The Su God of the Reopening of the Sports Arena

Chapter 944 The battle for the third place has already begun

Chapter 944 The battle for the third place has already begun

It is normal to pick peaches within the system.

However, God Su had already prepared for this.

As long as he keeps making achievements, there are many ways to deal with these brats.

In fact, Liu Xiang could do it back then, but his dream was broken in 2008, and he lost his chance.

To deal with this kind of "little devil", all you need to do is to be at the top all the time, and then they can only be flattering, no matter how depressed they are, they can't show it.After all, this is the basic rules and self-cultivation within the system. If you don't have this ability, you'd better not mess around.


Seeing that it was Su Shen and Zhao Haohuan who came, everyone's faith and hope were rekindled.

"Hello God Su, I'm XXX's assistant. We are here to inspect Ersha Island this time." Seeing God Su, the man immediately restrained his attitude, and then stretched out his hand with an expression of "acquaintance" .

It's a pity... God Su doesn't like this set.

He ignored this person at all, walked over and turned sideways, avoiding his position, and went to Hu Kai's side behind, saying: "Brother Kai, is there a problem with the technical adjustment?"

"Yes, I thought I could get it back, but now it seems that it is indeed impossible." After seeing Su Shen, Hu Kai was relieved a lot, and said: "Complete reconstruction is indeed a risk. It’s big, it’s not that simple.”

"This time, my mental preparation is not enough. I hope you will do this in the future. You must be fully prepared."

"It doesn't matter. After practicing hard for a while, you should be able to get back a lot." Su Shen comforted, but Hu Kai shook his head, because in Hu Kai's heart, he planned this way. He didn't want to get it back, he was for it. breakthrough.If he can't break through ten seconds, then the limit of his talent has come to an end. It's not like he hasn't had this feeling before, and now he knows better than anyone else that he must not break or stand.

But it's a pity.

Not everyone can succeed without breaking or building.

Hu Kai is considered a failure.

Even if it takes time to find it back, and he is one year older, the possibility of his breakthrough will be even smaller.

At that time, whether I will still be competitive is a question.

If it was still the sprint team a few years ago, then Hu Kai would definitely grit his teeth and insist on getting it back. In those years, manpower was really needed.Hukai, the top domestic combat power, is one less than one less.

But what about the current sprint team?

It is already full of talents.

With so many talents, there is no need to forcefully occupy the position by himself, and Hu Kai has already deeply realized that his talent is actually unable to compete with these young people.When he reached the position of 10.09s, he needed to "not break and not stand", and these people hadn't reached the end yet, which widened the gap in talent.

Hu Kai is still a mature and calm person.

And now he also feels that what the Florist track and field team needs is not talented athletes. At least now that the A standard is full, what is needed is more successors and promoters of the track and field scientific system.In this regard, he actually thinks that he still has some qualifications and skills.

After all, now that he has successfully applied for a graduate degree, he will be one of the best spokespersons of the Su God Department in China when he gets a master's degree.

Now God Su is fighting alone, but in fact he is still a bit "individually weak".

Thinking of this, after understanding his future path, Hu Kai is actually depressed, but it is not the feeling that the future is gloomy.

"Don't talk about me, these people are here to 'pick peaches', be careful." Hu Kai reminded.

Su Shen nodded, and at this time the person behind spoke again, with a hint of impatience in his tone: "We are here on behalf of the XXX Sports Administration, if you Ersha Island still want to get this extra funding , then you must cooperate with us.”

A fox pretends to be a tiger.


As far as the athletes in the system are concerned, basically none of them will be spared.

It's a pity that he met God Su.

"I've already talked with your higher-ups about the funding. They said that it's okay to not need this inspection at all, as long as the results are out, so we don't care whether you investigate or not." Su Shen single-handedly generaled to his On the gate of fate, because for people in the system, it is really a high-ranking official who crushes people to death, let alone the immediate boss. This person's face immediately turned pale, and most of the arrogance just now dissipated.

"This is a leapfrog operation, you are not in compliance with the regulations!"

Huh, stupid.

"This is the call from your immediate leader. He called us to come over. Otherwise, you can call him and explain to him what is meant by 'leapfrog operation'?" After God Su finished speaking, the man was completely hoarse. Just like a defeated rooster, he didn't dare to say anything more.Seeing that his own people were deflated, another man in a suit and leather shoes stood up and said, "Even if this is the case, you can't skip the inspection directly. When the time comes, everyone will inspect it, but if you don't inspect it, it's not like letting others down." Is it true?"

