The Su God of the Reopening of the Sports Arena

Chapter 609 9.99!After more breaks, you will get used to it

Chapter 609 9.99!In the future, you will get used to it if you break more

Tianchao Sports Station.

"Game start!"

"Su Shen still takes the lead and is invincible at the start."

"Speed ​​up on the way, still in the lead, can you keep it... Guy - overtake the past."

"Can you hold back? God Su——Spirmon is catching up!"

"God Su—"

"God Su——"

"Hey———press the wire!!!"

"This shot ran beautifully!" After Yang Jian finished explaining, he realized that the brother next to him seemed to be...

Not saying a word.

Ah this.

This is troublesome isn't it.

Anyway, say a few words, make up the number.

"Director Li may have been fascinated by watching it. Watching this shot in slow motion, it is indeed a good run." Yang Jian was still smoothing things out for Li Tao, saying: "Su Shen has been leading in front of this shot. It belongs to running out. In spite of his own characteristics and demeanor, he was not afraid of his opponent's strong strength, and finally resisted. To be able to get No.3 in this kind of competition is really unacceptable..."

How could he know that Li Tao didn't pay attention to Yang Jian's words at all. His focus was on Su Shen's...after-course.

Su Shen is very fast ahead, and now everyone knows that Su Shen is very hip in the future, and this is also something that professionals know.

Of course, this kind of hip pulling refers to placing it in a high-end game.

Li Tao naturally studied Su Shen's running style after he went back, and recently he is studying Su Shen's future, and wants to write a paper to see if he can improve it.So he knew at a glance that God Su's future plans today...

Some are "too fast".

This shot will not take 10 seconds.

Too many to dare to think about, Li Tao only dared to think of this, otherwise he was also afraid that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

And at this time, Tyson Gay's score was given, 9...76s! ! !

9.76s? ? ?

Could this result be...too fast?
This is the first race of the 9.76-meter race in the new season, can you run to [-]s?Powell was shocked when he saw this result.

If it is true, besides Powell in active service, Gay is the second person to open 9.80s.

If it was 9.78s, watching the slow motion playback, Li Tao seemed to suddenly think of something!
Immediately, he calculated the gap between Su Shen and Powell in his mind.

For professionals, it is not too difficult to calculate the time of the next few by judging the gap with No.1.

So this counts...

God Su's shot is very likely...

"His shot may run for 10 seconds." After finishing speaking, Yang Jian was stunned, and stopped talking when he was talking nonsense just now.

"10 seconds? Director Li, you said that Su Shen's shot could take 10 seconds?" Yang Jian has been commenting on Tianchao Sports TV since 01, and there is still no shortage of these basic knowledge.

10 seconds, if true, would tie Koji Ito's record of 90 seconds set in the 10s.

In that case, the value of this shot is no less than an Asian Games gold medal.

No, it must be at least ten yuan.

No.2 Spilmont announced the result, 9.96s.

This also made Spielmont feel flattered.

Because he hasn't run a better extreme result than this one yet.

Didn't expect to run out so "randomly" today?

No wonder my calf feels a little sore now.

Spearmon is 9.96s? ? ?

After calculating the distance, Li Tao's heart quickly started beating uncontrollably.

After all, 10 seconds, this is a knot in my heart that I haven't solved before my teacher left early.

Could it be realized so soon?
Li Tao calculated the distance again, this time he was very sure that there was absolutely no grade.


His eyes have been completely wide open, just waiting for the next second, Su Shen's results will be released on the rebroadcast screen.

10 seconds, it should be 10 seconds, I should be right.

No way under 10 seconds, no way...

Still in self-hypnosis, Su Shen's actual performance data has already been displayed on the broadcast screen.

With this result, Li Tao's mind suddenly went blank.

I even forgot what I was talking to myself just now.

Because, on the large electronic screen, in the column of God Su's name, it clearly appeared that God Su's grades did not start with the word "1".

If it doesn't start with "1", then it can only be...

"9"? ? ?
Is it "9"? ? ?

Li Tao felt that he couldn't breathe.

He looked at the broadcast screen, wishing he could "post it in".

9.9...9! ! !

"it is good!!!!!!!"

"here you go!!!!!!!"

"Break ten, break ten!!!!!!!!!!"

"We broke ten!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Li Tao yelled suddenly, almost smashing the table in the broadcast room.

The scene was even more chaotic.

After Yuan Guoqiang saw the result, he almost dislocated his arm!

Yu Weili also let out a loud roar, completely losing his previous stability and calmness.

After Zhao Haohuan saw the result, he stared at it for a few minutes, then he smiled, ran over and hugged Su Shen.

The rest of the people didn't need to shout. After seeing the results, they all rushed forward and almost killed Su Shen!
Seeing this, Liu Xiang was stunned, and couldn't help showing a happy smile, and then continued to applaud in the stands.

Break ten!

Break ten! ! !
Seeing this in the Japanese track and field circle, I don't know how many people became "silent lambs" for a while.


I am afraid that I will be taken out by some big person to "vent my anger".

Seeing this, Goro Yamaguchi, the person in charge, dropped the cup in his hand and murmured: "Eight carats, eight carats, eight carats..."

Just as the Americans cheered for Guy to break his own record, and the flower growers cheered for Su Shen to break ten, suddenly a news... came out from the electronic broadcast.

It is a series of English words, but the general meaning is——

The ranking of this game is reserved, but the results will not be recorded.

Walter? !
Guy is also stupid, I finally turned on 9.80s, and it's gone? ? ?

The florist heard it even more, and was almost locked in place.

But it was true that on the big electronic screen, behind Guy's grades, there was no PB marked.

that is because……

This game is super fast.

Although it only exceeds the pitiful 0.1~0.2M/S, if it exceeds, it exceeds. (true wind speed)
If it exceeds 0.1M/S, it will not work.

