The Su God of the Reopening of the Sports Arena

Chapter 804 The 200-meter final shot that even God Su didn't expect

Chapter 804 The 200-meter final shot that even God Su didn't expect
Xie Zhengye scored 21.85s in the first national competition in his career. This is also the result of Xie Zhengye's first official electric meter competition in his career in 09.

Now a year early, did it.

Don't look at it, it's a year ahead, you have to know, this is a year of development, you have to know how big the difference will be in this year.

Although he can't keep up with Bei'ao, next year, Su Shen will let Xie Zhengye, who is completely healthy, drive for 21 seconds.

even faster.

Because others don't know, but Su Shen knows that in the next sixteen or seventeen years old, there will be Asians who can run to the interval of 20.16~20.30s.

Therefore, as Xie Zhengye, who is completely healthy and has no permanent damage, he feels that he is not incapable of copying it.

Get ahead.

After all, the equipment and system this time are top-notch, and this kind of treatment was impossible for Xie Zhengye to have before.

and so.

He was very much looking forward to when Xie Zhengye could unleash a shot that would shock the whole country and even the whole of Asia.

After Xie Zhengye finished here, it was the rest's turn. There was nothing to say. The first few shots went in very quickly. Hu Kai, Zhou Bing, Zhang Peimeng, Su Shen, Liang Jiahong and others also all advanced.

Before the rematch in the afternoon, there was no difference, and it was quite easy to get in.

The only "Su God Line" that was eliminated was Xie Zhengye and Xiao Xie's children's shoes.

Because he was too tired, he ran very poorly for this shot. He didn't open it in 22 seconds. He was the last in the group and was out of the game.

Xiao Xie was so angry that he was out of breath, and almost went crazy.

It can be seen that in Ersha Island, both vision and competitive spirit are growing rapidly.

In the end, he was so wronged that he wanted to cry. After all, he was still a child under 15 years old. Ning Dehai immediately comforted him, which made Xie Zhengye calm down.

The rest of the "Su Divine Department" also came over, wanting to comfort Xie Zhengye, how would they know...

Xie Zhengye sniffed, and muttered, "I'm actually only better than Brother Pancake. I'm too miserable. I must train harder when I go back! I can't follow in Brother Pancake's footsteps."

Zhou Bing: ...

If it weren't for the big guy pressing down, Zhou Bing might run away on the spot.

In the semi-finals the next day, Zhou Bing played with a murderous look.

The whole state was stimulated by Xie Zhengye's words yesterday, and this shot against Liang Jiahong had an excellent result.

From the entire front, he made no mistakes and the rhythm was very tight.

On the way into the curve, he ran to learn Su Shen's way and sprinted vigorously, which Liang Jiahong did not expect.

Liang Jiahong's 200 meters this year is actually very strong. In the original timeline, he was actually the first in the country in 08.But this number one is still not even up to the Olympic B standard.

"Curve into the straight, Zhou Bing and Liang Jiahong are both running ahead." Yang Jiandao: "These are some of the best young 200-meter runners in our country. They represent the future of our 200-meter florist."


Future shit.

If Zhou Bing could hear it, he would definitely yell: I want it now!
After entering the big straight, although Liang Jiahong was still in the lead, the sound of footsteps behind him was approaching step by step.

I rely on.

What's wrong with this kid, why is this shot running so fast?
Liang Jiahong took a glance from the corner of his eye, and happened to see Zhou Bing's angry eyes.

This made him think for a while, Nima, forget it, anyway, I am firmly in the finals, there is no need to waste energy here with you.

Thinking of this, Liang Jiahong began to lose a little speed, allowing Zhou Bing to overtake from the side.

"The fourth contestant, Zhou Bing... came from behind, surpassed Liang Jiahong, and is currently ranked first." After Yang Jian finished speaking, Li Tao added: "In fact, Liang Jiahong also fired this shot, as long as he can enter the finals steadily , Zhou Bing may still be a bit of a waste of energy by doing this."

Normally, this is the case.

But Zhou Bing has been completely ignited by Xiao Xie's children's shoes. Originally, his presence in Ersha Island was not very high.

Among the veterans of the "Su God Line", he is the only one who has been the worst. Now even a fourteen or fifteen-year-old kid can look down on him, he is really stupid.

This time in the 200-meter race, I must prove to him that I can do it!

Brother Ni Panbing did not get into the "small team" by mixing seniority!

Zhou Bing finally pressed the line, 20.83s.

Although he gave up a little in the end, it was unexpected that he would be so fierce in the semifinals.

Hu Kai watched from the side, and couldn't help laughing: "It seems that this time, Panbing has a lot of fighting spirit. Maybe he can make a career PB in this last game."

"He just likes to show off." Zhang Peimeng watched Zhou Bing run like this in the semifinals, moved his mouth, and complained.

"Don't say that, now you and him are competing for the second and third in the country, Pei Meng, work hard, don't lose to him." Hu Kai just wanted to encourage him, but he didn't expect this to make Zhang Pei fierce Nodding his head, he said, "Don't worry, brother Kai, the final shot, I must suppress him, so that he doesn't like to show off so much."

