Chapter 51 There is salvation, if you follow me, there will be salvation

"The range of motion of the joints, stretching, and traction are systematic. As long as you do these things well, your previous hard training will not be in vain. The memory of the body will not be lost. As long as the body adapts, it will not only restore the level , and can even break through the limit.”

Su Shen's words completely stunned Zhao Haohuan.

He really wanted to be suspicious.

But people said so convincingly, and now he has no way out, so he can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Besides, do you think that deep down in his heart, there is no such hope.

After asking how God Su knew these things, God Su immediately used Ningdebao and SCI professional magazines as a shield.Coupled with some professional knowledge that came out of his mouth, Zhao Haohuan's head was already a little buzzing.

Although his mind hadn't reacted yet, the man's sixth sense told him...they didn't lie to him.

The point is, what good is it to lie to him now.

He is no longer the Zhao Haohuan he was before, and now his grades have indeed plummeted.

The master class can't even run in.

If this is all cheating yourself, this society will really have no love.

"Well, I'll go back and think about it." Zhao Haohuan still didn't agree right away, after all, the head coach over there has always been with him, and there is always a feeling of affection.Su Shen didn't force it, and he just felt that Zhao Haohuan was a pity for this kind of thing, but he said and said what should be done, and the rest was Zhao Haohuan's own choice.

That's not something he can control...


"As soon as possible. Don't delay too long." After Su Shen finished speaking, Zhao Haohuan was about to get up and leave.

At this time.

After deliberating, Su Shen asked a question about the doubts in his heart.

"Can I ask you something, Zhao Haohuan."

"Huh? Tell me." Zhao Haohuan felt good about God Su, and there was a high possibility that he might ask him in the future, so his reply was quite polite.


"Have you changed your age?"

Su Shen felt that sooner or later he would have to ask, choosing a day would be better than bumping into it, so today is the day.

In the conversation with Zhao Haohuan, he can also feel that the latter is not a small-minded person.

Zhao Haohuan was taken aback.

I really didn't expect God Su to ask such a straightforward question.

This kind of thing is actually a "hidden rule" in China now, and a well-known "industry secret".But generally speaking, there is no face-to-face verification.

Seeing that there was no hint of mockery in Su Shen's eyes, Zhao Haohuan suddenly asked back: "What do you think?"

"I don't know." Su Shen didn't talk nonsense, it was meaningless to say something false, he wasn't here to please anyone.

"I know how the outside world spread it, and I also know what everyone is doubting." Zhao Haohuan looked into Su Shen's gaze and said, "But I want to say, I haven't changed my age, do you believe it?" He explained a sentence, but later he found that no matter how much he explained, no one believed him.

No matter what is said in the mouth, the expressions of others are always "I understand" and "I understand".

In fact, that's what hurts the most.

But God Su's performance surprised him again.

He opened his mouth and replied, "I believe it."

"It's normal if you don't believe it... huh? No, you said..." Zhao Haohuan didn't plan to explain much at first, anyway, everyone in the world is like this, but after hearing Su Shen's answer clearly, he stammered: "You, believe it I?"

"Yes." Su Shen said.


As soon as these words come out, you will understand exactly what situation Zhao Haohuan is in.

It's actually reduced to the point where someone believes in me, but in the end I have to ask "why".

Gossip in any age is a knife that can kill people.

"No reason, you just told me, so I choose to believe you." Su Shen replied "simple and rude", but what Zhao Haohuan needs most now is this kind of "trust without logic".

"I just want to know, since you are not, why don't you take the initiative to destroy such rumors?" Su Shen was very puzzled by this question, because Zhao Haohuan is completely different from Wen Yongyi and so on.

In fact, Su Shen had looked up Zhao Haohuan's personal information before.

It's quite surprising to find... there is no evidence of the latter's age modification.

Yes, you read that right, none of them.

From school to elementary school classmates, no one came forward to testify.

Logically speaking, on the Internet 20 years later, as long as there are scandals, if you want to check, there will always be clues.

There is a saying called "the Internet has memory", which is what it means.

Compared with other people, there are some revelations, even real hammers, but he can't find out a little bit.

Especially when his results back then were so outrageous. In 04, there was only one U18 in the world who was faster than him.What you say is outrageous is not outrageous.

If there is really a problem with a world-class talent, he would have been beaten long ago.

The media doesn't just eat rice, and their nose is more sensitive than a dog's.

