The Su God of the Reopening of the Sports Arena

Chapter 1722 It’s not difficult, just practice

Chapter 1722 It’s not difficult, just practice for ten years.

China Sports Channel.

"Dear viewers, the men's and women's 100-meter finals, the final event of the New York Diamond League, are about to begin. This is also the last Diamond League event before each country conducts the Olympic trials. So everyone is paying attention to how the athletes will be in shape before the trials. A rough clue can be seen from this game.”

Yang Jian has been commentating on track and field competitions for many years. He has all the details and common sense at his fingertips without looking at the information at all.

"The first thing to start is the women's 100-meter race." Yang Jian looked at the signal on the director's screen and quickly followed: "Chinese athletes Chen Juan and Wei Yongli have both entered the finals. I hope they can compete in the finals before the trials. Diamond League game to get into good shape.”

"Okay, now the athletes begin to follow the staff through the inspection area and onto the track."

"Lane 1, female track and field athlete from Trinidad and Tobago, Kelly Ann Baptiste."

"Lane 2, Chinese player Wei Yongli."

"Road 3, Tiana Madison of the United States. It is worth mentioning that this athlete's main event is the long jump. She once won the jumping championship at the 2005 World Track and Field Championships and the 2005 NCAA Indoor Athletics Championships. She also won a two-way gold medal in the outdoor long jump. This year is when she really started running the 100-meter race. This athlete has a strong ability to explode forward, which is also a common characteristic of long jumpers. "Yang Jian looked at Madison's information and said: " She has frequently participated in -meter competitions this year, so maybe she is ready to change her main event to the -meter event.”

"If this is the case, it is very likely that a new American master of 100 meters will emerge."

"However, she has never opened 11 seconds in her career, but judging from the pre-game interview, Madison's head coach is very confident that she will open 11 seconds this year."

"There is a reason for this, because in her first race this year at the Ponce Grand Prix, she has already run a good time of 1 seconds against a one-meter headwind. If calculated this way, according to the formula, it has indeed been With hard power, I can unlock 11 seconds of capital, but whether I can do it depends on how I perform in the game.”

"The fourth American athlete, Jeter, is a late bloomer who shone at the Daegu World Championships last year. With her outstanding performance last year, she should be hoping to win the gold medal in the 4-meter main event at the Olympics this year. "

"Line 5." Yang Jian took another breath: "Chen Juan, a Chinese player, the number one female trapeze artist in Asia, and has entered the finals of the world's top competitions many times!"

"Chen Juan has actually won the Diamond League many times, and she has also opened 11 seconds many times."

"In 08, she was still too young and didn't have much competitiveness. This year should be her best year for results. I hope she can seize the opportunity and achieve the results she wants."

Chen Juan and Yang Jian are also people who have watched them grow up step by step. She has some extra feelings for these players.

Chen Juan waved her hand to the scene. Obviously, her current title of Asia's No. 1 female trapeze artist is more secure than those of the previous Asian ladies.

Except for Li Xuemei, her results have always been the most stable, and her performance in competitions is not bad at all.

This is what many people like and appreciate about her.

"Fraser, the Jamaican player in lane six, is also in this competition and is the most powerful contender for the championship. I wonder if this year's Olympics will be able to achieve the glory of 08?"

"After all, sprinters generally have a short unemployment life. If you want to show your peak performance and reach the top in two consecutive Olympic Games, Fu Lei can also leave a strong mark in the history of women's sprinting."

On this point, Yang Jian thought too much.

Because Frazier, a sister, has really extraordinary battery life. Even some players from their own country couldn't help but complain after they showed up...

I grew up watching Frazier play as a kid.

As soon as these words came out.

The seniority was directly pulled to a high place.

It also shows that Frazier's peak career is indeed very long. Not only does she not retire, but she has maintained a strong international competitiveness for a long time and has even been a medal contender.

This is why it is called the legend of women’s lives.

Although she is a pocket female trapeze artist.

Frazier is not tall, but she is very strong in starting ability, even catching up with some first-line male athletes. This is not an explosive power that ordinary female energy can match.

It's a pity that when I was at my peak, I didn't attach much importance to 60 meters.

