The Su God of the Reopening of the Sports Arena

Chapter 863 Waterloo, America!The Olympics were never just a medal fight

Chapter 863 Waterloo, America!The Olympics were never just a medal fight

Bolt's "magic walk" has gradually spread in the Olympic Games.

The Olympic stadium is a huge platform, because the audience is huge. Many people who usually don’t watch sports will watch it because of the Olympics. This is why Bolt can quickly become popular.

The rematch continued, and after Bolt's miraculous performance, the remaining shots also continued.

Lake Kai is in the second group, this group is too strong, Brian Zinge, Walter Dix, Christopher Williams, Christian Malcolm, Stephen Buckland, plus Lake Kai myself, the whole group...

All 6 people opened the 20.40s and ran to 20.30+.

You have to know that even in Bolt's group, No.2 Crawford is only 20.42s.

How strong this is, you can weigh it yourself.

Hu Kai also doesn’t want to run so fast in the rematch. After all, he is the only person in China who can reach the semi-finals. Although the finals are almost hopeless, being able to enter the semi-finals is also a big step in the history of flower growers in the Olympic Games. .

But helpless, this group is too complicated, Su Shen estimated that all 3 small qs will appear in this group.

The semi-final is now a two-group system, with a total of sixteen players.

Even if Su Shen reminded Hu Kai, it shouldn't be too slow, otherwise Xiao Q might not be able to keep it.

As for Hukai's strength, in fact, the limit is about 20.20+, and running to 20.30+ is already a considerable burden.But helplessly, this score, which can steadily surpass No.2 in China, is placed in the Olympic Games...

But it is very likely that they will not be able to break out of the rematch.

It's so hard.

He still needs God Su to give him some help, so that he can keep a little Q.


A group of three players who opened 20.30s, 4 players above 20.30s, and six players with 20.30+. To be honest, Hu Kai felt that it was too difficult for him.This is what Su Shen told him, keep it open at 20.40, and only then will there be a chance to guarantee Xiaoq.

If there is no clear target, the ghost knows whether he will try his best with this shot.

Too curly.

"Congratulations to the Chinese sprinter Hu Kai, who has reached the men's 200m semi-finals in history!"

The scene also began to play this passage, cheering for Hu Kai's breakthrough performance.

Seeing that Hu Kai reached the 200-meter semi-finals, Yuan Guoqiang was also in a good mood. He didn't have any demands for the 200-meter race, but now he really entered one and earned one.

"Congratulations, brother Kai, a historic breakthrough."

When Hu Kai came down, everyone cheered around him. This atmosphere was really an atmosphere that had never existed before.

It's so comfortable and feels good.

"No, no, Xiao Tian didn't tell me. I guess this shot will directly consume the mailbox."

"Brother Kai, what are you talking about? Your own strength is here. If you don't have the strength to run to 20.37s, it's useless even if I talk about it." Su Shen came over to congratulate Hu Kai with a smile, and said : "Brother Kai, your own efforts account for the vast majority."

Build self-confidence for everyone.

Watching this group of golden generations grow, surpass, and break through step by step.

For Su Shen, who has devoted his whole life to the flower planter's track and field career, it is enough satisfaction.

After all, this was a scene he could only imagine in his dreams.

Now that it can be realized, he is already very "grateful".

After Hu Kai's shot, Zhang Peimeng, like Zhou Bing, couldn't beat the rematch.Compared with the preliminaries, the difficulty of the rematch has improved in a straight line. In addition, Zhang Peimeng broke through a wave of results in the preliminaries, and ran to 20.54s for the first time, which made him consume a lot.

In one day, it is impossible to run two shots.

Even if Zhang Pei ran a wave of 20.66s, it would not help, because his physical condition was obviously completely exhausted in the first shot.Of course, the last shot also made his domestic 200-meter PB surpass Zhou Bing again.

Became the second person in the 200 meters in China.

He kicked Zhou Bing down hard.