These words are really level, in the midst of neither yin nor yang, it puts you on the "cusp of the storm" again.

It seems that if you don't cooperate, you are "specialized" and others are "quite critical".


Although the trick was good, it was still in Sushen's expectation, and said: "We have not refused to accept inspections. If you inspect yours, don't disturb our winter training test. If you disturb, then we can only follow the rules of Ersha Island." The code of conduct, please go out and wait."

"Not to mention the extra funds, I don't know if you have read the latest reform documents." Su Shen said slowly: "According to the amendments to the regulations on the inspection methods for the late stage of the 2009 Beijing Olympic Games, the latest method is that inspections are supplemented by results. Lord."

"So as long as we produce results, then you should give and still give."

"Surveying or something is just icing on the cake."

After Su Shen said a few words, these few people who were coquettish at first were suddenly stunned.

Maybe he didn't expect Su Shen to have such a great energy.

There is no such thing as God Su really making a head start.

I didn't expect God Su to be so direct.

I didn't expect Su Shen to be so sensitive to policies.

This confidence and aura made them grasp the athlete's easy sense of superiority and completely shattered it.

"What are you waiting for, let's continue." Su Shen said: "Don't worry about what outsiders do, the latest document says that grades determine everything."

"Just treat them as air and don't affect your own performance."

"it is good!!!!!!"

God Su's words revived the energy of the entire Ersha Island, and everyone's spirits and spirits were also revived and recovered.

It is no longer the feeling of depression before.

Seeing this, Liu Xiang took a while to say: "It's really a hero born of a young man, this domineering, really few people can have it at this age."

"Genius business level + genius business acumen, that is Su Shen now. In addition to his scientific research achievements, he is even a world leader. These people are not enough in front of him." Zhang Quan also sighed. , Su Shen's level, after a series of "consecutive elimination and beating", these people were really cleaned up very quickly.

It's like, I've been prepared for a long time, and I have a backhand.

Take your time and don't give these people a chance at all.


What a delight.

To be honest, several passionate sportsmen like this thing.

It's all bullshit.

It's just that they have to cooperate.


The next person is Lao Yi.

"Everyone is in your place."



Lao Yi ran very smoothly, he is not Hu Kai anymore, he is very capable, and now he has gradually entered his peak period.In this year's winter training, he will show his true level.

Now, under the guidance of God Su, Laoyi has begun to greatly strengthen the future, and the latter has almost maintained his speed. This is tantamount to...

greatly improved.

100 meters is a choice for optimizing your front and rear distances.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

Laoyi ran fast, and after the front speed increased, the back was faintly smoother. This kind of change was something he had never thought of.


cross the line.

Run over easily.

There is no such thing as pressing the line at all, it is a "standard smooth leg".

The score is 10.... 29s!

The wind speed is 0.3M/S.

When the winter training ended last year, everyone had guessed how long it would take for Lao Yi and Hu Kai to compete for the third spot, or even... surpass it.This is actually a very realistic thing in the field of competition. There is nothing to avoid. The older generation will always grow old. If there is no younger generation to step up, it will be really "sad".

For example, in the short span, if Liu Xiang falls, the so-called competitiveness of the world's top competitions will collapse in an instant.

Last year, Hukai's leg was 10.30s, and the wind speed was even greater. This result can only be said to be... people's daydream.

At that time, some people speculated that even if it failed this year, next year, it is estimated that it will begin to formally complete the surpass.

In fact, Hu Kai himself did not have much doubt about this point.

Because the growth rate of Lao Yi is too exaggerated, from 11 seconds to now, that is, just a few years, if you start to get in touch with professional training earlier, the upper limit will actually be higher, but now... it is considered very good up.Hu Kai's talent is really inferior to Lao Yi. After all, Hu Kai didn't have many achievements, and the Asian gold medal is even out of reach, but Lao Yi, he is a real Asian gold medal, and it is our first. The meaning of the Asian sprint gold medal is already clearly divided.

After receiving Su Shen's systematic training in this life, Lao Yi's goal is definitely not Hu Kai's.

