Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 1035 Chapter 1044, put in a group?The hunt begins!

Chapter 1035 Chapter 1044, put in a group?The hunt begins!
Sunjiaji's barracks now looked empty, except for a blue sky and white sun flag that Hu Changyi disliked very much, swinging sickly back and forth on the flagpole.

Xiaocang and the others did not rush towards the barracks, but looked at Sunjiaji Village to the east, then at the wide road and dense car tire marks, and finally at Sanli Gorge.

Looking from the inside, the Sanli Gorge actually has no end in sight. After all, the valley cannot be straight, there are always some twists and turns.Looking at the mountain beams and cliffs on both sides of the canyon, Xiao Cang couldn't help but marvel at the magic of creation.Seen from here, there are two ordinary small mountain beams. Even on both sides of the valley, the slopes are relatively low and there are open fields on it.

But this is the valley that enters and exits the main road, but the hillside becomes steeper and steeper as it goes south, and in the end it turns into a nearly vertical cliff.And the mouth of the gorge on the south side of Sanli Gorge is like a ravine carved out of a cliff with a giant axe.Well, such a place, commonly known as a line of sky, is the most dangerous terrain, easy to defend but difficult to attack.

"It's amazing workmanship..." Looking at Sanli Gorge, Xiao Cang waved his hand, and the devil soldiers he brought divided into three teams, and they respectively went to the Sunjiaji barracks, the village, and the mountain ridge on the side of Sanli Gorge.

There is nothing wrong with Xiaocang's approach. He needs to ensure the absolute safety of the Three Mile Gorge, so that the subsequent large troops can enter from here, and then completely destroy this place surrounded by mountains.

Sun Jiaji, inside the village, underground, Sun Danian hurriedly slipped down from the observation entrance, and then said to the soldiers waiting in the tunnel: "The little devil has entered the village, but he didn't burn down the house, and is searching every house. According to According to the previous request, no booby traps were planted in the village, and the little devil is still walking swaggeringly."

"Ah...according to our method, we just come and kill as many people as we want, what kind of empty plan is this?" said Sun Dazhou, the captain of the militia of Sunjiaji.

"Okay, when the little devil calms down, it's time for us to work, and we all listened to the orders!" Dong Wei, the instructor of the militia team, calmed everyone's emotions, and then pointed to the top of their heads.

"Understood, I'll go right away!" Sun Danian understood, got into the passage again, and went up.

At the same time, there are a few or a dozen militiamen, soldiers, and villagers waiting in the underground and on the side walls of each house in Sunjiaji.

"Damn, that's my chamber pot. I didn't have time to take it down, and it was kicked into pieces! There is also a rice vat..." Sun Dachuan was in the sandwich wall of his own house, watching the devils who wanted to destroy, and felt in his heart. Curse secretly.

"If it weren't for the team's request, these devils would be dead by now! Damn, it's useless to learn how to open the door for so long!" Sun Dahe also cursed secretly in his hiding place.

At the same time, it was Xiao Cang who was wandering around the Sunjiaji barracks with ten ghost soldiers, hoping to find a valuable target.Not to mention, the various training facilities on the obstacle course really made Xiao Cang's eyes shine, and he knew what kind of effect such training would have at a glance.

Then, the telecommunications room, conference room, dormitory... Looking at the empty but not small military camp, Xiao Cang concluded: This is a place that can accommodate at least 1500 people, a proper eight-way main force.

It's just that now I can't see a single person everywhere, it seems that Balu has really moved away!Then all the attacks they encountered before, that is, the Eighth Route was delaying the speed of the attack, so as to gain time for the transfer of large forces!This kind of thing, Xiao Cang, a veteran, has encountered it not once or twice.But, what can I do if I know?Everything still has to wait for the team leader to come.

Time passed like this little by little, and about an hour later, Saito also arrived at Sun Jiaji's barracks, and saw the empty scene.

"Report to Your Excellency the General. Let me just say that I have entered the base of the Eighth Route with the reconnaissance brigade. I saw an empty barracks and training ground that can accommodate 2000 people. In addition, I have already occupied a village. With the important passage in and out of the Eighth Route Armory, large troops can go deep!" Saito said to the signal soldier.

Soon, Saito's words were transmitted to Yamanouchi's ears through the communication soldier's mouth from the radio station that could talk.