After Zhang Peimeng finished running in 20.66s, Brendan Christian 20.26s was the first in the group, Qiu Rande Martina was the second in the group 20.42s, Christopher Baines was the third in the group 20.50s, Max from Poland was 20.58s s ranked fourth, Aaron Armstrong ranked fifth with 20.58s, Joseph Obina Metu ranked sixth with 20.65s, Zhang Peimeng ranked seventh with 20.66s, Sandro Ricardo Rodri Gus Viana was eighth.

This is the Olympic level, there is no way at all.

20.66s has already been the absolute top 3 result in the past few years in China, but here.

Just a rematch.

Only the rematch.

The key is the rematch. They are not at the top yet, but very far behind, second to last.

It was almost a battle with Sandro Ricardo Rodriguez Viana for the tail of the group crane.

But Zhang Peimeng also tried his best. He is currently the one who came in with the A mark, and winning the first round is the limit.What's more, he ran so hard for the first shot, and it was impossible for him to use his limit with two consecutive shots.

The score of 20.66s is normal, and Zhang Peimeng has nothing to be sad about.

Because he knows that his current performance strength is just like this.

It is so difficult for Hu Kai to enter the semi-finals. He doesn't think he can squeeze in with luck.

Being able to do this is enough.

The first time this kind of OW individual competition is mainly to accumulate experience, it is good to enter, even if it is as strong as the current "walking maniac" Usain Bolt, when he participated in the Olympic Games for the first time, he was also rejected Was it repaired severely?

As long as you can get stimulation, improvement and gain experience in this Olympic Games, it will not be in vain.

Obviously, Zhang Peimeng did not come in vain. His trip to the Olympics is definitely an ideal trip to the Olympics.

Chen Juan in the women's group did not make it to the semi-finals. She almost got in, but unfortunately she was rejected in the end.

Chen Juan's 100-meter run was too hard, which actually had some impact on her physical condition. To be able to run like this, the 200-meter run is already good.Otherwise, with the relay, I don't know how many shots to run.

Like Bolt, it is not something that ordinary people can do.

All in all, this physical burden is too great, especially if you still need to work hard ahead, it will increase the physical burden even more.

But now, apart from Chen Juan, there is no girl who can stand up to her. Wei Yongli still needs to level up for this competition, so Chen Juan needs to stand up hard.Fortunately, Chen Juan is still young, so it shouldn't be a big problem to do it once.

Anyway, the little girl is also a person with family and country feelings, so she will not refuse this opportunity.

Even, take the initiative to ask for a fight.

In the evening, the Olympic battle report program was broadcast on the TV.

In the past ten days, in China, they will definitely be repeatedly bombed by the Olympic Games.

On the TV, it is normal to turn on the Olympic Games.

"Bolt may be only 20 seconds away from greatness at most. The 100-meter world record holder will most likely become the second man in the same Olympic Games after Carl Lewis and Jesse Owens. The heroes of the 100m and 200m champions."

"The Jamaican's main opponents in the final will be the defending champion American Crawford and his compatriot Spearman. After losing the 100-meter championship, the American is bound to desperately regain the 200-meter championship to defend himself in the men's championship. Dominant dignity in sprinting."

"Winning both the 100m and 200m titles is the most coveted achievement not just in the Olympics, but in sports as a whole. While many of the best sprinters have attempted it in past competitions, only a few have succeeded. In Los Angeles 24 years ago, Carl Lewis was the last athlete to win both championships. Other athletes who have won both include former Soviet athlete Valery Boltsov (1972), American athlete Bobby Morrow (1956), Jesse Owens (1936), Eddie Toland (1932), Maple Leafs Percy Williams (1928), and American Ralph Craig (1912) 1904) and Archie Hahn ([-])."

"The United States is the country that has won the most honors. If the Jamaican trapeze can do it, then he will be the ninth track and field athlete in history to do this. At the same time, he will also be the first in the history of Jamaica to win the men's 100 meters. and a Grand Slam gold medalist in the 200m."