Another score of 10.20+ appeared along the leg.

This is the third one on Ersha Island after Zhao Haohuan and Su Shen.

It is estimated that it is also the third in China, and even the third in Asia.

Therefore, he attracted the attention of many potential competitors, such as Zhang Peimeng and Wen Yongyi. They all watched closely, and did not regard this shot as a "following shot" at all.

"Pei Meng, you have to work hard. Lao Daniu is not a good stubble. If you don't work hard, it will be difficult to surpass him."

This is what Hu Kai told Zhang Peimeng last year, and Zhang Peimeng has always kept it in mind.

He knows that he is still not competitive in the international arena, so what he has to do is... Now, the internal impact of Ersha Island is starting to form.

At least one must obtain the A standard qualification, otherwise, even if the A standard is achieved, it will be meaningless.

Still can't compete.

This is completely different from the flower growers who were worrying about the B standard a few years ago. Since last year, it has been a certainty that the future flower growers will fight with the gods.

Therefore, those who are interested in the A standard qualification, no one is wrong with the performance of work and rest, and they are particularly concerned.

After all, the difficulty for Su Shen and Zhao Haohuan is too great, so the third qualification is the most important thing in the competition.

No one wants to not be able to represent the national team in the OW competition.

Then, we can only fight.

In competitive sports, if you don't fight or grab, then you might as well retire and go home to grow sweet potatoes.

Don't waste time and life.

"Good job, big guy! This result is awesome." Zhou Bing said.

"Smooth leg king, Lao Daniu looks like the No.3 in this OW competition, you need to be on it." Yin Hualong also said with a smile.

"I'm looking forward to your official test gun." Chen Wei said.

It can be seen that Lao Yi is very popular in Ersha Island because of his hard work and hard work.

Everyone also felt sincerely happy for Lao Yi's "superior position".

This is not conflicting at all.

Saddened by the failure of Hukai's technological transformation, you can also rejoice at the explosion of work and rest. Don't be too diode.

At least on Ersha Island, which is friendly and friendly, with healthy competition, there are not many such people.

And Laoyi just smiled naively, and answered everyone's blessings in substandard Mandarin.

Except for Lao Yi, the rest of the people came out along the way.

Yin Hualong, 10.39s.

Liang Jiahong, 10.34s.

Zhou Bing, 10.38s.

Wen Yongyi, 10.37s.

Wen Yongyi's shot can actually be faster, but obviously he is still conserving his physical fitness, because physical fitness has always been his big problem.The front burst is too ruthless, and it is easy to be unable to stand up behind, so let's just go along with it, he didn't intend to go all out.

Anyway, his goal was also on the official test gun.

Not here.

So far, starting from labor and rest, Ersha Island's "smooth leg" has entered the right track, and the bottom line has also begun to be 10.30+.

And this average score, in the top domestic competitions a few years ago, was able to compete for the top three, or even the top two results.

But now.

But it's just the results of this group of people's "smooth legs".

The overall performance of the athletes on Ersha Island is still improving.

It has not yet reached the overall bottleneck.

All of these are facts that Li Qing and the others find unbelievable.

The famous generals of the national service are all over the place.

This was a simple joke before, but I didn't expect it to become a reality a few years later. Those who didn't know it thought that the flower planter was ransacked by aliens.Some media in Omi even directly said that God Su used "banned drugs", otherwise how could he improve so quickly.

Not everyone has a "system", right?

But none of these people thought about it.

Even the author of a certain web article dare not imagine.

In fact, the entire Ersha Island... is really "everyone has a system" and "everyone has a cheat".

Because of the scientific system and black technology, it is a cheat in reality, and it is a cheat in this era.

Coupled with Su Shen's humanoid science system, science popularization and guidance everywhere, they are not "everyone wears a plug-in system".

For the original them, there is nothing wrong with saying that.

And this, ordinary people can't understand, so it can only be attributed to the same "prohibited drug effect" as the big family in the United States.

Just when everyone was commenting on work and rest and their achievements one by one in their hearts, there was one person who couldn't hold back.

Stood up.

On the runway, the eyes gradually focused.

"Everyone take their places."



The gunshot sounded, and the black shadow was like a horse coming out of the cage.

It was thrown out in an instant.

He is no one else.

He is... Zhang Peimeng.

A strong contender for the third spot in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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