Unless, like Japan, you play tricks on the anemometer, otherwise, it is not the full wind speed, but super wind speed.

"No, can't it?" Yuan Guoqiang was stunned, and said in a low voice: "It's more than this point, it's more than this point..."

After Yu Weili was overjoyed and sad, his face was not very good-looking, a little gloomy.

It's just that close, even if it works.

Isn't this bad luck!

"Damn! This is not a trick of the American guy! How could it have exceeded such a point? Exactly exceeded such a point!!!" Liang Jiahong couldn't bear it, and his score of breaking ten was not valid for the record. I couldn't take it anymore, and wanted to fight for God Su.

In China, the pot exploded, and all kinds of messages were flying all over the sky.

Only God Su, he suddenly remembered, Guy is also known as the "Super Wind Speed ​​Human Summoner".

Because he ran a lot of good results all his life, all of which were pinched off because of "super wind speed".

Otherwise, with his hard power, he might be firmly in the second place, and obviously, this was the one where Guy was pinched out by "Super Wind Speed".

Now that Gay's PB is gone, it is impossible for the Americans to deliberately target Su Shen.

The only explanation is really... bad luck.

But in fact, apart from being a little nauseous, Su Shen himself is not... depressed at all.

And this time it broke open, obviously a little reaction is relatively small.

Last time, the feeling at that time was much bigger than now.

This shows that my physical load capacity has indeed improved a lot.

He looked at the wind speed, although he didn't calculate the legal score, but he got too much in this game.

Originally, his strength was definitely not enough to break through 10 seconds, at least he had to fight with others a few more times to slowly find the state of breaking ten.But today, a strong wind sent him in directly, let's see the key, the key is...

He turned it on for 10 seconds.

He broke through his "ten-second barrier" in this shot.

As long as the "ten-second barrier" is smashed by myself, then in fact...

When he rises up, he will enter a high-speed period again.

You will no longer be easily blocked by the huge difficulty of the "ten-second barrier".

Therefore, for him, the 9.99s of this game is not counted, and it is only a matter of time before he wants to break through.

He only needs to review the feelings and details of this game, plus his own rich ten-breaking experience, and combine the two, his ascent speed will not be blocked by the "ten-second barrier".

Even the next time Xiaofeng can open it for ten seconds.

This point, for the experienced Su Shen, is actually the biggest asset in this game.

It's just that no one else understands this feeling now.

Many people even think that this is the first and last time we Asians touch the switch that is turned on for 10 seconds.

It will be like Koji Ito in the future, and he will never be able to approach this result.

That's why so many people are filled with righteous indignation and indignation.

Only Zhao Haohuan noticed at this time that he should be the "most wronged" person, but he couldn't see the slightest bit of wronged expression on his face.

Instead, all he had was satisfaction and...excitement.

"Why?" Zhao Haohuan couldn't help walking over from the complaining crowd, and asked Su Shendao, "Why aren't you depressed at all?"

"Ah?" Su Shen turned to look at Zhao Haohuan, and said, "Why should I be depressed?"

Zhao Haohuan suffocated, and continued: "This is broken ten."

"We Asians are the first to break the top ten, and it's gone like this. I feel bad when I look at it!"

Zhao Haohuan is so emotional, it seems that this result is indeed sudden, and many people can't accept it.

But Su Shen was stretching around his groin, and said: "It's nothing, Gou Huan, next week, just run again."

Zhao Haohuan.

Next week, run again?
Do you think that Po Shi is opened by your family, and you can use it if you want?
But Su Shen just smiled, he had already looked away, because he successfully opened the "ten-second barrier" this time, in fact, the prospect of breaking the ten-second barrier in the future has already become a smooth road.

Since the lizi got it, why bother to care about a little fame.

Su Shen thought very clearly. As a reopener, he knew that he had perfectly completed the second step of his reopening plan.

Breaking the "ten-second barrier" was earlier than I thought.

This is enough.

The ten-second mark, for me, no longer exists.


At the post-match press conference, facing the florists' sprint team who were not in a good mood, the American reporter deliberately asked——

I don't know when the next time an Asian will break ten.

Su Shen took the initiative to take the topic, pushed the microphone to his mouth, smiled and said——

Not for long, maybe next week.

After a lot of breaking, you will get used to it.

American reporter: ...

Planters: ...

Audience: ...

Why does it feel like breaking ten? In his words, it has become a very common word.

Isamu Toyoki, who was about to throw the cup at first, gradually calmed down when he saw that Su Shen was so calm and not fluctuating at all.

Suddenly, he thought of something, that is...

It seems that none of the "big words" this kid is talking about has not been realized.

In the future, it won't really be...

Breaking ten is the norm, right?

He really wants to believe it, but is this still too nonsense for the current Asian sprint?
People, that’s how it is, before you do it, sometimes you don’t even have the courage to believe.

But it doesn't matter.

God Su is there.

I believe everyone will have it soon.

After all, get used to it.

As a human being.

That's just as fast.

It won't be difficult.


It's not hard.

PS: The wind speed is real, and it is all historical data. If it does not blow, it will not be black, and it will exceed this point.

I don't want to change the historical wind speed, so it's meaningless, so this is the best result, otherwise Eugene... emmmmmmm, it's better to sell it first, because Xiaozi checked it and was really speechless.So it's better to break through the past here first.It is also to pave the way for a big climax in the future.

Then, Guy's 9.76s are really gone too.All real events.

The foreshadowing has been completed, and it will be very exciting after 07. Please wait and see.

For May Day, if there is nothing wrong, just four words-update more! ! !
labour is the honour! ! !I wish you all a happy Labor Day, sleep, sleep, during the middle of writing, I dozed off countless times.

Get up and keep writing! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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