The Su God of the Reopening of the Sports Arena

Chapter 681: Chapter Country!Popularity exploded, and net worth skyrocketed!

Chapter 681 Return to China!Popularity exploded, and net worth skyrocketed! (It’s a new month, Xiao Zi is begging for a ticket~)

"Flower Planters, Rise of Track and Field Competitions!" "

"1 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze in the straight track event, this result is the best in the world! "

Su Shen, the magical boy, used 2 medals as his coming-of-age gift. "

"Su Shen's prophecy has come true, yellow skin can run 100 meters in addition to hurdles!" "

"Who said we can't do it?God Su tells you, we can do it! "

"Still looking for the next Liu Xiang?The next Liu Xiang has come - he is China Lightning, God Su. "


This guy, just returned to China, is already blowing all over the place.


If in foreign countries, these people still "deliberately cool down" the achievements of flower growers, then in China...

Already the bombs had dropped in the frying pan—explosions on top of each other.

Suddenly, almost anyone who understands sports and track and field knows one thing:
It turns out that we have been publicly fooled by foreign PUA banners for so long!

Then once a person is awakened, the ability to explode naturally will be extremely amazing.

Looking at the crowds of people coming down to pick up the plane, Su Shen understood that some of the things he wanted to do after coming here were already on the right track.but……

This is not enough.

Because the influence of the World Championships is not enough.

If you want to awaken the whole people, you can only do it on a bigger stage.

Well, that stage is only the Olympics.

Moreover, this wave is the Olympics at home. As long as the game is played well, needless to say, the entire domestic public opinion will be completely reversed.

Those "ghosts and snakes" will also show their true colors thoroughly and be cast aside by others.

Even though the Olympics and the World Championships are both OW level, the influence of the two competitions is completely different.

It can even be said that in front of the Olympics, the influence of the World Championships is no different from that of infants.

Many people who don't watch sports at all may not even have heard of this game.

God Su knew this very well.

He is the first person in Asia to stand on the stage finals of the World Championships, but... how many people have understood this honor before?

It would be nice to know that he broke ten.

Still can't get out of the circle.

Only the small circle of track and field and sports know this.

and this.

Obviously not enough.

Sushen's awakening spirit of Chinese people after 2020+ is awakened here ahead of time. The Olympic Games, especially the 08 Olympic Games, is the biggest, most suitable and deadly stage.

This is also the biggest stage he has been waiting for for three or four years.

It is an exaggeration to say that these are all "warming up" for the Olympics, but it is actually not a big problem.

However, next year's competition will be extremely fierce, and he must be fully prepared.

But before that, the headache of going to events for days, shaking hands, smiling, signing autographs.

But this time, the rewards were much more than expected, and a large sum of bonuses were all sent over.

Even completely surpassed the National Games.

Just for this silver medal, the national heavy award + provincial heavy award + city + enterprise is already going to heaven.The corporate bonus alone is already crazy, making people's eyes straight.

Do you still remember what Li Ning and other companies said when Su Shen broke the indoor record?
Break through 100 million each time.

You can see clearly that every time you break through, it is 100 meters.In addition to the rewards of the first individual medal in the World Championships and the first relay medal in the World Championships, Li Ning's company alone has earned Su Shen several million.Adding up the rest is a minimum guarantee of 600 million.

This is a heartache for these companies.

After all, according to the previous thinking, this kind of situation should be rare. After all, it is an Asian record, how can it always be broken.

That's worth it.

Is that still called a record?


Therefore, according to the initial assumptions of these enterprises, this is a cost-effective business that makes a lot of money, but actually does not need to pay much cash.

So when it came to the bonus, they desperately spoke up without any hesitation.

But how did he know that Su Shen's breaking the record is like playing a game. In this year's World Championships alone, he broke the individual and team twice.

But how can the words that are said and the water that is poured out be taken back at will, and the corporate image will be hit and the losses will be even greater.


With tears in your eyes, take out your pocket.

In addition, the special prize of 100 million US dollars for the country's top 100 breakthrough + the first 1500-meter medal for the yellow race is another [-] million soft sister coins, plus the heavy prizes from the province and the city... Someone made a rough calculation, God Su After this wave of World Championships, you can easily earn more than [-] million soft sister coins.

And that's just the purest bonus.

Coupled with this wave of breaking ten + OW medals, Su Shen's "Team Su" started spinning again.

Calls from various endorsement advertisers and sponsors were almost relented.

But Su Shen only chose a few big brands to cooperate with. After all, he is no longer short of money. After buying a product worth 2 million U.S. dollars last time, he has already become rich.Although he was going to use the money to invest in the laboratory, it didn't mean he couldn't use it.

Because the entire Sushen laboratory was first built with his own pocket, which is different from the original timeline.

So it is easy for him to use the money to play the stock market, and within a year, his wealth will skyrocket.

And then a few years later, the international stocks I bought also exploded, that's really, I'm going crazy.

Su billion?
No, no.

Soon it will be Su Ten Billion.

So he didn't pay much attention to the money, he just wanted to take this opportunity to promote the Flower Planter's track and field.

After all, there are now two track and field leaders in China, one is Liu Xiang and the other is him.

Some netizens also jokingly called on the Internet——

If Su Shen comes out on the domestic celebrity list next year, he will definitely be the third person in the country.

Second only to Yao Ming and Liu Xiang.

This is still their judgment under the fact that they don't know the entire 2 million dollars. In fact, Su Shen occupies the absolute lead and absolute dominance.

Otherwise, he will be firmly in the first place now.

Even Dayao has to do it.

But Su Shen was originally a rich man. After he came to this life, he wanted to make money as soon as possible, and it was only for the development of domestic track and field and the development of the laboratory, so it really gave people a kind of——

I have the "illusion" that God Su is not very interested in money.

For example, Zhou Bing was drooling enviously, and when he asked him what he wanted to do with so many bonuses, Su Shen didn't even think about it, and said casually:

"It's fine to put it in the bank, lose it in the stock market, or buy a fund."

Zhou Bing: ...

"Ah Tim, don't you want to spend something? For example, spend a little money." Zhou Bing finally asked his inner doubts, but what he got in exchange was Su Shen's "very heart-warming" answer: "Why consumption? I'm not interested in consumption."

Zhou Bing:! ! !
Zhou Bing:? ? ?
Zhou Bing: ...

This was the process of his mood change. He looked at God Su, and felt that he...wasn't human.

After earning so much money, I don’t even want to spend it. Doesn’t holding it mean not taking it?
What a pity, what a pity, what a pity.

Ah Tim is good at everything, but he doesn't know how to enjoy life.

If Su Shen could hear this sentence, he would definitely give him a knife--

I've enjoyed it my whole life.

Now I want to "work hard".


However, I have been preparing for the World Championships for this period of time, and now that it is over, I have to take time to visit the laboratory.

Take a look at the results of their latest research, whether they have come out or not.

He wanted to replace all the big guys with new equipment before 08.

Of course, in addition to equipment and high-tech products, we also need to check the progress, especially those projects that I have focused on.

PS: Come here~~~~
It’s a new month, everyone please raise your hands and vote~~~(*^▽^*)~~~
(End of this chapter)

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