As a result, Fraser, who may be considered one of the strongest starters in history, did not perform as well as he should above 60 meters. He left his peak 60-meter ability in the -meter section.

"Seventh lane, American player Allison Felix. Although the 200 meters is her strongest point, she also has great enthusiasm and a high participation rate above 100 meters. I hope she can compete in this competition. , get the good results she wants. I think for Allison Felix, the 100 meters is relatively stable this season, and being able to open 11 seconds is her ultimate wish to participate in the 100 meters now. "

"But it will be very difficult for her to beat the others in this game. Because the number of times she opens 11 seconds is too few, the thickness of the deposit is likely to limit her performance."

"The eighth channel, Blessing Okabare, Okabare's growth momentum this year is also very rapid. Although it has not been able to open for 11 seconds yet, the hard power is nearby, and there is definitely no problem. But after watching today In her interview, you will find that this female player from Nigeria..."

"She and her coach are very confident about their competitive status this season. They seem to think that 11 seconds is not a problem at all. The only issue they are worried about is whether Okabare can perform as well as he should in official competitions. "

Okabare and her coaching team didn’t put up any smoke bombs here. During this year's winter training, Okabare seemed to suddenly have an enlightenment, and his understanding of technical movements has improved to a higher level.

It seems that they must have tested her ability to open 11 seconds during training. Otherwise, it would be meaningless to make such remarks right before the Olympics. In 88, she was about to turn 24. This was the time for female athletes to achieve results.

No more results.

It is very likely that I will not be able to achieve results in this life.

This is the cruelty of track and field.

It is the purest form of physical combat.

I believe Okabare and the others understand this. So this season is just a good time to take advantage of the excitement of the Olympics and make sure to improve your performance. Breaking 11 seconds, for women's meters, if you want to get into the front line, you must open this limit.

Otherwise, if you cannot open 11 seconds, you will always be a marginal person in international competitions. Okabare still has her own ambitions and career plans. This year she broke out completely, which is also related to pressure.

Appropriate pressure will give people a sense of urgency.

It will make people progress.

Sometimes people really can't live too comfortably.

"The ninth track is from Jamaica, player Shiloni Powell. Her results are much more ordinary than the others." Yang Jiandao: "Currently the best result is the 11.05 she achieved last year. , has never opened for 11 seconds. This kind of performance makes it difficult for her to get a chance to stand out even in the Yamei family. "

"She was also a contestant in 88. I don't know if she will have the opportunity to open 11 seconds in the future to improve her stagnant results."

In fact, this female Powell really doesn't have much psychological pressure. Because she cannot be qualified to represent Jamaica in the 100 meters, just like the men's Carter cannot enter the Olympic squad, in a word...

There are too many strongmen in Jamaica.

Men are strong.

Women are also strong.

Even if we look at cardinality and continuity.

Probably better than men.

It's just that the peak height is slightly insufficient.

There is no doubt about this, so it is quite difficult for Jamaican female athletes to obtain a place in a major competition.

Since there is no possibility of going to the Olympics or the World Championships, I might as well just calm down and run whatever I want.

Such athletes are relatively the most Buddhist.

After talking about the athletes, Yang Jian began to wait with the audience for the game to start.

On Chen Juan's left is Jeter and on her right is Fraser.

If you don't take into account the inner pressure, her level is really the most suitable for training before the competition.

Compared with Frazier, Jeter and Chen Juan have played against each other more often, and Jeter has lost to Chen Juan several times in the Diamond League. So she was very impressed by this oriental female athlete.

It can make an impression on the current top 100-meter sister in the world.

At least she's a strong contender for the top spot.

Don't tell me this is the women's sprint team in the flower garden.

If you look at the whole of Asia, very few people in history can do it. Who was the last person who was noticed by an American girl and even asked to fight by name?

It is Li Xuemei who is now in charge of Chen Juan's team.

Back then, Jones named her to fight.

It's a pity that Lixuan didn't go before the game because the domestic sports and medical conditions and training knowledge were not advanced enough, and the Achilles tendon was affected by the injury. This was clearly expressed in the interview that year.

Otherwise, the war between flying women in Shu would definitely be the most talked about topic of the year.

But another dozen years have passed.

