The Su God of the Reopening of the Sports Arena

Chapter 971 Shock, the count of 1 palm!

Chapter 971 Shock, the number of palms!
Breaking ten may be just the beginning, there are still a hundred people.

9.80+ maybe a few dozen more.

These people can be called top masters.

But above the top experts.

There is also a field of 9.70+.

A few years ago, it was said to be an area that was almost impossible to reach.

Even if it arrives, it is estimated that there is a high probability that there is a suspicion of drug use. Uncle Ben and Gatlin are all typical, so I won't go into details.

But the normal 9.70+ of Zhenger Bajing, then only the top five tigers can run in without medication.

And if you can open 9.80s many times and run to 9.70+ many times, then congratulations, you have really reached the level of "Five Tigers".The five tiger generals are just a general term for a level, but it is not just five people, it is just the athletes who can be unlocked many times at the beginning, exactly five people.

In fact, if you insist on counting, Green can also count as one.

It's a pity that he was unlucky at that time, the wind speed was not good, his legs were not good enough, and his technological level was not as good as it is now.

Therefore, if you can open 9.80+, in the current timeline, to speak of fantasy, you are "half the power of a tiger".

Even in human history, it is now possible to effectively and legally score 9.80s without a palm.

Now there are no more than five.

Nesta Carter was supposed to be fifth.

But looking at it now, God Su might not let him get his wish.

Open 9.80s.

Beyond 9.83s.

This is the real beginning of Su Shen's reopening this time.

It was just a repetition of the previous glory. If the result is still the same when it is reopened, it is better not to reopen it.This time Su Shen is not 32 years old, he is still 19 years old, and his physical foundation cannot be more solid, and his physical potential has been greatly developed. If he does not take opening 9.80s as his task, then It's really too "a corner of peace".

What's more, Randy said in the previous life that Su Shen's best limit should be theoretically 9.72~9.78s.

See clearly, this is when Su Shen is not in his current body.

It is still the theoretical limit of the previous life.

If this life is prepared so far in advance, after many years of hard work, and all science and technology are fully utilized, and the limit cannot be exceeded, God Su himself feels sorry for the Tathagata Buddha, the Jade Emperor, and the Patriarch of the Three Qings who asked him to do it all over again.

He has already thought clearly that he will not use the last trump card technique until he reaches the limit of his physical potential.That is also the ultimate confidence for him not to feel flustered yet.

This technology, whether it was myself or Randy, had been publicly discussed or even published in the previous life, but it needed to polish the body to the extreme and reach the real bottleneck to exert the maximum effect.

And, in this lifetime, it can only happen once.

Then, Su Shen would naturally not use this ace ultimate move easily.

Of course, it will not be easy to open in 9.80s.

Potential is one thing, how to achieve it, and how to realize it are another. Su Shen's current hard power should still be around 9.85s, although the state will continue to improve as the season progresses, gradually reaching the best, or even hard power. It is also very promising to reach the strength of Jingfeng 9.83s, the Beiao explosive seed last year.

But if you want to rely on hard power to drive 9.80s... it is not such a simple matter.

This is a state in the history of mankind where the number of palms can't be gathered at the moment.

It was also a state that Su Shen was extremely eager to challenge in his previous life.

As the first person of the yellow race to break through 9.9 seconds, 9.85s, and [-]s, he knows how to overcome these hurdles.

Only by adjusting your mentality, guarding against arrogance and impetuosity, and constantly attacking, can there be hope.

And he didn't intend to be so slow to feel the speed barrier of 9.80s, the palm of this human's [-] meters, he wants to completely... burst into it this year.

It is of course unrealistic to rely on Beiao's state of being so hard to come by. It is unrealistic to bet on this link, which has a 9.80/[-] success rate. There is no way to easily improve.Without the six-second thousandth runaway, even if it improves after winter training, it will be difficult to break through the bottleneck of [-]s.

So what is the solution?

Of course it is a method used by athletes all over the world.

Go ahead and feel the speed barrier.

Go to the speed barrier in advance.

Get used to the speed barrier in advance.

by the wind.

Whether it is Su Shen himself, Blake or many well-known athletes, they all rely on the wind speed to break through the speed barrier in advance.

Wind speed is definitely a good thing for the [-]-meter race, but you can't rely on one person like Xiaori Japan, that is to lose everything.But if you don't use it at all, and don't use the power of nature, it's a bit of a lack of strings.

In the sprint, there are two major buffs.

One is called Fengshen, and the other is called Mountain God.

Collecting all of them can make one's own strength run amok.

This is definitely not a joke.

It's just that it's not easy to have a mountain god now, so Fengshen must take advantage of a wave. This natural trend, if you take care of it, is the best way to perceive the speed mark of 9.80s in advance.As long as he can successfully break through under the wind speed, then the possibility of surpassing him again under the legal wind speed will be greatly improved.

And this time I chose the Grand Prix area before the World Championships, why I came here is because...

These few grands prix in the United States were all blessed by Fengshen.

Su Shen was given enough opportunities to impact and perceive the speed mark of 9.80s.

This final.

It will have a super strong wind speed of 3.1s, which may be unintentional for legal results, but it is an excellent wind speed and opportunity for hitting the limit of the body.Su Shen, as the owner of two lifetimes of experience and various advanced papers, knows how to adjust and perceive in the super wind speed, so as to retain the sense of speed of the body to the maximum extent.

Therefore, for this game, he has already made a lot of preparations in advance.