The publicity about Bolt is already going on every night as usual.

Because Bolt is really the biggest superstar in this Olympics.

none of them.

The main reason is that sprint is the central event of the Olympic Games, and he won the championship with super results + super line-pressing moves.

Naturally, the degree of being remembered by the public quickly accumulated to a very high level.

"Our country's player Hu Kai successfully broke through the rematch with a score of 20.37s and entered the semi-finals. Because of this shot, he also became the first athlete in the history of florists to squeeze into the semi-finals in the 200 meters."

I don’t know if the short-span project has been “stunned” in Bei’ao. Whether it’s a man or a woman, there are big issues to speak out about.For example, in today's women's 100-meter short span, the most popular candidate to win the championship, Jones of the US team actually touched the hurdle with her foot in the lead and lost her balance.In short-distance racing, such a mistake means falling from the first place to the last.

If it wasn't that Jones' strength was still strong, she was the last one, or she didn't run away.

Just outside the finish line, Jones knelt on the track in despair, leaning over and burying his head in his arms.She stayed there quietly, mourning alone for several minutes.

You have to know why she is so mean, that is because before the game, he also issued his declaration of winning the championship, declaring that he will definitely win the gold medal.Then... I encountered such a big "Waterloo".

What is there to say?


Be a man or take it easy.

Although she was miserable, but combined with her arrogant speech before the game, this loss caused the public's sympathy for her to drop greatly.

Nothing to be pitied about.

Not to mention that poor people must have something to hate.

Let’s just talk about athletes, how much you pretend to be, then you have to bear the pressure and danger that will appear when you pretend to be this shit.

It is always a double-edged sword, and it is impossible for you to take all the benefits by yourself.

The misfortune of the American track and field team today is not only this, but their 400 meters is also determined to win. Richards was far ahead in the women's 400 meters final from the beginning until the final 80 meters.With the finish line in sight, Richards slowed...suddenly and dramatically, and was quickly overtaken by two opponents.

This made the American track and field team look stupid, leading all the way, but you told me that you were going to win the gold medal in the end, and you suddenly "let go"?
With doubts, soon the American flying girl Sanya Richards gave her own answer:
"Before I always thought that the gold medal was mine," Richards said after the race. "After running through the corner, I was already elated because I knew I was in sight. But the cramp hit me suddenly at that moment, and I'm powerless."


Because her feet are cramped, you say it's not unlucky.

In the end, the gold medal in hand was handed over to others.

As you can imagine, as the track and field superdominant since the previous Olympic Games, the America Millikin track and field team has not won a gold medal from this big event for several days since the track and field competition started.

This was absolutely impossible in the past.

But unfortunately, this year, that is the case.

Opinions are flying all over the United States about this matter. As a big gold medalist in track and field, the United States has no gold in this track and field competition. The American track and field team was almost rushed by the angry American people.

If you look at the newspapers in the United States these days, it's all written - the first day, the second day, the third day, the fourth day... When will we get a gold medal in track and field?

There are also sharp words, and the beginning of the article is sprayed-this is definitely the worst Amerika track and field team I have ever seen!

What made the U.S. team feel that they were waiting so hard and was finally blessed by the goddess of luck was the women's discus.

Yes, the women's discus, which has always been dominated by Eastern European athletes, finally broke the embarrassing embarrassment of 0 gold medals in track and field for the US track and field team.And this gold medal that no one was optimistic about before the game also made the arrogant Americans suddenly ecstatic.

It even directly publicized Trafton's "American Heroine Dream".

The Washington Post put it this way - "Yes, women's discus, please don't be surprised."

LOS ANGELES TIMES -- In the end it was this astonishing miracle that saved the US Athletics team from a dead end.Trafton used a long-lost women's discus gold medal to help the American track and field get out of the gold bottleneck, dispelling suffocating doubts.

These titles are enough to show that the US team may not have thought about this gold medal. After all, this project began in 1936, and the Americans have never touched a gold medal.This time, it was definitely a surprise.