"Order: Saito led the large troops to continue the investigation into the arsenal, leaving a small part of the troops to guard at the entrance of the passage! The order, the 223rd Regiment, immediately occupied the periphery of Taniguchi, and sent a brigade with two independent brigades of the Imperial Association Army, Immediately march towards the Eighth Route Arsenal. Combat objective: Occupy the Arsenal, destroy all equipment, destroy all villages, destroy everything that can be destroyed! Order: 224 Regiment, immediately move towards Huangjia Town, looking for Eighth Route to evacuate Troops; order, the artillery regiment enters Xijing Town and establishes a position outside the town..." A series of orders from Yamanouchi were issued.

The current situation, to the devils, seems to be very clear: Eight Routes used a small group of troops to delay, and then withdrew from the arsenal, leaving them an empty place.

But the mountains do not believe in evil. As the saying goes, if you can run away, monks can't run away from the temple, and people can evacuate, but how can the equipment be moved away in a short time?Impossible, absolutely impossible, since it was still in production the day before yesterday.

Therefore, within the mountains, the troops were divided, one part was guarding the mouth of the Sanli Canyon, and the other part was looking for another way out, with the intention of blocking what he thought was the eighth route of evacuation.

Well, it was supposed to be a vigorous battle with gunfire and killing sounds everywhere, but under the command of the chief of staff, it turned into a silent battle like an empty city plan.Of course, this is a game of wits, and it depends on who is more skilled when the real sword and gun see the real chapter and the real army in the end.

"The little devil came in more than 100 times? This is different from what I remember..." After learning about the devil's movements, Hu Changyi felt suspicious of his memory.But after thinking about it, how many people are there in the eight roads surrounding the arsenal factory?How much good equipment do you have?It's okay to fight like this.Anyway, for the first wave of big meals, he, Mr. Hu, will not be able to participate. Maybe he can pick up the leftovers of a generation of women.

The time passed like this, because there are nine villages in Jiuzhai, and there are only more than 100 little devils, and there are even fewer troops to take care of Taniguchi.Therefore, Saito didn't dare to go deep, who knows if there is really no one left?Therefore, the more than 100 devils were divided into 5 groups in this way, and headed towards different villages.

In Lijiatan, the old village chief was neither in the tunnel nor in the village. He was on the hill to the north of Lijiatan at the moment, watching the nine devil soldiers coming from afar.

"Why don't you fight? When will this wait?" The old village head was very depressed and wanted to take a puff of dry pipe, but he held it back forcefully.

And while everyone was waiting anxiously, the Guizi 223 Regiment finally drove outside the mouth of the Sanli Gorge, stopped more than 400 meters away from the mouth of the gorge, and then found a hill to set up a position.At the same time, a brigade of 1000 people surrounded two brigades of the Imperial Association Army and entered Sanlixia.

"Very good, the little devil has finally been fooled! Tell Tian E and Jia Xuefeng that they can act now!" In the hidden headquarters, the chief of staff gave the order to fight.

Dingling... Phones rang in various underground fortifications, and the anxious action captains quickly grabbed the phones.After hearing the order, they all let out a long breath: "Comrades, work!"

"Comrades, get to work! Ladies and gentlemen, kill the Japanese pirates!" Almost the same shout shouted at the place where the Saito Brigade arrived.Then, the impatient soldiers who waited started to take action.

In Lijiatan, nine devil soldiers were cooking at Li Changshun's house.Well, it is cooking, using the pot of Li Changshun's family, burning firewood from Li Changshun's family, and eating a big rooster that Li Changshun's family sneaked out of.At this time, the big rooster had turned into a diced chicken, rolling around in the tumbling boiling water, and the smell of the chicken soup was wafting, making the devils salivate.

Kachaha... There was a slight fracture sound, and then there was the sound of a human body being gently placed on the ground. This was the neck of the devil sentry outside Changshun's house who was on guard.

Then, a full platoon of soldiers appeared outside the courtyard wall of Li Changshun's house, outside the gate, and even on the roof, some people quietly climbed up.This is the main force of the three brigades, three companies and three platoons, responsible for guarding Lijiatan. The platoon leader is Li Jiadong from Lijiatan, the boss of his second brother's family in Changshun.

Seeing that the little devil's sentinel was gone and he was still cooking in the yard, Li Jiadong raised his hand, ready to launch a surprise attack and kill these devils directly.In the end, before he could give an order, Li Changshun appeared beside him and grabbed him.Hmm... Li Changshun pointed to himself with his thumb, and then waved his hand, which means we are here.