Hu Kai knew that Zhang Peimeng and Zhou Bing didn't like each other, but he didn't intend to intervene.

After all, God Su didn't intervene, did he?

Zhang Peimeng's biggest problem in the past was that he was prone to pride and complacency, and he was prone to not getting out of his comfort zone. Now, on Ersha Island, no matter whether he is an individual or an opponent, he is not allowed to stop for a while.

In such an environment, it is actually the easiest to achieve breakthroughs and improvements.

Su Shen also continued to "go" to the finals, ranked second in the group, and entered the finals.

It is said that now Su Shen is also a person who can break 21 seconds, but his results within 100 meters are too dazzling, and there is almost no honor in 200 meters, so it seems that there is no sense of presence in 200 meters.When Yang Jian read Su Shen's name, he still felt a little dazed, maybe he pronounced it wrong.

That night, eight 200-meter contestants came out.

But compared to the 100 meters, the 200 meters Olympic trials are very light, basically the taste of the National Track and Field Open.

Why do I say that, because...

There are not many people who can go 200 meters. In fact, Hu Kai is the only one who is qualified.

The rest of the people are not qualified to go in and can only watch.

So this 200-meter race looks more like an ordinary track and field open race.

Bird's Nest scene.

"The first one is Yin Hualong, Yin Hualong's main attack is 100 meters, and 200 meters is just his sideline, but he also performed well this year and has improved."


"The third track is our Asian 200-meter flying man Su Shen. Although the [-]-meter is not his strong point, he often participates in it. But this is not the [-]-meter track. He should come here to practice more and find the feeling of the Bird's Nest."

God Su raised his hand and the audience cheered.

Although the commentator has repeatedly said that Su Shen is not the top three candidates for the 200-meter race, the audience in the Bird's Nest still cannot stop their love for Su Shen.In particular, he left a deep impression on the audience of the Bird's Nest when he opened Violence 3 for ten seconds a few days ago.

Coupled with the addition of a lot of honors, everyone loves God Su, and now he is second only to Liu Xiang among track and field athletes.

"Fourth runner, my country's 200-meter national record holder, spectacle man, Hu——— Kai!"

Hu Kai was also cheered by the audience. After all, the popularity is here, and the name of "glasses trapeze" is still quite loud.

And now he is the national No.200 in the 1-meter race, and the only Olympic A mark, so on the 200-meter track, his domineering should be full.After all, the current Hukai is not the previous Hukai. He has won the gold medal in the Asian Championships, and he has been in the finals of the OW World Championships. His mentality and confidence have long been very different.

"Fifth Road, the second national candidate for the 200-meter race, Zhou Bing."

"Zhou Bing is not very eye-catching at first glance, but in fact, the level of 200 meters is very high, but it is a pity that he is still a little short of the Olympic A standard. Otherwise, if he has the opportunity to enter the Olympic Games and experience it, it will be better." Li Tao commented: "But it doesn't matter, he is only 19 years old, and there are still many opportunities in the future, he can challenge for next year's World Championships."

"Sixth way, glasses man Hu Kai's younger brother, Zhang Peimeng, the double champion of the 100m and 200m in the Shudu National Athletics Grand Prix."

"Zhang Peimeng's progress is astonishing. Two years ago, he was still stuck outside the master class and barely made any progress. Now, whether it is 2 meters or 100 meters, he has made great breakthroughs. His future still has great potential."

Zhang Pei suddenly turned his head to look at Zhou Bing not far behind, his eyes were also full of fighting spirit.

Zhou Bing was not going well at first, but when he saw Zhang Peimeng's expression of being determined by himself, he got even more excited. At that time, the roots of his ears were turning red, and his eyes were fixed on him. I don't know... I thought there was something wrong with these two people. "Deep hatred and great hatred".

In the next second, you can "Mortal Kombat".

"Seventh Road, Zhao Jiahuan, 22 years old, personal best 200m PB20.94s, and more than one meter against the wind, quite capable. He may win a medal tonight."

"Eighth Road, Li Mingxuan, 22 years old, his personal best 200m PB20.91s, created in May this year, he may also hit the medal."


Su Shen looked at the 200-meter field and took a deep breath.

Relative to 100 meters.

The freshness and challenge of the 200 meters are different.

If 100 meters still has a lot of missions, then 200 meters...

He runs purely for himself.

He also wants to know what kind of height he can finally reach after continuous improvement in his endurance potential and continuous hard training.

But people across the country, including professionals across the country, may not have imagined that there will be so many "changes" in this game.

Even Su Shen didn't expect it.

Zhou Bing was on the field, looking at one side, which happened to be the area for the players and coaches of Ersha Island.

He stretched out his finger and pointed there, regardless of whether he could hear it or not, he said loudly:
"Little kid! Look after you!"

"Can I do it!!!"

PS: There will be a relay race in the future, everyone can continue to cheer for our flower planters sprint team!
I hope the relay can make an impact.

Although there will be back-to-back World Championships next year, plus the Asian Games and Indoor World Championships, letting go of this year and resting your body is not an unacceptable strategy.

(End of this chapter)

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