The next generation has begun to grow up.

Li Xuemei very much hoped that someone could realize the super talent that she had not realized due to the lack of various domestic conditions.

Then let the whole world know about it.

We Asian female trapeze artists can also compete with the world.

"What is this? It can't be... the man's so-called bent-arm start, right?" After all, Jet had fought against Chen Juan at close range before, and she already knew that Chen Juan was now using this technique to push her to start.

She was the first to notice it at 200 meters.

But Fraser is still rarely seen.

Therefore, Chen Juan's hand movements made Fraser, a top female trapeze artist in the world, unable to help but glance to the side.

If it is said that men currently have very few assembly skills, it is not easy to master them. Not to mention that woman...

Even Frazier made up his mind.

If Chen Juan's shot was good and she saw the power and future of being kicked off, then she would definitely ask this Oriental female player after the race.

How long has she been practicing this technical move?

Anyway, when Frazier first saw someone using this technique in the basket, he also asked his coach. Because her coach and Powell are the same person, she and Powell are technically siblings.

Because her head coach is also Francis. She also trains in the mvp club.

Therefore, she clearly remembered asking Francis when she first saw the man using this technology, but the answer Francis gave later was that she had not figured it out yet. As for men, only flower growers are equipped with this technology. , and depending on their situation, not everyone can equip and use it.

Therefore, the inherent technical lag in women's events is worse than that of men's. If you want to figure this thing out, you should first wait for the man to install it first.

The time Frances gave at that time was that at least people of her generation should stop thinking about it.

Upon hearing this, Fraser quickly gave up his curiosity about this technology. Because she still trusts her head coach Francis from the bottom of her heart. Before Francis's rise to prominence at Mills in Jamaica...

She is the first handsome man in Jamaican history.

At least he is also a candidate for the No. 1 coach.

So Fraser trusted Francis' expertise in this area until...

Now when she saw the female player next to her suddenly using this technical move, she felt really itchy inside.

I really want to... It feels better to ask now.

I don’t know if God really wants to give Fraser a chance.


As soon as the gunshot rang out, the game recall was announced not long after I just rushed out. This athlete was a little scared, fearing that he might have jumped the gun. After all, this is the era of zero false starts. You can't just start false starts. No matter how big your card is, you will be sent off directly.

Last year's World Championships in Daegu, Bolt, this is the case for such superstars.

Don't even think about the rest.

But the good thing is.

It was ultimately determined that there was a shooting problem due to technical reasons.

So it does not involve the ejection of athletes.

If you often watch track and field competitions, you will find that even in the Diamond League, the probability of such things happening is not low.

So it doesn’t mean that as long as there is a false start, there will definitely be athletes who get off the mark instead. Because it is also very likely that there is a problem with the gun.

Just take advantage of the recall time.

During the time gap when Chen Juan and others started to prepare again on the starting block, Fraser suddenly turned his head and looked up at Chen Juan, who was over 1 meters tall with his small body and big eyes, and said: "Excuse me, are you Is the starting technique you just used a bent-arm starting technique used by your men?”

"Huh?" Chen Juan actually rarely interacts with Frazier, not as much as with Jeter, so she immediately turned to look to her left, but when she saw it wasn't Jeter...


He turned to look to his right again.

He found a very short black girl with dreadlocks looking at him with big curious eyes.

"Well, yes, this is the bent-arm start technique that our male athletes use."

After hearing Chen Juan's affirmative answer, Frazier almost screamed, which made Chen Juan think that foreign girls are outgoing and would shout out regardless of the occasion.

But she doesn't know.

In fact, this is Fraser’s obsession and desire for technology.

Fraser is not tall, which leads her to study technology more deeply than others, so that her performance can make up for her natural physical deficiencies. Although it is not good for sprinting to be too high in women's events, but...

That would definitely not be as tall as Frazier.

Over 1 meters.

And Frazier, if you carefully observe her starting technique in the first 10 years and the next 10 years, you will find that she has completely replaced it. This is why she can maintain her peak period for such a long time. reason. It's not just simple, because she gave birth to a child and claimed to be a super mother.

Her understanding and application of technology and her own transformation are the main reasons why she has been able to maintain her peak for so many years.