It can even be said that he came here to prepare for this.

He wants to surpass this speed barrier.

Even in America in one breath, relying on continuous good wind speed...

Forced to open 9.80s.

When I stand on the Berlin field, I will be full of buffs and full of competition.

Otherwise, this year, who knows what kind of horror scenes there will be.


lunch break.

Yuan Guoqiang didn't see God Su, and immediately asked someone, "Where's Xiaotian? Where did he go?"

Now Su Shen is the treasure of the sprint team, and there must be no mistakes.

National treasure athletes, that is to say, them.

Therefore, it is quite reasonable for Yuan Guoqiang to be so nervous, and there is a problem if he ignores it.

"Boss Su said he was going to take a nap to adjust his energy for the afternoon game." A member of Su's team answered. Judging by his appearance, God Su had eaten a lot of nutritious food and nutrient solution just now. , After receiving a set of physical therapy massage.

"But time is running out." Yuan Guoqiang looked at the time and felt a little tight. It is not a good thing to sleep at this time, if it affects the state after sleeping.

"Just 15 minutes." This is what this member of Team Su repeated from God Su.

Top athletes develop a top napping routine.

This ability needs to be developed, and a simple 10-minute nap can improve alertness, mood, and mental performance. Studies have also shown that polyphasic sleep, that is, regular naps of 30 minutes at a time (every 4 hours) is the only A way to reduce nighttime sleep to under 5-6 hours and still maintain physical performance.In a study of individual sailors, winners who used this type of polyphasic sleep averaged a nap about every 24 hours over a 5-hour day.In one study, subjects were allowed to take a 64-minute nap every six hours during a 6-hour workday.It turns out that this still maintains basic cognitive functions.Not only that, many basketball stars are also loyal fans of this nap theory. For example, James said that when sleeping, you must ensure that the temperature is 20-20 degrees, the room should be completely dark, the bed should be comfortable, and all electronic devices should be turned off.21 hours of sleep and 8 naps must be guaranteed every day.

The same is true for Kobe, who will take a nap in the fixed opposite hotel room before every home game.

He also takes a nap in the car after training.

On the bus, between two waves, next to the track, athletes can fall asleep anytime and anywhere.It's a nice skill.

Not only basketball, but also football. Messi has a famous saying: When I am not playing or training, I spend most of the rest of the time at home, lying on the sofa and resting.I take a nap every day.

During Ligue 5 matches, players stay in hotels.Players cannot be contacted and players cannot be disturbed before [-]pm.

In addition, there are also skill masters of various naps in the sports world.

Isinbayeva said that after she finished a jump, she could cover herself with a towel or a hat, sleep for a while, and wait for her opponents to jump over a shorter bar.

"In the league, we all know you can't call players at 3 p.m.," NBA commissioner Adam Silver said.

Some athletes even directly said publicly: "Siesta is my favorite sport."

A Stanford University study showed that basketball players shot 9 percent better when they took a two-hour nap or two more hours of sleep.

After a 10- to 35-minute nap, a person remains alert for 2 hours and 35 minutes.

The biggest problem for professional athletes now is lack of sleep. Yes, you heard it right, lack of sleep.

There are too many attractive things in this era, plus training and running around. Taking the NBA as an example, how long do NBA players sleep every night during the season? NBC Sports reporter Kurt Helin gave the answer "about 4-6 hours" after combining late night sleep and general naps.

Comparing this way, you will know why James Kobe must seize every opportunity to supplement sleep.

Because according to research by Stanford University, basketball players can increase their shooting percentage by 9% when they take a nap for two hours or two more hours.Although the reality is definitely more complicated, being able to master the ability to fall asleep quickly is definitely one of the killer skills of an athlete.

On this timeline of God Su, he has already practiced hard since he came here.

From the age of 14 to the present, a fast falling asleep mechanism and psychological hints have gradually formed.

This allows him to fall asleep fast, even for as little as 15 minutes, and get the benefits of increased alertness, mood, and mental performance.For athletes at the elite level and above, any improvement in any aspect may allow you to overwhelm your opponents at the same level in the game and stand out.

Others want to practice this ability, but it is not easy to master.

At least in such a short period of time, it is necessary to quickly fall asleep, and then rely on the body's reaction to wake up quickly and automatically.

It is really not easy to do without a long-term functional stimulation training.

At least Zhao Haohuan and the others couldn't do it for the time being.

They need more time to fall asleep, and the natural inertia of the recovered body will also be longer.

Yuan Guoqiang was still a little worried, he stood outside the door and waited like this, thinking that if Su Shen didn't get up, he could also call for help.How did they know that the staff of Team Su outside, just as the alarm clock on their mobile phones rang, there was movement inside.

Then within a few seconds, the door was opened.

"Director Yuan? Why are you here?" Su Shen asked energetically.

"You are too punctual." Yuan Guoqiang was a little disbelieving: "How did you do it?"

"You mean sleep?" Su Shen asked.

Yuan Guoqiang nodded.

"Practice." Su Shen said with a smile: "Practice since childhood."

Yuan Guoqiang was taken aback for a moment, and when he was about to ask God Su to go with him, he suddenly asked:
"You didn't start preparing for today from a young age, did you?"

God Su knows that Yuan Guoqiang's "today" refers to the current career path.


After he finished speaking, he stretched himself, and seemed to say something else while walking.

It seems to be saying:
9.80s mark.



PS: Come to a chapter first, then continue~~~~~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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