"This..." Li Jiadong looked at his second uncle, it seems that everyone must fight by himself, right?So I agreed, but I also signaled the soldiers to raise their guns and prepare, so as not to hurt their elders.

Well, among the fighters of the three brigades, the children of Jiuzhaigou are the most. This is a battle at the door of the house, and everyone is holding their fire.But now seeing his father, brothers and uncles, he can only let the elders come.After all, this is killing Japanese pirates. It always makes sense for the elders to enjoy themselves, right?
So, the regular army gave way, and the militiamen came!It's just that the militiamen didn't use guns. Instead, they picked up the strong bows they usually go hunting in the mountains, and set up arrows with three-edged arrows.That's not to mention, even the stools that climbed up and down in the tunnel were also moved over and placed under the wall, what cold weapon?
Well, there are still 8 devils left, they don't know that they have been surrounded by people, and they are still surrounded by the cauldron at this moment.This can only show that the empty city plan really worked, which made the devils relax their vigilance again.Well, it can't be said that they are letting down their vigilance. After all, they still want to put a sentry outside, don't they?

"Sakuragi, Sakuragi, it's alright, come and drink chicken soup..." At this time, the devil who was cooking in the yard shouted, then stood up, trying to call the dead Sakuragi in.

"Work!" At this moment, Li Changshun roared, leaned out half of his body from the wall of his own courtyard, loosened the tensioned bowstring, and shot an arrow with a whoosh.

"Nani?" The devils were startled by the thirty or so militiamen who suddenly appeared on the walls on both sides, and were even more frightened by the swishing arrows.

"Avoid... ah..." Well, it's only seven or eight meters long and wide, where can the devil hide?The key is that those who draw the bow are all good hunters. They can shoot the rabbits flying more than ten meters away, let alone the devils who are so close?Devils are much easier to fight than rabbits!
So, after a bowstring trembled and the sound of arrows piercing through the air, the defense of Lijiatan was won!Cough cough, this must be considered a defensive battle, right?Even though there were only 9 devils, they didn't even make it through a round.

"Uncle, you are this!" Looking at the devil who was still kicking on the ground, Li Jiadong gave his second uncle a thumbs up, and then three rows of soldiers jumped into the yard.

Puff puff puff... Regardless of life or death, it was a bayonet in the chest, completing the make-up for the devil.

"The battle is over! Second Uncle, your yard is dirty, you need to wash it well!" Li Jiadong, who watched the knife repaired with his own eyes, shouted at Li Changshun.

"You son, what should you do? Changshun, chop off these heads, put them in the ancestral hall, and pay homage to our ancestors!" At this time, the old village head spoke.

"Hey, I'm just waiting for your words! It's been hundreds of years, and our ancestors have finally drank another mouthful of Japanese pirate blood! Our descendants have not lost their place!" Li Changshun held his hand in his hand while speaking. With the butcher's knife, he walked towards the devils.About 20 minutes later, there were 9 more tributes in the ancestral hall of Lijiatan.

Of course, not only the ancestral halls in Lijiatan, but also the ancestral halls in several other villages have more or less tributes, and they are all fresh.

At the same time, in Sunjiaji, in the barracks, Saito's subordinates still had 30 devils in front of them. These were the staff of his brigade, and there were not many combat soldiers.

Crack... There seemed to be gunshots coming from the village in the north, which made Saito's spirit tense up.It's just that the gunshots were loud, and he couldn't judge what was going on.

When he came out of the newly occupied office and looked up at the sky, he suddenly found more than 100 soldiers in camouflage uniforms and holding semi-automatic figures in the barracks.

"'s not good..." Saito still doesn't understand that he has been fooled, so he is really stupid.But before he could react, he felt a huge pain in his chest and his whole body was weak.

"Why, the gunshot is so soft..." Saito knew that he had been shot, and while falling to the ground, he was still thinking about this doubt.Just when he fell to the ground and was about to pass out, he saw the soldiers he had brought, and they were beaten to death one by one in their positions just like him, without even reacting.

"This is the Eighth Route's... elite..." Thinking of this, Saito was completely plunged into darkness.Vaguely, he felt that he seemed to be involved in something, and then there was nothing more.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for killing a major officer with a noise-cancelling semi-automatic rifle, and getting 500 merit points..." Well, if Hu Changyi turned on the system notification, he should be able to hear such a sound.

PS: Thank you book friends for your long-term love and rewards!Thank you Cao Bu Zhang Danfeng, thank you chengtie981, thank you everyone, thank you all the book lovers who voted monthly and recommended tickets, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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