Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 1023 Chapter 1032, let's start with the special forces

Chapter 1023 Chapter 1032, let's start with the special forces
"Withdraw..." Li Yuexuan did not respond to Zhao Yuanbao's words, but made a gesture, and led the special forces back to the mountain not far away.

"Captain, what's the situation with this little devil? A reconnaissance brigade with motorcycles and cavalry has no awareness of precautions? They didn't set up guards outside?" Zhao Yuanbao asked again.

"Hiss... Is this little devil big-hearted, self-confident, or simply a bunch of trash?" Faced with this situation, Li Yuexuan was also a little uncertain.

Well, the little devil was resting on the spot along the road, one after another, the horses he rode over were randomly tied to the tree trunks on the side of the road, and the motorcycles he rode over were also randomly placed in the grass.Forget it, the devils didn't even set up long-range sentries, and the farthest group of sentries was only more than 100 meters away from their bonfire.

In such a situation, Li Yuexuan's first judgment is - there is a trap!After all, this is also a reconnaissance brigade, and its performance is not as good as that of an ordinary company of its own detachment!The company's own company is stationed, it doesn't mean that there are sentries and secret sentries, even such open flames must be paid great attention to.Just such a string of fires, surrounded by people, isn't this clearly a target for the artillery?
"I really don't understand this situation! Forget it, call the detachment leader and let him judge!" Li Yuexuan thought about it, and decided to tell Hu Changyi about to say?The performance of the little devil does not look like the Central Army and the Jinsui Army who can fight can't find the north, so unprofessional!In other words, the Central Army and the Jinsui Army are even more useless?After all, they are also regular troops, right?

Well, Li Yuexuan, who has not gone through the Long March, will not understand how powerful the Eighth Route Army's ability in night combat and anti-tracking and anti-sneak attack is.Of course, he is now judging the devils by the level of his own nine teams, but the nine teams are not just for nothing!Especially the training manuals on combat methods that Hu Changyi obtained from the system, but after so many years of experience.

With the later advanced concepts, and brigade commander Li Yunlong and old Uncle Zhao and the experience bonus of the old Red Army, how can the elite level of the Ninth Detachment be worse?

So, now Li Yuexuan led the people directly into the dark night, followed the path, walked deep into the dense forest, and found the telephone line hidden here.This line is the telephone line from Licheng to the headquarters, and of course it can also connect to the base of the Ninth Detachment.

The communications soldier took out the telephone from the backpack, several people covered the surroundings with canvas, and then turned on the flashlight to illuminate it, and the communications soldier quickly connected the telephone line to the telephone.

Dingling... In the communication room of Sunjiaji, the telephone rang, and the communication soldier immediately picked up the receiver.

Soon after receiving the notification, Hu Changyi entered the telecommunications room and picked up the phone: "Ye Xiao, I'm Nine-Tailed Fox, what's the matter?" Ye Xiao was Li Yuexuan's code name this time.In this operation, everyone's code name has changed, but what remains unchanged is Hu Changyi's Nine-Tailed Fox.What are you talking about?Night fox is also very good?
"Nine-tailed Fox, the situation is like this..." Li Yuexuan explained the situation in the shortest possible words, still speaking Shanxi dialect.

"In this case..." Hu Changyi was also a little confused about what the little devil was playing, but he didn't hesitate for long, and said directly: "Since the little devil is like this, then you should just..."

"Understood!" Li Yuexuan, who was instructed, put down the phone, and the communications soldier immediately disassembled the line, wrapped the stripped phone line, and buried it to disguise himself.

After finishing all this work, Li Yuexuan led the people back to their immediate gathering place.

"The detachment leader gave us the latest instructions: beat him up! Well, he didn't say much about the specific instructions, let us play by ear, but we must ensure our own safety. So, let's go on..."

After Li Yuexuan finished speaking, the special operations team immediately moved into groups, using squads as units, and headed towards the devil's camp.But Li Yuexuan himself, with the two artillery teams of the artillery team, and the communication team stayed in place to direct and respond.

At this time, the smell of cooking and grilling meat was already wafting from the side of the devil's camp.The chickens, ducks and sheep that the devils collected from the people's homes were either sizzling on the fire, or rolling in the cauldron, and the devils around stared at them one by one. Waiting for dinner.

Well, don't look at the little devil's national strength is better than ours, the technology is advanced, and the logistics is also better than ours, but this time and that time.This has been going on for more than four years, and the resources of the devils are also scarce.In the past, canned beef was real beef. Later, canned beef became canned beef offal, and then pork mixed with beef blood... It is said that in the end, no one knew what was in the so-called canned beef.

What's more, ordinary soldiers don't get points for canned beef. It's the officers' welfare.Uh-huh, devils have a strict hierarchy, and their benefits vary widely.

So, why does the little devil like to sweep up?Like to catch chickens and sheep?It is also greedy for not being able to eat meat all day long.Just like now, the devils are looking at the meat in the pot, one by one holding the lunch box, swallowing a mouthful of saliva from time to time, and waiting for the meal to be eaten.

And in the wilderness about 300 meters away from the devils, the soldiers of the Special Forces were indeed ready.Of course, it was not time to start the battle, and the special forces members were not idle. They broke off a small piece of Jiuzhai’s newly made compressed combat rations and stuffed them into their mouths. Then they took out the kettle and filled their mouths with boiled water. Take a look at your physical fitness.

"Yuxi, it's ready! ご饭を食べる..." Finally, the devil's cooking soldier confirmed that the meal can be served.

Seeing that the devils really went to eat without any precautions, Zhao Yuanbao, who was in charge of commanding the front line, was not used to the devils: "I want to eat, have you asked your grandpa?" The devil by the campfire fired a short burst.Well, the kid turned semi-automatic into fully automatic design mode.

Da da da... da da da... When the semi-automatic sounded, the battle began immediately. The soldiers scattered in the wilderness pulled the triggers one after another, firing bullets at the devils by the campfire.

Although the current distance is a little farther, but in the dark, the special forces team members can still guarantee a [-]% hit rate.Of course, this is not the point, the point is that there are still machine guns firing, and the grenadiers who followed.

In the dark night, accompanied by the fire of the semi-automatic machine guns used by the attendants, small flashlights are illuminating.With the help of the flashlight, the six grenadier soldiers of the special forces quickly adjusted the angle of the grenadier and quickly pressed the trigger.

tom tom tom...

(End of this chapter)

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