The Su God of the Reopening of the Sports Arena

Chapter 866 Confused!Walking is not enough, you still want to chat?

Chapter 866 Confused!Walking is not enough, you still want to chat?
"Press the line!!!!!!!"

With Yang Jian's roar, Hu Kai and Christian Malcolm crossed the finish line together.

The rest of the people who followed them also crossed the finish line one after another.

"The No.1 in this group is Qiulande Martina, and his score is 20.11s." But Yang Jian and the others apparently did not focus on this, but on the No.4 competition later on.Most of the rest of the audience on the Bird's Nest thought the same way. After all, this is a florist, and Hu Kai is our florist athlete.

"Hu Kai's shot is very close to Christian Malcolm." Li Tao looked at the slow motion playback on the big screen and said, "I'm afraid this shot is more than a thousand percent."

As the former Asian record holder + current head coach of Sichuan and Sichuan team, Li Tao thinks his eyes are quite poisonous.

If he feels that his naked eyes are not good at judging, then there must be a gap of one thousandth.

Otherwise, under the playback of slow motion, even if it is 0.01s, he can distinguish clearly.

"No.2 and No.3 are also out. They are Brian Zingai + American player Walter Dix. Their scores are 20.17s and 20.19s respectively." Yang Jian quickly finished the top three. After the results were broadcast, he said: "Now it will be the results of Hu Kai from my country and Christian Malcolm from Kitty Eagles."

Hu Kai was panting heavily. Although he was already very tired and the lenses of his sports glasses were blurred with sweat, he didn't have the time to pay attention to it now. He just wanted to look at the upper right corner of the large electronic screen.

I want to know my score as soon as possible.

He had already tried his best with this shot, if it didn't work, then he had done his best.

"The No.4 of this group is..." Yang Jian paused, seeing the results flash on the big electronic screen, and immediately asked, "Hu Kai and Malcolm?"


Sure enough, as Li Tao expected, it was a draw and it was time to compete for the thousandth place.

Seeing that it has reached the thousandth place, many spectators who have not watched the track and field competition a few times, their hearts are already in their throats.

After Hu Kai saw the results, they were all 20.25s.

And behind his grades, a PB and NR were added.

This means that he performed extremely well in this shot. Even when his physical condition was a little depleted, he forcibly broke through the 20.30s threshold, and set his 200-meter personal record and national record to a higher level. about.

No wonder, so tired.

It turned out that I actually surpassed myself in the competition.

Completed another transformation of the 200-meter flower planter.

"Friends in the audience, please wait patiently for the analysis of the high-speed camera." After waiting for a while, Yang Jian first received the signal from the director, and he was unambiguous, and quickly sent the news to TVs all over the country.



"Oh, audience friends, I'm sorry..."

"After repeated confirmation, in the end, our country's player Hu Kai lost to Stian Malcolm in the thousandth place with 20.247s, and regrettably ranked fifth." Yang Jian's voice was obviously a little "slightly low". The commentator at home, how he hopes that Hu Kai is the result of the thousand percent lead.

Unfortunately, a game is a game.

It will not be diverted from your consciousness.

"It's such a pity for Hu Kai. He ran this shot really well. His rhythm and feeling are one of the best in his career." Yang Jian looked at the slow motion that was still being played back, and shook his head: "The semi-finals of the Olympic Games , After running a high-intensity rematch, we can refresh our PB, we have nothing to criticize."

"Although he didn't make it to fourth place, his performance is already the best in our country's history."

"For Hu Kai, who gritted his teeth to withstand the pressure and ran two high-intensity shots in a row, apart from giving warm applause, all we have left is to give understanding and support."

"But I want to add a word here." Li Tao said: "Even if you are fifth in the group, you still have a chance to enter the final."

"Just look at the performance of the next group of athletes."

Nest, on the runway.

Hu Kai put his hands near his knees. Although he was panting heavily, he remained motionless for several seconds after seeing the results.

Unexpectedly, I refreshed my own PB, already under "extraordinary performance", I still couldn't get the big Q in the semi-finals and directly advanced.

The "involution" of the Olympic Games this year is so powerful that Hu Kai even ran like this.

Still can't reach the front.

This also means that the global sprint strength may be improving rapidly.

You can no longer look at things with old eyes.

This was the case in last year's relay race.

The same is true for this year's 100m and 200m.

World athletics may have entered a new chapter.

The results of the rest also came out, Paul Hesson 20.38s, Christopher Williams 20.45s, Jared Connaughton 20.58s.

After a while, Hu Kai's expression gradually became calm, and he walked to the mixed interview area to accept the interview.

"Are you satisfied with this performance? It's almost possible to become the fourth."