That's why Su Shen is not sure whether Zhao Haohuan has changed his age or not.

Or is it really just because of injuries and a sharp decline in performance, which led to discouragement and left the field.

I asked today, and the answer I got was——no change.

What's the reason?

Zhao Haohuan gave a wry smile: "Coach Zhang told me that gossip and gossip, it's useless for you to defend yourself, as long as the athletes run honestly. Don't worry about what others say."

"And when I wanted to explain it, I found that I couldn't explain it anymore, because no one believed me."

"In addition, my strength has started to decline so early, it is even more difficult to argue."

"Sorry, I got a little excited and said too much in one breath."

It seemed that Zhao Haohuan held back these words for a long time, but because no one believed him, he could only hold back by himself.It wasn't until God Su appeared today that he poured out everything like pouring beans.

"I see."

Su Shen nodded. Many domestic coaches in this era really take it for granted.

"Take it for granted" in terms of training.

Training athletes is also "taken for granted".

Underage children, it’s funny not to clarify this kind of rumors. Do you really think that everyone’s ability to resist stress is bald?


There is a question that God Su didn't point out.

That's because Zhao Haohuan probably has a big hidden problem in his heart after being in this mood for a long time.

Don’t look at running, you only need to run, but there will be countless papers in the future to prove this——

The quality of the mental state will directly affect the athlete's performance, and even the final upper limit.

For example, "sports psychology", which has begun to flourish abroad, is a typical example here.

There are even many famous "sports psychology masters", such as Timothy Galway, etc., who are among the best.

In the future, there will be a special method of psychological training, referred to as MST.

Therefore, as far as the country is concerned, it is too chaotic now, and there is no system at all.

In other words, there is no desire to study this aspect.

Of course, there is no standard system for this thing in foreign countries. Su Shen can take the lead and take the lead in promoting it in China.

Anyway, Bald Eagle's things are not for nothing, and they are not whoring for nothing.

But now you say this kind of thing in China... no senior coach will talk to you at all.

Because this is all regarded as "idealism".

Domestic neglect of psychological training is also a historical problem.

Many head coaches even feel that it is impossible for athletes not to squeeze a bit, and they just want to resist.

With the semi-professional level of this head coach, Su Shen can only say... What a genius, you have been fooled like this?
Doesn't conscience ache?

Hurry up, study hard, and make progress every day.


"It's okay, if you are really only this age..." Su Shen said with a smile: "I am confident that I will form the strongest front-end team in China with you in the future."

The opening is "the strongest in the country"...

This classmate Su from Xiangshan is also really crazy.

"What. No confidence? If you don't have confidence, don't come to me." Su Shen saw Zhao Haohuan's heart, and said deliberately:
"If you don't believe in yourself, who else can believe in you?"

After all, Zhao Haohuan was still a young man, and when he was said that, he couldn't hold back his face: "I don't have confidence anymore, just wait, when I help Coach Zhang participate in this Guangdong Provincial Athletics Championships, and help him complete this assessment and promotion, I'll come to you!"

It can be seen that this guy is still a guy who values ​​love and righteousness.

As for the aforementioned considerations...

Hehe, this process is gone now.

Save time and effort, no middlemen.

Su Shen laughed heartily.

This reopening, it seems that many "living treasures" have been found and many "golden bumps" have been dug up.

Compared with those advanced systems and advanced theories, talents are also an indispensable and important resource for any project and industry in the 21st century.

Isn't this the most important resource in the 21st century?

A genius like Zhao Haohuan can't be wasted, so hurry up and cheat.

Then pack it all up and take it all away!

Because God Su knows...

One person cannot change an industry, but a group of talents can.

This is the first step to leading yourself.

If this is a big game of chess.


Just first hand.

PS: When you start to form a team, you need teammates to start a team, otherwise the opponent has five tigers, and it will be lonely to kill alone.

Regarding Zhao Haohuan's situation, it is true that Xiao Zi has searched the Internet, but she can't find any clues about changing her age.Then let's boldly take the route that he didn't change his age. If he can't find it anyway, it might not be true, right?Hahaha.

I applaud my wit.As for the reality, it is still the old saying, the benevolent see the benevolent and the wise see the wisdom.

This chapter is monthly ticket plus update~~~
After get off work tonight, I will update normally.

Thank you sjhsw, ah, ah, oh, book friend 20190714170701269, decade, and Hui for your rewards~~~Xiaozi thank you for your support, thank you~~~
(End of this chapter)

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