Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 1039 Chapter 1048, devils don't talk about martial arts anymore

Chapter 1039 Chapter 1048, devils don't talk about martial arts anymore
The armored force is probably the only one in the devil army that can do it right now.Although it is rare, it is more than enough to bully the Chinese army without armor.Of course, the devil's artillery unit is also very powerful, but after Mao Xiong gave Baldy a lot of military aid, the artillery on Baldy's side is actually not weak.

Moreover, the 150mm heavy artillery on Baldy's side is the most advanced body-barreled artillery in the world today. Back then, Han Paopao was transferred away by Baldy because the heavy artillery unit that Han Paopao had promised to assist him, so he made excuses to run all the way.Of course, it's not a direct descendant, and your subordinates still have their own military power, but you gave up by yourself. Isn't this courting death?So Baldy made this excuse and killed Han Paopao.

Well, the innocent people on the land of Qilu were pitiful, and they were reduced to subjugated slaves under the iron heels of the Japanese invaders in a blink of an eye!Note that the term "iron hoof" is generally used to describe an invader, as a metaphor for brutal behavior that ravages the people.Then, there was "The Singer Under the Iron Hoof". Of course, there are still some people who regard watching iron hoofs clattering and walking thousands of miles of rivers and mountains as the voice of the emperor...the reason?Ten days in Yangzhou, three days in Jiading...

Now, the iron hooves of the Japanese devils have trampled on most of China, and countless people have been reduced to pigs and sheep waiting to be slaughtered. The attack of the troops can be called the most famous "strong man cut off his wrist".Well, this strong man must be a Titan, so he doesn't take millions of people seriously, right?

Well, Titans aren't human?Is it?What is that?

After years of sacrifice and fighting by our party, in North China, the devils actually admit that the Eighth Route has actual control over many areas.Well, devils are called non-public security areas.This is probably the highest praise the devils can give us. This is in the area controlled by the devils, they have cut their hearts and guts, and won a piece of land for the people to survive.

Today, the 36th Division of the Little Devils, with the cooperation of several independent mixed brigades, hit the gate of Jiuzhaigou.Then, more than 1000 troops were lost by coaxing and deceiving.This made Yamanouchi feel distressed and headache at the same time.In fact, at this time, Yamanouchi also felt that Jiuzhai is really difficult to fight and it is very difficult to win!However, he also knew that if he couldn't take it down this time, then...

This is probably their only chance!For this unique opportunity, Yamanouchi personally called Ren Jingguan and asked Yoshio Shinozuka for instructions, and finally transferred an armored squadron.

Well, the armored squadron is still in Changzhi City, but the battle in front of us is still going on.

On the south side of Sanli Gorge, on the top of the mountain, Mr. Takagi looked at a cliff in front of him, looked at the dark mouth of Sanli Gorge in the cliff, and felt that this mouth was the mouth of a monster, waiting to enjoy the blood food delivered to his door .Now, more than an hour has passed since the ambush in Sanlixia.Logically speaking, the little devil shouldn't have such patience, but the devil still waited.

"Here, what kind of conspiracy is there! We have ambushed so many people, and we must try to get revenge! Or, try to attack and take a look at our fortifications!"

"So, Chief, I feel that the little devil may make a big move next! I just don't know where they will start their moves."

"Is there any movement on the east cliff? Tell the Second Brigade not to be impatient. No matter how the Sanlixia fights, they don't move. There may be a breakthrough there."

"Report: Chief, the 36th regiment called and said: just now, the devils who had contacted them withdrew, leaving only one brigade with the puppet troops of the two brigades to confront them." The communications soldier shouted.

"Isn't the 36th Regiment in Huangjia Town? The little devil used to have an alliance, but now he has directly retreated one-third of it... It seems that the little devil still wants to attack from Sanlixia!"

At the headquarters of the Ninth Detachment, Minister Zhang and the others looked at the map, listened to reports from various places, discussed the next action the devils should take, and made preparations.

But in Sanli Gorge, it is another scene at this time: well, there are cars driving to the mouth of Sanli Gorge at this time, and even some people are pulling carts over.As for the puppet troops who surrendered before, there were still 98 who could move, and the rest of the wounded were put aside for now. Under the surveillance of the militia, these able-bodied soldiers began to clean up the bodies of Sanlixia.

Well, there is nothing wrong with letting the puppet soldiers work, and it can further achieve the goal of deterrence from the courage, and then the transformation work will be easy.Of course, these are the jobs of the political commissars, and there must be screening and everything.

"This is the head of our captain..." A puppet soldier found a head from the pile of corpses, suppressed the desire to vomit, and said to the side.

"Yeah, last month I even snatched a female student back to be my concubine, now the female student has become a little widow!" Another puppet soldier said.

"Fucking be honest! Didn't you see those common people staring at us? I heard that if the Eight Routes hadn't been disciplined, they would have lit sky lanterns for us! These ancestors are all Qi's army, the most ruthless traitors."

"Hush... Hurry up and work... Vomit... I swear, I will never fight against Balu again in this life... Vomit..."

Because too many devils and puppet soldiers died, and they couldn't finish cleaning up in a while, everyone patiently made a way out of the middle of Sanlixia.Then, when they reached the devil's corpse, the mutilated devil corpses were hastily tidied up, thrown into the truck, and continued to drive forward.It's November now, the temperature is very low, so I don't worry about the body getting smelly, but I have to clean it up quickly.

Well, the corpses of these devils need to be thrown outside Sanlixia and let the devils handle it themselves.

And at this moment, there was finally movement on the devil's side who had been silent all this time.

"Shooting..." Not far from the devil's headquarters, a mountain artillery brigade of the devil joined the mountain artillery squadron of the 223rd regiment, and a total of 16 mountain artillery were activated together.

Boom boom boom... Chirp chirp... Under the control of the devil, the shells of these mountain cannons fired directly at the cliff outside Sanlixia at an almost direct angle.

Boom boom boom... One after another shells exploded on the cliff, and the cliff that was bombed was trembling.

"Damn it, the little devil doesn't talk about martial arts! Why don't you test it, and just shoot at the cliff?" After being bombed by the devil's artillery, the fortifications that were hidden on the cliff were exposed.

Although the shells of the mountain artillery can only blast 30 centimeters thick on the rock, and can't blow through the fortifications on the cliff at all, but the roaring explosion sounded the soldiers' ears buzzing.

"Yaoxi, sure enough, there are still permanent fortifications on the cliff! If we attack rashly, these bunkers will cause us huge losses!" Mr. Gao Mu looked at Sanli Gorge, very satisfied with his decision.

(End of this chapter)

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