed of 12 meters/second, he not only broke the competition record held by Oliver, but also tied his own World record held in Lausanne. [Yang Jian said that Liu Xiang’s technology has become more mature and exclaimed that something big will happen in London! 】

Yang Jian reviewed the game and said: "Liu Xiang started quickly on the first hurdle first. His current seven-step hurdle technique is already perfect. His technique is now very mature! It is even comparable to the peak of 06!"

"This is an unimaginable achievement! Big things are going to happen in London this year!"

"Eugene is the hometown of track and field in the United States, and it is also a blessed place for Liu Xiang. Today he achieved the best result in the world tied with himself in 06, but it was a pity that the wind speed was too high. On such a calm afternoon, Liu Xiang once again created a world record in the United States. Liu Xiang's performance today created pressure on the three heroes of the United States and affected their confidence in winning against Liu Xiang. If their aura and confidence are suppressed before the Olympics, it will have a psychological impact on them at the Olympics. . In several competitions this year, Liu Xiang has suppressed his opponents with outstanding performance. This will be a very good state before the London Olympics. Liu Xiang's burst of energy makes us full of expectations for the London Olympics! "

When talking about Liu Xiang's main opponent, Robles, Yang Jian said: "In a memorial race in Cuba, Robles' level was average, and he only ran a time of 13.17 seconds. This kind of confidence has increased. The competition is the most important before the Olympics. Obviously, I feel that there is no way he can win in this state. "

"Today's Liu Xiang's performance was perfect and impeccable. Perhaps the only person who can defeat him today is his former self!"

[Liu Xiang’s three “world records” are unmatched! 】

Looking back at Liu Xiang's career, we can find that including this super-speed result, he has set the world record three times in total! In the 3 Athens Olympics, he tied the world record with 2004 seconds and 12 seconds. In 91, he broke the world record with 2006 seconds and 12 seconds. This time, he exceeded the wind speed and tied the world record again. He tied the world record three times. It’s really amazing!

["Wind" Madman Liu Xiang is also No. 12 with the legendary super wind speed of 85 seconds! 】

From Kawasaki, to Magic City, and then to Eugene, Liu Xiang has played in outdoor competitions three times this season, either raining or windy. His ability to "call for wind and rain" is really surprising. Of course, what is even more amazing is that after eight steps were changed to seven steps Xiang Feiren's small universe is getting stronger and stronger, and is not even inferior to what it was before the injury. Since Liu Xiang is currently in the stage of increasing his training load, his coach Sun Haiping said before the game that Xiangfei people will not deliberately control the speed, but they want to surpass the 12 seconds 95 in the Magic City station. Although Sun Haiping is not otherwise, it can be considered that there is A certain level of difficulty.

However, Liu Xiang's condition and ability have obviously reached a certain level. When the starting gun sounded, Xiangfei's entire process from starting to sprinting was almost perfect. The time of 12 seconds is impeccable! Although this result was not recognized because the tailwind exceeded the standard of 85 meters/second, as the Diamond League official website said: "The competition here will never disappoint! Liu's 2 seconds tied the world record again , although the tailwind was beyond the standard, he definitely ran an incredible race! This is the magic of Eugene, the hometown of track and field!”

Looking at it now, it was right that Robles, who originally signed up, did not come, because facing Liu Xiang like this, it would be difficult for Little Cuba to defeat the flower grower even at his best. Someone pointed out: Because of the existence of Liu Xiang, Robles and Oliver, now is the greatest era of the men's 110-meter hurdles! The answers are varied, but the opinions praising Liu Xiang's return as the king are so unified today.

The weather was uncontrollable, but Liu Xiang's control of the game once again showed his superb ability. The BBC broadcast agency said at the time: "Liu Xiang was like having a pair of scuds, he just flew over the hurdles and hit the line. "Sports Illustrated senior reporter Tim Ryden immediately expressed his opinion: "I can definitely say that Liu is back and even stronger than before the injury. I hope he can stay healthy in the Olympics. If so, I don’t see anyone in the world today who can beat him!”

We have to applaud the flying man and cheer for Liu Xiang. After experiencing injuries, he resolutely changed his starting technique, and gradually got out of the low point of competition. Under the huge pressure of the expectations of hundreds of millions of people, Liu Xiang used his performance to interpret the sports spirit of never abandoning, never giving up, and being indomitable. Although Liu Feiren, who is about to turn 29, failed to tie the world record in Eugene, his good condition is obvious to all. To paraphrase CCTV commentator Yang Jian: Something big will happen at the 110-meter hurdles in London this year!

[Only Liu Xiang can defy the prediction and become an expert. Your mother calls you home for dinner! 】

[Liu Xiang has touched the Olympic gold medal. Who can challenge the return of the king in London? 】

[Liu Xiang’s crazy performance to seize the commanding heights is not the only one who should tremble! 】

[Athletics Federation official website: Liu’s shocking results and tying the world record are not a dream! 】

[Head coach of the Huajia track and field team, Toyoki Isamu: Defeating them at home in secret, Liu Xiang’s 12 seconds was perfect! 】

Of course, the most "horrifying" thing was Liu Xiang's own remarks in the post-game press conference:

[Due to the wind, I made mistakes in two columns, otherwise it would have been faster. 】

"No, I never thought I would get this result. I still tried my best today to achieve the level of my own training. I didn't expect that the state came as soon as I ran. I started very well, but in the first The mistakes in the third and sixth columns were probably due to the wind pushing me. If you look at the slow motion, you can see that these two columns can be done better.”

This made many people re-watch the video of the game and found that... Liu Xiang really said this.

If I have to say, there are still some small problems with the rhythm between the two hurdles. It may be that the wind speed is too high, which makes the body unprepared.

That means if everything is done well, maybe Liu Xiang has the possibility to open 12.85s under strong wind conditions!

This makes all track and field fans in the country feel hugely excited!

Some people even shouted the slogan "London Olympic champion + world record".

For a moment, compared to other projects, they all seemed to pale in comparison.

This is Liu Xiang's current world-class influence. Because he has too many fans in China, and he is also a world record holder, this makes him a topic far more popular than he was in his original timeline.

At a glance, it was all news about Liu Xiang.


Even the IAAF official website and the Diamond League official website updated their front page headlines as soon as possible.

This card.

Even the sprinters looked envious at the moment.

It’s only after the aftermath and the climax that the real test comes.

This time is the real test of whether we can reverse history.

But now is not the time to talk about this.

Track and field fans across the country and around the world are inspired by Liu Xiang's rebirth and the veteran's recovery.

This is the best script and the most popular plot.

Blow up the entire network.

This influence was not visible before. In the Olympic year, Liu Xiang once again ran a super time of 12.85s.

Only then did the sprint team really feel what Liu Xiang's influence was.

This level of firepower.


How about you win an Olympic gold medal?

It's really incomparable.

at this point.

Needless to say.

Liu Xiang is hot.

After 12.85 seconds, after Eugene, it again reached a national climax.

As in.

Around 08.

PS: Add more updates to ask for votes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

2012 is bound to be an extremely exciting year, not only sprinting but also sprinting is also a highlight.

This time, unfortunately, it will definitely not happen again! ! !

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