The Su God of the Reopening of the Sports Arena

Chapter 657 The "Wang Zha" Reserved by God Su Appears

Chapter 657 The "Wang Bo" reserved by God Su Appears (Please ask for tickets~~~)

Long live in the land arena.

Athletes have already returned to the starting blocks of their own races.

Bolt, Zhao Haohuan, Hu Kai, Atkins, Gailao, Su Shen, Powell, Blake.

Eight famous sprinters lined up on the starting block, began to squat down, and stepped on the footboard tightly with their legs.

Yes, the famous sprinter.

Because many sprint masters have never been able to make it to the stage of the OW [-]-meter trapeze competition in their entire lives.

So after this wave of honors is added, it can definitely be regarded as a famous sprinter in the world.

At least, it is no longer within the scope of the world, silently.

"on your marks."

"The race is about to start, everyone hold your breath, don't blink, and appreciate the 10 seconds that represent the current extreme speed of human beings." Yang Jian's voice sounded just right, raising everyone's tension to a higher level.

Lin Yanfang was also at home, clasped her hands together tightly, and kept praying with her small mouth.

Don't tell me, because this shot is a big battle on one of the highest stages, and it is also the first time for us flower growers to participate in the OW final shot. Many people feel that their "little hearts" are a little affected no more.

That is to say, there is no barrage now, otherwise I am afraid that it will fly up.

Both Su Shen and Zhao Haohuan were ready to start with bent arms, and spread their hands wider, like a nitrogen injector for human flesh.

Except for their special posture, the rest of them have straight arms, one knee on the ground, ready to lift their hips and shift their body weight.

Call, call, call.

On the starting block, there were no voices, only the sound of everyone adjusting their breath.

The OW battle, this is the most tense battle, no one dares to make any other moves.


Everyone starts to lift their hips and shift their center of gravity according to their own rhythm.

Different from other games, in this game, everyone has a serious look on their faces.

Because for track and field athletes, this is the highest stage for them to show off. If it is shown here once, it will be better than other stages ten times.

For the land league that has been completely eliminated, some of them want to "kill people with a borrowed knife". They want to rely on others to suppress things they can't do themselves, and then watch the flower planters sprint team.

After all, this stage is no longer an intercontinental stage.

Asian athletes, even the most egregious in the land leagues, feel that... Asians are born to be cannon fodder.


It is better not to have such extravagant expectations, not to be unrealistic.

But no one knew that Su Shen had actually formulated a very special tactic for this match.

Compared with other OW competitions, I may only remember one wind speed, but for the final gun of the OW competition after the millennium, Su Shen can be said to have watched it countless times.

Because there are only so many OW games, so adding up, there are not a few shots.

To God Su, this impression was exceptionally deep and clear.

Before he reopened, he occasionally imagined that if he could take part in these competitions with this memory, he might have the same chance as Daniel Mitchell, planning to mark the results below 0.100s several times.Although it is said that the 0.100s rule has been around for a long time, the modeling of this reaction time is also very clear, and indeed there will be—whether male or female athletes, the possibility of starting reaction time below 100 milliseconds is less than 0.01 %.

In other words, 0.01% of people have such a super reaction.

One time is luck, more times, several times, it will naturally become strength.

Daniel Mitchell is also the only one who "publicly" has a reaction time of less than 0.100s, but has been recorded several times.

There is only one case of that kind of god-man in history. Perhaps the research on the neural development system and in-depth research can solve this mystery.

However, whether it is human manipulation or super reaction, that is not what Su Shen needs to consider.

All he has to think about now is.

This shot.

He's going to run out of the "super start".

What is a "super start", Su Shen is talking about a "super start" in the true sense.

Moreover, this feat can be perfectly reproduced only by him, the reopener.

What you need to remember is that after the "set", the time of the starting gun is not completely fixed, it can be fast or slow, which is why you can see complaints in some reports that the starting gun is too slow or too fast.

and so.

It is impossible for you to predict the interval of this shot in advance, whether it is fast or slow, unless...

Like Su Shen, you have watched the OW final gun countless times.

And because he is a professional athlete, he has had a lot of professional training in listening to guns, so he can clearly simulate this gun in his mind...

How to run is the fastest.

Because of this "special ability", what Su Shen is thinking about now is not that the starting reaction is too slow, but...

Don't be too quick yourself.

Wait for a 0.050s, it will be funny.

Before Su Shen came, he had already secretly replayed the gap between gunshots in this game, so he was very sure——

When are you going to start running?

With his current hard power, it would be difficult for him to get ahead of the headwind gun, but if...

Plus "super start".

This is the source of Su Shen being the reopener, the king of explosions.

It is also one of his tricks to press the bottom of the box.

While everyone was adjusting, Powell vaguely felt the oriental man beside him calmly...

Some are not real.

Even in the OW finals, his mentality was not good enough. For his first time, could it be that good?

The thought flashed by.

I don't know how many thousandths of a second have passed.


From the small speaker behind him, there was a crisp sound of an electronic gun.

And at this moment, when Powell had just started, he suddenly discovered a problem.

That is.


A gust of wind has passed by from the side.

Before he went out, he was already in full shape and was about to fall to the ground, forming a "three-point style" to take over.

Stolen? ? ?

The buzzer didn't sound!

This gun is an effective gun! ! !

Powell's reaction to this shot was not slow at all, and it seemed that the "extra training before the game" in Japan did not affect him much.

At this time, the accuracy and sensitivity of the latest generation of pressure-sensitive starters, which have been widely used in 07, have been greatly improved again.Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to make a mistake, and let the person who runs away become a fish that slipped through the net.

What the fuck?

how so fast !

In fact, Yuan Guoqiang was startled the first time God Su made a move.

He watched God Su run so many times and trained so many times, so he still has a good understanding of God Su's starting speed.

Probably at the moment it is still in the range of 0.150~0.200.

But this shot.

As a professional athlete-born coach, Yuan Guoqiang also had the same thought at the first time, which was similar to Powell's.

Was this gun stolen?

But since there is no recall, it is a valid gun, and the pressure-sensitive starter is confirmed, and no one rushed.

At this time, the pressure-sensitive starting device also completes the statistics of the starting reaction of each lap for the athletes who have already stretched out in an instant.

The first Bolt, 0.177s.

The second Zhao Haohuan, 0.151s.

The third Lake Kai, 0.161s.

Fourth Atkins, 0.137s.

Fifth pass Tyson Gay, 0.143s.

The sixth god Su.


PS: Guaranteed to get it, ask for a ticket~~~~~~
The OW Ultimate War kicks off, everyone cheers for God Su~~~~~
Ho Ho Ho ~~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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