"I feel very satisfied. If it wasn't for the Bird's Nest and everyone's support, I probably wouldn't be able to achieve this result." Hu Kai said truthfully: "If I can refresh my PB in the Olympics, then I have no regrets. "

"Because I have already used 120% of my strength."

"Then is there anything you want to tell everyone?"

Hu Kai paused, lowered his head to the microphone, and said, "I hope that regardless of whether I can enter the final this time, the younger generation will work hard to improve, and we must not let this national record of 20.25s last for too long."

"In the future, sure to surpass me!"

"We must let us stand on the top of Asia in the 200 meters."


The florists rest area.

"Brother Kai, why do you say that, why do you feel a little tragic?" Zhao Haohuan frowned.

No matter how you listen to these words, it means "to ask for help" and "to explain the funeral", but this should not be something that a top active athlete should say.

"Maybe Brother Kai thinks this is his last OW competition." Su Shen shook his head after speaking.

He knew what Hu Kai was thinking. In history, Hu Kai was still working silently for the flower growers after retiring for the overall situation.

It seems that Hu Kai has already fulfilled his wish and plans to retire from the "front line".

The replacement of the old and the new is something that a competitive athlete must face.

how to say.

Although it is emotionally unacceptable for many old people to do this, for the old people themselves, it is actually a kind of "very happy" thing in their hearts if they can smoothly and safely carry out the transition from old to new.After all that means...

We don't have blackouts.

Our next generation has the opportunity to do better.

This is something that any true florist will rejoice in his heart.

"The last OW competition?" Zhao Haohuan didn't have time to ask more, just watched the second group of the semi-finals play,

And after this group came out, there were obviously no flower planters anymore, but you could see the cheers from the scene, one after another.

Obviously no less.

At this time, the on-site introduction also arrived, and the audience loudly said: "Fifth Road, the 100-meter new Olympic champion, Usain Bolt."

Just these last six words are enough to rekindle the bird's nest.

This is a respect for the strongest in the straight track project.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, everyone, including Zhao Haohuan, was attracted by the big man in the fifth lane.

"At the beginning of the race, Bolt started a little behind, but he quickly chased up."

"Bolt's stature is too high, so his handling of corners may not be very good. Although he has always said that he is a 200-meter athlete, in fact, he is not as comfortable as 200 meters in 100 meters." Yang Jian said , Although late but arrived.

People of later generations may sound funny, how could Bolt "can't handle the corners well"?
Isn't Bolt the god of corners?

Do you, Yang Jian, know how to explain? Do you know how to run?

But don’t tell me, what Yang Jian means depends on how you understand it. If your understanding is “curve ability”, then Yang Jian is wrong. Bolt’s curve is 9.92s, Megatron, there is no one People can run faster than him who explodes at full strength, no one can.So why do you say that there is nothing wrong with saying this? It is because Bolt's "curving technique" is indeed "slightly rough".

Tangent technology is rarely particularly easy, "it's all about luck".

If Bolt's cornering skills can be further improved, then Su Shen estimates that there should be no problem opening a 9.92s corner.But... Here comes the question, when you don't need these, you are already number one in the world, will you still consider this issue.

Even if you think about it, are you motivated to do so.

As I said before, Bolt originally lacked a "paranoid" personality. He is not Jordan Kobe. After he won the world's No. [-] Grand Slam, his internal drive naturally decreased significantly. .

Coincidentally, if you listen to the live commentary of the United States, that is, Michael Johnson's commentary, you will find that what the latter said is similar to what Yang Jian said.

It is pointed out that if Bolt wants to break his own historical 200-meter record, the ability to handle corners needs to be strengthened and refined.

That's why Yang Jian's words can be said wrongly or rightly.

There are many strongmen in Bolt's group, such as Crawford, the last Olympic 200-meter champion, Spielmont, Kim Collins, and Brendan Christian.They are all people who can burst into 20.30s without using their full strength.

This is also a master on the world stage.


They met Bolt.

The current Bolt is not what it used to be. It is tantamount to super-evolution. Obviously, his cornering is not good. Why can he easily get rid of everyone?A little bit, a person's running posture is not scientific and standardized, but he means faster than you.

Quite vomiting blood.

Pretty shocking.

As soon as the corner started, everyone was thrown away.

Whether you are Crawford or Spilmont, this year's Bolt is already unstoppable.

"That's too fast, how did he run away?" Zhou Bing watched, the higher his strength was, the more he realized how terrifying this Jamaican was.In the past, when the strength was weak, the experience would not be so obvious.

After deducting the amount of reach in the corner, Bolt is estimated to be more than 2 meters ahead of everyone.

