Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 1025 Chapter 1034, let's withdraw after a few shots

There are only those who are thieves for a thousand days, and there are no ones who can guard against thieves for a thousand days. Now Li Yuexuan and the others... cough cough, this metaphor is not very good, but as the active party in the sneak attack in the middle of the night, the dominance of the battle is in Li Yuexuan's hands.

Even though the number of devils is still much larger than the number of teams; even though the overall strength of devils is much larger than that of the Ninth Detachment and other regiments, at the moment, tonight, Li Yuexuan and the others are the kings!Little devil, nothing to be afraid of!

"Nani? Saito and the others were attacked at night? They lost more than half of their manpower? Bageya Road, what does Saito do for food? Didn't he set up a sentry in the distance for this pig? Didn't he fight in the middle of the night? Don’t you have any skills?” Yamanouchi is still stationed in the village outside Licheng, so the best family in this village has become his headquarters, and at this moment he is slapping the table and roaring.

"Saito and the others said..." Imamura Shintaro hesitated for a moment before saying: "Imamura and the others said that when they hit Zhongtiao Mountain, let alone a large team stationed, even if a small team lit a fire in the open field, there would be no harm. The Chinese army attacked them. Moreover, the Chinese army saw the fire they lit and avoided it far away..."

"Stupid! It's so stupid!" Yamanouchi continued to slap the table: "If the Eighth Route Army is as easy to fight as the Central Army, why is our rear like this? If we attacked their Central Army, I am afraid that at this time we It was in the official residence in Licheng, drinking wine and singing songs to celebrate the victory!"

"Your Excellency, General, I request to bring the special agent team to support!" At this time, Kazuki Yamamoto walked into the room and said to Yamauchi.

"No, no, no... Your task is to act with the headquarters, not to fight on the front line!" Yamanouchi directly denied Kazuki Yamamoto's request, and then Ou said: "Since the eight roads appeared at the Sanchakou, That is to say, the Eighth Route Army does have an important target over there! So, send a telegram to Commander Gangcun, please send the reconnaissance plane of the aviation force over to assist us in the investigation and then, mobilize...!"

Ignoring Kazuki Yamamoto, Yamauchi issued combat orders on his own, which made Kazuki Yamamoto feel that he was ignored.But he can't help it, after all, the first rank of officials crushes people to death, and Yamamoto can only endure.

Yamamoto was enduring, and Saito also received a telegram of reprimand from Yamanouchi, so he could only endure.Then, the remaining devils of the reconnaissance brigade not only had to endure the anger from the superior, but also endured the cold wind in the mountains, wielding their engineering picks and shovels, and built a defensive position among the rubble-rich mountains.Even if the position will be abandoned the next morning, they still have to work.

However, none of these soldiers complained, but they were all working hard. Even because of their hard work, even the cold night wind was ignored, and they could even feel a little bit of comfort.

They are comfortable because they are working and their bodies are getting hot.As for the wounded devils who were injured by Li Yuexuan and the others just now, they were indeed shivering in the cold wind, and some of them were bleeding profusely, and they were no longer breathing.The number of these wounded is more than 100. There are gunshot wounds and shell fragment wounds, serious injuries and minor injuries. …

However, blood loss caused the body's resistance to drop, and if the cold wind blows at night, more than a dozen people lost their lives.Next, if they don't get effective treatment, it's hard to get through the night.Fortunately, Saito finally remembered them, and sent the truck he brought to take the wounded back.As for whether these wounded can survive in the field hospital, I don't know.

In the dark night, everything was silent, and the devils did not dare to light a fire in the camp, only some shadowy flashlights illuminated the workers.In the distance, there was a bonfire lit, but there were no ghosts warming up by the bonfire.The devils were also afraid that Li Yuexuan and the others would kill a carbine, so they could only endure the cold wind and stand guard.

Fortunately, it is still November, even if the temperature in the Taihang Mountains is lower, it can still be tolerated, and it will not be too difficult.

When the devil's fortifications were completed, Saito's side was relieved, at least they could block the possible sneak attack.Then, the devils arranged to change the guard and rest, waiting for the next day.

At night, the cold wind was still there, and unknown beasts roared in the distance. They seemed to be wolves, foxes, and even night owls screaming in the trees.

The devil's camp was quiet, and there were occasional snoring sounds, but more places were quiet breathing sounds.However, from the frequency of breathing, it can be seen that these people are not asleep, and they seem to be waiting for something... Then, after a few hours, the devils stayed up until it was almost dawn.

At this time, the ghosts who had stayed up all night finally couldn't stand it anymore, and they all became groggy, and many of them fell into a deep sleep.

And in the woods far away, Li Yuexuan and the others, who had woken up a long time ago and even made up for another battle ration, appeared here again.

Looking at the remaining bonfires in the distance on the mountain road, Li Yuexuan did not lead anyone to attack for the second time.Even if he could bring people close again quietly, he didn't do so.

Because Hu Changyi said that in this battle, their main task is to investigate and grasp the devil's movements.Even the attack last night was a tentative attack.

However, just like what he said before going to bed last night, Li Yuexuan was really unwilling to leave here, so he brought someone back.

After watching for a long time, Li Yuexuan still didn't take any action, but led the people to the mountain to the west.It is a straight-line distance of two kilometers from the devil's campsite. The mountain is very high, and the devil's camp can be seen.Then, wait, rest, rest while waiting.

Finally, the sky was pale, and the morning fog began to appear... When the morning glow covered the sky, the morning fog cleared away, and today was a good day again.

Picking up the binoculars, Li Yuexuan looked at the devil's camp with a mysterious smile on his face.

At this time, the devils who had stayed up all night woke up, and the cooking soldiers had already started cooking.At this time, the devils were not afraid of anything anymore. There were still piles of bonfires, and the devils with bubbling noses continued to circle around the bonfires.

"Okay, comrades, our chance is here again! Artillery team, adjust the gun positions, calculate the trajectory, and let's finish shooting the shells we brought!" Li Yuexuan greeted the morning glow, looked into the distance, and smiled brightly.

"Captain, I have been optimistic about it for a long time, and I am waiting for you to speak!" The artillery team said directly.

"Since I'm optimistic, then there's nothing to say, fuck him!" Li Yuexuan waved his hand and retreated to the side, and it was time for the artillery team to perform...

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