But you have to think about it, if it weren't for the American track and field team's collective "Waterloo" in the North Olympics, even if Trafton won the gold medal, I am afraid that it would not be possible to have such a high popularity among the people.

This, it can only be said, all depends on "peer foil".

Trafton enjoyed a national praise for nothing.

The Associated Press even issued an article saying that many people believed that after entering the track and field competition, the powerful American track and field team would catch up with the host in the gold medal.But the opposite is true. The U.S. delegation is struggling as the Olympic Games enter its final week.

AFP - "US is losing track and field supremacy."

Reuters—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————“Americans have always been like fishing for fish with a net, but this time in Beijing, they found that their male catches have become whales.”

The domestic side also began to unravel the cocoon, and sort out the rise of Jamaica's trapeze. The person interviewed was none other than Liu Yang, a member of the "Su God Clan".

Da Liu Yang is now the first group of people who started to take the initiative to go to the grassroots to promote advanced track and field theory besides studying in Ersha Island.

With some knowledge taught by God Su, he now knows more about these histories than most of the old coaches of the traditional department in China.Su Shen told him that to do a good job in a country's sports, it is not enough to rely on experience and technology alone.

The policy of the whole country is also very important.

He cited Jamaica as an example, which made Liu Yang's eyes shine.

Now he is taking advantage of the Olympic Games, and everyone is paying attention to the opportunity of track and field, and begins to instill these things to the public.

"Why is Jamaica so rich in flying people? In fact, whether it's technology and experience, their policies also play a big role."

"Jamaican athletes who have made great achievements in sports will have better returns. In 1911, Norman Manley achieved excellent results and was selected to participate in the 1912 Olympic Games. Although he failed to set the first 100-meter world record, he was the first. A Jamaican sportsman who received a scholarship to study at Oxford University, Jamaica's Norman Manley International Airport is named after him."

"The Omi country began to poach Jamaica's sprinters, using generous scholarships to attract the best to universities, or engaging in 'track and field immigration'. Jamaica adopted the same policy countermeasures. In the 70s, Jamaica's knowledgeable For the sake of the country's sports traditions and the growth of talents, the scholars decided that all athletes who stay in Jamaica for training will receive the same treatment as those who immigrate to Omi countries. Unexpected national honor. After 30 years of such a policy of cherishing talents, the sprinting of the world has slowly entered the current era of Jamaica."

"Our country is now slowly catching up with the construction in this area, and the protection for athletes is getting better and better. I hope that our track and field team can make new breakthroughs in the future."

Omi's track and field culture is "track and field immigrant culture", but Jamaica just like China is "track and field native culture".

Which of the two is good and which is bad, the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees wisdom.

Anyway, in the eyes of Su Shen, we still hope that our compatriots and our countrymen will overcome difficulties, make progress step by step, and finally break through the limit and stand on the podium.Rather than simply engaging in some "track and field immigration", such a naturalization policy will be tried in the sports field of some countries in the future, but unfortunately... it is useless.

Coupled with such "localized training", it can also improve the overall national self-confidence and self-esteem.

This kind of extra added value is definitely not comparable to a simple "naturalization gold medal".

Sports is an evolved form of national warfare in a peaceful age.

In particular, the Olympic Games, which has not completely turned into a commercial alliance, is more competitive than commercial, and it is even more necessary to consider the final national gains and losses.

For example, Su Shen's 100-meter breakthrough is definitely not as simple as a medal.

What he brings is definitely something deeper.

A 9.83s, from then on, how many teenagers, how many Chinese, dare to pat their chests and say, we can also run.

We are no worse than anyone.

Even outside of non-West African ancestry, we're the fastest runner.

These things, do you think a planning medal can bring people.

Seeing this, Su Shen knew that this Olympic Games had already begun to completely explode his five-year plan.

The next ten years are really worth looking forward to.

It is worth looking forward to.

PS: The first update~~~~~~~~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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