This created an inexplicable hallucination for everyone in the same group, feeling... that he was not participating in the World Series.

It's the high school sports meeting in the school.

Such a terrifying shot in the lead can only happen in the school. How could it be possible in top professional competitions.

Bolt: How is it possible?So now you think it might be impossible?

"How are we going to chase this?" Zhou Bing couldn't help saying when he saw the guy who started to release water after entering the straight road, "I'm afraid only aliens can catch up to him."

"Xiao Tian, ​​what do you think we should do?" Zhou Bing asked Su Doraemon God.

This is a subconscious move after he can't handle things now.

As if in the field of track and field sprinting, Su Shen knows everything and is omnipotent.

Listen to him, you can always find a solution.

It's a pity that God Su gave him the answer this time——

"It's nothing to do. At his peak, just strive for No.2."

"In Gou Huan's words, a silver medal is a human champion."

Zhou Bing: ...

Are you kidding me, people's peak period is the eight-shot personal project + headwind strong open 19.20s, what kind of concept is this.

If it is a one-shot system, there is no physical consumption + no headwind, you can drive 19.10s and run to 19.0x.

If there is still a very good wind speed for one shot, it is estimated that... touching the threshold of 19 seconds is not a joke.

Do you compare this kind of person with him?

Don't compare it now, the hard power of 200-meter Bolt is as terrifying as a monster.

For the time being, flower growers, and even the whole world, do not have the ability to catch up.

For the time being, let's talk about the 100-meter pursuit first.

"Bolt started to release water, and he ran with ease." Yang Jiandao: "Compared with other people's feelings, he seems to be walking."

Bolt's walk is not counted, he also pulled Crawford and Spiemon next to him, and almost chatted.

Although Bolt "walks and chats" on the track, it is not uncommon in later generations, and it is not the first time for him.

But in 08, who saw this scene?
It's just... against the sky.

Athens Olympic champion Crawford did not know what to say.

I've never seen anyone treat the game like this.

I thought "walking" would be enough.

Still not satisfied.

And to add "chat" to "walk" is simply overkill.

Became too fucking.

You believe me, Crawford definitely wants to overtake Bolt here and give Bolt a blow.

It's a pity... no matter how hard our last Olympic champion tried.

How to temporarily increase the speed, that is, it is impossible to surpass the "walking maniac" next to him.

"Don't be so fast, it's just the semifinals."

What Bolt said made Crawford lose his temper.

For the first time, someone dared to "chat" with himself in a duel with him.

Do you want to go too far!
But when he wanted to fight back, he saw that Bolt's face had been turned to the other side, and he seemed to be chatting with Spiemon again.

Although he didn't have time to listen to what they had to say, he could tell from the corner of his eye when he glanced at Spiemon's face that the latter was probably also stimulated.

But who knows, whether Usain Bolt deliberately stimulated them to make them perform abnormally or supernormally in the final.

For Bolt himself, no matter which option it is, perhaps, it is good.

If you are abnormal, you can watch yourself continue to pretend in the finals.

Being supernormal can motivate you to run faster and be more sure of breaking the world record.

Tell me, is it killing two birds with one stone?
"Oh my God, Bolt turned his head to talk to his opponent?" Yang Jian was stunned, thinking that he had never seen such an outrageous thing after so many years of explaining sports.

He turned his head and wanted to ask Li Tao for help, but when he turned around, he found that the latter also had a similar expression to his.

They were all taken aback by Bolt's "coquettish operation".

In the end, Bolt crossed the finish line easily with the attitude of "grandfather walking".

Still number one.The score was 20.09s.

Even if Sean Crawford tried his best to chase after him, he couldn't catch up.

On the contrary, because of Bolt's "walking and chatting", some minds were disturbed, and finally the rhythm was a little loose.

He was second, and in the end he still did not run past Usain Bolt who was "walking", one position behind the former.

The third is Spilmont, with a score of 20.14s.

The fourth is Kim Collins with a score of 20.25s.

Fifth was Brendan Christian with a score of 20.29s.

Sixth was Stephen Buckland with 20.48s.


But now professionals, no one still cares about the results of this semi-final.

They were all blinded by the repeated images played on the big screen, their "dog eyes."

"Walking and letting water + talking and laughing, what is the limit of Usain Bolt's strength?"

"Now I really feel that he is not from Earth anymore."

Li Tao nodded, and only added a sentence, "Yes, people on Earth don't have this kind of 200-meter running mode."

Although everyone was amused by Yang Jian and Li Tao's words, they were also looking forward to the 200m final.

Perhaps, a miracle can really happen.

PS: It was updated yesterday~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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