"So, women can actually learn this technique, right?" Frazier feels that although his start has been praised by Francis, it is the strongest in women's history, and even many first-class male athletes, as long as She is not the promising type and may not be able to beat Fraser in the first 10 meters.

Being able to compare across genders is enough to show how strong Fraser is.

But just because of this, it became more difficult for her to go further.

Her technical system has been pushed to its limit. If she wants to break through, she needs new things to improve and break her original bottleneck.

This is why she wants to know if Chen Juan started with a bent arm. If so, it means that her current foaming ability has the potential to be further enhanced.

So do you think she can't be excited? Can I not ask further?

Fraser's love for running is definitely among the top three among female athletes.

It was precisely because of her original love for running that she was so excited about Chen Juan's words.

"Yes, it's theoretically possible, Brother Xiao Tian, ​​that's what he said." After Chen Juan finished speaking, Fraser didn't listen to the rest of the words and immediately continued to ask: "Then how long have you been training in this technique? "

Even at this time, the referee winked and told them to get ready and stop talking. Frazier had already burst out of curiosity and couldn't care about it at all.

If she doesn't ask clearly, I'm afraid she won't be able to sleep tonight.

Even Fraser's scream just now attracted Jeter, who was next to Chen Juan and had not planned to come over to talk.

Now after Jeter heard a conversation, he unknowingly got closer to Chen Juan. Some pricked up their ears and listened carefully to Chen Juan's answer.

If it can really be equipped on women.

Then can I continue to make further progress?

At this level, everyone knows the significance and difficulty of going further.

No one would give up if they had such an opportunity.

So tempting.

"Well, are you talking about me?" Chen Juan replied honestly: "Almost 10 years."


As soon as these words came out.

Frazier, who was still very excited, froze on the spot.

Jeter, who was trying to eavesdrop, raised his eyebrows as if he had been shocked.

"Ten years? Chen, this joke is not funny!" Fraser was even a little angry when she said this, because she felt that Chen Juan deliberately said it for such a long time and was deliberately teasing her.

"If it's really like what you said, then didn't you start doing this training when you were 13 years old???"

Fraser thought he had caught the flaw in Chen Juan's words, but little did he know that Chen Juan just raised her mouth and said:

"Yes, I started doing this training when I was 13 years old."

"What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

As she spoke, Chen Juan secretly counted her fingers and calculated her year, month and day with some guilt. Then she felt slightly relieved. Well, although she was not very good at math, she was not wrong in such a simple calculation.

Otherwise, it would really embarrass Su Shenxi and Xiao Tian Ge.

"I..." Fred was really stunned this time.

After looking at Chen Juan for a while, she said, "Did it really take 10 years?"

"Almost, it's not difficult actually. Just take your time and take your time. But I was too young at that time, so I was just laying the foundation." Chen Juan actually didn't mind saying this, because this technology is not so easy to learn, and even if Someone will teach you step by step. As a female athlete, if you want to practice well, it will take a long time to polish your upper body.

Not just strength, but upper body explosive balance and overall mobilization and neural recruitment, which may be simpler for male athletes. But for female athletes who are born with testosterone that is more than ten times lower than men, that difficulty cannot be accomplished overnight.

Stay up late.

It's not difficult either.

Just ten years.


Fraser may not be too old, but her generation wants to accomplish. Under normal circumstances, it is just like what Francis said...

It’s impossible for her generation.

After hearing this, Jeter lost interest in continuing to study this technology, because the 10 years of polishing time was too terrifying. However, hearing that it took her so long to practice it, she also knew that besides Chen Juan, It's almost impossible for other women to practice it forever. This is just a special case.

Don't worry too much.

Even Fraser is still a little unwilling to give up.

Although there was some frustration in her eyes, she still muttered in her mouth and said to herself: "Huh! 10 years is 10 years, maybe I will still be running in 10 years, and I will still be at my peak!"

"Who is afraid of whom?"

"Although I'm short, my parents told me that concentration is the essence. From now on, I don't believe it can't be done!"

Who knows what changes Chen Juan's words today will bring to Fraser.

Maybe it will put huge pressure on her future teammate Thompson, maybe.

ps: First update, keep writing! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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